Tugas B.inggris 28 Agt 2K20 Eli Irna e

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Name : Eli Irna Erviana

Nim : P05120220056

Study program : DIII Nursing

Class : 1B


Halaman 41

Translate into communicative English using the words given below.

1. (pain) saya merasakan sakit sekali di lutut saya.

Answer : I felt terrible pain in my knee.

2. (hurt) pergelangan kaki saya nyeri.

Answer : My ankle hurts.

3. (throb) kepala saya pusing berdenyut-denyut.

Answer : My head was throbbing dizzy.

4. (itch) punggung saya terasa gatal.

Answer : My back feels itchy.

5. (injure) jari tangan saya terluka.

Answer : My finger is hurt.

6. (sore) tenggorokan saya sakit.

Answer : My throad hurts.

7. (hurt) sinar yang sangat terang akan menyakitkan mata.

Answer : A very bright light would hurt the eyes.

8. (ache) kaki saya sakit karena terlalu banyak berjalan.

Answer : My leg hurts from walking too much.

9. (pain) saya merasa sakit disini.

Answer : I feel sick here.

10. (painful) punggung saya terasa sakit sekali.

Answer : My back hurts a lot.

Halaman 48

Translate into communicative English using the words given below.

1. (sprained) kakinya keseleo.

Answer : Sprained his leg.
A sprain or sprain is an injury to a ligament, the tissue that connects two or more
bones in a joint. This condition generally occurs in the ankles due to physical

2. (difficulty) ia susah bernapas.

Answer : He had difficulty breathing.
Shortness of breath or dyspnea is an uncomfortable condition that makes it difficult
for you to breathe because of the insufficient supplay of air entering the lungs.

3. (vomit) pasien itu muntah darah.

Answer : The patient vomited blood.
Vomiting is a condition when the stomach forces out through the mouth.

4. (bloody stool) dokter, mr. X buang air bercampur darah.

Answer : Doctor, mr. X urine was mixed with blood.
Blood can come out during bowel movements due to irritation, constipation,
hemorrhoids, digestive conditions, or colon cancer.

5. (chickenpox) ia mungkin kena cacar.

Answer : He might have had smallpox.
Chickenpox is a disease caused by a viral infection that causes itching on the skin
and is usually characterized by the appearance of red, fluid-filled spots. The
varicella-zoster virus (VZV).

6. (constipation) ia mengalami susah b.a.b.

Answer : He had difficulty defecating.
Constipation is a symtoms of unsatisfactory defecation symptoms with bowl
movements <3 time in difficulty.

7. (bowel moticon)ia sering buang air besar.

Answer : He had frequent bowl movements.
Diarrhea can be caused by things other than illness.
8. (dizzy) ia merasa pusing.
Answer : He feels dizzy.
Dizziness is a sensation such as floating, spinning, glancing, or feeling faint.

9. (suffer) ia menderita sakit perut yang amat sngat.

Answer : He had a terrible stomachache.
Endure something unpleasant.

10. (brother) sakit semacam apa yang mengganggu anda? (what kind of pain)
Answer : What kind of pain brothers you.

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