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Assignment No.

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Assignment(Marks: 20)
Question No.1

Search for existing two commercial automated testing tool. Describe the properties of
each and then compare these tools.
Poka-Yoke is a OA technique developed by Shingo at Toyota in 1960.
Poka-Yoke devices are mechanisms that lead to
- Prevention of potential quality problem before it occurs.
- The rapid detection of quality problems if they are introduced.

- light on if the car door is not properly closed
- Warning beep if the engine is turned-off when lights are on

Characteristic of a Poka-Yoke
1 It is simple and cheap
2 It is part of the process
3 It is located near the process task where the mistake occurs.

Let us assume that a\A software products company sells application software to
an international market. The pull-down menus and associated mnemonics
provided with each application must reflect the local language. For example, the
English language menu item for “Close” has the mnemonic “C” associated with it.
When the application is sold to Urdu speaking users, the same menu item is
“Band Karen” with mnemonic ”‫”ب‬. To implement the appropriate menu entry for
each locale, a “localizer” translates the menus accordingly. The problem is to
ensure that each menu entry conforms to appropriate standards and there are no
conflicts, regardless of the language used.

A Software product company

We can developed easy and correct easly. We can technique the Poka-
Prevention device
- Write a programme to generate mnemonic automatically, given a list of
lobels in each menu.
- Would prevent mistakes but the problems of choosing a good mnemonic is
diffulit and effort required would not be justified by the benefit gained.

The three characteristic of Poka Yoke.

It checks and translate all the labels take automatic mnemonic. It take the
meaningful and cheep mnemonic.
It is difficult to task because the programme is very complex. It has great
effort and cost. It is not a good Poka Yoka devices.
We can also
Prevention device
- Write a programme to prevent the localizer from choosing mnemonic that
did not meet the entire.
- Would prevent mistakes
- Benefit is minimal; incorrect mnemonic are easily enough to detect and
correct after they occur.
But we do as the localizer select the mnemonic and run the programme to
It help the mistake in less but the same time the effort is required for this do.
When it identify the mnemonic identify, where the conflict one mnemonic. One
mnemonic is work in two devices, for this it is conflict. We can not say this
device is not work proper.
Detection device.
It would be prevent mistakes but the benefit is minimal as incorrect mnemonics
are easy enough to detect and correct after they occur. So one again this is not
a good choice.
Write a programme to verify that the choosen menu labels and mnemonics
meet the criteria.
- We run this programme to detect errors .
- Send it back and localizer.
- Back and forth.

It is translate and use the appropriate mnemonics.

One part is translate
Second part is checking.
Then back where the translate
Then correct, then implement
This is a back and forth process or cycle run. This device requires a lot of back
and forth movement, it violates the principle of co-location.
Detection device.

Write a programme to verify that the chosen menu labels mnemonics meet the
- The localizer would run this programme to detect errors.
- Would give quick feedback.
In this process the localizer identify the errors and then correct here.
It is located near the process task where the mistake occurs.
The localizer would run this programme to detect errors. It would give quick
feedback and hence it is a good Poka Yoka device.

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