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Essay of an issue

The kids spend today more time using electronic gadgets than they do in past. But the gadgets are
really a wonderful tool to learn about science and different topics. The issue is the time that the
kinds spend and if the parents must to limit this time? I believe parents must to limit the time for
use electronics devices, because the kids should spend your time doing different activities and the
parents are responsible for the education of the kids, not internet.

When the kids use much time electronics devices they could have health problems, so when
parents that play attention on your kind have a limit for the use of gadgets. In order to reduce
health problems. Nowadays exist a controversy about reading in electronic display is good for

Additionally, the kids must realize more physical activities in order to have a right development in
their childhood, so in my opinion the kids spend more time in gadgets that in other physical
activities. Parents must be looking that their children learn different disciplines in function to have
real experience. In my opinion a kid that spend much time in gadget have social problems, so this
is other point to take in count when parents limit the time, in other words the child must to
socialize with person in the real world. Not only in a virtual world.

Finally, I believe that parents limit the time that their children spend in gadget is so important.
Because this have beneficial repercussions, like health social. n

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