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The world is full of Cactus, but you don't have to sit on it


Life can be explained with the metaphor of cactus. A cactus grows in extreme conditions and is
characterized by spines. Similarly, life is characterized by obstacles, hardships and an endless
struggle. It is very easy to allow life to dictate terms to you, but difficult to mould life and live it
according to your terms.

Today’s world, in particular, is defined by a sense of ruthless competitive spirit. The sense of
community has given way to individualism, leading to a change in disposition of people towards one
another. With self-interest being the guiding force, people do not mind resorting to extreme steps to
the extent of harming others, in order to stifle competition and safeguard their own interests. Such
people do not think twice before laying thorns in the path of others. For instance, a businessman
would do anything to maximise his/her profits, a person working in a corporate might hurt the image
of the other to stall his/her promotion. Situations like these are within the realms of possibility, and,
therefore, it is upto the individual to steer himself/herselfaway from the many cacti in his way.

the line which separates both failure and giving up is foggy. Often we find it difficult to differentiate
which is the cause and which is the result. People often get confused whether they fail that is why
they give up or they give up that is why the fail.

Today, we wouldn’t have the magic world of Harry Potter had J.K. Rowling decided to end her life.
She fought the tides and came up strong. Similarly, when you see a cactus, you don’t have to sit on
it, instead water it and watch it grow.

Us humans have always found a way to deal with the problems that have come our way. Which is
why today, the deaf can dance to music, the dumb can easily communicate, and the blind can read

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