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Aura Debby (03)

2. Azzahra Putri L.R. (04)
Group 5 : 3. Dian Chintiya Febrianti (09)
4. Shella Amalia Putri (33)

Timestamp Name Class

Aura Debby Syaluna Regita XII IPA 6

8/27/2020 11:42
8/27/2020 11:42 Amanda Clarissa XII IPA 6
8/27/2020 12:37 Nur Amalina Rahmaputri H XII IPA 6

Azzahra Putri Laurienza R XII IPA 6

8/27/2020 12:37

Julio Abel Dewantara XII MIPA 6

8/27/2020 12:42

Shella Amelia Putri 12 Ipa 6

8/27/2020 13:28

Erwin Naufal Adrian Tundjungseto XII IPA 6

8/27/2020 14:30

Reyhan Bagus W 12 IPA 6

8/27/2020 15:45
Kind of book Request a book tittle

Novel The Little Prince

Novel hujan
Novel My little dream

Encyclopedia, Novel, History book Bumi Manusia by Pramoedya Ananta Toer

Biography, Novel, Dictionary Milea "Suara Dari Dilan"

Novel Invalidite

History book History of Java

Biography, Comic, Novel, History Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone –
book J.K.Rowling (1997)
Impress and massage to SMAN 5 Library
semoga lebih banyak koleksi buku yang menarik unI hope there will be more
interesting book collections to read.
Hope for more interesting book, thank you
I hope SMA 5 will get more and more achievers in the future

I am very excited to new collection books to our school library because the
books in there are less varied so that many student didn't visited library and
please fix the air condotioner to make the library more comfortable

pay more attention to the feasibility of books and always pay attention to
the quality of the book

My impression of the library at SMAN 5 Semarang is that it is too narrow and

uncomfortable. and hopefully it will be more comfortable. I think the library
should be quicker to collect the latest books so as not to be left behind. and
libraries must collect a sufficient number of books. So that students who
want to borrow books don't have to queue because they run out of books.

my message is to increase the number of non-academic books, in order to

broaden the knowledge of students' general knowledge
Sman 5 Library Semarang is quite good, but there are still books that are not
there. I hope the book collection there can be complete.

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