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Professional TOT (Day -3) Exercise: Seminar (Assignment by Mi Pyae Pyae Thike)

“The young professionals of Myanmar Tourism Industry and the challenges of

COVID-19 pandemic”
Seminar Topic : The young professionals of Myanmar Tourism Industry and the challenges of COVID-19 pandemic
Speaker : Mi Pyae Pyae Thike
Audiences : Minister of Myanmar Hotel and Tourism, Director of Myanmar Tourism Federation and other young
professionals of Tourism Industry
Date : 12 September 2020
Time : 09:00 AM to 03:00 PM
Venue : Visual Seminar

Agenda 1 : Announcing seminar program and opening seminar

Agenda 2 : Opening Speech by Deputy Minister of Hotel and Tourism Ministry

Agenda 3 : Mi Pyae Pyae Thike as a representative of young experienced professional of tourism


 Difficulties facing around international and Myanmar

 Announcements and action plan from UNWTO
 Motivating to be positive and what we can do during this unprecedented
challenging period
 Challenges facing by Hospitality and Tourism Industry
 Preparation for the industry after Covid-19 pandemic
 Analysis and predicting the nature of market changes after COVID-19
 Discussion about loan
 End with the quotes and message “ how to be positive and benefit during this
negative situation” and shoot the open question to ask the audience to
themselves “To note down what do they change in their life and what do they
still have during this pandemic period”

(60 % presentation, 15% discussion, 10% game and break time, 10% video and the
funny photos of COVID-19, 15% Q & A)

Agenda 4 : Panel Discussion about “Future and preparation for Tourism Industry after COVID-19
pandemic and how to survive during this pandemic”

 How can we survive during this pandemic?

 What are the opportunities within threats?
 How should we prepare for the tourism product and the changed market
nature after COVID-19?

Agenda 5 : Closing speech by Deputy Director of Myanmar Tourism Federation

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