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Marketing Event Prelim Round

TASK 1:-You are required to prepare a Resume each (2 Resumes totally)

keeping in mind that you are being recruited by a company for the post of

a) Marketing/Advertising Manager

b) Product & Sales Manager

The two Participants need to decide for themselves the role they are
applying for, since the next task involves the same.

TASK 2:-You have been recruited into a well-established Tours & Travels
Company situated in Bangalore which in the recent months has experienced a
decline in the customers approaching it. The only offer that would gain back

your former status is *“A TRIP TO A MYSTIC CITY”. An offer for 2, the
trip is for 30 DAYS & 30 NIGHTS.

Being the Managers of the Company design a full-fledged Plan wherein the
following is included:

a) Company Profile

b) A brief Summary on the existing offers available

c) Detailed write-up of the Current Offer(mentioned above)*and

Promotional activities

d) The required financial aspects of the complete TRIP are to be explained

without fail.

e) A video ad involving both the Participants promoting The Company as well

as the OFFER (that can be played on VLC player)-Maximum 3min

f) print ads (Teaser & Revealers)promoting “THE MYSTIC CITY” offer

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g) A Radio Jingle maximum 1min (that can be played on VLC player)

h) Hand-out (Pamphlet/Brochure) is compulsory.

i) Creativity will fetch extra points.

 Report- 3 Hard Copies
 All the soft copies (ppt, video& print ad, radio jingle and report in word
format) are to be submitted in CD [Pen-drives NOT ACCEPTED]

 Submission Date & Time: 19 th

January 2011 @ 9 a.m.

 Late submission will attract NEGATIVE MARKING

For Further details contact:

 Pradish C.J. - 9620193029

 Mazin:-9886115053

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