Recalls Ophtha Uveasclera Strabismus PDF

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Matching type: HLAB51 Lifted from trans:

1. Bechet’s
Idiopathic, recurrent, multisystem disease,
affects young men, associated with HLAB51

2. Reiter’s HLA B27 Lifted from trans:

HLA B27 – 95% positive

3. Sympathetic opthalmia HLA A11 Lifted from Journal Sympathetic ophthalmia: to

twenty-first century and beyond Chu and Chan

HLA A11 antigen expression has been linked to

patients with SO as well as HLA-DRB1*04.

4. JIA HLA DR8 Lifted from Journal by Smerdel et al. (2002)

Juvenile Idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is primarily

associated with HLA-DR8

5. VKH HLA DR4 Lifted from trans:

VKH is Strongly associated with HLA-DR4

6. Inferior rectus Lifted from ppt:

7. Inferior oblique
8. Superior rectus
9. Superior oblique

10. Farthest from the limbus Superior Verbatim by Doc Sipin:

Medial Rectus is the nearest, while Superior
Rectus is the farthest from the limbus

11. Violates Sherrington’s law Duane Verbatim by Doc Sipin:

Both muscles, the Medial and Lateral Rectus

contract together they pull the eye inside.

12. Case: normal vision then Sympathetic Lifted from Journal- A rare case of atypical
progress to loss of vision. Ophthalmia sympathetic ophthalmia post therapeutic
With history of intraocular keratoplasty (Bhandari et al., 2016):
Sympathetic ophthalmia (SO) is rare, bilateral,
diffuse granulomatous uveitis that usually occurs
after open globe injury or intraocular surgery.

Prepared by: TRAFALGAR, SOLIS, VENTURA Page 1 of 2

13. Case of male patient, cant Reiter’s Lifted from trans:
pee, cant see, cant climb a Syndrome
tree Triad/Major Criteria:
1. Urethritis
2. Polyarthritis
3. Conjunctival inflammation with iritis

14. Most common CME Lifted from trans:

complication of
Intermediate uveitis Most common complications of Intermediate
Cystoid macular edema - blurring of vision and
distorted images unlike in scotoma they see a
black spot in the middle, retinal vasculitis

15. A 3 years old has 3rd nerve a. Esotropia Lifted from trans:
palsy, which is not b. Abnormal
expected papillary Incomitant Esotropia is caused by CN VI palsy.
c. Hypotropia
d. Ptosis

16. Calcium deposits on a. Corneal Lifted from American Academy of Ophthalmology

Bowman’s layer dystrophy Journal:
b. Band
keratopathy Calcific Band Keratopathy is a calcific
c. Hypopyon degeneration of superficial cornea that involves
d. Koeppe nodule mainly the Bowman layer.
17. Yoke muscle of right
medial rectus in a left gaze Left lateral rectus

18. Violated Hering’s Law DVD Verbatim from Doc Sipin:

When you ask the patient to look up, then you

cover one eye, normally it will stay there, but
with DVD, it will go down.

19. Blanches with topical episcleritis Lifted from trans:

Vessels within Tenon’s capsule

Prepared by: TRAFALGAR, SOLIS, VENTURA Page 2 of 2

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