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American International University

Bangladesh (AIUB)
Name: Sami Hassan ID: 18-38819-3

Section: A Assignment on Proper Internet Etiquette

Summary: As people continue to expand their use of the internet for all aspects of their lives,
from emailing pals and doing social networking to scheduling job interviews and doctor
appointments, many of them have become complacent, formed bad habits, and tossed proper
etiquette aside.

This is unfortunate and may create problems if we don’t learn a few basic rules. Internet
etiquette, also known as “Netiquette,” is essential in a civilized work environment or personal
relationship. Even though you aren't with others in person, you should remember that they're still
there, on the other end of your communication.

Never say anything negative about your company, your former company, your boss, or your
coworkers. You never know what may wind up being forwarded, whether it’s intentional or an
accidental slip of the finger on the “send” button. If you are unsure of anything you’ve typed,
hold it in draft mode and read it later before releasing the email or post.
Being nice includes avoiding cyber bullying. Think about how you would feel if someone said
whatever you just typed about you. If you find it the least bit disturbing, delete it.

Keep in mind that there are internet trolls out there, looking for their next victim. If you become
the subject of their bad behavior, don't respond. Most of the time, these people like to stir things
up while hiding behind their keyboards. When they don't get a reaction, they move on to
someone else.

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