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ETHNOCENTRISM - is the view that one’s group is superior compared to others.

Every culture differs from the others. As a result, people find it difficult to get along with or understand other
people’s way of thinking and doing. Each group tends to believe that its view of reality is right and proper and
anything outside this context is absolutely the opposite.
Members of a particular society have the tendency to regard its culture as the best and more superior compared
to the other group. A good example is the Chinese people’s feeling of superiority anchored on the so-called
“middle kingdom complex”. Such mentality is based on the popular belief in ancient China that they lived at the
center or middle of the world and those outside of their domains are barbarians or uncivilized.
Even primordial (having existed from the beginning) societies have strong feelings that their customs are more
proper and decent compared to others. In the same way, one’s religion is pedestaled as the only true religion
while others are downplayed as false or untrue. The view that one’s group is superior compared to others is
Note: encourage the students to give examples of ethnocentrism.
All societies display a certain amount of ethnocentrism. In moderation, it has the positive effect of promoting
solidarity and loyalty within the group. Collectivism develops cultural pride and identity, the most important
ingredient in nation building.
Example: “Pinoy pride”
- When Philippine teams win in international competitions, a Filipino would proudly say “Pinoy
Pride” or “proud to be pinoy”.
What is the positive effect of ethnocentrism when used moderately?
- it promotes solidarity and loyalty within the group;
- it develops cultural pride and identity which is the most important ingredient in nation building.
However, ethnocentrism in excess leads to conflict with groups considered inferior or, in a situation in which
one group is more powerful than the other, to oppression and sometimes to genocide (the systematic killing of
people on the basis of ethnicity, religion, political opinion, social status, etc.).
Example: terrorist group ISIS killing people who are non-Muslims
What are the negative effects of ethnocentrism when used excessively?
- it leads to conflict with groups considered inferior;
- it leads to oppression;
- it leads to genocide in extreme cases.

While ethnocentrism may develop solidarity of the group, it also restricts interaction between groups and when
accompanied by antagonism (ill will or dislike) and hostility (very unfriendly), may lead to conflict.

CULTURAL RELATIVISM – is the notion that the elements of a culture should be viewed in their own terms
rather than in terms of some assumed universal standard that holds across cultures.
To mitigate (make less severe or harsh) the negative effects of ethnocentrism, it has been suggested that cultural
relativity be popularized. Advocates of cultural relativity assert that cultures must be viewed and analyzed on
their own terms, in the context of their own societal setting. No culture should be considered better than
another; different cultures should be accepted, tolerated and appreciated rather than condemned.
This approach proposes that one must suspend judgment on other people’s practices in order to better
understand them in their own cultural terms.

Quiz: Essay type (minimum of 10 sentences)

In your own small way, how will you apply the idea of cultural relativism in your everyday life?
Paano mo maisasagawa ang idea ng cultural relativism sa iyong pang araw-araw na pamumuhay?

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