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Executive Summary This report is prepared on the basis of my three-month practical
experience at Raindrops. This internship program helped me to learn about the practical
scenario of a Business venture. Raindrops is dynamic, fast growing business in apparel
industry also in E-commerce. It is an independent venture of a group of young business
person started their operations a few years ago. This report has been presented based
on my observation and experience gathered from the company. As this is a start up the
organization doesn’t have many divisions and departments but with a small and lean
structure they work in production to B2C sales.

With only 3 teams all the works are done. This report is done on the level of team
effectiveness of Raindrops. The report mentions about the structure & team dynamics
the employees of Raindrops have. A research is conducted to draw a conclusion on the
level of team effectiveness of Raindrops. The result that is found is quite considerable.
However Raindrops should work a lot towards further improvement and sustaining
some part of their existing dynamics. The result of the research is described in details in
this report in the later chapters. After knowing the scenario of Raindrops in terms of
their team effectiveness a lot of recommendation came up.

The report also consist recommendations and conclusion according to my point of view,
which I think would improve the team dynamics of the organization if implemented.
DISCUSSION 22 3.1 Cross functional Team 22 3.2 Seven Habits of highly cross functional
team members 22 3.2.1. .Projects have clearly defined objectives, time frames, and
resources 23 3.2.2 Leader is accountable 23 3.2.3.

Participant performance reviews depend on Success or failure of the team impacts 23

3.2.4. Open and frequent Communication 23 3.2.5. Only right persons are included 23
3.2.6. Key performance indicators are leveraged 24 3.2.7. Incremental improvements are
recognized and implemented 24 3.3. Management of E-Commerce Business 24 3.3.1.
The Production or Sourcing Function 24 3.3.2. Marketing 25 3.3.3. Technology 25 3.3.4.
Finance 25 3.3.5. Logistics 25 3.4 Team Effectiveness 26 3.4.1. Purpose and goals 26 3.4.2
Roles 26 3.4.3 Team processes. 26 3.4.4 Team relationships 26 Understanding team
dynamics, level of team cohesiveness and communication. 26 3.4.5. Intergroup relations
26 3.4.6.

Problem solving 26 3.4.7. Passion and commitment 26 3.4.8. Skills and learning 26 3.4.9.
Communication 27 CHAPTER-4 29 METHODOLOGY 29 4.1.1 DIMENSIONS OF
EFFECTIVENESS 29 1. Boost work performance. 29 2. Refine training process. 29 4.2.


5.2 41 FIGURE 5.3 42 FIGURE 5.4 42 FIGURE 5.5 43 FIGURE 5.6 43 FIGURE 5.7 44 5.2.2.
QUALITATIVE DATA 44 TABLE 5.1 45 TABLE 5.2 48 TABLE 5.3 49 TABLE 5.4 50 TABLE 5.5
51 TABLE 5.6 52 TABLE 5.7 53 TABLE 5.8 54 TABLE 5.9 54 TABLE 5.10 55 Chapter-6 57
Findings 57 FIGURE 6.1 57 FIGURE 6.2 58 FIGURE 6.3 59 HIGHLIGHT OF TOP 3


CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION In this era of internet lots of businesses created their
whole identity and business model based on internet. Easy access to market and
information encouraged a lots of youth to participate in E-Commerce. Entrepreneurs
choose these platform for various reasons. As much as it enabled easy market access
and business models it also created a culture of FAD business. Sustaining a business in
such uncertainty is also a challenge. Management for these businesses is different than
traditional businesses. Growth rate of E commerce business is 72% per month.

At present, more than 35,000 individuals or progressively 25,000 little and medium
endeavors (SMEs) are a bit of this portion. Till 2018, the amount of electronic business
districts and online business pages equaled 2,500 and 150,000 independently. It was
assessed that the amount of movements consistently implied around 15,000 to 20,000
at the retail level. (khan, 2020) To survive in such a fast-paced industry ventures needs
more than traditional approach. Raindrop is such a venture that might look like a typical
business at first glance but it has a unique operational and management structure
suited to survive the dynamics of this industry. 1.1

ORIGIN OF THE REPORT Internship Program of Bangladesh University of Professionals is

a Post-Graduation requirement for the BBA students. This study is a partial requirement
of the Internship program of BBA curriculum at the Bangladesh University of
Professionals. The main purpose of internship is to get the student exposed to the job
world. Being an intern, the main challenge was to translate the theoretical concepts into
real life experience. The internship program and the study have following purposes:
Objectives of the Internship Program. To get and organize detail knowledge on the job
responsibility. To experience the real business world.

To compare the real scenario with the lessons learned in Bangladesh University of
Professionals To fulfill the requirement of BBA Program. This report is the result of three
months long internship program conducted in Raindrops and is prepared as a
requirement for the completion of the BBA program of Bangladesh University of
Professionals .As a result I need to submit this report based on the “Effectiveness of
Cross functional team Management of an E-commerce startup: Raindrops””.

This report also includes information on the Logistics and products of Raindrops, the
overview of Raindrops as an organization and the employees of it. 1.2 OBJECTIVE OF
THE REPORT The objective of the report can be viewed in two forms: General Objective
Specific Objective General Objective: This internship report is prepared primarily to fulfill
the Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A) degree requirement under the Faculty of
Business Studies in Bangladesh University of Professionals. Specific Objective: More
specifically, this study entails the following aspects: To give an overview Raindrops, a
Startup E commerce.

To focus on their cross functional management and unique management style in

entrepreneurial venture To discuss the logistics & operational structure of Raindrops. 1.3
SCOPE OF RESEARCH The main intention of the study is to understand the role &
importance of cross functional management in startups E commerce in order to sustain
in a dynamic and growing industry. The report Covers details about the management
structure and logistics & operational structure of Raindrops. The main focus is on the
analysis of the management style and its impact on growth & profitability.

However, the study is only related to the core group of management, doesn’t include
partner or affiliated parties of Raindrops.
CHAPTER-2 ORGANIZATIONAL OVERVIEW / Raindrops is an apparel business based on
E-commerce platform. They do not have any physical outlet. their online shop is the
main medium of selling. It was established in 15th April, 2016. Currently working with 5
factories in total on an agreement basis. 2 factories provide with raw material and
fabrics and other 3 is directly related to production.

3 delivery companies are working as delivery partners for Dhaka zone, outside of Dhaka
deliveries are done through courier service, for that Raindrops is working in a
partnership with SA Poribohon & Shundarban Courier service. Market value of this
organization currently is 20 million BDT. 2.1. PRODUCTION STRUCTURE Factories
directly associated with production are JAN Fashion, Mirpur 11, total worker 45 Freedom
Fashion, Mirpur 12, Total worker- 60 Gazipur Fabrics, Gazipur Chowrasta, Total workers-
130 The payment method for the worker is contractual through company. 2.2. INTERNAL
STRUCTURE There are 3 Major team in the organization consisting 36 members. These
three team are- management, logistics, design and marketing team.

Even though each team performs more and diversified tasks than their name suggests.
Management Team: Planning, Production sourcing, Finance, Human resource
management, Partnership management, out sourcing, Accounts, controlling, overall
supervision. This group is a cross functional group with interchanging roles. 10 members
are in this team Logistics support Team: logistics, maintaining product availability, acting
as first line manager for workers, transportation supervise. This team has 15 members.
Their major roles are Acting as a first line manager in production, maintaining
communication Maintaining product availability, warehousing Delivery & distribution
management (Inventory) Marketing & Design Analysis: trend analysis, market analysis,
demand prediction, design and content creation, social media management. This group
is a cross functional group with interchanging roles. 11 members are in this team. 2.3.
PRODUCTS/MARKET OFFERINGS Mainly apparels for both male and female.

Age Demographic is from teen to middle aged (around 13-40). Major products are t-
shirt, joggers, shorts & seasonal clothing’s. (Raindrops, n.d.)
This chapter deals with the review of the previous studies relevant to the field of cross
functional management, management of E commerce ventures of Bangladesh.
The use of the Delphi method is selected as most suitable to forming a consensus of
experts on the present research subject, highly effective cross-functional teams in a
competitive environment & other business model.

The Delphi method set an abundance of rich and contemporary information about the
skills and social processes involved in leading cross-functional teams in a competitive
environment (Krahn, 2007) Cross-functional teams came under various study.
Examination of their roles, composition. And benefits since then is marked by a long list
of milestones Bavelas and Barrett in 1954, Gladstein in 1984, Ancona and
Caldwell in 1992, Donnellon in 1993, West and Anderson in 1996, McDonough III, and
Holland, Gaston et al in 2000, Keller, and Reagans and Zuckerman in 2001.

Bonner, Ruekert et al in 2002, Reilly, Chen et al in 2004, and the studies go on. Since
teams are important to an organization, it should create teams that are effective. An
effective team is one which contributes to the achievement of organizational objectives
by performing the various task assigned to it and providing satisfaction to its members.
For an effective team, two things are required from its member’s skills, which are
complementary to the team requirement and understanding of one's role as well as
roles of other members.

The culture of the organization should be supportive to get the output from the team
members If the organizational culture is not in tune with high achievement team
members may not show high degree of enthusiasm and they will use only a part of their
skills in performing the jobs (Gerlowki, 2007) Integrated marketing communication in
online startup can produce stronger message consistency and greater sales impact. It
forces management to think about every way the customer comes in contact with the
company, how the company communicates its positioning the relative various
importance of each vehicle and timing issues.

It gives some ability to reach right customers, with the right message, at right time in
the right place. (Keller, 2006) Cross functional management team has significant value
for the organization, specifically in lowering costs and having greater control over the
management program. This is supported by Duncan and Everett (1993) who extend the
benefits to include gaining competitive advantage through IMC. (Kitchen and Schultz ,
1997) Communication is important for the success of any cross functional team.

The communication performance refers to the frequency and quality of information

shared between team members (Caldwell, 1992) (Krahn, 2007) (Peters, 2004) The cross
functional team performance is associated with performance issues of teams such as
cost savings, exceeding customer expectation, quality of work accomplished and
meeting timeline in projects (Caldwell, 1992) (Rajiv D. Banker, 1996) (Oertig, 2006) The
benefits of cross functional teams include significant reduction in development cycle
time, product life cycle cost and engineering changes (Boyle, 2006) The knowledge, skills
and experience of various members of a team are the basis of team work these features
of a team member help in collaborating to an effective team and the culture of the team
helps in improving the effectiveness of a team.

Open communication among team members and team leaders is one of the main
features of collaboration this helps the team members to understand the policies and
strategies to perform a particular task. The collaboration of technology, which is the
exchange of information among the members of the team plays a crucial role in the
success of an effective team. This exchange brings the work to an end (Crow. 2002)
Managing cross-functional teams is an important skill: eighty percent of the major US
firms surveyed in the 1990s planned to use such teams.

And while studies disagree on many aspects relating to the operations of these teams,
most agree that effective leadership is very important. The examination of leadership is
to identify and understand the critical role the cross-functional teams face. The cross-
functional team is designed to accomplish something the conventional functional teams
never contemplate assembling in one area multiple skills and domain knowledge to
answer complex challenges. As noted above, leadership decisions are the one element
that is identified as important across the spectrum of teams that vary widely in
composition and procedure, and this study accordingly concentrates on the
responsibilities and of effective leadership.

(Trent, 1996) THEORITICAL DISCUSSION 3.1 Cross functional Team Cross functional
management is managing a cross functional group or team. Cross functional team is a
team build with different functional expertise who work towards achieving a particular
goal. It includes employees from all level. In some cases they have interchangeable role.
These days during market globalization, the endeavors are increasingly chipping away at
explicit tasks. To work successfully in a task based condition, ventures need to have new
types of association. One of these is the system association.

Cross-functional the board got basic for the benefit of the system ventures, causes an
association to be progressively adaptable, and presents speed in understanding the
intricacy of the inward and outer condition to it. Since the financial practice
demonstrated that the system ventures are more powerful than the old style ones, the
current examination accentuates the significance of considering cross-utilitarian
administration as a key factor for the system undertakings achievement. 3.2 SEVEN
These are some habit of team members of an effective team according to Ryan confer.
(COnfer, 2015) 3.2.1.

team charter is used to define success, establish milestones, and delineate roles and
responsibilities. 3.2.2 LEADER IS ACCOUNTEABLE Certainly teams are collaborative, but
one person must be responsible for the end-to-end success of the initiative. 3.2.3.
TEAM IMPACTS It is human nature to prioritize one’s primary role over team success.
Including team results in performance evaluations ensures that this work will receive due

3.2.4. OPEN & FREQUENT COMMIUNICATION Communication may be the most

important (and difficult) aspect of cross functional team work. Because team members
may not be physically nearby, a platform for sharing updates and related documents is
essential. 3.2.5. ONLY RIGHT PERSONS ARE INCLUDED Effective cross functional teams
include players with the right subject matter expertise and authority to make decisions
that move the team toward the goal. 3.2.6. KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ARE
LEVERAGED Effective teams do not wait until the end of a project to determine if they
have been successful. Rather, they use objective measurements along the way to ensure
that the objectives are achieved. 3.2.7.


teams are often used to tackle big problems. Successful ones realize that in doing so,
they may also find small opportunities for improvement that can be enacted quickly
while they continue to take on more complex issues. 3.3. MANAGEMENT OF E-
COMMERCE BUSINESS Internet business organizations go from the one-individual
arrangement to the associations with a worldwide nearness.

In all cases, achievement advances development, and this development isn't simply as
far as deals, yet in addition as far as the intricacy of dealing with the undertaking.
Particularly in the event that you are a little online business, where everybody appears to
do everything, you ought to be prepared to arrive at a point where you set up specific
capacities and obligations. Right now, is critical to comprehend the different legs on
which the structure of internet business the executives stands. Given the serious idea of
online business organizations, all columns of the internet business ought to be solid.
Here are the best five columns. (Khurana, 2019) 3.3.1. THE PRODUCTION OR SOURCING
FUNCTION Regularity and changing buyer preferences can cause wild swings in the
deals beginning from your online business site. The individuals accountable for making
sure about the item—whether or not they make it or source it—must have the option to
keep up. 3.3.2. MARKETING Is the main essence of e-commerce as it is the focal bridge
to reach customers and creates more of a communicative or interactive way of
marketing. 3.3.3.

TECHNOLOGY There is a need to constantly evaluate the wide range of new

technologies that are introduced all the time. In addition, also to measure and optimize
the present platform that we are working on. 3.3.4. FINANCE The potential for
stratospheric development of an internet business endeavor is probably not going to be
acknowledged without an intermittent implantation of cash. Contemporary figures in
the speculation scene show that speculators have emptied in billions of dollars into web
based business players that show some capability of being the last folks standing. 3.3.5.

LOGISTICS With the exception of on account of advanced merchandise, you have to get
the item under the control of the clients. What's more, when the item should be
returned or fixed, your opposite coordination process needs to get it back. There are
numerous instances of in any case great internet business organizations who went
paunch up on the grounds that they couldn't deal with the precision or expenses of
coordination. Along these lines, coordination ought to be viewed as a master capacity
and given sufficient consideration. A five-point list isn't satisfactory to catch the various
scope of capacities that go into dealing with an online business.

There’ still a lot more capacities, e.g., human asset the executives. But the idea is to
address the small e-commerce business where everyone does everything. Which
basically is cross functional management. At some point or another, achievement will
make the association expand up in multifaceted nature. By then, a sound administration
methodology is required to guarantee that the business keeps on flourishing, or in any
event endure. 3.4 TEAM EFFECTIVENESS Team effectiveness, also referred to as team
performance, is a team's capacity to achieve its goals and objectives. This ability to
accomplish objectives and targets prompts improved results for the colleagues (e.g.,

colleague fulfillment and readiness to stay together) just as results delivered or affected
by the team. There are multiple dimensions of Team Effectiveness. Like 3.4.1. PURPOSE
& GOALS Understanding of the goal and Unity towards purpose. 3.4.2 ROLES Clear
understanding of one’s role & responsibility. Amount of role ambiguity in case of cross
functional team. 3.4.3 TEAM PROCESS How the team functions, role of leader. 3.4.4
TEAM RELATIONSHIP Understanding team dynamics, level of team cohesiveness and
communication. 3.4.5. INTERGROUP RELATION Internal relationship between team
members. 3.4.6. PROBLEM SOLVING Ability to be proactive or reactive and tackle
problems. 3.4.7.

PASSION & COMMITMENT Passion & commitment to team, goal and purpose. 3.4.8.
SKILLS & LEARNING Skills of individual, learning as a team also as an individual. 3.4.9.
COMMUNICATION Communication among team members also with other teams.
3.4.10. CULTURE Culture of the team.
CHAPTER-4 METHODOLOGY The study is conducted in a systematic procedure starting
from selection of the topic to final report preparation. The integral part was to identify
and collect data; they were classified, analyzed, interpreted and presented in a
systematic manner to find the vital points.

Data was collected through a questionnaire and it was adapted from: “Team
Effectiveness Diagnostic” created by London Leadership Academy, National Health
Service. Answers were calculated according to Likert scale.   The overall process of
methodology followed in the study is explained further. 4.1.1 DIMENSIONS OF
EFFECTIVENESS This questionnaire examines team effectiveness from the perspective of
eight [8] dimensions. (London Leadership Academy, 2015) Dimension Purpose and
goalsPurpose and goal is the major vision of a team which helps to clarify roles and
responsibility of team members as well as their future course of action.

Clear understanding of this will lead to (Examples, n.d.) (Khurana, 2019) Boost work
performance. Refine training process. Finish projects on time Increases Status Explore
individual talents and many more Roles A team needs 9 types of role according to UK
researcher R. Meredith Belbin (in his 1996 book 'The Coming Shape Of Organization').
This role are sometimes aligned to designated post sometimes they are aligned but not
mentioned. Person performing the work need to understand his unique role and act
according to that.

Team processes Team Process Means Repeatable Work, Which Can Be Improved When
you have a standard set of steps to follow to produce an outcome, repeating those
steps will lead to a similar result. When there is a stable set of steps to perform work, it
becomes measurable. Team relationships Team Process Means Repeatable Work, Which
Can Be Improved At the point when there is a standard arrangement of steps to follow
to create a result, rehashing those means will prompt a comparative outcome.

When there is a step by step established pattern to perform a work, it becomes

measurable. Intergroup relations In a decent relationship, two individuals make a solid
effort to know one another and last through extreme occasions together. They know
each other and can anticipate what the other person needs. They know when that
individual should be console and when they should be disregarded Problem solving
Problem solving is the act of defining a problem; determining the cause of the problem;
identifying, prioritizing, and selecting alternatives for a solution; and implementing a
solution. The problem-solving process. The ability to solve problem or to which degree a
team or an individual from the team can solve problem indicates the effectiveness of a

Passion and commitment Passion can be defined as a strong or extravagant fondness,

enthusiasm, or desire for anything whereas commitment is the state or an instance of
being obligated or emotionally impelled by any goal or target. Skills and learning Skills
are a set of pre required ability to perform any task and learning is the willingness &
ability to acquire new knowledge and set of skills. 4.1.2. THE QUESTIONNAIRE &
DIMENSIONS 8 Dimensions Our team has a meaningful, shared purpose.

purpose & Goal Team members clearly understand their roles roles Team problem
solving results in effective solutions team process Team members appreciate one
another's unique capabilities. team relationship We are able to resolve conflicts with
other teams collaboratively intergroup relations Team members take personal
responsibility for the effectiveness of our team. problem solving Working on our team
inspires people to do their best passion & commitment We have the skills we need to
do our jobs effectively Skill & learning We are strongly committed to a shared mission.

purpose & Goal

problem solving My team has a strong sense of accomplishment relative to our work
passion & Commitment
skill & learning
passion & commitment
skill & learning We make sure our work helps the organization achieve its goals.
purpose & Goal When team members' roles change, specific plans are implemented to
help them assume their new responsibilities. roles Our team works with a great deal of
flexibility so that we can adapt to changing needs team process We are able to work
through differences of opinion without damaging relationships team relationship Our
collaborations with other teams are productive, worthwhile, and yield good results.
intergroup relations Team members are sure about what is expected of them and take
pride in a job well done.

problem solving Our team is excited about the contribution it is making to the
organization's competitive viability. passion & commitment Team members embrace
continuous improvement as a way of life skill & learning The mission and goals of my
team are well aligned with the organization's mission and goals purpose & Goal
Overlapping or shared tasks and responsibilities do not create problems for team
members. roles When we choose consensus decision-making, we do it effectively. team
process Team members display high levels of cooperation and mutual support.

team relationship The goals of our group support those of other groups. intergroup
relations Team members consider how their actions will impact others when deciding
what to do. problem solving My team is proud of its accomplishments and optimistic
about the future. passion & commitment Team members work to ensure we are using
bestpractice methods skill & learning 4.2. SELECTION OF THE TOPIC: After a discussion
with my supervisor about the genre of the organization and type of business this topic
was selected.

Before the topic was selected it was thoroughly discussed so that, a well-organized
internship report can be prepared. 4.3. SOURCES OF DATA: 4.3.1 PRIMARY SOURCES:
Primary Data was derived from a questionnaire answered by employees of Raindrops
using a questionnaire from this Source of London leadership academy (London
Leadership Academy, 2015) 4.3.2 SECONDARY SOURCES: Some internal sources as in
Managerial team, general employees, relevant reports & agreements. 4.4 COLLECTION
OF DATA: Conducting a survey of thirty employees helped me to collect primary data.

10 of them are from cross functional managerial team (Team A), 10 are from logistics
support (team B), other 10 from team Design and Marketing sector (team C). As the
main management team consists 10 people so from other groups only 10 member’s
response was taken. The questionnaire is attached in the report in the Appendix. The
survey helped me to understand both teams effectivity and see a clear numerical
comparison between both team. Secondary data was collected from Raindrops websites
and other related websites and documents. 4.5


team that participated in the survey, Team A, B, C they have different roles to play. Role
of Team A: Planning, Production sourcing, Finance, Human resource management,
Partnership management, out sourcing, Accounts, controlling, overall supervision. Role
of Team B: logistics, maintaining product availability, acting as first line manager for
workers, transportation supervise. Role of Team C: trend analysis, market analysis,
demand prediction, design and content creation, social media management.

Some diagrams and tables were used in this report for analyzing the collected data and
to explain certain concepts and findings more clearly. This report shows the
effectiveness level of each team and a comparison between these 3 in 8 criteria. 4.6
FINAL REPORT PREPARATION: The final report is prepared after some valuable
suggestions and my honorable advisor gave corrections.
CHAPTER-5 ANALYSIS This part is about the research that was directed to get a clear
view about the effectiveness of a cross functional team and the comparison of
effectiveness among three teams of Raindrops.

This part also includes the findings, analysis of those findings and also some important
interpretations. The research is based on all facilities and benefits provided by the
company (as mentioned in the last chapter). This chapter will reveal the level of team
effectiveness of three team mentioned above. ABOUT THE RESEARCH For an in-depth
study a research was conducted. Steps illustrated below are the steps that were
followed: / STEP.1. DEFINE THE PROBLEM The topic of my internship report is
“Effectiveness of Cross functional team Management of an Ecommerce startup:

Based on the topic the point that highlights are whether cross functional teams are
effective or not or to which scale these three teams (Team A: management, Team B:
logistics, Team C:design and marketing team) are effective as a team. Therefore the
research problem is “The Level of Team Effectiveness at Raindrops”. STEP.2. RESEARCH
DESIGN Based on the research problem my research was designed as follows
Dimensions Information Needed Source of Information Method Researcher Timing
Place purpose & Goal Answers of the questionnaire 30 Employees from 3 groups of
Raindrops Part A Quantitative & Part B Qualitative : Survey Iffat Jahan Tusher During
the office hour Raindrops head office at Mirpur roles team process team
relationship intergroup relations problem solving passion & Commitment
skill & Learning STEP.3. COLLECTION FROM DESIGN The questionnaire has two
part, part A & part B.

Part A consisted demographic information and part B consisted personal assessment of

team effectiveness including 56 questions. 7 questions are directed to calculate one
dimensions so total 56 questions are directed to calculate 8 dimensions of team
effectiveness. Participant doesn’t know which question is directed to which dimension.
The questions were close ended and Likert’s scale was used for answering. 5 options
were available, from strongly agree to strongly disagree each answer carrying a number
from 1 to 5. Moreover the questions from this questionnaire can be used to draw out
few qualitative conclusions. The options are assigned on a Nominal scale.

The Questionnaire is attached in the report later in the Appendix. STEP.4. SAMPLE SIZE
Survey is done among 30 employees of Raindrops from Three teams. 10 employees
from each team participated. STEP.5. COLLECTION OF DATA Data were collected
through survey. Both the qualitative and quantitative data were collected through the
questionnaire. Then the collected data were input in Excel to derive finding (tables and
diagrams). The purpose of the collection of data was to gain an overall picture of the
level of Team Effectiveness of three team. For the betterment of employee
understanding questionnaire was also translated into Bangla.

This was done through a survey with the Employee. The employee was asked for their
contribution for a little moment. STEP.6. DATA ANALYSIS After deriving output from
Excel the collected data were analyzed which are provided later in the report Step 7:
WRITING THE REASEARCH REPORT After analyzing all collected data and following all
the steps mentioned above, the report was written. 5.2 RESEARCH FINDINGS
(COLLECTED DATA) As mentioned earlier that data were collected through survey.

The questionnaire contained qualitative questions options were assigned on a Nominal

Scale, where Options Number Strongly Agree 5 Agree 4 Neutral 3 Disagree 2
Strongly Disagree 1 The options are arranged on a nominal scale so that we can put
value on Excel. Then the collected quantitative data were put in Excel according to the
nominated points. Variables are provided in the Appendix. 5.2.1 QUANTATITIVE DATA
Gender 25 Male (83.33%) & 5 Female (16.67%) / Age In the survey it was found that 20
employees (66.7%) are between the ages of 26-30 years of age. 8 (26.7 %) of them are
between the age of 18-25 years of age. Lastly only 2 (6.7%) of them are Above 230 years
of age / Marital Status 18 employees are married (60%), 12 are unmarried (40%) /
Education 10 of them are under graduate (33.33%), 15 of them are graduate (50%), 5 are
post graduate (16.67%) / Work Experience 8 (26.67%) of them are working from the
beginning, 13 (43.33%) are working for 2-3 years, 6 (20%) are working for 1-2 years, 2
(6.67%) are working for less than a year. / Daily Working Hours 5 (16.67%) works for 6
hours, 15 (50%) people works for 8 hours, 10 (33.33%) people work for more than 8
hours. / Type of Employment 5 (16.67%) people are part timer, 25 (83.333%) are full-
timer. / 5.2.2. QUALITATIVE DATA A set of 56 question, mentioned in appendices was
used for the survey.

Each set of 7 questions was directed towards measuring a specific dimension of team
effectiveness. So 56 questions were used to measure 8 set of dimensions. Purpose and
Goals Roles Team Process Team Relationship Intergroup Relations Problem solving
Passion & Commitment Skill & Learning 3 teams of the organization participated. Team
A, Team B, Team C Color code 8 Dimensions
If we break it down a little we can see in which criteria Team B has lacking and has room
for improvement, same goes for team A &C, both still has room for improvement. TABLE
5.2 Purpose and Goal question no Team A Team B Team C 1 4.7 3.6 4.9 9 4.8 4.2 4.3
17 4.4 3.8 4.9 25 4.3 3.6 4.7 33 5 3.2 4.4 41 5 4.3 5 49 5 4 4.3 total 33.2 26.7 32.5
average 4.742857 3.814286 4.642857 percentage 94.86% 76.28% 92.86% Here the
questions were about team’s purpose goal, mission and strategic breakdown for
achieving those.

From the table we can see team A has the highest understanding of their goal still that
is not a hundred percent, their effectiveness in this criteria is around 94.86%, Team C is
in the second position having a 92.86% effectiveness but Team B has the lowest of
76.28%. TABLE 5.3 Roles question no Team A Team B Team C 2 4.4 3.4 4.5 10 4.7 4 4
18 4.9 3.3 4.1 26 5 3.9 4.7 34 5 3 4.2 42 4.6 4 4.6 50 4.8 4.1 4.3 total 33.4 25.7 30.4
average 4.771429 3.671429 4.342857 Percentage 95.42858% 73.42858% 86.85714%
This table is about the dimension of roles or role clarity.

It is a challenge to understand responsibility of individual roles in a role interchanging

and cross functional team. Which means how well each member knows their
responsibility. Here Team A again has the highest percentage. TABLE 5.4 Team Process
question no Team A Team B Team C 3 4.9 4 5 11 5 4.3 4.9 19 5 3.2 4.9 27 4.6 4 5 35
4.7 2.9 4.7 43 4.8 3 4.8 51 4.7 4.6 4.8 total 33.7 26 34.1 Average 4.814286 3.714286
4.871429 Percentage 96.3856% 74.28572% 97.42858% In this table we see a bit
different result than previous tables where Team C is in lead for team effectiveness by a
little than team A, where Team B is still comparatively lower in marks than other two.

TABLE 5.5 Team Relationship question no Team A Team B Team C 4 5 4.6 4.7 12 5 4.5
4.8 20 4.6 3.9 4.8 28 4.7 4.2 4.5 36 4.9 4.5 4.9 44 4.7 3.6 4.1 52 4.8 4.2 4.1 total 33.7
29.5 31.9 average 4.814286 4.214286 4.557143 Percentage 96.28572% 84.28572%
91.14286% In team relationship, relationship among team members are comparatively
better than other dimensions of Team B still it is lower in comparison with Team A &
Team C. TABLE 5.6 Intergroup Relations question no Team A Team B Team C 5 4 4.6 4
13 5 3.7 4.5 21 4.9 4 4.3 29 4.2 4.4 4.2 37 4.8 4.2 4.3 45 4.9 3.5 4 53 4.9 3.8 4.7 total
32.7 28.2 30 average 4.671429 4.028571 4.285714 percentage 93.42858% 80.57142%
85.71428% It’s the Relationship among three teams and how each team perceives this
from their end. This dimension is also repeating the similar pattern. TABLE 5.7

problem Solving question no Team A Team B Team C 6 4.8 5 4.4 14 4.4 4.6 5 22 4.6
3.9 4.4 30 4.9 4.9 4.3 38 5 4 4.8 46 4.5 4 3.9 54 5 4.9 4.9 total 33.2 31.3 31.7 average
4.742857 4.471429 4.528571 percentage 94.85714% 89.42858% 90.57142% Team B in
Problem solving dimension has a better percentage than it has in other dimensions.
Team A in spite of having the highest among three teams have a bit low in comparison
with other dimensions. TABLE 5.8 Passion & Commitment question no Team a Team B
Team C 7 4.2 3.8 4.6 15 4.5 3.9 5 23 4.9 3.7 4.9 31 4.1 3.8 4.8 39 5 4.7 4.9 47 5 4.2 4.8
55 5 3.7 5 total 32.7 27.8 34 average 4.671429 3.971429 4.857143 percentage
93.42858% 79.42858% 97.14286% It is probably one of the highest dimensions for
team C, Average for team A & B. TABLE 5.9 skills & Learning question no Team A Team
B Team C 8 4.8 4.3 4.6 16 3.9 4.2

5 24 4.5 3.5 5 32 4.3 4.6 4.5 40 5 4.2 5 48 5 4.2 4.4 56 5 3 5 total 32.5 28 33.5
average 4.642857 4 4.785714 percentage 92.85714% 80% 95.71428% In Skills and
Learning team C is in Lead, followed by team A & Team B. TABLE 5.10 8 Dimensions
Team A Team B Team C Purpose & Goals 4.742857143 3.814285714 4.642857143 Roles
4.771428571 3.671428571 4.342857143 Team Process 4.814285714 3.714285714
4.871428571 Team Relationship 4.814285714 4.214285714 4.557142857 Intergroup
Relation 4.671428571 4.028571429 4.285714286 Problem Solving 4.742857143
4.471428571 4.528571429 Passion & Commitment 4.671428571 3.971428571
4.857142857 Skill & Learning 4.642857143 4 4.785714286 This table shows a summary
of the data in table 5.2 to table 5.9.
Chapter-6 Findings FIGURE 6.1

/ This is intra group comparison of Team A among 8 dimensions. Team A is not doing as
good in skill and learning as other dimension. They are doing best in team Relationship
& team Process. Member of Team A are the main management team. Their role is
Planning, Production sourcing, Finance, Human resource management, Partnership
management, out sourcing, Accounts, controlling, overall supervision. This team consists
of 10 members, among them 8 of them are founders and co-founders of the business.
From the beginning this group took all the decision among themselves which seemed to
work for them for a long time.

As there is no fixed and specific role for each individual’s members of this group had
pretty good idea about roles. It is because their team process and dynamics. Team
relationship is also highest as they have been working for a long time, before starting
the business they were acquaintances. Here’s a point we must notice is their intragroup
relation is comparatively lower, so as other groups. If the members of Team A
disbursement of members and joins other team and supervisor or mix and match
happens then it can be improved. Intergroup relations for 3 teams will improve.

For team A, as their responsibilities are intense and they also have to work for around 10
hours it’s tough for them to hone their skills or learn something new. Raindrops being a
new and comparatively small business they don’t have any training program. As a
growing business lack of training right now won’t harm much but as they grow lack of
training and skills will hamper the growth. FIGURE 6.2 / Overall average value is lower
for team B in every dimension than Team A & Team C. in all the dimensions team B has
lowest in Roles and highest in Problem solving. Overall performance for team B is lower
than Team A & Team C. Even though they are good in problem solving still it is lower
than other team.

The kind of task team B is doing requires clear idea about roles and responsibilities,
strict division of work is needed for them. Roles that Team B perform is logistics,
maintaining product availability, acting as first line manager for workers, transportation
supervise. There should be clear division of work and clarification about who will
perform leadership activity. Cross roles activities are not always good for all types of
tasks. FIGURE 6.3 / In overall average team C is in the middle but in Passion &
Commitment and team process they are better than Team A &B.

Their weakness is intergroup relations and roles among 8 dimensions though they are
comparatively better than Team B. In comparison with other teams Team C is in the
middle in overall performance. Main activities this team performs are trend analysis,
market analysis, demand prediction, design and content creation, social media
management. Raindrops being an E-commerce business team C performs the major task
to keep the business running. It was a bit surprising at first to see that team C is ahead
of Team A in Passion & Commitment as team A is the founding team. But it seems the
individual of team C really loves their work.

In this group there’s a problem of role ambiguity, by clarifying tasks and through a
certain degree of role clarification it can be improved, but overall as a cross functional
team they are doing good. Team C scored lowest in intergroup relationship. As
mentioned earlier disbursement of members can be a solution. Also intergroup activities
should be improved, it doesn’t always need to be work related activity. This team scored
highest in Team Process also, it seems their role ambiguity as an individual has low
effect on team performance.

So while working on the improvement of team performance it must be taken care of

that the team process is improved or stays same. It shouldn’t hamper team process in
any ways need to be ensured. FIGURE 6.4 As no value here is lower than 3 so for better
understanding of the graph lowest value 3 is taken and for highest value cannot be
more than 5. Gap value among each line is 0.10 so the value difference can be projected
easily. This chart is a summary of chart 5.8 to chart 5.10. From the comparison it is clear
that cross functional team activity is suitable for both team A & C but not for team B.

Team A Team B Team C Roles Problem Solving Team Process Team Process Team
Relationship Passion & Commitment Problem Solving Intergroup Relations Skill &
Learning Even though it’s shown in the same table we must not confuse it to the
comparison between three team as in comparison of numbers between team B has the
lowest. This chart only highlights the top three dimensions of each team in accordance
with other dimensions of that team. For Team A their performance has the highest
score, among the 8 dimensions Roles, Team Process and problem solving is highest. This
affects the team in a very positive manner. Makes them perform their activities perfectly.

Team A acts as the head of the organization, they can also be called management team.
But they need to focus on intergroup relationship otherwise only team A will move
forward leaving team B& C behind which will result in overall failure of the business
leaving the management team responsible. So it is high time team A considers other
team while acting or taking decision. For Team B their overall score is low. So the
dynamics this team is following is not suiting them. The dynamics should be changed.

Some activities should be undertaken in order to improve their situation. Team C being
the most technical part of Raindrops they are living up to the expectations as we can see
their skill & Learning is Highest among every team and also in all other dynamics. Team
Process, Passion & Commitment is also among highest. Making team C is an effective
B Team C Intergroup Relationship Purpose & Goals Roles Passion & Commitment
Roles Intergroup Relation Skills & Learning Team process Problem Solving Inter group
relationship is bad in two teams, even though it is comparatively better in team B but
team B has an overall lowest score. So we can say Raindrops needs to work in order to
improve relationship and communication among teams through various activities and
plan. For Team A their lowest dimensions are not that low.

Where’s for team B highest is not that high.

CHAPTER-7 RECOMMENDATION & CONCLUSION Effectiveness of Cross functional
team Management of an E-commerce startup: Raindrops- is the topic off this report. So
target was to see how effective the teams of rain drops are. Raindrops all the employees
are divided into three divisions or sectors. After analysis the data the scenario became
quite clear and understandable. Although information collected were not sufficient to
comment on the team effectiveness because of some limitations faced during the

All the teams work in a cross functional manner where they Depending on the feedback
from member management team, this report is prepared. In spite of the fact that the
report would be useful to Raindrops a great deal, a few people were hesitant to give
input as should be obvious the significance of the data and some were uncertain about
sharing it. The length of my work was just three months. Be that as it may, this
timeframe can't for a finish and clear investigation. It is a direct result of the impediment
of data a few suspicions were made. So there might be some close to home mix-ups in
the report.

To keep a balance with the numbers of managerial team members only ten people were
selected from other groups. Then again as it is a small venture team C has 11 members
and team B has 15 members. In spite of the fact that there were numerous constraints I
attempted to give my best exertion to outfit the report. But to some extent some useful
and essential factors for the organization were revealed during study. In this chapter I
tried to explain those facts influencing them with my point of view. 7.1
RECCOMENDATIONS Raindrop is flourishing company. Therefore, it is very tough to
recommend on any aspect of the company.

However, as it is the requirement of the report so I have come up with few

recommendations, after conducting the research. They are as follows: Raindrops can
provide training on team performance improvement through various activities such as
training need assessment, designing & conducting training etc for both employee &
employer so the team dynamics can be improved Team dynamics of team B needs to be
changed first as the overall score is lowest in this group. They need training and
assistance in overall the 8 dimensions that were considered.

Purpose and goals, Roles, Team processes, Team relationships, Intergroup relations,
Problem solving, Passion and commitment, Skills and learning. This team needs program
for both team & individual improvement. Activities to improve inter group relations like
annual picnic, celebration of holidays, informal discussions, party etc can be adopted.
Workshop and group discussion needs to be held for roles, goals and purpose
clarification with fixed intervals. Programs to improve organizational commitment and
increase passion for learnings should be held. May be by having a profound HR team
can help improve individuals and team dynamics. 7.2

CONCLUSION Management team of Raindrops is working all the time improve

effectiveness of work and teams. According to my own experience the working
environment of the organization is very inspiring. Relationship among employees are
very relaxing and to some extent informal. However, the relationship and team dynamics
still needs a lot of work in order for the overall effectiveness to improve. As well as
individual awareness of their roles, goals & purpose, learnings, commitment etc is
needed. The organization is need to have strict rules in some cases. By having a fixed HR
team to deal with this can be helpful.

The findings of the report shows Management & design team is more effective than
logistics team. That means cross functional team is not effective for logistical team here,
either they need to change the tem management style or need to work on all the
dimensions individually. There’s no proof of the effectiveness increasing if the
management style is changed. But the dimensions can be worked on in order to
improve the effectiveness. For all three teams they need to work on inter group

If looked like this than one team is better than other- this information or gap in quality
is not helping the organization as a whole. So some link or bridge between three teams
need to be established, for overall organizational betterment. In numerical value teams
did well but there are room for improvement. REFERNCES Boyle, K. F. (2006).
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APPENDICES (Please place a tick mark ? on your answer) Gender Male Female Other Age
18 – 25 26 – 30 31 – 35 36 – 40 Above 40 Marital Status Single Married Education
Graduation Post-graduation under Graduation PHD/Doctorate Department
Management Logistics Design & Marketing Work Experience Less than 1 year 1-2 years
2-3 years since the beginning Daily Working Hours 6 hours 8 hours More than 8 hours
8. Type of employment Part time Fulltime / / /

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