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Protocol/guidelines of Padlet in online projects 2020-2021

Why use Padlet?

WhatsApp: talking about anything & sharing information in an unstructured way (WhatsApp)
Padlet : sharing information in a more structured way (2020-2021) and – if applicable- using that information mutually
to create something new (2020 – 2022)?
Padlet can introduce more creativity and innovative ideas to enhance the final submissions

Who will use Padlet?

Try-out of Padlet as a tool of collaboration by a few cluster schools
It is up to school coordinators of cluster schools to decide upon the use of Padlet

How to create a Padlet

See instruction
You can create three Padlets for free
Password protected. Password for all Padlets : Eumindjury

How to view the students’ postings and how to structure communication?

Each school has 4-6 groups of about 5 students. In total 50-60 students. Both school teachers agree that students
take common topics .Two groups deals with one topic. Both groups form a ‘team’ working on the same topic.

Step 1. One school coordinator creates one common Padlet with a unique title. EG. Name of the project and the
abbreviation of the names of the schools + 20-21 EG. Arts vdP-VibgMal-20-21
Option one. Names of students are Option two. Names of students are not automatically visible
automatically generated and visible on each on each posting
posting Students are NOT added individually to the Padlet
All students are added individually to the Advantage. Less work for the teacher
Padlet Disadvantage
Disadvantage: more work for the teachers (a) Risk to have anonymous postings.
Advantage. (b) Anonymous postings need to be removed.
It is safe and can avoid anonymous posts. Teachers can check and remind students to add their name.
We can get proper control over the Teachers can then also check for irregularities regularly.
It builds credibility to the student
Step 2. The creator has admin rights and adds Step 2. School coordinators (a) send the link to the Padlet to
the e-mail addresses of all the Indian and the the students or (b) show it to students in class
EU students and of the teachers involved Students click on the link to the Padlet and fill in the password
manually. to post. Students need to state their own (or group) name at the
beginning of a post, so everyone can keep track of who is
The students and teachers get an automatically writing.
generated email from Padlet inviting them to To avoid postings from outside it is better not to put a button
accept the invitation. with the link inside on the Home page of the class Weebly. That
can be done in February to allow jury members to view the
Step 3. Writing rights are assigned. Writing rights include that you can read other postings and write your own
Step 4. The creator sets the Padlet on Privacy/Password required. The password for all Padlets is Eumindjury (to
allow jury members to view the proof of collaboration in February)
Step 5. The creator creates one column for each team (of two mixed groups) . Therefore the Wall format given by
Padlet is the most appropriate. Main header of each column is the title of the topic.
Step 6 . School coordinators agree on the dates that students should post. E.g. Brainstorming round in the first
week of October.(Padlet does not send notifications of postings.)

Suggestions to reduce the teachers work to add students to the Padlet (option one)
(a) We can make student editors as collaborators. The teacher will add the student-editors and the editors will
add his/her team members
(b) We can work through Google account so names of participants Google account will directly show
Students could also create their own google account, and pass the name of the e-mail address on to their teachers

Some ideas to use Padlet

Research projects
Brainstorming Post ideas about anything you could do together, similar.
activity E.g. Regions. Local shops. Agree to interview a specific type of shops
E.g. World of work. Try to interview similar types of professions
E.g. Go Green. Ecological companies. Agree to interview a specific type of company
Action plan Action plan: who will do what and when?
Describe specific tasks of group members.
Collaboration All info requested from partner school to perform a task
Graphs, pie charts, images, links to surveys; data collected could be shared
Regions. Students can upload the videos such as transport, local shops, sports , food etc.
from real scenario will help the other counterparts to understand better. Shortly more
communication and understanding will take place. Instead of verbal communication they
can do visual communication.
Videoconferenc Students can put the questions so that the others can prepare…

Human Rights project

Students choose a common injustice/social wrong, do research on internet and interview two persons (one expert and if
possible – one victim)
Brainstorming Why have you chosen this social injustice?
activity Do you have similar examples of that injustice in your country?
Action plan Action plan: who will do what and when?
Describe specific tasks of group members.
Collaboration Which people are you going to interview?
What questions are you going to ask these persons?
Can we identify people with the same expertise, same experiences and construct common
Any idea what you could do more, any (common) awareness activity??
Videoconferenc Students can put the questions so that the others can prepare…

On stage project
The overall assignment is to create a TV show, based on input of the students from the other country
The topic should give some information about the country, habits, culture of the other country
Students have to write a script based upon the information gathered from peers
Brainstorming Share the questions you have about the common topic
Action plan Action plan: who will do what and when?
Describe specific tasks of group members.
Collaboration Provide detailed information on the questions of the counterparts
Ask feed back to the script. Are the facts true?
Any idea about a common setting for the show?
Videoconference Students can put the questions so that the others can prepare…

Arts project
Arts project has a long tradition of close collaboration as students have to share songs, lyrics of songs
Brainstorming Students have to share songs, lyrics of songs as inspiration for own drawings
Collaboration Answers to the quiz
Videoconference Students can put the questions so that the others can prepare…

This protocol has been drafted with the input from Jan Hormann (Netherlands), Reina vd Korput (Netherlands)and
from Indian international coordinators: Rekha Pradeep (Regions), Chetan Tiwari (Gogreen), Diptesh Kundu (GoGreen),
Pamela Jacob (On stage), Sadaf Khan (Values).

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