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Being A Star Is A Cakewalk!

Start - It is natural tendency of common public to believe actors as the luckiest people in the world.
Whenever they think of stars, the mind overflows with big bucks, rolling red carpets, glamour, crazy
fans and a life of perfection. Everyone firmly believes that being a star is absolute fun. They have
name, fame and money, and can do everything and buy anything. However, this might not be the
case always. So, let us discuss on the topic, ‘Being a Star Is a Cakewalk!’


They are of course the lucky people. Who is there in this world not working hard in an attempt to
earn a good life? Well, everyone is but actors tend to get everything best of this world.

Their children are born stars and get everyone’s attention right from childhood. All things come for
easy. Clearly, their life is much simpler.


- Another problem that stars have to deal with is the lifestyle, particularly touring. These tours
sometimes last for months and the stars are required to burn the candle at both ends.

The job of artists is not a regular 9 am to 5 pm job. They have to work at odd hours and at distant
places to complete the project. Recognition does come but at a cost!

“It Has Become Easier to Get Famous Today but Being a Star is Not a Cakewalk” said by Kajol. As
there are examples of people getting famous on Tiktok, they enjoy fame but they are not stars yet.
To become a star, you require perseverance, talent.

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