GD - Freedom Is A Myth

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Group Discussion summary

GD topic – Freedom is a myth.

• Everyone living in democratic countries has rights such as freedom of speech, freedom to choose their
leaders and freedom in many other aspects of life. But still, this freedom has limitations. Freedom of
speech and expression is always at threat. There is always a threat that the government will state your
statements as antinational or hate speech. Hence freedom seems to be a myth.
• Even in this 21st century in many societies, minorities and tribal societies women don’t have freedom
to choose even when government allows it.
• We believe that we have the freedom to travel to any place and to live in the place. But, there various
restrictions to move to other places.
• Though we believe that we have the freedom to roam at any time, there are some miscreants all over
the world because of whom restrictions are in place and freedom is curtailed. This is for the
betterment of the people.
• People move towards own business because they think that it will give more freedom as there is no
boss there, but in reality, the customers of his business are his bosses.
• Most of the times, the freedom we have depends on the place where we born and brought up. And
of course, we do not have the freedom to choose where we born.
• We have censorship on movies, books and on many other arts. The government decides what the
citizens must watch, making us think that freedom is a myth.
• We do not have the freedom to end our own life. Though there is an option of passive euthanasia,
people who have intense emotional pain and suffering and are unable to cope up with life are not
allowed to die and are forced to live.
• We do have the freedom to choose our lifestyle, to follow a religion of our choice, to improve our
social status, to eat whatever and where ever we want, to choose our leaders and to become a leader,
etc. Hence freedom is not a myth. It is a reality. Freedom in any aspect should have limitations to
prevent causing inconvenience to others.

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