Second Year Engineering: Semester

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Tech (Mineral Engineering) Syllabus for Admission Batch 2015-16 3rd Semester

Second Year Engineering

Third Semester
Theory Practical
Code Course Name Hours/ Credit University Internal Hours/ Credit Marks
week Theory Marks Evaluation Week Practical
PC Introduction to Mineral 3-0 3 100 50 2 1 50
PC Geology 3-0 3 100 50 2 1 50
PC Particulate Technology 3-0 3 100 50 2 1 50
PC Analytical Technology 3-0 3 100 50
in Mineral Engg.
PC Fluid Mechanics 3-1 4 100 50 2 1 50
HS Engineering Economics/ 2-1 3 100 50
Organizational Behavior

Total 19 19 600 300 8 4 200

Total Marks: 1100
Total Credits: 23
For Honours and Minor 4 4 100 50

B.Tech (Mineral Engineering) Syllabus for Admission Batch 2015-16 3rd Semester

Module I (10 hours)

Introduction: Scope of fluid mechanics and its development as a science
Physical property of Fluid: Density, specific gravity, specific weight, specific volume,
surface tension and capillarity, viscosity, compressibility and bulk modulus, Fluid
Fluid statics: Pressure, Pascal’s Law, Pressure variation for incompressible fluid,
atmospheric pressure, absolute pressure, gauge pressure and vacuum pressure,
Hydrostatic process on submerged surface, force on a horizontal submerged plane
surface, force on a vertical submerged plane surface.
Buoyancy and floatation, Archimedes’ principle, stability of immersed and floating
bodies, determination of Meta centric height.

Module II (10 hours)

Fluid kinematics: Introduction, description of fluid flow, classification of fluid flow.
Reynold’s number, Acceleration of fluid particles, flow rate and continuity equation,
differential equation of continuity,
Mathematical definitions of irrotational and rotational motion. Circulation, potential
function and stream function. Flow network.
Module III (12 hours)
Fluid dynamics : Introduction, Euler’s equation along a streamline, energy equation,
Bernoulli’s equation and its application to siphon, venturimeter, orificemeter, pitot tube.
Flow in pipes and ducts: Loss due to friction, Minor energy losses in pipes Hydraulic
Gradient Line (HGL), Total Energy Line (TEL), Power transmission in the fluid flow in
pipes, fluid flow in pipes in series and parallel. Flow through nozzles.
Module IV (08 hours)
Steady & Unsteady Flows; Overall mass, energy & momentum balance; Navier Stokes
equation; Newton’s Law, Non-Newtonian Fluids; Laminar flow in falling film, flow
through conduits etc; Inviscid fluid flow, Viscous flow, Laminar & Turbulent Boundary
Layer Theory, Friction Factor; Flow past immersed objects, packed and fluidized bed.
Text Books:
1. P. N. Modi and S. M. Seth, Hydraulic and Fluid Mechanics, Standard Book House,
New Delhi, 2002.
2. R.K.Bansal, A Text Book of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines, Laxmi
3. K. C. Patra, Engineering Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machines, Narosa
Publishing House, New Delhi, I st edition, 2008.
Reference Books:
1. J. F. Douglas, J. M. Gasiorek, J. A. Swaffield, Fluid Mechanics, Pearson Education,
Asia, 1st edition, 2002.
2. F. M. White, Fluid Mechanics, Tata McGraw-Hill, 5th Edition, New Delhi, 2003.
3. R. K. Bansal, Fluid Mechanics and Hyd. Machines, Laxmi publisher, New Delhi,
4. Som & Biswas, Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines, Tata McGraw Hill, New
Delhi, 2004.
5. Subramanyam, Problems in Fluid Mechanics, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2004.
B.Tech (Mineral Engineering) Syllabus for Admission Batch 2015-16 3rd Semester

A. Flow Measurement
1. Calibration of Rotometer
2. Flow through Venturimeter
3. Flow through a circular Orifice
4. Determination of mean velocity by Pitot tube
5. Verification of Bernoulli’s Theorem
B. Losses in Pipes
6. Determination of friction coefficient in pipes
7. Determination of losses due to bends, fittings and elbows
C. Pumps
8. Characteristics of Centrifugal pumps
9. Characteristics of Gear pump
10. Characteristics of Submersible pump
11. Characteristics of Reciprocating pump D. Turbines
12. Characteristics of Pelton wheel turbine
13. Characteristics of Francis turbine E. Determination of Metacentric height
14. Determination of Metacentric height

B.Tech (Mineral Engineering) Syllabus for Admission Batch 2015-16 3rd Semester
PMI3I102 GEOLOGY (3-0-0)

Module I (10 hours)

Mineral resources: Brief idea about mineral resources of India: Geographical
Distribution and reserves, Mining methods. Crystal systems- all normal classes.
Petrology- Brief description of Igneous, Sedimentary & Metamorphic rocks, Genesis of
common rocks and Minerals.

Module II (12 hours)

Crystallography – Axial relationship, symmetry elements and forms present in normal
class of cubic, Tetragonal, Hexagonal, Orthorhombic, monoclinic and Triclinic systems.
Mineralogy – Classification of minerals, Physical properties of minerals, Chemical
physical and optical properties of silicate mineral groups: Olivine, Garnet, pyroxene,
Amphibole, Mica, Felspar and Quartz.

Module III (08 hours)

Mineral Chemistry: Geochemical differentiation, geochemical classification of elements,
isomorphism polymorphism, geochemical cycle. Mineral Economics: Sampling, assaying,
elementary idea on drilling and mining methods.

Module IV (6 hours)
Mineral Deposits: Classification of mineral deposits, Process of formation of mineral
deposits- Magmatic concentration, Hydrothermal, Residual and Mechanical
concentration, contact metasomatism, Oxidation and supergene sulphide enrichment,
sublimation, Evaporation and Metamorphism. Uses Mineralogy, mode of occurrence,
genesis and Indian distribution of ore deposits viz., Iron, Manganese, chromium,
Aluminium, Copper, Lead and Zinc, Radioactive minerals.

Text Books:
1. Text Book of Geology – P.K.Mukherjee
2. Text Book of Geology- G.B. Mahapatra
3. Parbin Singh. Geology for Engineers, IBH Publications, N. Delhi. 1991.
4. Arthur Holemess, Principles of Physical Geology, Thomas Nelson and Sons, USA,
5. Ford, W.E. Dana’s Textbook of Minerology (4th edition), Wiley Eastern Ltd., N.
Delhi, 1989.
6. Winter, J.D. An Introduction to Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology, Prentice
Hall, N. Delhi, 2001.
7. Billings, M.P. Structural Geology, Prentice Hall Ino., N. Jersey, USA, 1972.
8. Krishnan M.S. Geology of India and Burma, 3rd Edition, IBH Publishers, N. Delhi,
Reference Books:
1. Element of Petrology-Tyrell
2. Structural Geology- Marland P. Billings
3. Ruffles Elements of Mineralogy- H.H.Reid
4. Physical Geology – Sainder Singh
5. Blyth F.G.H. and de Freitas M.H. Geology for Engineers, 7th edition, Elsevier

Publications, 2006.
6. Bell F.G. Engineering Geology, Elsevier Publications, 2007
B.Tech (Mineral Engineering) Syllabus for Admission Batch 2015-16 3rd Semester
The student will have to go for four weekends for geological tour besides sessional /
practical classes in 3 semester.
1) Study of Physical properties of minerals.
2) Study of important igneous sedimentary and metamorphic rocks.
3) Interpretation of folds and faults from maps.

B.Tech (Mineral Engineering) Syllabus for Admission Batch 2015-16 3rd Semester

Module I (08 hours)

Basic definitions, properties of particulates, storage & handling of Fine particulates.
Sampling of solids and slurries- principle, methods, sampling theories, sampling for
different application, Indian standards. Laboratory & industrial Sampling techniques.
Module II (10 hours)
Production of fine particles and their characterization, particle size distribution, shape,
surface roughness, porosity; packing in heaps and sediments; particle charge; adsorbed
material; interfacial tension; granule strength/attrition/deformation.
Module III (12 hours)
Powder Storage - Angle of repose, hopper storage, fines percolation.
Mechanical transport – Belt, bucket and screw conveyors; flowability, dynamic
weighing, power consumption, selection based on particle size/shape/strength of
Convective transport – sedimentation rate, suspension in stirred tanks, rheology of
slow-settling slurries.
Module IV (06 hours)
Bulk solids packing density and ratio, Bulk solids properties – bulk density, true density,
abrasivity, voidage, friability and flowability. Fundamentals of blending – effects of
component size, shape, and density on blend time.

Text Books:
1. Introduction to Particle Technology by Martin Rhodes
2. J. K. Beddow, Particulate Science and Technology.
3. R. B. Bird, W. E. Stewart, and E. N. Lightfoot Transport phenomena, John Wiley &
Sons; Revised 2nd Edition Edition, 2007
4. M. Leva, Fluidization.


Methods of sampling, accuracy and precision of sampling. Determination particle size
distribution of powder by Dry sieving, Comparison of wet and dry sieving efficiencies
for fine powders, Sieving by alpine air jet sieve sizer, Sub sieve sizing by: Warman
cyclosizer, beaker decantation techniques, Andersen Pipette method. Surface area
determination. Bulk density, true density and apparent, porosity, fariability
B.Tech (Mineral Engineering) Syllabus for Admission Batch 2015-16 3rd Semester
Module I (06 hours)
Classification of various minerals such as Sulphides, oxides, Silicates, hydroxides etc by
microscopic methods.
Module II (06 hours)
Classification of various minerals such as Sulphides, oxides, Silicates, hydroxides etc by
spectroscopic methods.
Module III (12 hours)
Determination grade of ore such as iron, copper, Zinc, lead, limestone etc by using
Volumetric, gravimetric and instrumental methods of analysis.
Module IV (12 hours)
Instrumentation methods of analysis, principles of AAS, IR, DTA, TGA etc and their
application in mineral processing.

Text Books:
1. Essential of polarized light microscopy by John Gustav Delly Scientific Advisor
2. Kauffmann: Characterization of Materials, John Wiley, 2003.
3. D.G.Brandon: Modern Techniques in Metallography, Butterworths, London,
4. F. Weinberg: Tools and Techniques in Physical Metallurgy, Vols. 1-2, Marcel and
Dekkar, 1970.
5. ASM Metal Hand Book, Vol. 10: Materials Characterization, ASM International,

B.Tech (Mineral Engineering) Syllabus for Admission Batch 2015-16 3rd Semester


Module I (10 hours)

Definition of Minerals And Ore, Economics of mineral processing, grade-recovery curve,
Liberation, degree of Liberation.
Module II (10 hours)
Important Unit operations-Comminution, physical separation, magnetic and
electrostatic separation, chemical separation processes, mass balances(Two and three
product system)
Module III (10 hours)
Size separation-laboratory and Industrial techniques, classification, dewatering,
Module IV (06 hours)
Waste disposal, Flow sheet development, environmental issue.

Text Books:
1. Mineral Processing Technology by B.A. Wills and Tim Napier-Munn

1. Jain, S.K., Ore Processing, Oxford – IBH Publishing, 1984.
2. Gaudin, A.M., Principles of Mineral Dressing – McGraw Hill Book Company, 1971.
3. Taggart, A.F., Handbook of Mineral Dressing, John Wiley and Sons, New York,
4. Wills, B.A. Mineral Processing Technology, Pergamon Press, 1985. 5. Vijayendra,
H.G., Handbook on Mineral Dressing, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. 1995.


1. Crushing of the ore and finding the R.R. of the Jaws.

2. Determination of R.R. of the ball mill.
3. Determination of critical speed of the ball mill.
4. Determination of grindability index of ball mill
5. Laboratory screen analysis for finding average particle size.(Sieve analysis)
6. Roll crusher
7. Jigging.
8. Electromagnetic separation.
B.Tech (Mineral Engineering) Syllabus for Admission Batch 2015-16 3rd Semester


Module I (12 Hours)

Importance of Thermodynamics, definition of thermodynamic terms; concept of states,
simple equilibrium. Equation of states, extensive and intensive properties,
homogeneous and heterogeneous systems. Phase diagram of a single component
system. Internal energy, heat capacity, enthalpy, isothermal, and adiabatic processes.
Module II (10 Hours)
Second law of thermodynamics, entropy, degree of reversibility and irreversibility,
criteria of equilibrium, auxiliary functions, combined statements, Maxwell’s relations,
transformation formula, Gibbs-Helmoltz equation.
Concept of Third law of thermodynamics, temperature dependence of entropy,
statistical interpretation of entropy, Debye and Einstein concept of heat capacity,
relation between Cp and Cv, consequences of third law.
Module III (08 Hours)
Fugacity, activity, equilibrium constant, use of S-functions, controlled atmospheres,
homogeneous and heterogeneous equilibria.
Ellingham – Richardson diagrams, phase stability diagrams.
Solutions: partial molal quantities, ideal and non-ideal solutions, Henry’s law, Gibbs –
Duhem equation, regular solution, quasi-chemical approach to solution, statistical
treatment. One weight percentage standard state, chemical potential, phase relations
and phase rule – its applications.
Module IV (10 Hours)
Free energy – composition diagrams for binary alloy systems, determination of liquidus,
solidus and solvus lines. Effect of pressure on phase transformation and phase
Thermodynamics of electrochemical cells, solid electrolytes. Thermodynamics of point
defects in solids.
Introduction to metallurgical kinetics: heterogeneous reaction kinetics: gas-solid, solid –
liquid, liquid – liquid and solid-solid systems. Empirical and semi-empirical kinetics,
concept of Johnson – Mehl equation, thermal analysis.

1. Introduction to the Thermodynamics of Materials by D.R.Gaskell; Taylor and
2. Physical Chemistry of Metals by L.S.Darken & R.W. Gurry; McGraw Hill Book
Company Inc.
3. Problems in Applied Thermodynamics by C. Bodsworth & A.S. Appleton;
Longmans, Green and Co. Ltd.
4. Introduction to Metallurgical Thermodynamics by R.H.Tupkary; tu publishers,
5. Problems in Metallurgical Thermodynamics & Kinetics by G.S. Upadhyay &
R.K.Dube; Pergamon Press.
6. Chemical and Metallurgical Thermodynamics – Part I & II by M.L.Kapoor.
7. Kinetics of Metallurgical Reactions by H.S.Ray; Oxford and IBH Publishing Co.
8. Textbook of Materials and Metallurgical Thermodynamics by A. Ghosh;

Prentice Hall of India

B.Tech (Mineral Engineering) Syllabus for Admission Batch 2015-16 4th Semester
Fourth Semester
Theory Practical
Code Course Name Hours/ Credit University Internal Hours/ Credit Marks
week Theory Marks Evaluation Week Practical
HS Applied Mathematics III 3-0 3 100 50
PC Communication & 3-0 3 100 50 2 1 50
PC Bulk Material Handling 3-0 3 100 50 2 1 50
PC Physical Separation 3-0 3 100 50 2 1 50
PC Advanced Fluid 3-0 3 100 50 2 1 50
HS Engineering Economics/ 2-1 3 100 50
Organizational Behavior
*Skill Project and Hands 6 3 100
Total 18 18 600 300 14 7 300
Total Marks: 1200
Total Credits: 25
For Honours and Minor 4 4 100 50

B.Tech (Mineral Engineering) Syllabus for Admission Batch 2015-16 4th Semester

Complex Analysis:
Analytic function, Cauchy-Riemann equations, Complex integration: Line integral in the
complex plane, Cauchy’s integral theorem, Cauchy’s integral formula, Derivatives of
analytic functions, Taylor’s series, Maclaurin’s series, Laurent’s series, Singularities and

Complex Analysis:
Residue integration method, evaluation of real integrals
Numerical Methods:
Errors of numerical results, error propagation,., Lagrange Interpolation, Newton divided
difference interpolation, Newton’s forward and backward interpolation, Spline


Numerical Methods:
Numerical integration: The trapezoidal rule, The Simpson’s rules, Gauss Integration
Solution of ordinary differential equation: Euler’s method, Improvement of Euler’s method,
Runge-Kutta methods, multi step methods, Methods for system and higher order ordinary
differential equations.


Probability Theory and Its Applications: Probability, Random variables, Probability

distributions, Mean and variance; Features of Probability Distribution: Binomial, Poisson,
Uniform and Normal distribution, Distribution of several random variables.

Statistical Techniques and Its Applications: Scope of Statistics, Random sampling,

Sampling Distribution, Correlation analysis, Regression Analysis, Fitting Straight Lines,
Estimation of Parameters, Statistical Hypothesis.

Text books:
1. E. Kreyszig,” Advanced Engineering Mathematics:,Tenth Edition, Wiley India
2. S.Pal and S.C. Bhunia, “Engineering Mathematics” Oxford University Press
3. Jay L. Devore, “Probability and Statistics for Engineering and Sciences”, Seventh
Edition, Thomson/CENGAGE Learning India Pvt. Ltd

Reference books:

1. E.B. Saff, A.D.Snider, “Fundamental of Complex Analysis”, Third Edition, Pearson

Education, New Delhi

2. P. V. O’Neil, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, CENGAGE Learning, New Delhi

B.Tech (Mineral Engineering) Syllabus for Admission Batch 2015-16 4th Semester

Module I (10 Hours)

Industrial screening: Fundamentals of screening, Dry and wet screening, Classification of
screens, operation and maintenance of different types of industrial screens. Pre-scrubbing
and other processes to improve screening efficiency.

Module II (10 Hours)

Crushing: Selection of crushers, Jaw, Gyratory, Cone, Roll crusher, Hammer mills., crushing
circuits,optimization of crushing circuits, High compression rolls: their construction,
operation maintenance and performance aspects. In-pit and portable crushers.

Module III (16 Hours) Classification: Introducing

to different types of classifiers used in mineral industry; Hydrocyclones; construction,
operation, maintenance. Efficiency of classifiers, solid and water balance calculations.

Module IV (10 Hours)

Grinding:Mill selection, Grinding mills principles, construction and their operation, Mill
liners, Feed entry, and product discharge mechanisms. Open and closed circuit grinding:
Ball, Rod, Pebble, Autogenous and Fluid energy mills. Application of these mills for specific
processing requirements: Effect of process parameters on mill performance.Closed& open
circuit grinding optimigation. Comminution circuit design.


Estimation of reduction ratios, capacities and efficiencies for various size reduction units
such as Jaw crushers, Roll Crushers, Ball mills etc. Determination of Bond and HGI work
index values for the given samples. Performance analysis of laboratory model continuous
screen.Calculation of setting velocity of particle.

B.Tech (Mineral Engineering) Syllabus for Admission Batch 2015-16 4th Semester
Module I (16 Hours) Properties of bulk material
as a function of size distribution, Characterigation of bulk materials, Design of storage
system : Silos, bins &hoppers,different modes of feeding and discharge systems,basic
calculation on the selection of storage devices.

Module II (10 Hours) Design, operation &

maintenance aspect of various conveying systems, their selection &application.Process
control & instrumentation for conveying systems.

Module III (10 Hours) Loading& unloading

systems, Stacking, blending & reclaiming of bulk materials. Automation & on-line
monitoring of bulk material handling system.

Module IV

Rapid loading system. Merry-go-round systems,Designing of bulk material handling plants.


1. Model study of different silos, bins and hoppers.

2. Model study of different feeding and discharge system.
3. Model study of Belt conveyor, Chain conveyor, Shaker conveyor.
4. Model study of stacking and reclaiming system
5. Laboratory classes related to various material handling systems and industrial visits

B.Tech (Mineral Engineering) Syllabus for Admission Batch 2015-16 4th Semester

Module I(12 Hours)

Separation of particles using Wilfley Table. Performance analysis of a laboratory size
mineralJig, laboratory concentration table treating synthetic mixture samples
Module II(13 Hours)
Effect of irrigation water, inclination, angle on the performance of a Mozely Mineral
Separator treating various minerals.Demonstration on Multi-gravity separator.
Module III
Role of flocculation and dispersion,SelectiveFlocculation,Factors affecting flocculation and
Module IV(20 Hours)
Determination of magnetic content of a given sample using Davis tube magnetic separator,
Effect of feed rate, current intensity on separation of magnetic and non-magnetic particles
with Low and high intensity magnetic separators. Recovery of minerals by using
Electrostatic separator.
1. Mineral Processing Technology by B.A. Wills and Tim Napier-Munn


1. Performance analysis of Wilfley tableand effect of operating parameters

2. Performance analysis of mineral jig and effect of operating parameters

3. Performance analysis ofMozely Mineral Separator

4. Davis tube magnetic separation

5. Dry magnetic separator(roll type)

Electrostatic separator

B.Tech (Mineral Engineering) Syllabus for Admission Batch 2015-16 4th Semester
Module I(8Hours)
Movement of solids in fluids, suspension & their behavior, slurry rheology.

Module II(14Hours)
Centrifugal pumps-various types, design&efficiency, evaluation criterion,
Slurry & Dredge pumps- various types, design&efficiency, evaluation criterion,
Slurry Flow through pipelines-concept of critical velocity, roughnessfactor,
moody’sdiagram, pipediameter& capacity correlation.
Module III(14Hours)
Pump & pipeline design-short distance & long distance slurry pipelines, practical issues.
Feed solid preparation & effects of feed solid quality variation on transport efficiency.
Module IV
Dewatering of slurry at the discharge end.
Recycling of process water &pipeline design.
Numerical Problems in All Modules.

PMI4001 BIO- MINERAL PROCESSING (4-0-0) (Honours Subject)

Module I (10 Hours)Concept and scope of bio-

mineral processing.
Module II
Utility of Microbes for beneficiation andselective dissolution of minerals/metals.
Module III (10 Hours)
Types of microbes & their genesis, Culturing and identification of microbes with reference
to bio-processing. Acid mine
drainage its impact and control.
Module IV (16 Hours)
Bio-flotation and flocculation.Application of Bio-processing and dissolution.
B.Tech (Mineral Engineering) Syllabus for Admission Batch 2015-16 5th Semester
Fifth Semester
Theory Practical
Code Course Name Hours/week Credit University Internal Hours/week Credit Marks
L/T Theory Marks Evaluation L/T Practical

PC Coal Preparation 3-0 3 100 50 2 1 50

PC Surface 3-0 3 100 50 2 1 50
Phenomenon &
Froth Flotation

PC Process 3-0 3 100 50 2 1 50

Selection & Design

PE Mineral 3-1 4 100 50

Legislation &
Waste Treatment
& Management

OE Extractive 3-1 4 100 50


PC Advance Lab-I 8 4 200

Total 17 17 500 250 14 7 350
Total Marks: 1100
Total Credits: 24
For Honours and 4 4 100 50
Minor Specialization

B.Tech (Mineral Engineering) Syllabus for Admission Batch 2015-16 5th Semester
(Professional Core Paper)

Module I (08 Hours)

Coal characteristics, Necessity, scope and application of coal preparation, washability
characteristics of coal, effect of mining methods on size, quality and washability.
Module II (08 Hours)
Crushing of coal: Various types of coal size reduction process and their significance.
Screening of coal: Classification of coal using various screens and their efficiency.
Module III (10 Hours)
Coarse coal cleaning: Jigs, heavy media baths and heavy media cyclones. Use of Spirals
and tables for coal processing.Performance analysis of different coal cleaning unit
operations (Partition curves, misplacement, Meyers curve) and their merits and
Module IV (10 Hours)
Fine coal cleaning: Challenges in fine coal cleaning, Froth-Flotation, water-only cyclone,
Vorsyl separators, oil – agglomeration. Product disposal and miscellaneous methods,
coal preparation economics, coal preparation flowsheets, modern developments.


1. Comparative crushing characteristics of coal in a conventional high speed roll-

crusher and a slow speed roll-crusher (sizer).
2. Sink –float test including ash analysis and plotting of washability curves.
3. Bench scale washing of coal in a static bath and calculation of probable error and
imperfection in separation.
4. Effect of frother dosage on collector less flotation of coking coal.
5. Effect of frother dosage on collector aided flotation of a coking coal at a fixed
diesel oil dosage.
6. Effect of diesel dosage on collector aided flotation of a coking coal at a fixed
frother dosage.
7. Determination of size and density profile of stratified jig bed.
8. Demonstration of centrifugal separators such as Water-only cyclone, Heavy
media Cyclone/Separator, Vorsyl separator. 33
B.Tech (Mineral Engineering) Syllabus for Admission Batch 2015-16 5th Semester
(Professional Core Paper)

Module I (08 hours)

Overview of the properties of solid-liquid, solid-gas and gas-liquid interfaces.Electro
kinetic (zeta) potential.
Module II (08 hours)
Contact angle – its role in froth flotation. Different types of Frothers, Cationic, anionic
and other collectors. Activators and depressants, pH regulators and
modifiers.Interaction of the different reagents in froth flotation.Need and effects of
Module III (10 hours)
Froth flotation machines – Bubble column, agitation froth and other types of flotation
cells, Design of aeration devices, impellers, casings and air flow rates. Flotation
Kinetics.The effects of the reagents, cell design and mode of operation on the flotation
rates. Estimation of residence time and total cell volumes required.
Module IV (10 hours)
Design and operation of froth flotation circuits.Rougher, scavenger, cleaner and
recleaner operations. Pulp densities and hence water requirements for different stages
of froth flotation. Maintenance of pulp heights and froth depths in the cells for different
stages.Estimation of the effects of the circulating load in the froth flotation circuits.
Text Books:
1. Froth Flotation by A.M.Gaudin - McCraw-Hill, 1957
2. Mineral Processing Technology by Barty A. Wills and Tim Napier Munn - Elsevier
1. Handbook of Mineral Dressing by A.F.Taggart - John Wiley and Sons, New York.
2. Mineral Processing Design and Operation by A.Gupta and D.S.Yan - Elsevier 2006
3. Ore Dressing by R.H.Richards (4 volumes) – Engineering & Mining Journal 1909
4. Ore Dressing Principles and Practice by T.Simon – McGraw Hill Co., 1924
5. A Text Book of Ore Dressing by S.J.Truscott – London Macmillan. 1923
6. Handbook of Ore Dressing by A.F.Taggart - John Wiley and Sons, New York. 1956
7. Handbook of Ore Dressing by A.W.Allen – McGraw Hill Co., 1920
8. Complete Technology Book on Mineral Processing by NPSC Board – Asia Pacific
Business Press 2008


1. Selective flotation of complex sulphide ores: flotation of chalcopyrite, lead and

2. Flotation of lime stone / flotation of dolomite, Reverse flotation of silica. Effects
of reagents dosages on flotation, effect of pH, effect of collection time etc.

B.Tech (Mineral Engineering) Syllabus for Admission Batch 2015-16 5th Semester
(Professional Core Paper)

Module I (10 hours)

Brief review of mineral engineering unit operations and the ranges of equipment
ordinarily used for them. Introduction to various methodologies involved in the
selection and sizing of various mineral processing units. Selection and sizing of
reciprocating and non-reciprocating crushers. Selection and sizing of rod mills, different
types ball mills, autogenous mills and semi autogenous mills
Module II (08 hours)
Selection and sizing of various size separators such as screens and hydraulic classifiers
including limitations involved. Selection and sizing of High Tension Roll Separators and
choices of configurations.Study of the effect of earlier operations.
Module III (10 hours)
Selection of size reduction equipment especially for coal beneficiation and coal handling
plants.Partial deshaling in the size reduction circuit based on differences in breakage
Module IV (08 hours)
Various mineral beneficiation equipments for treating coal and minerals such as jigs,
flotation machines, and shakings tables.
Text Books
1. Mineral Processing Design & Operation by A.Gupta&D.S.Yan - Elsevier 2006
2. Recent Advances in Mineral Processing Plant Design by Malhotra et al - © 2009
Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration (SME)

1. The Open Mineral Processing Journal, ISSN 1874-8414,
2. Handbook of Mineral Dressing by A.F.Taggart - John Wiley and Sons, New York.
3. Mineral Dressing by A.M.Gaudin - McCraw-Hill, 1957
4. Ore Dressing by R.H.Richards (4 volumes) – Engineering & Mining Journal 1909
5. Ore Dressing Principles and Practice by T.Simon – McGraw Hill Co., 1924
6. A Text Book of Ore Dressing by S.J.Truscott – London Macmillan. 1923
7. Handbook of Ore Dressing by A.F.Taggart - John Wiley and Sons, New York. 1956
8. Handbook of Ore Dressing by A.W.Allen – McGraw Hill Co., 1920
9. Complete Technology Book on Mineral Processing by NPSC Board – Asia Pacific
Business Press 2008
B.Tech (Mineral Engineering) Syllabus for Admission Batch 2015-16 5th Semester
(Professional Core Paper)

Instrumental methods of investigation: X-ray, DTA/TGA, Spectroscopy – atomic

absorption, flame photometry, UV and IR spectrophotometry and colorimetry Zeta
potential measurement, SEM, TEM.


(Professional Elective Paper)

Module I: Introduction (10 hours)

Classifications of indicated, estimated, proved, minable and other types of mineral
reserves. Relationships between cut off grade, average grade, run off mine, concentrate
and reject grades. Role of beneficiation in conservation.Overview of evolution of
legislation for conservation of minerals and collection of revenue on minerals and
mineral products. Powers of the Parliament, Central Government and State
Governments to make laws related to minerals and fossil fuels.
Module II: Conservation law (10 hours)
Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act. Mineral Concession Rules,
Mining Lease Rules and other subordinate legislations under MM(RD) Act. Legal notices,
returns, and reports for construction and operation of mineral and coal beneficiation
plants.Roles of Ministries of Mines.Indian Bueau of Mines and other Government
agencies. Indian laws related to off shore mining and beneficiation.

Module III: Safety and Environment law (08 hours)

Overview of safety and environment laws including Factories Act, Mines Act, Forest and
Environment Act.Overview of rules and regulations for safety of persons in benefication
Module IV: Accident Analysis (08 hours)
Standing orders and procedures laid down for prevention of accidents. Standard
operating procedures in case of accidents including disasters.Responsibilies of officials
for inspection and maintainance of safety equipment as well as periodic safety drills.
Structures, equipoment and processes for prevention of environmental damage due to
1. Mineral Conservation: 1964: Bryon Nelson Cooper
2. Natural Resources Conservation and Environment Management: S A Quazi and
NavaidShabirQuazi: isbn=8131304043
3. A P H Publishing Corporation, 4435-36/7, Ansari Road, Darya GanjNew Delhi
4. Government of India publications including web sites of Ministry of Mines,
Ministry of Labour, Ministry of Forest and Environment

B.Tech (Mineral Engineering) Syllabus for Admission Batch 2015-16 5th Semester
(Professional Elective Paper)


Types of industries and industrial pollution – Characteristics of industrial wastes –
Population equivalent – Bioassay studies – effects of industrial effluents on streams,
sewer, land, sewage treatment plants and human health – Environmental legislations
related to prevention and control of industrial effluents and hazardous wastes

Waste management Approach – Waste Audit – Volume and strength reduction –

Material and process modifications – Recycle, reuse and byproduct recovery –
Sources, Characteristics, waste treatment flow sheets for selected industries such as
Textiles, Tanneries, Pharmaceuticals, Electroplating industries, Dairy, Sugar, Paper,
distilleries, Steel plants, Refineries, fertilizer, thermal power plants – Wastewater
reclamation concepts
Equalisation – Neutralisation – Removal of suspended and dissolved organic solids –
Chemical oxidation – Adsorption – Removal of dissolved inorganics – Combined
treatment of industrial and municipal wastes – Residue management – Dewatering –
1. Shen T.T., “Industrial Pollution Prevention”, Springer, 1999.
2. Stephenson R.L. and Blackburn J.B., Jr., “Industrial Wastewater Systems Hand
book”, Lewis Publisher, New York, 1998
3. Freeman H.M., “Industrial Pollution Prevention Hand Book”, McGraw Hill Inc.,
New Delhi, 1995.
4. Bishop, P.L., “Pollution Prevention: Fundamental & Practice”, McGraw Hill, 2000.
5. Pandey, “Environmental Management” Vikas Publications, 2010.
6. Industrial Wastewater Management, Treatment and Disposal”,(WEF – MOP –
FD3) McGraw Hill, 2008
B.Tech (Mineral Engineering) Syllabus for Admission Batch 2015-16 5th Semester
(Optional Elective Paper)
Module I (12 hours)

Unit processes in pyrometallurgy: Calcination and roasting, sintering, smelting,

converting, reduction, smelting-reduction, metallothermic and hydrogen reduction;
distillation and other physical and chemical refining methods – their thermodynamic
and kinetic treatment with appropriate examples.
Module- II (12 hours)
Unit processes in hydrometallurgy: Leaching, purification of leach liquor, solvent
extraction, ion-exchange process, potential-pH diagrams, different metal recovery
processes from aqueous phase, bacteria leaching.
Module-III (14 hours)
Electrometallurgy: Faraday’s Laws of Electrolysis, concept of overvoltage, limiting
current density, total cell voltage, series and parallel electrical circuits in refining,
aqueous and fused salt electrolysis, electro refining of common metals like Cu, Zn, Ag,
Au, Ni, Mn, Al, Mg etc
Module-IV (14 hours)
Numerical problems relevant to different pyro- , hydro- and electrometallurgical

1. Principles of Extractive Metallurgy by AhindraGhosh and H. S. Ray
2. Fundamentals of Metallurgical Processes by L. Coudurier, D. W. Hopkins and I.
3. Metallurgical Problems by A. Butts
4. Electrochemical Engineering by C. L. Mantell

B.Tech (Mineral Engineering) Syllabus for Admission Batch 2015-16 5th Semester
(Optional Elective Paper)

Module 1 (12 hours)

Prime mover for mining machinery, I.C. Engine, Hydraulic power Pneumatic power,
Element of mechanical power transmission gears, coupling, clutch and brake.
Module II (18 hours)
Wire rope and winding system, Mine hoist: Different types of winders, their
constructional features, kinematics, torque and power calculation, speed control, safety
devices, cage, skip head gear structure, cage guide, shaft fittings, Man riding system in
Module-III (15 hours)
Belt conveyors, rope haulage, chain conveyor and locomotive their constructional
features, power calculation and safety appliances.
Module-IV (15 hours)
Mine pump and drainage. Centrifugal Pump: constructional features, vane shape,
velocity triangles, Efficiencies, Multi stage centrifugal pumps, Pump Characteristic,
NPSH and Cavitation.Positive displacement pumps: Reciprocating Pump, Working
principle, Discharge, work done and power requirement, Slip, Indicator diagram

1. Mine Transport by L. T. Kerelin
2. EMT Volume III by D. J. Desmukh
3. Fluid Mechanics, Y A Cengel, TMH
4. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines, Modi& Seth
5. Fluid Mechanics, A.K. Mohanty, PHI
6. Fluid Mechanics and Machinery, Mohd. Kareem Khan, OXFORD

B.Tech (Mineral Engineering) Syllabus for Admission Batch 2015-16 5th Semester
(Honours Paper)

Module I (12 hours)

Principles, Stoichiometry and thermodynamics of combustion.Mechanism and Kinetics

of coal combustion. Over view of coal combustion on fixed bed and grate firing.
Pulverized fuel firing. Fluidization and fluidized bed combustion.

Module II (12 hours)

Effects of coal properties on the equipment and efficiency of combustion, such as the
effects of volatile matter, ash content, ash composition and ash fusion temperatures on
the combustion and power generation systems.
Module III (08 hours)
Economics of transportation coal to distant thermal power stations and high voltage D C
transmission of electric power.
Module IV (08 hours)
Comparison of Thermal and Hydroelectric power. Alternative energy resources and
energy uses, such as Solar power, Wind energy, Tidal energy, Geothermal enrgy. Current
status of energy conversion and conservation technologies.

Text Books
1. Clean Coal Engineering Technology by Miller – Elsevier 2010
2. Solid Fuel Blending, Principles, Practices & Problems by Tillman – Elsevier 2012
1. Combustion and Energy Utilization: Proceedings of the 5th Asia-Pacific
International Symposium on Combustion and Energy Utilization by Huang
Zhaoxiang, Liu Xin – Amazon 2010

B.Tech (Mineral Engineering) Syllabus for Admission Batch 2015-16 6th Semester
Sixth Semester
Theory Practical
Code Course Name Hours/week Credit University Internal Hours/ Credit Marks
L/T Theory Marks Evaluation week Practical

PC Flow Sheet Design & 3-0 3 100 50 2 1 50

Plant Layout
PC Dewatering & Drying 3-0 3 100 50 2 1 50
PE Modelling & 3-1 4 100 50
Simulation of
Mineral Processing
Unit Operation/Iron
& Steel Making
PE Agglomeration 3-1 4 100 50
tion Process Control

MC & Environmental 3-0 3 100 50

GS Science &
OE Industrial Lecture # 3 1 50
HS Business 2-0 1 50 4 2 100
Communication &
Skill for Interview #
MC Yoga 2 1 50
Total 19 18 500 300 13 6 300
Total Marks: 1100
Total Credits: 24
Honours Computational 4 4 100 50
technology in

B.Tech (Mineral Engineering) Syllabus for Admission Batch 2015-16 6th Semester

Module I (08 hours)

Solid and water balance calculations for the estimation of flow rates in beneficiation

Module II (08 hours)

General guidelines for plant design. Size selection for a mineral beneficiation plant and for a
coal preparation plant: Broad criteria.

Module III (10 hours)

Flow sheet development for a coking coal and non-coking coal washery on individual and
blended feed basis.Flow sheet development for Iron ore, copper and beach sand
beneficiation plants.

Module IV (10 hours)

Rated capacity and peak load capacity of the plants.Material flow diagram, general
equipment arrangement. General guidelines on plant layout for a coal, iron ore, copper,
lead-zinc and beach sand beneficiation.


Flow sheet design of different minerals like coal, iron ore, copper, lead-zinc and beach sand
etc, their details study and optimizing the circuit to get maximum yield and efficiency.

B.Tech (Mineral Engineering) Syllabus for Admission Batch 2015-16 6th Semester
(Professional Core Paper)

Module I (10 hours)

Introduction to dewatering and drying Flocculation and Dispersion – Fundamental factors

underlying flocculation and dispersion phenomena.Mechanism of reagent adsorption,
factors affecting flocculation and dispersion, selective flocculation.

Module II (08 hours)

Dewatering by gravity sedimentation (thickening) principles and practices.Sizing and

selection of thickeners, Different types of thickeners and their use in mineral industries.

Module III (08 hours)

Filtration: Principles of filtration, Flow through packed beds, factors affecting the
Filtration. Different types of filters and their design features.
Module IV (10 hours)

Centrifuging & Drying: Different types of thermal dryers and their applications,
Centrifugal sedimentation.Application and practice of dewatering processes in mineral


1. Comparison of pressure and vacuum filter using coal of same size.

2. Effect of coal particle size in vacuum filtration.
3. Effect of coal particle size in pressure filtration, comparison of pressure and vacuum
filter using a mineral of same size.
4. Dewatering of coal fines using hydrocyclone.
5. Estimation of filtration rate constant for (coal and mineral) using vacuum filter.
6. Estimation of filtration rate constant (coal and mineral) using pressure filter.
7. Estimation of rate of sedimentation of solid from a suspension with or without
8. Estimation of rate of sedimentation of solid from a suspension with or Without
9. Estimation of rate of drying using a dryer.
B.Tech (Mineral Engineering) Syllabus for Admission Batch 2015-16 6th Semester
(Professional Core Paper)

Module – I (08 hours)

Introduction to mathematical modeling, Stochastics and deterministic models, Modelling of

size reduction, Matrix and Kinetic models for crushers and grinding mills.

Module – II (12 hours)

Application for the computation of size distribution of the products of crushers and
grinding mills from the size distribution of the feeds to the units. Review of computer
techniques for handling multidimensional arrays. Computation and representation of assay
factor matrices by arrays of variables. Writing computer programmes incorporating the
algorithms, Extension of the algorithms to incorporate assay values and mineralogical
compositions. Evaluation of the performance of the comminution circuits.

Module – III (08 hours)

Introduction to computation of partition value equations.Use of partition value curvesand

equations for the modeling of screening, classification and density separation
processes.Modelling of electrical and magnetic separation processes using distribution

Module – IV (12 hours)

Recycle calculation by iterative methods using direct substitution and Wegestein’s

techniques. Writing of computer programs incorporating the use of partition values, Use of
computer programs and packages for the modeling of separation processes and iterative
recycle calculations. Simulation of stochastic and deterministic phenomena, Monte Carlo
Simulation.Matrix form representation of beneficiation plant flow sheets. Mineral
characterization files, feed composition files and other data bases required for the plant
flow sheet, computations. Software for the development of the flow sheet matrices;
simulation of unit operations and recycle calculations. Graphic display and error traps for
computer program to simulate beneficiation plant flow sheets. 4
B.Tech (Mineral Engineering) Syllabus for Admission Batch 2015-16 6th Semester
(Professional Elective Paper)

Module – I (14 hours)

Introduction to the subject: Blast Furnace Route for Iron Making, The Blast Furnace and its
accessories, The burden and its preparation, Physical – Thermal and Chemical process in a
Blast Furnace, Blast Furnace slag and its control, Control of hot metal composition, Blast
Furnace plant and Accessories, Modern trends in Blast Furnace practice, Control of
irregularities in the blast furnace, Performance of Blast Furnace over the years.

Module – II (10 hours)

Alternative Methods: Need for alternative Methods, Sponge Iron production by using solid
and gaseous reductants, Smelting Reduction Processes.

Module – III (08 hours)

Modern Steel Making: Different routes of steelmaking. Oxygen Steelmaking: Top and
Bottom blown converter processes, Hybrid processes. Electric Steel making: Electric Arc
furnaces, Induction furnaces.

Module – IV (08 hours)

Secondary Steel making, Casting of liquid steel: Ingot Casting of Steel, Continuous Casting of
Steel ; Iron and Steel Scenario in India in the last decade.

Test Books:
1. A.Ghosh and A.Chatterjee: Ironmaking and Steelmaking Theory and Practice,
Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited, 2008.
2. G. R. Bashforth, The Manufacture of Iron and Steel, vol.I, Chapman, London, 1962.
3. C. Bodsworth:Physical Chemistry of Iron & Steel Manufacture,Longman Green & Co.

Reference Books:
1. A.K. Biswas: Principles of Blast Furnace Iron making, SBA Publication,1999
2. D.H. Wakelin (ed.): The Making, Shaping and Treating of Steel (Iron making
Volume), The AISE Steel Foundation, 2004.
3. R.J. Fruehan (ed.): The Making, Shaping and Treating of Steel (Steel making Volume),
The AISE Steel Foundation, 2004.
B.Tech (Mineral Engineering) Syllabus for Admission Batch 2015-16 6th Semester
(Professional Elective Paper)

Module – I (08 hours)

Necessity and scope of agglomeration, Raw material preparation, Green ball formation.

Module – II (10 hours)

Drying of green balls, Firing of pellets, Types of pellets, DISC & DRUM pelletizer,

Module – III (10 hours)

Constructional & operational features, Firing systems – Shaft furnace, Grate, Kiln & Grate-
Kilncombination for pellet firing.

Module – IV (08 hours)

Mechanism of Sintering, types of Sinter and properties of Sinter. Briquetting


(Professional Elective Paper)

Module – I (08 hours)

Introduction: Importance of control systems, General layout of a coal/ mineral

beneficiation Plants

Module – II (10 hours)

Types control systems adopted, basic principles, definition and description feed forward
and back-ward control systems,

Module – III (10 hours)

Application and uses of different control systems for pressure control, level control, density
measurements and controls used in coal and mineral processing plants with examples.

Module – IV (08 hours)

Case studies of different coal/ mineral beneficiation Plants.

B.Tech (Mineral Engineering) Syllabus for Admission Batch 2015-16 6th Semester
Module I
Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies
Definition, scope and importance, Need for public awareness.
Natural Resources:
Renewable and non-renewable resources:
Natural resources and associated problems.
a) Forest resources: Use and over-exploitation, deforestation, case studies. Timber
extraction, mining, dams and their effects on forest and tribal people.
b) Water resources: Use and over-utilization of surface and ground water, floods,
drought, conflicts over water, dams-benefits and problems.
c) Mineral resources: Use and exploitation, environmental effects of extracting and
using mineral resources, case studies.
d) Food resources: World food problems, changes caused by agriculture and
overgrazing, effects of modern agriculture, fertilizer-pesticide problems, water
logging, salinity, case studies.
e) Energy resources: Growing energy needs, renewable and non renewable energy
sources, use of alternate energy sources. Case studies.
f) Land resources: Land as a resource, land degradation, man induced landslides, soil
erosion and desertification.
 Role of an individual in conservation of natural resources.
 Equitable use of resoureces for sustainable lifestyles.

Module II
Concept of an ecosystem.
 Structure and function of an ecosystem.
 Producers, consumers and decomposers.
 Energy flow in the ecosystem.
 Ecological succession.
 Food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids.
 Introduction, types, characteristic features, structure and function of the following
ecosystem :-
a) Forest ecosystem
b) Grassland ecosystem
c) Desert ecosystem
d) Aquatic ecosystems (ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, estuaries)
Environmental Pollution Definition
 Cause, effects and control measures of :-
a) Air pollution
b) Water pollution
c) Soil pollution
d) Marine pollution
e) Noise pollution

f) Thermal pollution
B.Tech (Mineral Engineering) Syllabus for Admission Batch 2015-16 6th Semester
g) Nuclear hazards
 Solid waste Management: Causes, effects and control measures of urban and
industrial wastes.
 Role of an individual in prevention of pollution.
 Pollution case studies.
 Disaster management: floods, earthquake, cyclone and landslides.

Module III
Social Issues and the Environment
 From Unsustainable to Sustainable development
 Urban problems related to energy
 Water conservation, rain water harvesting, watershed management
 Resettlement and rahabilitation of people; its problems and concerns. Case
 Environmental ethics : Issues and possible solutions.
 Climate change, global warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion, nuclear
accidents and holocaust. Case Studies.
 Wasteland reclamation.
 Consumerism and waste products.
 Environment Protection Act.
 Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act.
 Water (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act
 Wildlife Protection Act
 Forest Conservation Act
 Issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislation.
 Public awareness.

Module IV
Human Population and the Environment
 Population growth, variation among nations.
 Population explosion – Family Welfare Programme.
 Environment and human health.
 Human Rights.
 Value Education.
 Women and Child Welfare.
 Role of Information Technology in Environment and human health.
 Case Studies.

1. Agarwal, K.C. 2001 Environmental Biology, Nidi Publ. Ltd. Bikaner.
2. R. Rajagopalan, Environmental Studies, Oxford University Press.
3. Ajith Sankar, Environmental Management, Oxford University Press.
4. Bharucha Erach, The Biodiversity of India, Mapin Publishing Pvt. Ltd., Ahmedabad –

380 013, India, (R)


5. Brunner R.C., 1989, Hazardous Waste Incineration, McGraw Hill Inc. 480p
B.Tech (Mineral Engineering) Syllabus for Admission Batch 2015-16 6th Semester
6. Clark R.S., Marine Pollution, Clanderson Press Oxford (TB)
7. Cunningham, W.P. Cooper, T.H. Gorhani, E & Hepworth, M.T. 2001, Environmental
Encyclopedia, Jaico Publ. House, Mumabai, 1196p
8. De A.K., Environmental Chemistry, Wiley Eastern Ltd.
9. Down to Earth, Centre for Science and Environment (R)


Course Objectives
 To develop communication competence in prospective engineers.
 To enable them to convey thoughts and ideas with clarity and focus.
 To develop report writing skills.
 To equip them to face interview & Group Discussion.
 To inculcate critical thinking process.
 To prepare them on problem solving skills.
 To provide symbolic, verbal, and graphical interpretations of statements in a
problem description.
 To understand team dynamics & effectiveness.
 To create an awareness on Engineering Ethics and Human Values.
 To install Moral and Social Values, Loyalty and also to learn to appreciate the rights
of others.
 To learn leadership qualities and practice them.

Communication Skill: Introduction to Communication, The Process of Communication,
Barriers to Communication, Listening Skills, Writing Skills, Technical Writing, Letter
Writing, Job Application, Report Writing, Non-verbal Communication and Body Language,
Interview Skills, Group Discussion, Presentation Skills, Technology-based Communication.

Critical Thinking & Problem Solving: Creativity, Lateral thinking, Critical thinking,
Multiple Intelligence, Problem Solving, Six thinking hats, Mind Mapping & Analytical
Teamwork: Groups, Teams, Group Vs Teams, Team formation process, Stages of Group,
Group Dynamics, Managing Team Performance & Team Conflicts.

Ethics, Moral & Professional Values: Human Values, Civic Rights, Engineering Ethics,
Engineering as Social Experimentation, Environmental Ethics, Global Issues, Code of Ethics

Leadership Skills: Leadership, Levels of Leadership, Making of a leader, Types of

leadership, Transactions Vs Transformational Leadership, VUCA Leaders, DART


Leadership, Leadership Grid & leadership Formulation.

B.Tech (Mineral Engineering) Syllabus for Admission Batch 2015-16 6th Semester
Expected outcome:
The students will be able to
 Communicate effectively.
 Make effective presentations.
 Write different types of reports.
 Face interview & group discussion.
 Critically think on a particular problem.
 Solve problems.
 Work in Group & Teams
 Handle Engineering Ethics and Human Values.
 Become an effective leader.

1. Barun K. Mitra; (2011), “Personality Development & Soft Skills”, First Edition;
Oxford Publishers.
2. Kalyana; (2015) “Soft Skill for Managers”; First Edition; Wiley Publishing Ltd.
3. Larry James (2016); “The First Book of Life Skills”; First Edition; Embassy Books.
4. Shalini Verma (2014); “Development of Life Skills and Professional Practice”; First
Edition; Sultan Chand (G/L) & Company
5. John C. Maxwell (2014); “The 5 Levels of Leadership”, Centre Street, A division of
Hachette Book Group Inc.


(4-0)(Honours Paper)

Module – I (12 hours)

Application of mass balance techniques for various unit operations in mineral

Engineering. Optimization of yield, recovery and grade of the product streams.

Module – II (10 hours)

Minimization of errors involved in size assay analysis. Computation of efficiencies of

various separation processes in mineral processing operations.

Module – III (08 hours)

Calculations related to material balancing of simple and complex circuits. Estimation of

grade and recovery values for two/three product separation systems.

Module – IV (10 hours)

Computation of recovery and grade of the products through kinetic behavior of the

individual species for batch and continuous flotation operations. Use of RTD theorems:
their applications and limitations.

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