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— ‘Topic : SIMPLE STRESS Course Objective(s) 1, Be able to apply knowledge of math, science and engineering. 2. Be able to identify, fouuviaie and solve engineering problems | Specific Objective(s) | 1. Tobeable to determine the different types of stresses and forces acting ‘on machine element 2, To be able to solve problems involving stress and forces using basic knowledge in Statics of Rigid Bodies and Mathematics Proper material and efficient functionality of machine elements are basic problems of an engineer Je she must cover. Therefore it is important that we know/ how to determine the stifihess, strength, and ner properties of materials that we are planning to desig terial will break «not dees not depend only on the value of the ‘de material where the applied force For us to conclude that a certain mat force applied in the material but also the cross-section! area of exiernal iad on the end of the rod, i Joad on the cross-sectional area Consider a circular rod on Figure 1.0. Fc is the apr’ order for us to determine the rod’s strength is w discribuse all the apr! of the rod. Thus we will have the equation of stress, ¢ which is the value of fores per unit area. Newtons a = Pascals ‘sq.mtrs (Figure 1.0 circular rod wath an applied load) rey a ET | Dividing load by the area of the material does not grve us the exact value of all the stresses at all points of the rod but it gives us what we called as Average Stress and for us to determine the exact value of | the those stresses in a point we will use the differennal load. dF and divide it with the differential area, dA. Figure 1.1 distribution of stress) The condition or state where the stress in all poms are all constant is called simple stress. We can determine that the stress is constant when all of the resultants of these forces will pass to the centroid, C of ithe cross section of the material. Uniform distribution of stress is only possible if the line of action of both loads passes on the same line of action or upon the centro‘d of it, it is. called Centric loading. For eccentric loading on which the load(s) dues not lie on the same line of action as of the |case of the Figure 1.2 (Right), then we have to calculate for the moment of load, P with its distance, d from ithe line of action using the equation of moment; Az Pa (Figure 1.2 Left: Cenzic Loading , Right : Eecentric Loading) , Prysicol _Prperties ~Hardnece - Grittlere ce Nechasical__ Proper Ses “Shecé Gheggth lYTransyecca __2) Teaveal a Compressive 7 f + Legitedinal Two solid cyiuuinc:t rads AB and BC are welded together at B and loaded as shown. ¥cnowing thit the average normal stress must not exceed 175 MPa in rod AB and 150 MPa in rod BC, determine the smallest allowable values of dy and dz. 2.57 mm and d; = 15.96 mm [7 300 morn | — I B [ifn 250 man Se\'n | paw Fae = 40 YN +0 kN Fam = 90 kn 1 nto! Ta wo wife | “aa 2, Atwooor da = A Case 00a) _ ; Sea a4 8 Tao wo . 5 x0 da = 0. 01840 Vm Taw, Saw = Are 70,000 N Ue ee Tat 4 _ F008 sx Re 7a Jar 4 dt = 5.0429 x10 mm? a " 0.0224 m \ Vk = 22.563G mm Sample Problem No2 A homogeneous 800-kg bar AB with a length of 10 m is supported at either end by a cable, one end is supported by a 4 m bronze cable and the other is by a 3 m steei cuble. Calculate the smallest area of each cable if the stress is not to exceed 90 MPa in bronze and 120 MPa in steel, fe Fe al & weg W = 200 kg (981 let) w= aeuor £Tys0 Fpt Fe- W=O 9 zMa =O = 3890 HLsm) + Fe Com). By ew vy =0 ae By shun sets = As wee (ug tbo)? R= |. 7082 y Wye = we (e.3082_ 4+) Wye = !¥. 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Determine __o) Total degormation of he component ABC _b:) oF pein’ B= mean 20-098 F (oon a* Go 16" Palo Pyro wie wm Pee onoitnm | nivnna ina) Po mmm Joss —— + Link CD_ it made fas CDS sectoral area_o} [gone how, -ort, showy determine, Ae a lection a BOP Demy 2 - 20 t( oom) + Teo (osm) <0 Fep= 190 KN Tension = 0 1 Fant o-2m) 6 Faye GO_N Compression Lok AS PL o.o00 v8) ; 89 eM Leo mo) “X > X= 99.3] mm Sreoring Sin. Fistamnea densi ~ ig depined 0% He onguor change berogen tre two, perpendioslor yO oF Gigpeentiol elonents. oo ___1 (otionhip between cheaving strece ond: snoring srain ouviring hoke% low 4 apply fo dheor is Forma in which G represents te model of elasticity shear —_ md comme nly called tre moduli oF rigiclty _ut THe relationship between tearing deformation cand + | opplied searing perce «Hen epreced 6 . ss — - _ VL jn ubich Vie shearing pore a AcG | acting over shearing Arta Ae

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