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Name: Czarina Mae Nacor

(BSEd Social Studies - 1B)

Contact No: 09304099395


Task No. 1
Answer this in two succinct paragraphs.
1. With the events that take place in this time of crisis, how can you help
accomplish the vision of Bicol University as a change agent for social
transformation and development in the community or in the national level using
your sound judgment, decision making and problem solving skills ?

In this time of crisis, I can carry out the vision of Bicol University by doing what I
ought to do and having a positive mind in everything. Focus on the things that is
suppose to be done, and I shouldn't let myself be affected by the negativities
around me. But, alertness is still a key, thus I'll be careful on the things I do with
consideration of my block mates and professors and the school.
Having this new normal type of learning, we will always have that barrier
between us, but cooperation and right communication skills are one of the key
traits to survive and accomplish the school's vision. Patience and broad
understanding at difficult times. Be open for criticisms made my others especially
that I won't be able to meet them and get to know them for now. Most of all, as a
Social Studies major, I should stay humble and be humane in everything that I will
say and I will do as I take on this journey in carrying out the vision of Bicol

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