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University Registra.

on Management System

Problem Statement:

Managing registra+on of students for the next year/semester manually,

becomes a very tedious and +me consuming task, with lot of errors and
redundancy in data while managing excel sheets and storing data of students

Various other problems that are faced in manual registra+on process are:

• Redundancy and inconsistency in student data.

• Duplicate data being entered

• Difficulty in keeping track of various parameters such as Total students
registered, and Date of registering etc.
• Difficulty in retrieving data of a par+cular student.

• Maintaining excel sheets and difficulty in loca+ng and accessing them.


To create a University Registra+on System that will provide the following


At the beginning of each semester students may request a course catalogue

containing a list of course offerings for the semester. Informa+on about each
course, such as professor, department, and prerequisites will be included to
help students make informed decisions.

The new on-line registration system will allow students to select four course
offerings for the coming semester.
Has 2 modes Administrator and Student.

• Provide a list of courses available with their respec+ve ids.

• Entry of student details such as id and courses registered.

• Does not allow duplicated entries for same student id.

• Calculates desired parameters, such as Total students registered for a

par+cular course.
• A course cannot have more than a threshold number of students.

• Once a course is full, subsequent students will not be able to select that
• Provides Admin and Student mode

1. Admin :Entry in admin mode is allowed only by logging in with

authorised creden+als. Can see parameters such as total students,
specific student details and overview of whole database.

2. Student : Can register for courses respec+vely and see if the course if
filled or not.


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