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Vocabulary Words

Words Etymology Definition Usage in sentence

Adroitness French Cleverness or skill He lacks of political

Righteousness adroitness.
Alacrity Latin Brisk Cheerful She accepted the invitation
Alacer readiness with alacrity.
Apathy French lack of interest, widespread apathy among
"freedom from enthusiasm, or students.
suffering, passionless concern.
existence," from
French apathie 
Matt’s ardor for his wife
Ardor Latin Old French Enthusiasm or decreased when he met his
To Burn passion attractive young neighbor.
Appall Old, French to fill with horror; it is appalling that the child
(grow pale) shock or dismay was murder.
Benevolence Old French he quality of being He had a benevolence
benevolentia "good well meaning;  of manner suited to the
feeling, good will, kindness. philanthropy of his mind.
intolerance toward A deeply ingrained
Bigotry English, French those who hold  bigotry prevented her from
(Bigotrie) different opinions even considering the
from oneself counterarguments.

Candid Latin truthful and Jerome responses to the

Unbiased straightforward; questions were candid.

(of a person or The coarse young man was

Coarse English their speech) rude, not sure which fork to use
Ordinary manner crude, or vulgar during the appetizer portion
of the meal.
Convulsive Latin English Producing or We should be engulfed by
Convulsion consisting of her convulsive sob.
Complacent Latin howing smug or you can't afford to be
Pleasing uncritical complacent about security
satisfaction with
oneself or one's
Contempt Latin he feeling that a Familiarity Breeds
Contemptus person or a thing Contempt’s
is beneath
worthless, or
deserving scorn.
"he showed his
contempt for his
job by doing it
very badly"

Counterpoise A factor, force, or All parts of the sphere were

Late Middle English influence that nicely counterpoised
Compare with poise balances or
neutralizes anothe
Delineate each area where a
Delineate Latin Describe or specific color will be used
Lineare portray with a line on the paper to
mark the difference.

having or showing
Diligent Latin, Old French care and Many caves are located only
Take delight in conscientiousness after a diligent search.
in one's work or
the feeling that
Disdain Latin someone or Gamblers disdain four-horse
Consider worthy something is races.
unworthy of one's
consideration or
respect; contempt.
Earnest intense and not The tears started
German, Old English playful, or in earnest as she reached the
Ernst important. laundry room
the instruction or The idea that art's main
Edification Latin improvement of a purpose is to supply moral
Edify person morally or uplift and edification.
Endangered Old French of a species) legislation to protect
dangered seriously at risk of endangered species
free from legal, Gesel was an emancipated
Emancipated Latin social, or political young woman
Transferred property restrictions;
Expiate Latin atone for (guilt or
Appeased by sacrifice sin) their sins must be expiated
by sacrifice
Treating serious
Facetious Latin issues with a facetious remark
Facetus deliberately
humor; flippant.
Flourishing Latin Flouril Very lively and A flourishing career.
Formidable Inspiring fear or A formidable opponent.
Latin French respect through
formidabilis being impressively
large, powerful,
intense, or
Garrulous Latin excessively Polonius is portrayed as a
Garrulus talkative, foolish, garrulous old man
especially on
trivial matters.
Guile Old French sly or cunning He used all his guile and
guile intelligence. guts to free himself from the
muddle he was in.
Grotesque Italian Distorted and
Work or painting unnatural in shape Grotesque facial distortions.
resemblance or size
not showing due He could have strangled this
Impudent Latin respect for another impudent upstart.
Pudent person;
English not showing care It would be imprudent to
Imprudent Not foreseeing for the leave her winter coat
Prudent consequences of behind.
an action; rash.
Indubitable Latin Impossible to An indubitable truth.
Indubilis doubt;
a thing that Companies were prepared to
Inducement English persuades or build only in return for
Induces influences massive inducements.
someone to do
Indulgent French, latin having or
indulgent indicating a Indulgent Parent risks
tendency to be spoiling their children.
overly generous to
or lenient with
Inexorable Latin Impossible to stop He seemingly inexorable
exorabilis or prevent march of new technology
Invidious action or situation The dictator’s invidious acts
Latin likely to arouse or caused the people to rise up
envy incur resentment against him.
or anger in others
Invective Late latin Insulting, abusive,
His invective made it clear
Invectives(attacking) or highly critical
to Rylie that her boyfriend
language. was incapable of having a
healthy relationship.
Jocularly Latin fond of or He was full of  jocularity 
A little jest characterized by and savoir-faire
joking; humorous
or playful.

Levee French an embankment The Louisiana Board

To lift built to prevent the of Levee Commissioners
overflow of a was organized in 1865.
Without them, 
Lowly Middle English of or suited to a lowly federal agents would
Low-ly low position or still be in the dark in
rank identifying the combatants
in this dreadful war.
Magnanimity Old French the fact or both sides will have to show
oftenest of thought or condition of being magnanimity
purpose magnanimous;
Working day and night, the
Monomaniacs Greek monos "insanity in regard accountant suffered from
Single/ alone Maniac to a single subject monomania and was
or class of extremely preoccupied with
subjects, his job.
the condition of The teen heartthrob came
Obscurity Middle French being unknown out of obscurity and became
Obscurite one of the most famous
entertainers in the world.
Opulent Latin ostentatiously rich He was an opulent man.
Splendid and luxurious or
any attempt to explicate the
Peculiar Latin Strange or odd; theme is bound to run into
Perculliaris unusual. peculiar difficulties"
We were thrilled when we
Piquant French Appealing arrived at the piquant bed
Bitter Delightful and breakfast on our
honeymoon night.
Latin Mark was pious with his
Pious dutiful devoutly religious. religion
Portentous Latin of momentous or the envelope and its
Marvelous ominous portentous contents
Prudent acting with or No prudent money manager
Old French showing care and would authorize a loan
Provident thought for the without first knowing its
future. purpose.
Quadroon An offspring Nigger is a quadroon
Spanish mulatto and a
white parent
 A mischievous or She called him a rascal and
Rascally Old French cheeky person, at that he bridled up
rabble especially a child
or man (typically
used in an
affectionate way).
having or showing The army had appeared a
Sagacious Latin keen mental hard master when it ent its
Saga -Wise discernment and strength to a wise
good judgment; and sagacious rule
English She threw back her head and
Uproariously Uproarious-ly Very noisy and laughed uproariously.
Zeal Greek Latin great energy or His zeal for privatization.
Zelos enthusiasm in
pursuit of a cause
or an objective

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