The Philippine Government Comprises A Democratic Approach in The Country Which Gives Its People The Power To Elect Their Political Leaders

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The Philippine government comprises a democratic approach in the

country which gives its people the power to elect their political leaders.
Given every individual’s voting rights pave way to a chance to voice out
and elect leaders who will then determine and guide the development of
the country hereafter. However, these privileges of voting are not fully
met by underrated groups, particularly the youth aging from 18 to 30
years old according to the United Nations; Thus, sparked electoral
abstention. The youth suffrage turnout can be sufficed through
compulsory voting to express their sense of nationalism and politicization
for the betterment of society in the future.

Serving justice to appoint rightful leaders mandatorily secures the

welfare of society by increasing the transparency of information and
mindfulness to the democratic regime. There are currently 32 countries
with compulsory voting and 19 of which enforced it: Hence, resulting in
high levels of participation among the people. In Australia, under the
Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 section 245 (1), a ruling states that “It
shall be the duty of every elector to vote at each election,” with
corresponding offences to those who do not abide by it. In the case of
the Philippines however, there is a relatively low voter turnout over the
years according to the International Foundation for Electoral Systems
(IFES). Despite having 77% of the population are registered as voters
and only 62% were able to exercise their right to vote; Therefore,
revealing that a great number of potential voters are deemed
uneducated and/or uninterested. The youth on the other hand, have
surpassed half the country’s population, yet failed to show impact on the
last presidential elections. It would have made a huge impact and could
maybe flooded the elections if only many youths participated in it. If the
government will pursue this policy option, not only will it increase the
country’s political momentum but also encourage citizens, particularly
the youth, to enlighten themselves about national issues and the running
candidates’ stand.

Youths are the key to a more promising time to come, with this advances
and new information the desires are for sure high, but what is supposed
to be the saviour is turning themselves into being the destroyer. Envision
your fantasies dissolving into minor contemplations due to an
undermined government particularly when you could have accomplished
Mandatory laws can improve government responsiveness to individuals
from poor and underestimated bunches who are less inclined to cast a

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