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Energy Efficiency Management

System (EEMS) Control Write Up
Prepared by Soe Naing Win

Table of Contents
The Central Chiller Plant.............................................................................................................................. 1
1.0 Chiller Plant Description.........................................................................................1
2.0 The Calculation of Building Cooling Load...............................................................1
3.0 Chiller System Sequence of Operation...................................................................1
Starting and Stopping of Chiller System......................................................................................1
Chiller Plant Enable..................................................................................................................... 2
Stage Schedule Facility............................................................................................................... 2
Chiller Sequence:........................................................................................................................ 2
4.0 The Chiller System Grouping and Staging..............................................................3
5.0 The Chiller System Control.....................................................................................4
Chilled Water Pump VSD............................................................................................................ 4
By-Pass Modulating Valve........................................................................................................... 4
Condenser Water Pump VSD...................................................................................................... 4
Cooling Tower Fan VSD.............................................................................................................. 4
Peak Load Demand with Schedule Start Feature........................................................................4
6.0 Stage Operation Logic............................................................................................4
Auto Cut-In / Cut-Off Chiller System............................................................................................ 4
Stage Cut-In Logic....................................................................................................................... 4
Stage Cut-Off Logic..................................................................................................................... 4
Designated Day and Night Operation Stage will as below...........................................................5
Heat Exchanger........................................................................................................................................... 7
1.0 Description of Heat Exchanger...............................................................................7
2.0 Primary Modulating Valve Control..........................................................................7
3.0 Modulating Valve On/Off.........................................................................................7

The Central Chiller Plant

1.0 Chiller Plant Description

The water-cooled chiller plant room is located at the 7 th storey of the development. The chiller plant
room consists of four 950 RT & two 380 RT chillers, six chilled water pumps (CHWP) and six
condenser water pumps (CWP). Six cooling towers (CT) serving to the chillers are located at Roof of
Level 8. The configuration of chiller plant is the dedicated pumping system that chillers are installed
as one to one system with pumps. All of the pumps and cooling towers are installed with Variable
Speed Drive (VSD). The primary chilled water system configured to be as follows:

3 nos. x 950 RT (3 in operation and 1 stand by)

1 no. x 380 RT (1 in operation and 1 stand by)
3 nos. x 75 kW (3 in operation and 1 stand-by)
Chilled Water Pumps
1 no. x 37 kW (1 in operation and 1 stand-by)
Condenser Water 3 nos. x 55 kW (3 in operation and 1 stand-by)
Pumps 1 no. x 22 kW (1 in operation and 1 stand-by)
32 nos. x 195.1 RT of Fan Cells
Cooling Towers (25 Fan cell in operation and 7 stand-by)
Note: the detail of CT configuration shown in Section 4.0.

The chilled water system consists two main loop which are primary and secondary chilled water loop
to serve the entire building. The primary chilled water loop is to serve the new podium, Tower 1 and
Tower 2 (Low Zone), and the other two secondary chilled water loop to serve Tower 1 & Tower 2
(high zone) respectively via Heat exchangers.
There are one no. of weather stations (relative humidity transmitters and dry bulb Temperature
sensors) installed nearby of the cooling towers. The weather station will monitor the outside air
relative humidity and dry bulb temperature.
The high & low level of the expansion tank is being monitored to ensure that the tank will not run out
of water and will trigger an alarm when the tank water level falls or rises over the predetermined
2.0 The Calculation of Building Cooling Load
There are one nos. of Magnetic flow meter and two nos. of Temperature sensor installed at chilled
water (CHW) header to calculate the building cooling load (heat gain). And, at the condenser water
(CW) header installed one nos. of Magnetic flow meter and two nos. of Temperature sensor to
calculate the building cooling load (heat rejection). EEMS shall control the chiller staging via
calculated cooling load to cut in or cut out the lag chiller.

3.0 Chiller System Sequence of Operation

Starting and Stopping of Chiller System
The selector switches of the chiller system equipment must be set to EMS position before operating
Chiller Plant on EMS mode. When all equipment are in EMS mode, the chiller system is ready to
operate from EMS. There is available three Operation Modes which are Manual Override Mode,
Semi-Auto and Auto Mode.
The chiller is programmed to run in 3 modes.
1) Full Auto: Based on building load demand to sequence chillers and auto failure
2) Semi Auto: Number of chillers to run is operator selectable and auto failure

3) Remote Manual: Operator commands the required chillers to run remotely from BMS.
Chiller Plant Enable
a) Chiller Plant Operation can be started by EMS or Central BMS via high-level
interface. 1 x 380 RT Chiller will be used at system startup.
b) Subsequently, the respective chillers will be commanded to start base on demand
loading from the number of FCUs and AHUs running.
Stage Schedule Facility
EEMS also provides a facility that enable user to schedule designated System Stage via a schedule.
That will enable user to have semi-auto feature as and when necessary.
Chiller Sequence:
The start sequence of a chilled water system is as follows:
1) Start the Cooling Towers fan.
2) Open CT inlet and outlet isolation valves.
3) Check CT fan status and In/Out isolation valves are open, Delay 30 seconds.
4) Start the condenser pump.
5) Check condenser pump run status, Delay 30 seconds.
6) Start the chilled water pump.
7) Check chilled water pump run status, Delay 60 seconds.
8) Start the Chiller.
In the event that one of the equipment fails to start (Default Time Out => Chiller = 3 min, CT and
Pumps = 1 min), the system will call next available equipment to run as per preset duty sequence.
This will ensure that to prevent from the whole system shut down.
The stop sequence of a chilled water system is as follows:
1) Stop the Chiller
2) Check Chiller status is OFF.
3) Delay 30 seconds.
4) Stop chilled water pump.
5) Check Chilled water pump status is off.
6) Delay 30 seconds.
7) Stop condenser water pump.
8) Stop cooling tower fans – only if all the system are required to stop, else at least 1
CT remains running.

4.0 The Chiller System Grouping and Staging
The cooling tower system comprises 4 nos. of Big Cooling Towers and 2 nos. of small as shown below.

Description Nos. of CT Quantity of fan cells in CT

1 nos. x 1365.7 RT (7 fan cell x 195.1 RT)
Big Cooling Towers
3 nos. x 1170.6 RT (6 fan cell x 195.1 RT)
1 nos. x 780.4 RT (4 fan cell x 195.1 RT)
Small Cooling Towers
1 nos. x 570.3 RT (3 fan cell x 195.1 RT)

The chillers are programmed to run in seven (7) stage. The configuration of cooling load vs. equipment are shown in below Table,

Equipment Guroping
Staging Cooling Load (RT)
No. of Chiller & Pump in Operation No. of Cooling Towers (CT) in Operation

Stage 1 0 ~ 380 1 x 380 RT with Associated pumps 1 no. of Small CT (any)

Stage 2 381 ~ 950 1 x 950 RT with Associated pumps 1 no. of Big CT (any)

Stage 3 951 ~ 1330 1 x 380 RT and 1 x 950 RT with Associated pumps 2 no. of Big CT (any)

Stage 4 1331 ~ 1900 2 x 950 RT with Associated pumps 2 no. of Big CT and 1 Small (any)

Stage 5 1901 ~ 2280 1 x 380 RT and 2 x 950 RT with Associated pumps 3 no. of Big CT (any)

Stage 6 2281 ~ 2850 3 x 950 RT with Associated pumps 3 no. of Big CT and 1 Small (any)

Stage 7 2851 ~ 3230 1 x 380 RT and 3 x 950 RT with Associated pumps 4 no. of Big CT

5.0 The Chiller System Control
Chilled Water Pump VSD
The differential pressure sensor installed one no. at Level 2 of Podium/Tower 1. The differential
pressure sensor will control the speed of the chilled water pumps. As the chilled water differential
pressure varies, the chilled pump speed is controlled to maintain the desired DP set-point. The
CHWP VSD drive shall be regulated to maintain the CHW differential pressure set point (ΔP).
By-Pass Modulating Valve
As load demand control, the minimum load will be operating 1 x 380RT chiller as the last chiller on
line. To maintain minimum flow across the chiller’s evaporator, EMS will be activated the By-pass
Modulating valve when the1 x 380 RT chiller is running and the flow is less than 50% of design
Condenser Water Pump VSD
The condenser water pump VSD speed is controlled using the header condenser ΔT to maintain
the design ΔT of 5.4°C. If the ΔT is higher than 5.4°C, VSD will regulate to meet the set point.
Cooling Tower Fan VSD
The cooling tower VSD speed is controlled using the approach temperature (Wet Bulb
Temperature + Approach Temperature of 2.5°C) to maintain a condenser water supply
temperature of 28.5 °C and better.
Peak Load Demand with Schedule Start Feature
During part load condition where only FCUs in the essential rooms (such as FCC, Management
Room, LV Switch room, Server Room) are commanded to run, the load will be lesser and one of
380RT Chiller would be used. During the transition of peak load demand in the early morning,
predefined defined stage can be started with determined time schedule. This will enable to meet
for peak demand load.
Note: The VSD minimum speed shall be set at 30Hz. To be confirmed during commissioning.
6.0 Stage Operation Logic
Auto Cut-In / Cut-Off Chiller System
When Plant Control Mode is in Auto, EMS will control Start/Stop of chiller systems and cooling
towers depends on load demand. EMS will define Control Stages for each “Operation Set”
according to the capacity of chillers and their possible combination in operation. The detail of
Control Stage Definition Chart is shown in Table 1.
EMS will use the following user configurable Operation Control Set Point Parameters for Stage
definition, Stage Cut IN/Off, Stage operation control, Pumps and CTs’ frequency control, etc…
 Stage Cut-In/Off Temperature
 Stage Cut-In/Off Load (RT)
 Stage Cut/In/Off Delay
 Numbers of Duty Chiller System for the Stage
 Numbers of Standby Chiller System for the Stage
 Equipment’s Sequence Table.
Stage Cut-In Logic
a) When chilled water supply temperature exceed Cut-In Temperature Set Point
(Chiller Set point + 0.5 °C).
c) The cooling load is greater than Stage Cut-In Load Set Point.
d) The above condition of (a) or (b) must remain true for 7 minutes continuously. This
will ensure that the increase in building load is genuine and prevent the chiller from
cut-in/off frequently.
When Control Stage is required to Cut-In to Higher Stage, EMS will proceed to start Lag chiller
Stage Cut-Off Logic
a) When Chilled water supply temperature is below the Cut-Out Temperature Set

Point. (Chiller Set point - 0.3 °C)
a) The cooling load is less than Stage Cut off Load Set Point.
b) The above conditions of (a) or (b) remain true for 5 minutes continuously.
When Control Stage is required to Cut-Off to Lower Stage, EMS will proceed to Cut-Off the Lead
chiller system.
Designated Day and Night Operation Stage will as below.
When Operation Mode is in Auto, EMS will decide suitable Control Stage based on the Load
Requirement and Operation Practice. Schedule based + Load Optimization Auto Cut-In / Off Logic
will be applied to fulfill actual Operation Requirement and Practice.

Stag Chiller Assignment Cooling Load

e 380 RT 380RT 950RT 950RT 950RT 950RT (RT)

Standb Standb Standb Standb

1 On Standby 0 ~ 380
y y y y
Standb Standb Standb Standb
2 On Standby 381 ~ 950
y y y y
Standb Standb Standb
3 On On Standby 951 ~ 1330
y y y
Standb Standb Standb
4 On On Standby 1331 ~ 1900
y y y
Standb Standb
5 On On On Standby 1901 ~ 2280
y y
Standb Standb
6 On On On Standby 2281 ~ 2850
y y
7 On On On On Standby 2851 ~ 3230
The maximum capacity that can support will be 3 x 950 Ton + 1 x 380RT = 3230RT

Table 1 Control Stage Definition Chart

Heat Exchanger

1.0 Description of Heat Exchanger

The Heat Exchangers (HEX) are serving to Tower 1 and 2 High Zone. Heat Exchangers located at
MSCP - Level 7 of Chiller Plant room for Tower 2 and Level 6 of Plant room for at Tower 1
The following equipment consists as below,
 Tower 1 – 2 nos. x 805.3 RT (1 in operation and 1 stand by)
 Tower 2 – 2 nos. x 1210 RT (1 in operation and 1 stand by)
The primary chilled water loop consists individual 1 no. of modulating valve for each secondary CHW
loop. EEMS shall only control the primary CHW modulation valve, and the secondary CHW pumps
system control by others.
7.0 Primary Modulating Valve Control
The control of Primary Modulating Valve consists of two parameter which named as primary
parameter control and secondary.
 The Primary Parameter Control: The primary CHW modulation valve shall modulate
the CHW flow to stratify a constant secondary CHW water supply temperature set
point (7.7°C). This set point is a user-adjustable parameter.
 The Secondary Parameter Control: If the Secondary CHW Temperature is below the
set point continuously for more than 5 minutes, the primary CHW Modulating valve
shall be controlled to maintain SEC CHWS Temperature Difference ( ΔT).
The primary CHW modulating valve is set to close at 20% of minimum opening for both secondary
loop. This minimum opening of modulating valve is to cope for the dynamic change of heat transfer is
8.0 Modulating Valve On/Off
The primary modulating valve is linked with secondary CHW Motorised valve’s status. If the
secondary CHW Motorised valve’s status is opened, the primary modulating valve will be regulate. If
the secondary Motorised valve’s status is closed, the primary modulating valve will be close.

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