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Dosen Pengajar :


Disusun Oleh : Mirani Dwi Afriliyanti

NIM : P05120220066

Kelas : I B


Modul 6 (Part of thr body and health problems)

Ache = rasa sakit

Examples :
 Mummy, I’ve got a tummy ache
 Muscular aches and pains can be soothed by a relaxing massage
 Bellyache/ stomachache : sakitperut
Achy (adj) : achy adjective (informal)
Examples : I felt hot and achy all over

Pain :suatu rasa yang dialami tubuh akibat suatu penyakit, luka, atau tindakan
Examples :
 She was clearly in a lot pain
 He felt sharp pain in his knee
 Patients suffering from an acute back pain
 Stomach/ chest pains
 The booklet contains information on pain relief during labor
 This cream shuld help to relieve the pain
Painful (adj) :terasa sakit
Examples :
 Is your bck still painful?
 My ankle is still too painful to walk on

Hurt :menyebabkan terasa sakit secara fisik, terluka

Examples :
 He hurt his back playing squash
 Did you hurt yourself?
 My back is really hurting me today
 Stronglight hurts my eyes
 My shors hurt they’re too tight
Terasa sakit
Examples :
 My feet hurt
 Ouch! That hurts!
 It hurts when I bend my knee
Terluka secara fisik
Examples :
 None of the passengers were badly hurt

Injure :melukai, luka, menyebabkan luka

Examples :
 He injured his knee playing hockey
 Three people were killed and five injured in the crash
 She injured during training

Throb (v) :terasa sakit berdenyut

Examples :
 His head throbbed painfully
 My feet were throbbing after the long walk home
Throb (n) :sakit yang berdenyut
Examples :
 My headache feded to a dull throbbing

Sore (adj) :sakit,kb, luka, pegal-linu, perih (bisa karena infeksi atau gerakan otot
yang berlebihan)
Examples :
 I have a sore throat
 His feet were sore after the walk
 My stomach is still sore (+painful) after the operation
(Soremoun) :bagian tubuh yang sakit, berwarna merah, akibat luka: open

Itch :gatal
Examples :
 (itch verb)
 I itch all over
 Does the rash itch
 This sweater really itches
(itch noun)
 I get/ have an itch
Modul 7 (Asking, reporting, health, problem and diagnosing)

1. ( sprained) Kaki saya keseleo.

Answer: (sprained) sprained his feet.
2. (difficulty) ia sudah bernapas.
Answer: (difficulty) he has difficulty.
3. (vomit) pasien itu muntah darah.
Answer: (vomit) the pattenty vomited blood.
4. (bloody stoo) Dr,Mr . X buang air bercampurdarah.
Answer: (bloody stoo) Dr,Mr . X defecates mixed with blood.
5. (chickenpox) ia mungkin kena cacar.
Answer : (chickenpox) he migh get chickenpox.
6. (constipation) dia mengalami susah b.a.b
Answer: (constipation) He had a difficulty chapter.
7. (bowel motion) ia sering buang air besar.
Answer : (bowel motion) He has frequent bowel movement.
8. (dizzy) ia merasa pusing.
Answer : (dizzy) she felt dizzy
9. (suffer) ia menderita sakit perut.
Answer : (suffer) he was, suffering from a very bsd stomachache.
10.(bother) sakit semacam apa yang mengganggu anda? (what kind of pain)
Answer : (bother) what kind of pain is bothering you? (What kinf of pain)

Taks 2.
1. (pain) saya merasakan sakit sekali di lutut saya.
Answer : (pain) I felt terrible pain in my knee.
2. (hurt) pergelangan kaki saya nyeri.
Answer : (hurt) My head was throbbing dizzy.
3. (throb) kepala saya pusing berdenyut – denyut
Answer : (throb) My head was throbbing dizzy
4. (itch) punggung saya terasa gatal.
Answer : (itch) My back is itchy.
5. (injure) jaritangansayaterluka.
Answer : (injure) My finger is injured.
6. (sore) tenggorokansayasakit.
Answer : ( afternoon) I have a sore throat.
7. (hurt) sinar yang sangat terang akan menyakitkan mata.
Answer : (hurt) A very bright light will hurt the eyes.
8. (Ache) kaki saya sakit karena terlalu banyak berjalan.
Answer : (ache) My legs hurt from walking too much.
9. (pain) saya merasa sakit di sini.
Answer : (pain) I feel sick here.
10. (painful) punggung saya terasa sakit sekali
Answer : (painful) My back hurts so much.

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