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Microplastics in the freshwater and terrestrial environments:

Prevalence, fates, impacts and sustainable solutions

Kee Hong Johnny Wong, Kek Kin Lee, Kuok Ho Daniel Tang,
Pow-Seng Yap

PII: S0048-9697(20)31023-8
Reference: STOTEN 137512

To appear in: Science of the Total Environment

Received date: 12 December 2019

Revised date: 4 February 2020
Accepted date: 21 February 2020

Please cite this article as: K.H.J. Wong, K.K. Lee, K.H.D. Tang, et al., Microplastics in
the freshwater and terrestrial environments: Prevalence, fates, impacts and sustainable
solutions, Science of the Total Environment (2020),

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Journal Pre-proof

Microplastics in the Freshwater and Terrestrial Environments: Prevalence,

Fates, Impacts and Sustainable Solutions

Kee Hong Johnny Wong1, Kek Kin Lee2, Kuok Ho Daniel Tang3*, Pow-Seng Yap4*

Sarawak Shell Berhad, 98100 Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia

Curtin University Malaysia, CDT 250, 98009 Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia,
Department of Environmental Engineering, Curtin University Malaysia, CDT 250, 98009 Miri,

Sarawak, Malaysia, Email:

Department of Civil Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong – Liverpool University, Suzhou, Jiangsu
Province, P.R. China 215123, Email:

Journal Pre-proof


The ubiquitous occurrences of microplastics in the environment have raised much concern and resulted

in voluminous studies related to microplastics. Studies on microplastics pollution of the marine

environment have received significantly higher attention compared to those of the freshwater and

terrestrial environments. With the impetus to better understand microplastics in the freshwater and

terrestrial environments, this review elucidates the findings of more than 100 articles related to the

prevalence, fates and impacts of microplastic therein and the sustainable solutions, mostly in the past

10 years. This review shows the interconnection between terrestrial and freshwater microplastics with

wastewater and sewage treatment plants as the most significant contributors of environmental

microplastics via sludge and effluent discharges. Microplastics in both ecosystems comprise the primary
and secondary forms with the latter resulted from weathering of the former. Besides retaining in soil

and infiltrating with rainwater underground, terrestrial microplastics also enter the freshwater

environment. The environmental microplastics interact with the biotic and abiotic components resulting

in entrainment, settlement, biofouling, degradation, fragmentation and entry into the food chain, with

subsequent transfer across the food chain. The abundance of environmental microplastics is attributed

to population density and urbanization though tidal cycle, storms, floods and human activities can affect

their distribution. The leaching of additives from microplastics poses major health concern and

sustainable solutions target at reduction of plastics use and disposal, substitution with bioplastics and

wastewater treatment innovations. Further studies on classification, detection, characterization and

toxicity of microplastics are necessary to permit more effective formulation of solutions.

Keywords: microplastics; fate; freshwater; occurrence; solutions; terrestrial

1 Introduction
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The use of plastics has increased by leaps and bounds due to their remarkable features including being

light-weight, highly durable and versatile, and relatively cheap to produce (Geyer et al., 2017). In 2015,

annual production of plastics was 200 times greater than it was 65 years ago (see Figure 1) (Geyer et al.,

2017). The global plastic waste was recorded at 275 million tonnes in 2010 and there were an estimated

31.9 million tonnes of mismanaged plastics which would find their ways into the environment.

Approximately 8% or 8 million tonnes of these plastics eventually went into the ocean via rivers, surface

runoffs and other means (Jambeck et al., 2015).


Figure 1: Annual global plastics (polymer resin and fibre) production (Geyer et al., 2017)

Where usage of primary plastics is concerned, the packaging sector used about 42% of the primary

plastics manufactured in 2015 while building and construction sector used approximately 19% of the

plastics (Geyer et al., 2017). Though the generation of plastic waste was expected to increase with the

production of plastics, sectorial generation of plastic waste does not always correlate with the quantity

of plastics used. The building and construction sector, for instance, only generated 13 million tonnes of
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plastic waste in 2015 in comparison to the 65 million tonnes used (Geyer et al., 2017). The reason is that

plastic waste generation is also affected by product life time. This is evident in the largest proportion of

plastic waste coming from the packaging sector due to short ‘in-use’ lifetime (Geyer et al., 2017). The

proportion of mismanaged plastics having the potential of entering the environment was generally

higher in developing countries than the developed ones with China leading the list, followed by

Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam and Sri Lanka (Jambeck et al., 2015). Lebreton and Andrady (2019)

projected that the global mismanaged plastic waste could increase to 155-265 million tonnes per year in

2060 in comparison to 60-99 million tonnes in 2015, with higher loadings coming from Africa and Asia.

As the global communities are combating the increasing amount of mismanaged plastic waste, the

detection of microplastics in the environment poses new concern (Ivar Do Sul and Costa, 2014).
Microplastics are fragments of plastics sized 5 mm or smaller which can be found in the environment

either due to the increasing use of microfibres and microbeads particularly in textiles and cosmetic

products or weathering of the plastics already present in the environment (Li et al., 2016). Taking human

personal care products for instance, microplastics are frequently used as exfoliators in facial cleaners

and toothpaste. Exfoliators are made of polyolefin particles with size between 70 - 400 µm and it has

been estimated that each use of exfoliant could release up to 94,500 microbeads depending on the

amount of microbeads in the exfoliant (Napper et al. (2015).

Similar to larger plastics, microplastics eventually end up in the ocean primarily through water flows. It

was estimated that 15 to 51 trillion microplastic fragments equivalent to between 93,000 and 236,000

tonnes in weight, were already in the oceans around the world (Ioakeimidis et al., 2016). Unlike the

larger plastics which are relatively easy to remove via natural or human-aided processes, microplastics in

the aquatic environment pose greater complexity in terms of detection and removal. Due to their small

sizes, microplastics can stay afloat or get entrapped in sediments for a long time and eventually enter

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the food chain (Rios Mendoza et al., 2018). Microplastics have been detected in animals’ tissues, for

instance in the gastrointestinal tracts of the lugworms which feed on deposits, as well as in fish and

crustaceans (Imhof et al., 2013; Watts et al., 2014). However, the risks associated with the presence of

microplastics in the food chain have not been adequately defined due to limited understanding of the

biological and eco-toxicological effects of the microplastics.

The environmental and health concerns of microplastics have resulted in much research revolving

around their occurrences, fates and impacts particularly in the marine environment (Andrady, 2011;

Cole et al., 2011; Ivar Do Sul and Costa, 2014). The amount of studies on marine microplastics is

overwhelming. Blettler et al. (2018) ran a search through journal databases for scientific publications

over an unspecified duration till May 2018 and found 440 (~87%) marine microplastics studies which
fulfilled their search criteria in comparison to only 64 (~13%) studies on freshwater environment.

Converting to publication rate, they revealed that publication rates of studies of plastics in the marine

and freshwater environments were 41 and 7 papers per year respectively, with the former almost 6

times higher than the latter. The relatively lower interest in freshwater contamination by microplastics is

unjustifiable with studies highlighting the presence of plastics in rivers, lakes and water treatment plants

as well as the entry of plastics into freshwater food chains (Blettler et al., 2018; de Souza Machado et al.,

2018; Talvitie et al., 2017b).

Furthermore, microplastics may leak into the terrestrial environment through uncontrolled tipping sites,

landfills and various other human activities resulting in contamination of the terrestrial systems

particularly soil (Nizzetto et al., 2016). Mason et al. (2016) warned against the significant amount of

microfibres and microbeads in untreated domestic sewage, 80% to 90% of which would be retained in

the sludge (Talvitie et al., 2017b). Copious microplastics might be present in sludge even after treatment

and application of the treated sludge as fertilizer results in entry of the microplastics into agricultural

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land (Zubris and Richards, 2005). With rising concerns over pollution of the terrestrial environment by

microplastics, there is an impetus to also include review of literature related to the fate and impacts of

microplastics in the terrestrial systems to highlight the research gaps and draw the future directions for

studies related to environmental plastics (de Souza Machado et al., 2018).

As mentioned earlier, understanding of the eco-toxicological effects of microplastics is limited owing to

the diverse sizes and shapes of microplastics and the different types of additives used in plastic

manufacturing which make the studies of these effects complicated (Chae and An, 2017). While it is

generally understood that large plastics can block the alimentary canal of organisms upon ingestion, as

well as cause suffocation and entanglement of animals, the eco-toxicological impacts of microplastics

have been harder to characterize (Chae and An, 2017). It was found that microplastics could discrupt
immune system and induce behavioural change of fish (Chae and An, 2017; Roach et al., 2006). Hence,

this review also aims to systematically present the biological and eco-toxicological impacts of

macroplastics in attempt to define the potential future studies in this respect. As most of the existing

studies centre on eco-toxicological impacts of microplastics on animals, extending the review to the

impacts of microplastics on human would be essential to better understand the human toxicological,

hence social impacts of microplastics (Bouwmeester et al., 2015).


While the prevalence, fates including transportation and impacts of microplastics in the freshwater and

terrestrial systems are of particular interest in the review, it is deemed beneficial to also review

potential solutions to microplastics in these systems to provide all-rounded perspectives on this topic.

Knowing that microplastics have now permeated most, if not all major ecosystems, much effort has

been channelled into reducing the environmental pollution due to microplastics (Löhr et al., 2017).

Therefore, a review of potential solutions would contribute to such efforts. This review demonstrates

elements of novelty in the sense that it focuses on microplastic pollution of the freshwater and

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terrestrial environments which has received less attention compared to that of the marine environment,

and proposes relevant solutions based on the nature of pollution in those environments to remove and

eliminate microplastics.

2 Microplastics in the Freshwater Ecosystem

2.1 Source and Prevalence

The majority of microplastic particles entering the freshwater are primarily from secondary microplastics

generated by the breakdown of larger plastic items, for example single-use packaging, tyres, fibres from

synthetic fabrics and road paint particles (Horton et al., 2017a). These microplastics can enter

freshwater through surface and agricultural runoffs or direct disposal of wastes as a result of poor waste
management (Free et al., 2014). Effluent discharges from wastewater and sewage treatment plants have

been identified as a potential significant point source of microplastics which contribute to the entry of

microplastics into freshwater (Cole et al., 2011). Figure 2 shows an overview of the major sources of

microplastics in the environment.


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Figure 2: Major sources of microplastics in the terrestrial and freshwater environments

Given that plastic microbeads and fibres are found abundantly in domestic and industrial wastewater,

these particles will be discharged into the environment if they are not filtered or removed during

treatment. Recent efforts have been made by different researchers to quantify and verify the

abundance of microplastics discharged by wastewater treatment plants in countries such as France (Dris

et al., 2018a), Germany (Mintenig et al., 2017), Denmark (Simon et al., 2018), Netherlands (Leslie et al.,

2017), Australia (Ziajahromi et al., 2017) and the United States (Carr et al., 2016). These studies show

that microplastics originating from wastewater treatment plants can range from having none to having

concentrations as high as 9 x 104 particles/m3 in the effluent. It is important to note that the sampling

and detection methods greatly vary across the different studies. A review by Carr et al. (2016) found
that considerable amount of microplastics are retained or removed by the wastewater treatment plants,

especially during primary treatment. However, a recent review by Li et al. (2018) found that even

treatment efficiency of up to 95% cannot offset the large amount of microplastics discharged into

natural waters due to the large volume of water treated by wastewater treatment plants. Latest

estimates place the total discharge of microplastics from wastewater treatment plants at a median value

of 2 x 106 particles/day (Sun et al., 2019), making wastewater treatment plants both a sink and a source

of microplastics.

There is increasing literature on microplastics pollution in freshwater environment pointing to the

ubiquitous presence of microplastics in the global freshwater systems. They have been detected in great

abundance from the surface water of inland rivers in Europe to sediments of remote lake in Mongolia

(Figure 3 and Table 1). Analysing the abundance of microplastics across different studies yield significant

variations in microplastics abundance from one local location to another as well as with time, thus

indicating possible effects from spatial, temporal and seasonal variability. The prevalence of

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microplastics in freshwater ecosystems is closely linked to anthropogenic activities. Microplastics were

more likely to be found in areas with high population density or proximity to urban centres. A study by

Eriksen et al. (2013) on microplastics in the Laurentian Great Lakes discovered that 2 out of the 21

samples had significantly higher abundance of microplastics (466,305 particles/km2) than the collective

average (43,157 particles/km2). The study attributed the large spatial variability of microplastics

pollution to population density as the two sites were downstream of two major cities, namely Detroit

and Cleveland. The urban prevalence of microplastics was also supported by Sanchez et al. (2014) who

reported the presence of microplastics in the guts of wild gudgeons (Gobio gobio) sampled from French

urban rivers whereas none were found in gudgeons obtained from low anthropized sites. Although high

population density and proximity to urban centres are crucial in dictating the prevalence of microplastics

in the freshwater environment, there are other anthropogenic factors to be considered. Free et al.
(2014) found microplastics pollution in Lake Hosvgol, Mongolia to be greater than Lake Huron and Lake

Superior although Lake Hosvgol is situated in a remote mountainous location compared to Lake Huron

and Lake Superior which are located in significantly more developed and densely populated areas. The

work suggested that microplastics pollution was largely due to the country’s tourism industry and poor

waste management. Another study by Wang et al. (2017) in Wuhan found microplastics abundance to

decrease with the distance from the city centre which in addition to poor waste management,

contributed to plastic pollution of inland freshwater environment. As such, population density and

quality of waste management can be established as the key anthropogenic factors affecting the

presence and abundance of microplastics in freshwater environment.

A recent study by Panno et al. (2019) highlighted the abundant presence of microplastics in the

groundwater system and this raised alarm due to the importance of groundwater as a source of drinking

water. The Karst aquifer in Illinois alone supplies 25% of the global drinking water. Panno et al. (2019)

mentioned that two karst aquifers in Illinois, USA were found to be contaminated with microplastics
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with concentration up to 16 particles per liter of groundwater. Results from the water sampling data

showed that 16 out of 17 groundwater samples taken from the karst aquifers in Illinois were

contaminated with microplastics with concentration ranging from 6.4 particles/L to 16 particles/L. The

prevalence of microplastics in groundwater is further supported by Mintenig et al. (2019) who had

conducted FTIR analysis on groundwater and drinking water samples from drinking water treatment

plant (DWTP) in 5 different regions of Germany, and found up to 62% of the water samples were

contaminated with microplastics, mostly polyester. Microplastics in groundwater could come from

leaching of microplastic additives from soil into the groundwater system (Yoksoulian, 2019).


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Edgbaston Pool
Lake Winnipeg River Thames Lake Hovsgol
Marne River
Laurentian Great Lakes Lake Garda

Lake Bolsena
o f Three Gorges Dam
Japan rivers

Lake Chiusi Wuhan lakes and rivers

Antuã River

p r Dongting Lake
Hong Lake

Pearl River
Beijiang River

r e Vembanad Lake

l P
n a
u r
J o Bloukrans River

Surface water
Surface water and sediment

Figure 3: Global studies of microplastics pollution in freshwater environment (based on 17 studies)

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Table 1: Global studies of microplastic pollution in freshwater environment

Location Sample Sampling technique Characterization Targeted size Abundance Reference
Laurentian Surface Manta trawl with SEM 0.355 mm to 5 mm Mean = 43,157 particles/km (Eriksen et al.,
Great Lakes water rectangular opening 16 2013)
(Superior, cm × 61 cm, 333 µm
Huron, Erie), US mesh net
Lake Garda, Italy Sediment
depth of 5 cm, 2 L
20 cm grid (0.04 m ), Raman spectroscopy 1 µm to 5 mm Mean:

o f
South shore = 108 particles/km
(Imhof et al., 2013)

sample volume North shore = 1,108 particles/km
Lake Hovsgol, Surface Manta trawl with Light microscope 0.355 mm to 5 mm Mean = 20,264 particles/km (Free et al., 2014)
Mongolia water rectangular opening 16
cm × 61 cm, 333 µm

- p Range = 997 to 44,435


Lake Bolsena, Surface

mesh net
Manta trawl with UV-microscope / SEM

r e
0.3 mm to 5 mm Range = 0.82 to 4.41 particles/m
(Fischer et al.,

Italy water opening of 18.5 cm × 2016)
Lake Chiusi, Italy 60 cm, 0.3 mm mesh Range = 2.68 to 3.36 particles/m

Wuhan inland Surface

20 L surface water (top FTIR
a l 50 µm to 5 mm Range = 1,660 ± 639.1 to 8,925 ± (Wang et al., 2017)

waters (20 lakes water 20 cm) pumped with 12 1,591 n/m
and 2 rivers),
V DC Teflon pump

u r
River Thames, Sediment Sediment collection Raman spectroscopy 1 mm to 4 mm Mean = 18.5 to 66 particles per (Horton et al.,
UK using stainless steel 100 g sediment 2017a)

Lake Winnipeg,
scoop, 10 cm depth
Manta trawl with
opening 18 cm × 61 cm,
333 µm mesh bag
SEM 0.33 mm to 5 mm Mean = 193,240 ± 115,567

Range = 53,000 to 748,000

(Anderson et al.,
Marne River, Surface Manta trawl with 80 Stereomicroscope 80 mm to 5 mm Mean = 100.6 ± 99.9 particles/m (Dris et al., 2018b)
France water um mesh net Range = 5.7 to 398.0 particles/m
Vembanad Lake, Sediment Sediment collection Raman spectroscopy <5 mm Mean = 252.80 ± 25.76 (Sruthy and
India using Van Veen Grab particles/m Ramasamy, 2017)
Range = 96 to 496 particles/m

Journal Pre-proof

Location Sample Sampling technique Characterization Targeted size Abundance Reference

Edgbaston Pool, Sediment Sediment collection Binocular microscope 0.5 mm to 5 mm Maximum concentrations = 25 to (Vaughan et al.,
UK using HTH gravity corer 30 particles per 100 g dried 2017)
with 7.8 cm internal sediment
diameter, top 10 cm of
each core

Beijiang River, Sediment Sediment collection µ-FTIR 1 µm to 5 mm Range = 178 ± 69 to 544 ± 107 (Wang et al., 2017)
China using stainless steel items/kg dried sediment
shovel and 20 × 20 cm
wooden frame, top 2
o o
Antuã River, Surface
Surface water pumped ATR-FTIR
p r
0.055 mm to 5 mm March: (Rodrigues et al.,
Portugal water and
with motor water
pump with 0.055 mm
e - Surface water = 58 to 193

mesh net (nylon

0.01m )

P r Sediment = 100 to 629 items/kg

Sediment collection October:
using Van Veen Grab, Surface water = 71 to 1,265
12 cm depth
a items/m

Sediment = 18 to 514 items/kg
Bloukrans River Sediment Sediment collection Olympus dissecting 63 µm to 5 mm Average density: (Nel et al., 2018)
system, South
through random

o u
placement of quadrat,
microscope at 50×
Summer = 6.3 ± 4.3 particles/kg
Winter = 160.1 ± 139.5 particles/kg

Dongting Lake,
water Teflon pump
upper 5 cm layer, 2 kg
sediment sample
Pumped with 12 V DC Raman spectroscopy 0.05 mm to 5 mm Mean = 1,191.7 n/m

Range = 900 to 2,800 n/m

(Wang et al., 2018)

Hong Lake, Mean = 2,282.5 n/m

China Range = 1,250 to 4,650 n/m
Three Gorges Surface 25 L surface water Raman spectroscopy 48 µm to 5 mm Mean: (Di and Wang,
Dam, China water and pumped using 12 V DC Surface water = 4,703 ± 2,816 n/m 2018)
sediment Teflon pump at depth 1 Sediment = 82 ± 60 n/kg

Journal Pre-proof

Location Sample Sampling technique Characterization Targeted size Abundance Reference

Sediment collection Range:
using Van Veen grab Surface water = 379 to 7,924
Sediment = 25 to 300 n/kg

Pearl River, Surface Surface water (top 50 µ-FTIR 0.02 mm to 5 mm Mean: (Lin et al., 2018)
China water and cm) collected with Surface water = 2,724 items/m
sediment sampler
Sediment = 1,669 items/kg

Sediment collection
using Van Veen grab, Range:
top 5 cm, 2 kg
sediment sample
- p Surface water = 379 to 7,924

Japanese inland Surface Plankton net (30 cm × FTIR

r e
335 µm to 5 mm
Sediment = 80 to 9,597 items/kg
Due to extensive data, refer to (Kataoka et al.,
waters (29
water 75 cm), 335 µm mesh

l P indicated ref. 2019)

n a
u r
J o

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2.2 Fate of Microplastics

Predicting the fate of microplastics in freshwater environment is difficult due to the varying

properties of plastics. Microplastics can come in different sizes, shapes and have distinct

textures that influence their behaviours in the environment. Though the most common

forms of plastic include polypropylene (PP), polyethylene (PE), polystyrene (PS), low-density

polyethylene (LDPE) and high-density polyethylene (HDPE), different chemicals (e.g.

plasticizers for improvement of plasticity and viscosity) are often added by manufacturers to

alter and achieve the desired plastic properties. This results in plastics manufactured by

different manufacturers to have distinct properties and characteristics. These innate physical

and chemical characteristics greatly dictate microplastics behaviours in the environment. For
example, density of a plastic material determines which part of the water column the
microplastics will reside in immediately after being disposed to the aquatic environment

(Cole et al., 2011; Di and Wang, 2018). If the density of the plastic material (e.g. PP, ρ = 900

kg/m3) is less than that of freshwater (ρ = 1000 kg/m3), the microplastics will likely float due

to positive buoyancy and be transported along the direction of flow of the water and

deposited in areas such as lakeshore sediments. Other key characteristics of microplastics


that influence their behaviours include partial crystallinity, biodegradability, surface


properties, oxidation resistance and residual monomer (Andrady, 2017).

Additionally, the interaction of microplastics with the biotic and abiotic freshwater

environment add complexity to the fate of microplastics. Biofouling is a condition whereby

floating microplastics are subjected to accumulation of encrusting foulants that has a

ballasting effect over a long period (Horton et al., 2017b). The foulants encrusted on the

surface of the microplastics might result in the apparent density to increase and exceed that

of freshwater density, causing the microplastics to sink and settle to the sediment zone. In

small lakes such as Edgbaston Pool, favourable conditions like shallow depth and warm

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waters with great light exposure can cause microplastics to biofoul and sink much quicker

(Vaughan et al., 2017). In addition to biofouling, large plastic items exposed to

environmental conditions undergo different types of degradation such as a combination of

photo- and thermal- oxidative degradation by ultraviolet (UV), hydrolysis as well as biological

and mechanical processes to become smaller pieces of plastics or secondary microplastics

(Driedger et al., 2015), though the degradation of plastics in water may be hindered due to

the low temperature and oxygen levels compared to terrestrial environment (Zhang et al.,

2018). Fragmentation of large plastic items to microplastics in freshwater environment is

also less pronounced compared to marine systems due to the lack of turbulence and wave

action in coastal waters (Vaughan et al., 2017). There are cases whereby strong wave actions
at the shores of large lakes can cause significant fragmentation of microplastics (Imhof et al.,

2013). However, the lack of turbulence and wave action in large freshwater bodies and

rivers can cause plastics to be a persistent pollutant in the environment. For these plastics to

mineralize naturally in those conditions, it is estimated to be in the order of hundreds to

thousands of years (Barnes et al., 2009).


2.2.1 Transport of Microplastics


The presence of microplastics in different types of freshwater systems has different


implications on their fate and transport. In estuaries where freshwater and saline water

meet, the combined effect of turbulence and salinity can interact with particle density, size

and charge (Eerkes-Medrano et al., 2015). This leads to greater flocculation and overall

higher particle deposition in the estuary. In open and dynamic freshwater environment such

as rivers connected to the ocean, it is highly likely that microplastics would eventually be

transported to the marine environment (Leslie et al., 2017). For instance, the Danube river

which is the second longest river in Europe was found to be transporting 4.2 tonnes of

plastics per day to the Black Sea (Lechner et al., 2014). On the other hand, microplastics in

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isolated or static water bodies would be retained and thereby accumulate in the water

bodies acting as a sink (Eerkes-Medrano et al., 2015).

Transport of plastics within freshwater systems is greatly affected by hydrological

characteristics. These include the physical properties of a waterbody such as water flow

velocity, water depth, bottom topography and seasonal variation of water flow (Kataoka et

al., 2019; Lin et al., 2018). Low flow conditions and variation in river depth or velocity (e.g. at

bends and broader sections of a river) may lead to increased deposition of particulate

matter. Low hydrodynamic conditions also favour the formation of biofilm on the surfaces of

microplastics which promotes their settlement (Zhang et al., 2018). Conversely, stronger

hydrodynamic factors such as high velocity conditions can result in mobilisation of previously
sedimented particles and subsequent release of the contaminants from the water body to
other environments (Wang et al., 2017). Seasonal variation can also impact the transport of

microplastics. For example, the average sediment microplastic densities in the Bloukrans

River system was found to be significantly higher in winter (160.1 particles kg-1) compared to

summer (6.3 particles kg-1) (Nel et al., 2018). Correspondingly, tidal cycle, storms, floods and

anthropogenic activity (e.g. dam release) can have a significant temporal effect on the

transport of microplastics. Storms for example, can generate enough turbulence to


resuspend dense or biofouled microplastics or microplastics settled at the sediment zone.

Fischer et al. (2016) found the concentrations of microplastics doubled after heavy wind

effect in Lake Bolsena. This was most likely caused by lateral inputs and redistribution of

microplastics from deeper water layers in the lake. The presence of external physical forces

on a static water body can also cause resuspension and redistribution of microplastics. For

instance, a study on Lake Garda in Italy by Imhof et al. (2013) showed higher concentrations

of microplastics on the northern shore compared to the southern shore. It was concluded

that wind ‘Ora’, which blew from south to north generated sufficiently strong surface

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circulation and a counter-clockwise rotating eddy at the northern tip of Lake Garda, causing

movement and accumulation of microplastics at the northern shore.

Microplastics have been recorded to enter freshwater organisms (refer Table 2) through

multiple pathways. These pathways include but are not limited to filter feeding, suspension

feeding, direct ingestion and trophic transfer through consumption of prey exposed to

microplastics (Nelms et al., 2018). In fact, the method of food uptake by an organism can

affect the amount of microplastics ingested. For instance, microphagous feeding behaviour

can lead to higher intake of microplastics, likely due to incidental ingestion, whereby

microplastics are ingested along with natural food items (Silva-Cavalcanti et al., 2017).

McGoran et al. (2017) found microplastics to be more abundant in the guts of benthic feeder
(75%) compared to pelagic feeder (20%) obtained from the River Thames. Meanwhile, a
study by Hu et al. (2016) revealed that accumulation of microplastics in tadpoles was

concentration-dependent rather than time-dependent. The intake of microplastics by


freshwater organisms is, therefore, affected by the type of feeding behaviour as well as the

concentration of microplastics in both surface water and sediments. Microplastics can also

be transferred across different habitats via migration of animals (e.g. anadromous fish),

which is then passed on to either terrestrial or marine animals. The presence of


microplastics in the digestive tracts of fish or shellfish also provides an indication of the

extent of microplastic pollution within the freshwater system. For instance, Asian clams

(Corbicula fluminea) have been suggested as bioindicators because they represent internal

exposure levels of microplastics in benthic organisms, can be easily collected and are widely

distributed across the system, and can provide a hint of their food sources across a large

geographic area (Su et al., 2018).

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Table 2: Occurrence of microplastics in freshwater organisms

Location Species Occurrence Plastic Type / Composition Reference
Lab Lumbricus variegates (clitella worm) Gut system (93 ± 0.07%); n = 14 PMMA at 29.5 µm (Imhof et al., 2013)
Daphnia magna (crustacean) Gut system (100%); n = 10
Notodromas monacha (ostracod) Gut system (32.4 ± 3.8%); n = 24

Potamopyrgus antipodarum (snail) Faeces (87.8 ± 1.9%); n = 30
Gammarus pulex (crustacean) Faeces (96 ± 0.03%); n = 50

French rivers with Gobio gobio (gudgeon fish) Digestive tracts in 7 out of 11
o o
Hard and coloured fibres; (Sanchez et al., 2014)
varying environmental
sites, with occurrence between
11% and 26%; n = 186
p r
transparent fibres and pellets

Brazos River Basin, US Lepomis marochirus (bluegill sunfish) Stomach (45.2%); n = 318
e - Macroplastics (4%); (Peters and Bratton, 2016)
Lepomis megalotis (longear sunfish) Stomach (44.1%); n = 118

P r Microplastics (96%)

River Thames, UK Platichthys flesus (European flounder) Gut (75%); n = 66 Red or black polyamides and (McGoran et al., 2017)
Osmerus eperlanus (European smelt) Gut (20%); n = 10 other fibres including acrylic,

Rutilus rutilus (roach)

n a
Gut (32.8%); n = 64
nylon, PE and PETE
Fibres (75%), fragments (Horton et al., 2018)

u r (22.7%), films (2.3%)

Pajeú River, Brazil

Marne and Seine

Hoplosternum littorale (catfish)

Squalius cephalus (chub) J o Gut (83%); n = 48

Stomach (13%), n = 70
Fibres (46.6%), soft (36%) and
hard (17.4%) plastic particles

PETE (56%), PP (22%), PAN

(Silva-Cavalcanti et al., 2017)

(Collard et al., 2018)

rivers, France (11%), PEVA (11%)
Liver (7%), n = 60 PE (75%), PS (25%)
a PMMA – polymethyl methacrylate; PETE - polyethylene terephthalate; PAN - polyacrylonite; PEVA – polyethylene vinyl acetate

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2.3 Impacts

There are growing concerns on the impacts of microplastics in freshwater environment. The potential

toxicity of microplastics likely stems from one of three pathways: (i) ingestion of microplastics, (ii)

leakage of additives from plastics, and (iii) concentration and transfer of organic pollutants.

Ingestion of microplastics by freshwater organisms poses hazard as it can cause immediate blockage or

clogging of feeding appendages or the digestive system (Barnes et al., 2009). Some species can rapidly

excrete or egest microplastics, whereas other species might be incapable to do so, therefore retaining

and accumulating the microplastics in their systems (Anderson et al., 2016). For instance, tadpoles of

Xenopus tropicalis were able to egest large amounts of ingested microspheres after being transferred to

clean water, with 95% depuration rate after 6 days (Hu et al., 2016). Additionally, there is also potential
for microplastics to transfer up the food chain when freshwater species are predated by organisms at

higher trophic levels (Mattsson et al., 2017). This situation is made complex due to biomagnification

whereby harmful effects from microplastics as well as from the associated additives and harmful organic

pollutants are greatly amplified and concentrated in the predator organism (Mattsson et al., 2017;

Teuten et al., 2009). A study of the effect of PS and polycarbonate nanoparticles on the freshwater fish,

fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) found that plastic particles can act as stressors to the innate

immune response of the fish by altering the organismal defence mechanism (Greven et al., 2016).

Likewise, PS microparticles were shown to cause inflammation and lipid accumulation in the liver of

zebrafish (Danio rerio) (Lu et al., 2016).

Plastics contain additives that are added during manufacturing processes particularly toxic chemicals

such as bisphenol-A, phthalates like di-n-butyl phthalate and di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, and colouring

agents like polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), and metals (Espinosa et al., 2016; Teuten et al.,

2009). Release of these additives to the environment is undesirable as it can cause plastics to lose their

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desired properties as well as expose organisms to the harmful additives. It has been suggested that most

heavy metals carried by microplastics in the environment are derived from inherent load i.e. during

manufacturing, rather than from the environment (Wang et al., 2017). Though the migration potential

of additives from the polymers depends on many factors such as the three-dimensional porous structure

of the polymers, pore size in the polymers and size of the additive molecules, the loss of additives is

deemed most likely due to unreacted constituents during the initial process, making it easy to leach out

into the environment (Teuten et al., 2009). Although different items are made of the same polymer, the

type and quantity of plasticizers and other additives during manufacturing dictate their toxicity in the


Additionally, microplastic particles can act as a medium to concentrate and transfer organic pollutants.
Pollutants accumulated on the particle surface can reach concentrations higher than those found in the

surrounding environment. Examples of organic chemicals commonly found in freshwater environment


include polycylic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polybrominated diphenylethers (PBDEs),


dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) (Anderson et al., 2016).

The reason for organic pollutants to have a higher tendency to bind with microplastics rather than

macroplastics is attributed to their large surface area to volume ratio (Cole et al., 2011). These toxic

materials sorbed by the microplastics might be released when ingested by organisms where digestive

liquids are present (Teuten et al., 2009). Rochman et al. (2013) showed that persistent bioaccumulative

and toxic substances (PBT) can bioaccumulate in medaka fish after 2 months of continuous exposure to

a diet containing PE mixed with chemical pollutants sorbed from the marine environment, which

ultimately induced hepatic stress in the fish. Besides, microplastics in combination with pyrene were

found to inhibit acetylcholinesterase (AChE) enzymatic activity in goby fish, of which the enzyme is

responsible in the neuronal and neuromuscular transmission in fish (Oliveira et al., 2013). The

interaction between microplastics and organic pollutants is an area of concern in freshwater

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environment because of the proximity to the origin of use of these chemicals. Industrialised and

domestic areas in proximity to freshwater tend to dispose higher amounts of these pollutants to the

environment. Without proper treatment, this might lead to higher pollutant concentrations due to the

relatively small area for dispersal in freshwater environment.

Humans are potentially exposed to microplastics and the associated contaminants through consumption

of freshwater organisms. For consumption of fish, the occurrence of microplastics in the fish’s digestive

tract does not indicate direct human exposure as the tract is usually not consumed. There is still

potential however, for leaching and accumulation of organic pollutants and contaminants to the edible

tissues of the fish (Wright and Kelly, 2017). In contrast to fish, shellfish are consumed whole (except for

the hard shell) by human without removing the digestive tracts, which leads to direct exposure to
microplastics. The presence of microplastics in nine widely consumed commercial bivalves was

previously reported in China, which reveals that consumers are unknowingly exposed to hundreds of

thousands of microplastic items annually (Li et al., 2015). In freshwater ecosystem, the estimation of the

potential health risks posed by microplastics in food sources obtained is not yet possible due to the

complexity of estimating microplastic toxicity (Cauwenberghe and Janssen, 2014). Although studies have

been made on the potential human health risks of microplastics especially through occupational

exposure (Wright and Kelly, 2017), there is little progress in studies directly linking the consumption of

freshwater organisms exposed to microplastics with human health consequences.

3 Microplastics in Terrestrial Ecosystem

3.1 Source and Prevalence

Similar to freshwater environment, microplastics can exist in terrestrial environment as primary or

secondary microplastics (Cole et al., 2011). It has been estimated that 120 million tonnes of plastic

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waste will end up in landfill by 2050, most of which is expected to come from packaging (Jambeck et al.,


Sewage treatment plant has been reported as one of the important sources of terrestrial microplastics

because huge amount of plastic fibers fragmented from clothing and microplastic beads from personal

care items are present in raw domestic sewage (Gatidou et al., 2019; Magni et al., 2019) (see Figure 1).

The types of microplastics commonly found in a sewage treatment plant consist of PE, PP beads, PS,

LDPE and HDPE. According to Gatidou et al. (2019), about 3,160 particles per liter of microplastics are

present in raw wastewater and 170,900 particles per kg of microplastics are present in sludge from

sewage treatment plants. The efficiency of microplastics removal by sewage treatment plants ranges

from 72% to 99.4% depending on the type and efficiency of primary and secondary treatments adopted
(Talvitie et al., 2017b). It is noteworthy that the efficiency of microplastics removal by different stages of

sewage treatment is also dependent on the type of target microplastics. This complicates the removal of

microplastics from sewage and wastewater and results in large amount of microplastics retained in

sludge after treatment.

In the agricultural sector, plastic mulching involving the use of LDPE films could be the source of

microplastics in terrestrial ecosystem. Plastic mulch is commonly used in the agricultural sector to inhibit

the growth of weeds, retain the moistures in the soil and maintain the optimum temperature of the soil

(Steinmetz et al., 2016). In horticulture, polyurethane foam is widely applied to enhance soil quality as

well as to promote composting (Qi et al., 2018). These films can fragment into microplastics under

intense weather and eventually end up in the soil.

As microplastics come in different sizes and shapes, and have distinct textures that influence their

behavior and distribution in the environment, it is difficult to track the distribution and prevalence of

microplastics in terrestrial ecosystem. However, based on estimation, the amount of microplastics in

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terrestrial ecosystem is about 4 to 23 times more than the microplastics in marine ecosystem (Wang et

al., 2019). Andrady (2011) revealed that about 80% of plastics that enter the freshwater and marine

ecosystems are originally from land-based sources, indicating that the sources of microplastics are

interrelated. The interrelation is also demonstrated in this review that wastewater and sewage

treatment plants are important point sources of microplastics in the environment. However, this review

also attempts to make a distinction between the significant contributors of microplastics in the

freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems, and reveals that the sludge from wastewater and sewage

treatment is the major contributing factor of terrestrial microplastics, particularly when the sludge is

used as soil additives for agriculture. This is fundamentally different from the microplastics retained or

resuspended in treated water which are carried by water flow into waterbodies.
At this point, it has become obvious that the primary entry points of microplastics in terrestrial

ecosystem are agroecosystem, landfill and water treatment sludge. Several studies had been conducted

on various types of soil for detection of microplastics. These studies include agricultural soil, farmland,

industrial soil, beach soil and floodplain soil. The results from the studies are summarized in Table 3.

Table 3: Summary of abundance of microplastics in various type of soil

Type of Soil Abundance Size Composition Region Reference

Agricultural 0.54 mg/kg 1–0.05 mm PE Loess Plateau, (Zhang et al.,
land China 2018)

Farmland 78±12.91 <1mm PE, PP, Shanghai, China (Liu et al.,

items/kg Polyethersulfone 2018)
62.5±12.97 (PES)
Industrial soil 67,500 mg/kg 1–0.05 mm PS, PVC, PE Sydney, (Fuller and
Australia Gautam, 2016)

Beach soil 220 items/kg 5 mm–1 μm PE, PP, PS Mumbai, India (Tiwari et al.,
Polyether urethane 2019)

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Floodplain soil 593 items/kg 125−500 μm PS, PVC, PE Switzerland (Scheurer and
Styrene butadiene Bigalke, 2018)
rubber (SBR)
Tree soils 42,960 items/kg 1–0.05 mm LDPE Yunnan, China (Zhang and Liu,
PP 2018)

3.2 Fates and Transport

Huge amount of microplastics is deposited in sludge after sewage treatment. It is estimated that an

average of 113 million of microplastics are deposited in each tonne of sludge generated daily by an

Italian wastewater treatment plant (Magni et al., 2019). The biosolids obtained from the drying of sludge

are often reused as fertilizer in soil for agricultural purposes (Corradini et al., 2019). The microplastics
will remain in the soil after the nutrients from the biosolids are absorbed by the crops, and are

subsequently transported throughout the soil system via physical, chemical and biological mechanisms.

The top layer of soil serves as a degradative environment for physical and chemical degradation of

plastic wastes due to direct sunlight radiation, high oxygen availability and intense temperature. The

plastics undergo physical changes through biodegradation of plastics which takes place with the help of

soil microbes and terrestrial biota (see Figure 4), as well as through fragmentation of macroplastics

expedited by agricultural activities such as tilling and crop rotation. Nonetheless, several studies had

pointed out that the degradation of plastics in soil is a slow process which will take up to decades.

According to Raddadi and Fava (2019), PP lost only 0.4% of its total weight through a year of soil

incubation while polyvinyl chloride (PVC) remained constant in weight after 35 years of soil incubation.

High persistence of microplastics in soil poses toxicity risks to the soil physical environment. Leaching,

another degradative process undergone by microplastics, is the primary reason for the microplastic

contaminants to enter the groundwater system. Lately, Yoksoulian (2019) had detected microplastics in

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the groundwater sampled from karst aquifers of Illinois, USA. Transport through biosphere could be the

possible route for the microplastics to be leached into the groundwater system. Additionally, soil biotas

have been shown to aid the movement of microplastics through biosphere. Soil biotas such as springtails

and earthworms have been found to transport microplastics such PE beads as far as 10 cm down the

earth within 21 days of observation (Fahrenkamp-Uppenbrink, 2016).


Figure 4: The fates and transport of microplastics in terrestrial ecosystem


Landfills provide an avenue for the environmental transport of microplastics. The plastics in the landfill

could be carried into the terrestrial environment accidentally by windblown littering and mishandling of

waste by trash collector. Wind action might disperse the plastics far from its source (Jachman, 2017). On

the other hand, when the plastics are dumped in the landfill, the leaching of toxin from plastic wastes

can also occur in the landfill. Leaching and degradation of additives such as plasticizer, organotin

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compound and bisphenol A could emit toxin via the leachate which could pollute the nearby rivers as

well as groundwater system if untreated (Bejgarn et al., 2015; Teuten et al., 2009).

While microplastics can also be released into the atmosphere in the form of airborne microplastics,

current literature focuses mainly on grounded microplastics. Dris et al. (2016) found that airborne

microplastics were present in significant amount in atmospheric fallout where 118 airborne

microplastics per m3 of air per day had been reported and the amount of airborne microplastics varied

with seasonal and climate changes. One possible source of airborne microplastic is textile and washing

of textile releases an estimated 1900 fibers per wash (Browne et al., 2011). Others include plastic wastes

incinerators, landfills and degraded plastic waste. These airborne microplastics are transported into the

terrestrial ecosystem by windblown mechanism and eventually enter human through inhalation.

3.3 Impact

Daly (2019) pointed out that microplastics are found abundantly in farmland as well as other terrestrial

ecosystems. Based on the cross-sectional observational study done by Omidi et al. (2012), it was found

that about 27% of 230 goats and 50% of 185 sheep contained plastic debris in their digestive tracts.

Zhao et al. (2016) also found that 94% of the 17 examined terrestrial birds ingested a total of 364

microplastics. Table 4 summarizes the studies showing presence of microplastics in terrestrial fauna.

When microplastics are introduced into the terrestrial ecosystem, they might exhibit appealing

appearances and scents that attract terrestrial fauna to feed on them. These microplastics remain in the

digestive tracts of terrestrial fauna, blocking the food passage and eventually lead to starvation and

death. Moreover, the leaching of additives from microplastics during weathering process poses high risk

of toxicity in terrestrial fauna through direct ingestion (Foschungsverbund, 2018). de Souza Machado et

al. (2018) pointed out that the leaching of chemicals from microplastics additives such as phthalates and
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bisphenol A can potentially disrupt the endocrine system in vertebrates through estrogenic effects. As

with microplastics in freshwater, the terrestrial microplastics can also be transferred into the food

chains and eventually the food webs (Asmonaite and Almroth, 2019). Huerta Lwanga et al. (2017)

examined the transfer of microplastics in terrestrial food chain and revealed significant amount of LDPE

microplastics in the feces of chicken from home gardens which consumed earthworms previously

exposed to the microplastics. On the other hand, inhalation of airborne microplastics could result in

asthma, allergic alveolitis, pneumonia and bronchitis. However, Prata (2018) claimed that the effect of

inhaled airborne microplastics on human varies depending on the metabolism and vulnerability of an


Table 4: Summary of the presence of microplastics in terrestrial fauna

Species Occurrence n Location Reference

Sika Deer Digestive tract 14 Nara Park, Japan (Coffey, 2019)
(Cervus nippon) (64%)

Camel Stomach (55%) 16 United Arab Emirates (Plastic Soup Foundation,

(Camelus 2018)

Goat Digestive Tract 230 Birjand, Iran (Omidi et al., 2012)

(Capra aegagrus (27%)


Sheep 185
(Ovis aries) Digestive Tract

Anecic Earthworm 210 Wurmwelten, Dassel, (Rillig et al., 2017)

(Lumbricus terrestris) Gut system (97%) Germany

Springtails Gut system 175 Lab (Maaß et al., 2017)


(Proisotoma minuta) Gut system 175

African Elephant Stomach 8 Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe (Gogo, 2016)

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Terrestrial Birds Gastrointestinal 17 Shanghai, China (Zhao et al., 2016)

Tracts (94.1%)

Chicken Faeces (98%); 50 Campeche, Mexico (Huerta Lwanga et al., 2017)

(Gallus gallus

Moreover, at high concentrations, microplastics can affect the soil biophysical environment. Leaching of

additives from chlorinated microplastics alters the geochemical cycles in the soil systems (Fuller and

Gautam, 2016). Huerta Lwanga et al. (2016) claimed that the concentration level of microplastics over

50% by weight in topsoil can be environmentally disastrous because microplastics are non-

biodegradable within the soil due to low oxidizing and UV exposure (Tibbetts, 2014). The persistence of

microplastics in soil might also affect the survival, behavior, growth and reproduction of soil fauna. For

instance, the springtails and earthworms that are found abundantly in the soil could transport

microplastics in soil (Maaß et al., 2017). According to Zhu et al. (2018), microplastics in the soil
biophysical environment were found to negatively affect the earthworms by disrupting the gut

microbiomes in the species. With altered gut microbiomes in earthworms, they experience great decline

in growth and reproduction rate. Cao et al. (2017) conducted an experimental study on the effect of PS-

microplastics exposure on earthworms Eisenia Fetida sp. and showed that about 40% of earthworms

were dead due to high exposure of PS-microplastics at 2% concentration.


4 Sustainable Solutions to Microplastics Pollution in

Freshwater and Terrestrial Ecosystems

4.1 Sustainable Solutions

This review aims to also suggest solutions which are sustainable to the pressing issue of microplastics

pollution mainly in the freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems. An understanding of how a sustainable
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solution is differentiated from a common solution is deemed necessary. The Brundtland Report in 1987

(WCED, 1987) defined sustainable development as “development that meets the needs of the present

without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. The report recognized

that environmental protection, economic growth and social equity were the three fundamental

components to sustainable development. Herewith, we regard sustainable solution as sharing the

attributes of sustainable development, characterized by the same key components. A sustainable

solution is, therefore, one that is long-lasting and resilient, environmentally responsible, economically

feasible and socially acceptable. It is important to note that the solutions discussed below are by no

means exhaustive, but would contribute significantly to decreasing the abundance of microplastics in

the environment. The solutions for microplastics pollution in the environment can be categorized into

upstream and downstream. Upstream solutions for microplastic pollution revolve around intervention
and prevention of microplastics from entering the environment while downstream solutions involve

actively recovering or removing microplastics from the environment.


4.2 Upstream Solutions


Process principles dictate that by reducing the loss of plastics to the environment, microplastics input to

the terrestrial and freshwater environments would be subsequently reduced. Upstream solutions

therefore, centre on the intervention and prevention of plastic release to the environment during their

life cycle.

Currently, the vast majority of monomers used to make plastics are derived from fossil hydrocarbons

(Geyer et al., 2017). Though all plastics are theoretically biodegradable, the extremely slow rate at which

they degrade cause them to be considered as non-biodegradable (Soroudi and Jakubowicz, 2013). As a

replacement to conventional plastics, bioplastics have garnered significant attention due to their ability

to biodegrade in the order of months or years. The term bioplastics can actually refer to either

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bioplastics made from biomass and renewable sources such as poly-lactic acid and

polyhyroxyalkanoates, or plastics produced from fossil fuel such as polybutylene adipate terephthalate

and polycaprolactone (Thakur et al., 2018). Since bioplastics produced from petrochemicals are not CO2

neutral, they have been excluded from being considered as sustainable and thus, the focus is placed on

bioplastics made from renewable sources. In the environment, the rate at which bioplastics degrade can

be affected by different conditions such as temperature, moisture, pH, oxygen contents, availability of

microbes or the type of environment (Emadian et al., 2017). Terrestrial environment is generally more

suited for degradation of bioplastics due to the availability of diverse microorganisms that enable higher

biodegradability as compared to other environments such as water or air.

Bioplastics have the greatest potential to be used in the packaging industry, whereby single-use plastics
constitute the largest percentage of plastic wastes disposed to the environment. Especially in the food

packaging industry that dominates the usage of single-use plastics, specific bioplastics can be

engineered to meet the respective requirements for each type of product (Peelman et al., 2013).

Currently, the problems associated with bioplastics, including high manufacturing cost, different

standards for bioplastics biodegradability and their competing nature for arable land used for food

production, make them less attractive for widespread application. However, there have been advances

with cheaper crops and next-generation microalgae-based bioplastic production that is grown on non-

arable land (Karan et al., 2019). Coupled with sustainable plastics production, this has the additional

benefit of expanding the global photosynthetic capacity, leading to the reduction of CO2. Adherence to

specific standards, such as the European standard for compostable packaging (EN 13432) would require

bioplastics used in food packaging to break down under industrial-scale compositing conditions within

12 weeks, which streamlines bioplastic waste management. Management strategies such as composting

should be considered as part of an integrated waste management strategy. Disposal of bioplastics to

landfills only contributes to more management problems in landfills (Emadian et al., 2017) while
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incineration of wastes is associated with noxious gaseous emissions which have caused harm to the

environment and human health (Eriksen et al., 2018).

This review has identified population density and quality of waste management as key anthropogenic

factors causing the wide occurrences of microplastics in the environment. As controlling population

density is impractical and likewise unsustainable, improving the quality of waste management should be

prioritized. To some extent, this can be achieved through better legislation and law enforcement. For

instance, enforcing a hefty penalty for indiscriminate disposal of plastic wastes (i.e. littering) to the

environment and an outright ban or limitation on producers from using primary microplastics in their

products (e.g. microbeads in cosmetics) that leads to microplastics pollution. This is synonymous to the

polluter pays principle. Currently, plastic wastes are disposed either by landfilling or incineration and
these are considered unsustainable due to landfill management problems and an increase in net CO2

from the combustion of fossil-fuel derived plastics. In order to improve the quality of waste

management, recycling of plastics should be the primary focus instead of relying on outdated waste

management strategies. However, most countries do not have the necessary infrastructure to deal with

plastic recycling. Besides, the escalating volume of plastic wastes and prohibitive recycling costs could

discourage recycling efforts and offset the feasibility of recycling. This has been manifested via the

turning down of plastic wastes sent for recycling in China since 2018 as the country has imposed more

stringent regulations on the contaminants present in foreign plastic wastes (Katz, 2019).

Wastewater treatment plants can remove up to 95% of microplastics from wastewater, but that

efficiency is unacceptable given the large volume of wastewater being treated. The simplest method to

overcome this issue is to supplement existing wastewater treatment plants with additional treatment

technologies to increase their treatment efficiency. Talvitie et al. (2017a) tested different types of

advanced wastewater treatment technologies and found that membrane bioreactor (MBR) removed the

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highest percentage of microplastics during treatment at 99.9% while rapid sand filter and dissolved air

flotation could remove 97% and 95% of microplastics respectively. A removal efficiency of 99.9% is

highly desired as the amount of microplastics expected to be discharged to the environment could

theoretically be reduced by up to 98%. Economically however, the implementation of MBR entails high

investment cost that is coupled with issues such as constant clogging of membrane pores that leads to

frequent backwashing and short lifespans (Judd, 2016). Nonetheless, MBR has gained significant

attention in its implementation with available modifications to make them more energy efficient, fouling

resistant and cheaper to operate after the initial investment costs (Gabarrón et al., 2014; Judd, 2016;

Sepehri and Sarrafzadeh, 2018).

4.3 Downstream Solutions

Without upstream solutions, downstream solutions lack sustainability. While the physical methods of

recovering or removing microplastics from the environment (e.g. mesh net, pumps and other capturing

devices) are technically achievable, those methods would not be logistically feasible due to the large

amount of microplastics already present in the environment. Using these methods might also disrupt

local ecosystems. At present, these physical recovery methods are mainly used for scientific studies.

Meanwhile, plastics can also be removed from the environment either chemically or biologically (i.e.

bacteria that degrades plastics). Indeed, advances have been made in studies related to plastic-

degrading bacteria, for instance Ideonella sakaiensis 201-F6 was shown to degrade and assimilate

polyethylene terephthalate in a lab scale study (Yoshida et al., 2016). This biological method has not

been tested of its ability to be used in an open environment and its use is limited to small localized areas

resembling a bioreactor. Introduction of plastic-degrading bacteria into the open environment also has a

limitation, namely the inherent disability of the bacteria to distinguish between the wanted and
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unwanted plastics since many items and structures are made of plastics. Besides, the efficiency of

plastic-degrading bacteria is constrained by the myriads of additives used for the manufacturing of

plastics. It is uncertain whether the bacteria can effectively degrade all types of plastics. It can be argued

that a new generation of plastics can be developed to distinguish itself from the current generation so

that plastic degrading bacteria can be engineered to target the specific plastics in the environment.

However, this requires a major overhaul of the way plastics are manufactured and more prohibitively,

the high costs associated with the replacement of current plastic materials with the newly developed

plastics. Generally, biological removal of microplastics from the environment is not feasible in the

foreseeable future and should only be reserved for targeted recycling of plastics at plant scale whereby

the properties of plastics are known. The same can also be implicated on the chemical pathway of

degrading microplastics found in the open environment. Recently, a study by Kang et al. (2019)
successfully degraded cosmetic microplastics into nontoxic products using functionalized carbon

nanosprings. However, the study was conducted under specific hydrothermal conditions and the

microplastics were extracted beforehand, which would not be the case for wastewater present in the

environment. In fact, both biological and chemical pathways of plastic degradation offer promising

solution to degrading plastic at the reactor scale. At present, environmental clean-up of microplastics

from freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems alone without upstream solutions is not economically nor

logistically feasible. Thus, upstream solutions will be comparatively more sustainable.

With both sustainable upsteam and downstream solutions discussed above implemented, a gradual

reduction in microplastics found in terrestrial and freshwater environments is foreseen (refer Figure 5).

Dynamic freshwater environment will continuously channel microplastics from its system to sinks, either

in isolated system (e.g. lakes) or the marine environment. In terrestrial environment, microplastics that

are transported vertically through biota or agricultural activities to the groundwater system might

eventually enter lakes, streams or even wetlands. However, in areas without any media to assist their
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transport, microplastics will likely accumulate, especially in subsurface location whereby they are

shielded from photo and thermal degradation (Ng et al., 2018). As such, anaerobic conditions may form,

and oxidative degradation process is inhibited in these deeper layers of soil. For example, it would take

more than 300 years to break down a 60 µm thick PE in soil (Kyrikou and Briassoulis, 2007).

Subsequently, for static regions of highly localized microplastics concentrations, downstream solution

like physical removal and recovery using passive filters or pumps could be implemented, followed by

intensive chemical or biological degradation in reactors. There is also the option of leaving plastic

materials in-situ for them to biodegrade naturally. This option if considered, first requires detailed

understanding of long term microplastics impacts to the environment as well as constant monitoring in

sensitive regions for assurance. Other than that, the underlying question remains however, on who is

responsible for existing microplastics found outside of each country’s exclusive economic zone. With
effective legislation and agreement between countries on how plastics are to be manufactured, used

and managed, microplastics pollution can be controlled effectively. It is therefore imperative that policy

makers work together and reach an agreement, so that we can move forward in removing this emerging

pollutant from the environment.


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Figure 5: Sources of microplastics and the potential solutions to microplastics pollution in freshwater

and terrestrial environments

5 Recommendations for Future Studies

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In order to advance the current knowledge of microplastics and make progress in overcoming issues

related to environmental microplastics, below are some recommendations in addressing their sources,

fate and transport, as well as the associated impacts.

 It is essential to formalize a universally agreed size classification of microplastics. Currently,

there are still some minor inconsistencies in the upper- and lower-bound limits of the size of

microplastics. With consensus in the definitions of microplastics based on their sizes, more

consistent comparisons of microplastics can be made for industrial and research purposes.

 As there may be possibilities of different variants of microplastics being detected in the near

future, new classifications of the shape, size and constituent of microplastics may need to be

There is still a huge challenge to be resolved for the methods of detection, sampling, analysis, and
characterization of microplastics, particularly in terms of their accuracy, reliability, simplicity and

efficiency. Thus, it is imperative to standardize the respective methods.

 Many different units have been used for microplastics abundance. For example, as shown in

Tables 1 and 3, the units include particles, items or mass divided by either area, volume or mass.

This results in the difficulty for data comparison. Hence, there is a need for standardization of the

unit for microplastics abundance.


 The prevalence of microplastics in the freshwater and terrestrial environments is a huge concern.

Thus, more study needs to be carried out to determine additional potential sources, including both

the point sources and non-point sources. In particular, more field-scale investigations need to be

carried out in view of the increasing detection of microplastics even at remote locations.

 Both spatial and temporal dynamics of microplastics may need to be systematically studied in

greater detail. By spatial, it means the coverage of the investigated area may need to be extended

and if possible, both the freshwater and terrestrial environments which are in close vicinity may

be simultaneously investigated to better understand the interconnection of the fate and transport
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of the microplastics. By temporal, the chronosequential effects of microplastics may be evaluated

in order to determine how the fate and transport of microplastics are changing with respect to


 As some regions in the world are affected by different climates, it is worthwhile to examine the

effect of climate variability on the fate and transport of microplastics.

 While some basic statistical assessments have been conducted on the data for microplastics (e.g.

in terms of mean and standard deviation), it is also useful to perform additional statistical

analysis, e.g. using analysis of variance (ANOVA) or method of least squares in order to obtain a

higher degree of data reliability.

 The impacts of microplastics on the hydrological properties of the freshwater environment, and

the geological properties of the terrestrial environment appear to be less focused in the literature,
and thus merit more attention and study.

 As microplastics are known to have entered the food chain, risk assessment of the toxicity of

microplastics needs to be carried out and the best management practices of microplastics need to

be adopted. Where possible, dose-response relationships for the toxicity need to be determined.

 Although this review paper focuses on freshwater and terrestrial environments, the interaction of

microplastics is also linked to marine and air environments. Hence, the cumulative effects arising

from the interactions between different environmental compartments need to be analyzed in a

deeper context.

 The complexity of soil ecosystem in the terrestrial compartment is high. More work needs to be

done on identifying the impacts of microplastics on the biotas in the soil. It is also essential to

conduct more study on a wider range of biotas without limiting to the same type of biota. This is

to obtain a more comprehensive database for holistic understanding of the impacts.

 To date, there is a lack of study of the combined effects of microplastics in relation to their co-

existence with the additives or other chemical constituents. As microplastics contain some of

Journal Pre-proof

these compounds, the effects of these chemicals on the degradation processes of microplastics

need to be systematically studied. The hazards due to the leaching of these chemicals should also

be assessed accordingly.

 More convincing mathematical models need to be established in order to predict the

concentration of microplastics in the environment, and to better understand the sources, fate and

transport of the microplastics in the environment. Importantly, the models need to be validated

with reliable and high-quality experimental data.

 The mechanisms of microplastics formation, fragmentation, agglomeration, and

degradation/breakdown are especially important for fundamental scientific understanding. There

are many processes such as physico-chemical or biological pathways which need to be

understood more deeply. Furthermore, it is likely that combined effects of different processes are
involved. At present, this aspect appears to be significantly lacking in the literature. Thus, more

systematic study on this issue is required.


Given the recent increasing trend of microplastics in the published literature, there is no doubt that this

trend will continue to escalate. For now, it is the anthropogenic activities which will need to be heavily

scrutinized and carefully tackled as they have direct impact on the microplastics occurrences in the

different environmental compartments, which include the freshwater and terrestrial environments. By

understanding and acknowledging the fact that the resultant adverse effects will eventually reach

human themselves, it is thus critical that effective and timely efforts be taken to reduce the

microplastics in the environment.


The prevalence of microplastics in the freshwater and terrestrial environments is yet to be studied

comprehensively, particularly in comparison to marine environment. Recently, evidences suggest that

the microplastics in the freshwater and terrestrial environments are ubiquitous, indicating that there are
Journal Pre-proof

many sources of microplastics In addition, the fate and transport studies reveal that there is a complex

migration of microplastics using different pathways and that there are many governing environmental

processes involved. Furthermore, it has been thoroughly discussed that there are some negative impacts

of microplastics on animals and humans, particularly in terms of toxicity and the transfer of

microplastics along the food chain. Thus, it is necessary for sustainable solutions to be effectively

implemented in order to control or minimize the adverse effects of microplastics to the environment,

animals and humans. Relevant recommendations are also given to highlight issues which merit

deliberation and also to suggest some insights into the future directions. Finally, while there are many

challenges to be overcome for microplastics, it is anticipated that with concerted efforts from all

stakeholders, the majority of the problems arising from microplastics can be successfully addressed

eventually. This review therefore significantly contributes to overcoming the challenges of

environmental microplastics by comprehensively and systematically presenting issues related to

occurrences, fates and impacts of microplastics as well as the potential solutions and future studies to

permit better understanding of the problems and framing of sustainable solutions.



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that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.

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 Wastewater and sewage treatment plants are the largest contributors of microplastics.

 Population density and urbanization affect abundance of microplastics.

 Microplastics permeate the biotic and abiotic components of freshwater and terrestrial systems.

 Sustainable solutions include upstream substitution of plastics and downstream reduction.

 Standardization in classification, analysis and quantification of microplastics is necessary.



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