Public Corporations Law - Sotelo Reviewer

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PUBCORP - MIDTERM REVIEWER A process of referring to the electorate for approval a

Ambassador Tolentino proposed new state constitution or amendment or of a law
passed by the legislature.
Rodolfo Ganzon v CA
CHAPTER I DOCTRINE: The President exercises general
THE CODE: POLICY AND APPLICATION supervision over all local government units to ensure
that local affairs are administered according to law. He
has no control over their acts in the sense that he can
SECTION 1. Title
substitute their judgements with his own.
LOCAL GOVERNMENT Control is the power of an officer to alter or modify or
Political subdivision of a nation or state which is nullify or set aside what a subordinate officer had done
constituted by law and has substantial control of local in the performance of his duties and to substitute the
affairs judgement of the former for that of the latter.

LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT Supervision means overseeing or the power or authority

Body politic and corporate. One endowed with powers as of an officer to see that the subordinate officers perform
a political subdivision of the National Government and as a their duties.
corporate entity representing the inhabitants of its territory.
Local Autonomy means a more responsive and
Territorial and political subdivisions composed of accountable local government structure instituted
through a system of decentralization
provinces, cities, municipalities and barangays.
Decentralization means devolution of national
EFFECTIVITY OF LGC administration but not power to the local levels.
January 1, 1992.
SECTION 3. Operative Principles of
SECTION 2. Declaration of Policy Decentralization

DECENTRALIZATION 1. Allocation of powers, functions, responsibilities

Devolution of national administration. The process by and resources
which local government units are given more powers, 2. Establish organizational structure and operating
authority, responsibilities and resources by the national mechanism
government. 3. Appointment and removal of local official and
employees subject to civil service law
STATE POLICY 4. Create and broaden own sources of revenue, just
1. Local Autonomy. The decentralization of share in national taxes, equitable share in the
administration or power by delegating proceeds of the utilization and development of
administrative powers to political subdivisions. the national wealth
2. Accountability through recall, initiative and 5. Ensure acts are within the scope of their
referendum for the proper administration of prescribed powers and functions
public affairs. 6. Consolidate and coordinate efforts, services and
3. Periodic Consultations before any project or resources for common benefit
program is implemented 7. Provide opportunities to participate actively in
the implementation of national programs and
RECALL projects
A mode of removal of a public officer by the people before 8. Enhance local autonomy by administrative and
the end of his term of office. organizational reforms
9. Responsibility to manage and maintain ecological
An electoral process whereby designated percentages of the 10. Ensure the accountability of local government
electorate may initiate legislative or constitutional changes units
through the filing of formal petitions to be acted on by the 11. Improved coordination of national government
legislature or the total electorate. policies and programs and extension of adequate
technical and material assistance
REFERENDUM 12. Encourage participation of the private sector as
an alternative strategy for sustainable

Maria Carmela Sotelo (2017) 1


13. National Government to ensure decentralization

to improve quality of community life CASES OF PRIMARY CONFIDENTIAL POSITION
Expiration of term. The term of office continues only for
APPOINTMENTS OF LOCAL OFFICIALS AND as long as confidence in them endures.
1. Salaries and wages paid by LGU NATIONAL TAXES
2. Authorized by law to appoint Taxes imposed under the National Internal Revenue Code


1. Municipal, city and provincial treasurers – Synonymous to natural resources found within the territory
appointed by Secretary of Finance of the LGU


1. Requires approval of majority of all the members Gross revenue derived by the national government through
of the sangguniang barangay the direct commercial and utilization and development of
natural resources within the territory of the LGU
GENERAL RULE: Appointments shall only be made
according to the merit and fitness to be determined as far as
practicable by competitive examination SECTION 4. Scope of Application


Determined through nature of the functions Cities
1. Policy determining – vested with the power of Municipalities
formulating policies for the government or any of Barangays
its agencies etc Other Political Subdivisions
2. Primary confidential – enjoys more than the
ordinary confidence in his aptitude of the EXTENT OF AUTONOMY OF AUTONOMOUS
appointing power but bears such close intimacy REGIONS
which insures freedom of intercourse without Grant of political and administrative autonomy. The
embarrassment or freedom from misgiving of Constitution provides for an autonomous regional
betrayal of personal trust on confidential matters government with the basic structure consisting of an
of State executive department and a legislative assembly and
3. Highly Technical – required to possess skills or special courts with personal, family and property law
training in supreme or superior degree jurisdiction in each of the autonomous regions.


STANDARDS (Sec. 20, PD 807) Made effective upon the approval “by majority of the votes
Minimum Requirements: cast by the constituent units in a plebiscite called for the
1. Education purpose” depending on the will of the majority in each of
2. Training and experience the constituent units. What is required is a simple majority
3. Civil service eligibility of votes approving the Organic Act in individual
4. Physical fitness constituent unties and not a double majority.
5. Other qualities
1. Cannot determine or change the kind or nature of Administrative regions are not territorial & political
the appointment – discretionary subdivisions like local government units.
2. Cannot order reinstatement of public officers or
3. Limited to approving and disproving an An agency created for the purpose of laying down policies
appointment and coordinating with the various national government
agencies, etc. for the efficient and expeditious delivery of
REMOVAL OF APPOINTIVE LOCAL OFF AND EMP basic services in the vast metropolitan area.
Generally, the power is vested to the same public officer
where the power to appoint is vested EXTENT OF POWER OF MMDA
PD 1605 does not allow either the removal of license plates
If suspension w/o pay for <30days – final or the confiscation of driver’s licenses for traffic violations
If more than 30 days – appealable to CSC (30d to decide) committed in Metropolitan Manila. The commission is

Maria Carmela Sotelo (2017) 2


allowed to impose fines and otherwise discipline traffic SECTION 5. Rules of Interpretation
violators only. Confiscation of license plates is permitted
only in case of stalled vehicles obstructing the public 1. Power of LGU – liberal in its favor
streets. 2. Tax ordinance or revenue measure – strictly
against LGU, in favor of tax payer
May enter into contracts, memoranda of agreement and Tax exemption, incentive, relief – strictly against
other cooperative arrangements with the LGUs, national claimant
government agencies, accredited people’s organizations, 3. General welfare provision – liberal
non-gov orgs, and the private sector. 4. Rights and obligations – governed by contract
5. Controversies with no legal provision or
LIMITATION OF POWERS (administrative) jurisprudence – customs and traditions
1. Formulation
2. Coordination CUSTOMS
3. Regulation Juridical rule which results from a constant and continued
4. Implementation uniform practice by the members of a social community,
5. Preparation with respect to a particular state of facts, and observes with
6. Management a conviction that it is juridically obligatory.
7. Monitoring
8. Setting of policies REQUISITES:
9. Installation of a system of administration 1. Plurality of acts
2. Uniformity
METRO-WIDE SERVICES –have metro-wide impact and 3. General practice by the social group
transcend local political boundaries or entail huge 4. Continued practice for a long pd of time
expenditures 5. General conviction that it is obligatory
6. Must not be contrary to law, morals or public
1. Development planning order
2. Transport and traffic management
3. Solid waste disposal and management TRADITION
4. Flood control and sewerage management Cultural continuity. Inherited or established way of
5. Urban renewal, zoning, and land use planning, thinking, feeling or doing rooted in the experience of the
and shelter services past and influencing the present.
6. Health and sanitation, urban protection and
pollution control CHAPTER II
MMDA or its council cannot enact ordinances, approve
resolutions and appropriate funds for the general welfare SECTION 6. Authority to Create Local Government
for the inhabitants of Metro Manila. Units

MMDA v Bel-Air Village Association (2000) Law enacted by Congress

DOCTRINE: MMDA is not a local government unit or Ordinance by sangguniang panlalawigan or sangguniang
a public corporation endowed with legislative power. It panlungsod
is a “development authority” created for the purpose of
laying down policies and coordinating with the various The creation of the new local government unit should be
national government agencies, peoples organizations, approved by the people concerned in a plebiscite called
non-governmental organizations and the private sector for the purpose.
for the efficient and expeditious delivery of basic
services in the vast metropolitan area. All its functions
are administrative in nature and these are actually
summed up in the charter itself. Creation of municipal corporations is legislative and cannot
be delegated to the President without sufficient standards.
DIGEST: MMDA issued a notice requesting the village
to open its private road to public vehicular traffic and DE JURE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION
that the perimeter separating the subdivision from REQUIREMENTS
Kalayaan Avenue would be demolished. Court ruled 1. Charter or general law
that MMDA has no power to enact ordinances for the 2. Compliance in good faith as to incorporation
welfare of the community therefore the proposed 3. Compliance with statutory requirements
opening of Neptune Street by MMDA is illegal. 4. Assumption of corporate powers

Maria Carmela Sotelo (2017) 3



 Basis for election of member of HoR and
INDICATORS OF VIABILITY AND CAPACITY members of the local legislative body
1. Income – sufficient to provide for facilities and  Congressman ensures the voice of the people of
services commensurate to the size of its the district is heard in congress, not to oversee the
population affairs of the legislative district
2. Population – total number of inhabitants within  No legal personality, legal capacity or capacity to
the territorial jurisdiction act
3. Land Area – Contiguous, properly identified by  Delineates the areas occupied by the people
metes and bounds with technical description  Does not have its own chief executive

ATTESTED BY: Department of Finance NOT A

National Statistics Office Political subdivision
Land Management Bureau Corporate unit
Requirements are mandatory. Generally, substantial  Political and corporate unit
compliance will be sufficient.  Territorial and political subdivisions of the State
 Instrumentality of the State in carrying out the
Internal revenue allotment is considered income. These functions of government
regularly and automatically accrue to the local treasury.  Congress, by law, may create, divide, abolish or
Petition requirement is directory except where barangays  Possess legal personality
are sought to be created through the sangguniang  Its corporate existence begins upon the election
panlalawigan. and qualification of its chief executive and
majority of the members of its Sanggunian
Power to create a province or city involves the power to
create a legislative district. A province cannot be created COMELEC JURISDICTION
without a legislative district. Once a city’s population Regarding regularity of the conduct of a plebiscite
reaches 250k, the city automatically becomes entitles to Contest relating to the elections, returns and qualifications
one representative. of elected officials

The land within the territory must touch or adjoin one Independent component cities prohibit their voters from
another in a reasonably substantial physical sense. voting for provincial elective officials
The power to increase the allowable membership in the Independent from province (Sec.56)
House of Rep, and to reapportion legislative districts is Residents have right to vote for provincial positions
vested exclusively in Congress. depending on city charter or practice after the 1987
Constitution ratification but prior to the LGC effectivity
SECTION 10. Plebiscite Requirement (Sec.452)


Conducted by COMELEC within 120 days from the date of
Independent from provinces due to city charter
effectivity of the law or ordinance (Sec.451)
Cannot vote for provincial electoral positions (governor)
Residents of the political entity that would be economically COMPONENT CITIES
dislocated by the separation of a portion thereof Supervise by provinces (Secs. 29, 30, 56)
Lacks HUC requisite (land, income, and population)
Conversion from independent city to component city
Division of province, city, municipality or barangay
SECTION 14. Beginning of Corporate Existence
Merger of administrative regions LGU’s corporate existence shall commence upon, the
Creation or dissolution on a legislative district election and qualification of its chief executive and a
Legislative apportionment or reapportionment majority of the members of its sanggunian

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SECTION 15. Political and Corporate Nature of P.D. 1586 APPLICABLE TO MUN CORP
Local Government Units Section 4 provides “no person, partnership or corporation
shall undertake or operate any such declared
NATURE OF LGUs: environmentally critical project or area without first
1. Serve as instrumentalities of state in carrying our securing an Environmental Compliance Certificate issued
functions of government by the President or his duly authorized representative.”
2. Act as agency of the community in the
administration of local affairs SECTION 18. Power to Generate and Apply
1. Governmental powers – exercised in 1. Power to create own sources of revenue – levy
administering powers of the State and promoting taxes, fees and charges
public welfare 2. Just share in national taxes
2. Corporate powers – exercised for the special 3. Equitable share in the proceeds of national wealth
benefit and advantage of the community 4. Apply resources for productive, developmental,
or welfare purposes
1. Public – devoted for public service under the NATIONAL TAXES
absolute control of Congress Taxes imposed under the National Internal Revenue Code
2. Patrimonial - private properties that are
alienable and disposable NATIONAL WEALTH
Natural resources found within the territory of the local
SECTION 16. General Welfare government unit

Preservation and enrichment of culture PROCEEDS

Promote health and safety Gross revenue derived by the national government through
Enhance right to a balanced ecology the direct commercial utilization and development of
Development of scientific and technological capabilities natural resources within the territory of the LGU by GOCC
Improve public morals or agencies or through taxation of private enterprises
Enhance economic prosperity and social justice engaged in the same
Promote full employment
Preserve comfort and convenience SECTION 19. Eminent Domain

POLICE POWER is inherent in the State but in municipal EMINENT DOMAIN

corporations. Power to take private property for public use by the State,
municipalities and private persons or corporations
General welfare clause delegates police power to local authorized to exercise functions of public character.
governments units in statutory form. Essentially legislative in nature.


1. Necessary to discharge the powers and duties May only be exercised in strict compliance with the terms
2. Necessary to provide for health and safety, of the delegating law.
promote prosperity, improve morals, peace, good
order, comfort, and convenience LGUs have no inherent power of eminent domain and can
exercise it only when expressly authorized by the
Damnum absque injuria. Police power is free from REQUIREMENTS
liability. The law presumes that the party is compensated 1. Enactment of an ordinance by the local
by sharing in advantages arising from such beneficial legislative council authorizing the local chief
regulation. executive to exercise the power of eminent
RESTRICTIONS ON POLICE POWER 2. Power must be exercised for public use, purpose
It must appear that the interest of the public generally or welfare
requires an interference of the private rights, but the means 3. Payment of just compensation
adopted must be reasonably necessary for the 4. Valid and definite offer made to the owner and
accomplishment of the purpose and not unduly oppressive. offer was not accepted

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Expropriation cannot be made pursuant to a resolution. Regional Trial Court. Power exercised only through filing
Must be a municipal ordinance. of a verified complaint.

A resolution is merely a declaration of the sentiment or EFFECT OF PREVIOUSLY DECIDED CASE

opinion of a lawmaking body on a specific matter. The State or its authorized agent cannot be forever barred
from exercising said right by reason alone of previous non-
PUBLIC USE compliance with any legal requirement.
Public advantage, convenience or benefit, which tends to
contribute to the general welfare and the prosperity of the REMEDY OF PROHIBITION
whole community. Available when landowners are not given their just
compensation for the taking of their property or when there
REASONABLE AND PRACTICAL NECESSITY has been no agreement on the amount of just compensation
Greatest benefit to the public with the least inconvenience
and expense to the property owner SECTION 10. Reclassification of Lands

JUSTIFICATION Through ordinance, in the ff cases:

For the public good and there is genuine necessity of public 1. When the land ceases to be economically feasible
character and sound for agricultural purposes as determined
by the Department of Agriculture
JUST COMPENSATION 2. Where the land shall have substantially greater
Market value. The sum of money which a person, desirous economic value for residential, commercial, or
but not compelled to buy, and an owner, willing but not industrial purposes
compelled to sell, would agree on as a price to be given and
received therefor. Agricultural lands already classified before the effectivity
of R.A. 6657 (15 June 1988) are exempted from conversion
Should be made within a reasonable time from its taking. If clearance.
no deposit was made, final compensation must include
interest computed from the time of the taking until the time Agricultural lands must go through the process of
of compensation. conversion despite having undergone reclassification.

Market value + (consequential damage – benefits) Act of changing the current use of a piece of agricultural
land into some other use as approved by the Department of
TAKING Agrarian Reform
When the owner is actually deprived or dispossessed of his
property; when there is a practical destruction or a material RECLASSIFICATION
impairment of the value of his property or when he is Act of specifying how agricultural lands shall be utilized
deprived of the ordinary use thereof. for non agri uses such as residential, industrial or
When expropriators enter private property for a more
permanent duration, depriving the owner of enjoyment LAND USE
thereof. The manner of utilization of land, including its allocation,
development and management
A unilateral proposition which one party makes to the other JURISDICTION OF DEPARTMENT OF AGRARIAN
for the celebration of a contract, to encourage settlements REFORM (EO 229)
and voluntary acquisition of property. 1. Quasi-judicial powers to determine and
adjudicate agrarian reform matters
PURPOSE OF DEPOSIT 2. Jurisdiction over all matters involving the
Constitutes an advance payment and indemnity. It is not to implementation of agrarian reform
be confused with the payment for just compensation.
SECTION 21. Closure and Opening of Roads
AGRARIAN REFORM PRIOR TO EXPROPRIATION Permanent closure must be approved by at least 2/3 of all
No need to secure the approval of the Department of Land members of the sanggunian and an adequate substitute for
Reform for the conversion of lands the public facility is provided


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Outside the commerce of man and may not be the subject To settle disputed claims
of lease or other contract
Only upon declaration of the government through the
executive or legislative departments, to the effect that it is POWER TO HAVE AND USE CORPORATE SEAL
no longer needed for public use or service New or change -requires registration with the Department
of Interior and Local Government.
SECTION 22. Corporate Powers
The chief purpose is to identify and authenticate
1. To have continuous succession in its corporate documents.
2. To sue and be sued POWER TO ACQUITE PROPERTY
3. To have and use a corporate seal In its public or proprietary capacity. However if
4. To acquire and convey real or personal property proprietary, can be held liable to 3rd persons ex contractu or
5. To enter into contracts delicto.
6. To exercise such other powers as are granted to
corporations, subject to the limitations provided PUBLIC PROPERTY
in this code and other laws  Property which must be for free and
indiscriminate use by anyone.
LGU shall enjoy full autonomy in the exercise of their  Property held and devoted for governmental
proprietary functions and in the management of their purposes which Congress has absolute control
economic enterprises, subject to the limitations provided in over.
this Code and other applicable laws
STATUTES GRANTING CORPORATE POWERS  Cannot be expropriated without due process and
Liberal construction. just compensation
 Acquired or held for the special benefit of the
PURPOSE FOR EXERCISE inhabitants of the municipality as distinguished
Must be for a public use or purpose. The legislature has from the general public.
the power to determine what is lawful municipal purpose
and a public purpose with respect to which a municipality POWER TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT
may exercise powers. Act of discretion. The chief executive of a local
government unit may enter into contracts on behalf of the
CONTINUOUS SUCCESSION latter but must first secure the authorization from the local
Continuous existence which enables a corporation to sanggunian otherwise the agreement is an unenforceable
manage its affairs, and hold property without the necessity contract.
of perpetual conveyances, for the purpose of transmitting it. REQUIREMENTS
Its legal entity and personality is the same though the 1. Offer and acceptance
frequency of changes of its members. 2. Object certain
3. Cause
Generally the State cannot be sued unless it gives its 5. Conformity
consent however, the Code itself expressly provides that
local governments may sue and be sued. Therefore, they FORM OF AUTHORIZATION BY SANGG
may be sued even in the performance of governmental 1. By vote upon motion
functions. 2. By the passage of a resolution


1. The State commences litigation Cannot be applied against a municipal corporation to
2. State enters into a contract which is validate a contract which it has no power to make
commercial in nature
SECTION 23. Authority to Negotiate and Secure
Municipal corporations have no inherent right to sue the Grants
state, being artificial creatures of the state. (Separation of
powers doctrine) From local and foreign assistance agencies without
necessity of securing clearance or approval from the
POWER TO COMPROMISE National Government or any higher lgu.

Maria Carmela Sotelo (2017) 7


Authority of the sanggunian must be secured prior to The condition of being actually or potentially subject to an
negotiating and securing financial grants and donations. obligation

If implicates national security – requires approval of The State cannot be sued unless it gives its consent
national agency expressly or impliedly.

Failure of National Agency to act within 30days – deemed IMPLIED CONSENT

approved 1. State commences litigation
2. State enters into a contract which is commercial
Local chief executive must report the (1) nature, (2) in nature
amount, and (3) terms of such assistance to Congress and
the President within 30 days of signing agreement or deed. The power of the courts ends when judgement is rendered.
The State is at liberty to determine for itself whether to pay
Provision does not limit the purpose of securing grants to the judgement or not, ad execution cannot issue on a
basic services. judgement against the state.

GRANT Government funds and properties may NOT be seized

A gift usually for a particular purpose. Disposition must be under writs of execution or garnishment to satisfy
essentially gratuitous. judgements rendered in court. Disbursements of public
funds must be covered by the corresponding appropriation
SECTION 24. Liability for Damages required by law.

Torio v Fontanilla and CA (1978)

CORPORATIONS. If the injury is caused in the course INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS
of the performance of a governmental function or duty,
no recovery, as a rule, can be had from the municipality Cases:
unless there is an existing statute on the matter, nor from
Drilon v Lim 230 scra 135
its officers, so long as they performed their duties
Hebron v Reyes 104 phil 175
honestly and in good faith or that they did not act
wantonly or maliciously. With respect to proprietary Natl Liga ng mga Brgy v Reyes
functions, the settled rule is that municipal corporations Bangus Fisherfolk v Lanzanas 405 SCRA 530
CAN be held liable to third persons ex contractu or ex Boracay Foundation v Aklan Province
delicto. Carpio v Executive Secretary 206 SCRA 290
Andaya v RTC 319 scra 696
DIGEST: Municipality enacted ordinance to for
committees for the town fiesta. The stage collapsed and
killed one performer. His heirs sued the municipality but SECTION 25. National Supervision over Local
the members alleged that they exercised governmental Government Units
powers in enacting the ordinance and therefore could
not be held liable. Court ruled that holding a town fiesta The President exercises general supervision over LGUs.
is a proprietary function therefore under the doctrine of
respondeat superior, the municipality was liable for the
National agencies must ensure the participation of LGU in
death of Fontanilla. However a corporation whose
personality being separate and distinct from its the planning and implementation of national projects.
members, the council was not held solidarily liable for
negligence. National agencies and offices must furnish the local chief
executive of monthly reports including budgetary allocation
LGUs and their officials are not exempt from liability for and expenditure.
death or injury to persons or damage to property.
Since LGUs remain accountable to the national authority,
When not acting in its governmental capacity, LGUs and the latter may, by law, impose disciplinary action against
their officials are not exempt. local officials.

SUABILITY SECTION 26. Duty of National Government

Whether an entity is capable of being sued Agencies in the Maintenance of Ecological Balance

LIABILITY 1. To consult with the LGY, non-gov orgs, and

other sectors
2. Explain the goals and objectives of the proj

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3. Explain the impact upon the environmental or (Highly urbanized cities) Governor, v.governor, mem of
ecological balance sangguniang panlalawigan, or mayor, v.mayor or member
4. Explain the measures that will be undertaken to of sanguniang panlungsod – 23y on election day
prevent or minimize adverse effects
(ICC, CC, CM) mayor or vmayor – 21yo on election day
SECTION 27. Prior Consultations Required
Member of sangguniang panlungsod or sangguniang bayan-
For Environmental Clearance Certificate 18y on election day

WHEN CONSULTATION REQUIRED Punong barangay or member of sangguniang barangay –

1. Pollution 18yo on election day
2. Climate change
3. Depletion of non-renewable resources Sangguniang kabataan – 15 to 23y (as of Aquino admin)
4. Loss of crop land, range-land or forest cover
5. Eradication of certain animal or plant species WHEN QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED
from the face of the planet Continuing requirements. Must be possess not only at the
6. May call for the eviction of a particular group of time of appointment or election or assumption of office, but
people residing in the locality also during entire tenure.

Occupants in the area shall not be evicted unless Once lost during incumbency, title to the office itself is
appropriate relocation sites have been provided. forfeited.


1. Prior consultation with the affected local If certificate of candidacy of the first placer was valid at the
communities time of filing but subsequently had to be cancelled because
2. Prior approval by the appropriate sanggunian of a violation of law that took place, or a legal impediment
that took effect, after the filing of the certificate of
CONSULTATION candidacy – VICE will assume
Act of seeking advice or information or of seeking
guidance If certificate of candidacy is void ab initio – SECOND
PLACER will be declared
The duty to consult may be enforce by petition for WHEN RESIDENCE REQUIREMENT MET
prohibition and mandamus against offending parties under 1. Had actual residence in an area for a given period
the conditions of the Rules of Court. 2. Have been domiciled in the same area either by
origin or choice
Project’s implementation is illegal The place where a party actually or constructively has his
permanent home, where he, no matter where he may be
found at any given time, eventually intends to return and
TITLE II. ELECTIVE OFFICIALS remain (animus manendi).


QUALIFICATIONS AND ELECTIONS 1. Must show an intention to reside in a fixed place
2. Personal presence
SECTION 39. Qualifications 3. Conduct indicative of intention

1. Citizen of the Philippines TO ACQUIRE NEW DOMICILE BY CHOICE

2. Registered voter of the district where he intends 1. Residence or bodily presence in the new locality
to be 2. Intention to remain there
3. Resident for at least 1 year immediately 3. Intention to abandon the old domicile
preceding the day of the election
4. Able to read and write Filipino or any local PROOF REQUIRED FOR DISQUALIFICATION
language or dialect Substantial evidence. Respondent must clearly
demonstrate the petitioner’s ineligibility is so patently
REQUIRED MINIMUM AGE antagonistic to constitutional and legal principles.

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Baclayon v Mutia (1984)

SECTION 40. Disqualifications DISQUALIFICATION. An order placing defendant on
“probation” is not a “sentence” but is rather in effect a
1. Conviction by final judgement of a crime suspension of the imposition of sentence. It is not a final
involving moral turpitude or for an offense judgement but is rather an “interlocutory judgement” in
punishable by 1yr or more of imprisonment the nature of a conditional order placing the convicted
(within 2 yrs after serving sentence) defendant under the supervision of the court for his
2. Removed from office as a result of an reformation, to be followed by a final judgement of
administrative case discharge, if the conditions are complied with, or by
3. Convicted by final judgement for violating oath final judgement of sentence if the conditions are
of allegiance to the Republic
4. Those with dual citizenship DIGEST: Baclayon was a teacher, convicted of serious
5. Fugitives from justice in criminal or nonpolitical oral defamation but was qualified to apply for probation.
cases here or abroad One of the conditions of her probation was that she
6. Permanent residents in a foreign country or those ceases from practicing her profession. Baclayon prayed
who have acquired the right to reside abroad and that the last condition be deleted. Respondent-court
continue to avail of the same right after the claims that her conviction carries with it the accessory
effectivity of this Code penalty of suspension from the right to follow
7. Insane or feeble-minded profession. Court ruled that because she was granted
probation, the imposition of her sentence and accessory
CONVICTION BY FINAL JUDGEMENT penalties were suspended.
1. Period for perfecting an appeal has lapsed
2. Sentence is partially or totally satisfied or served REQUIREMENTS OF “DECISION”
3. Accused expressly waives in writing his right to In writing, stating clearly the facts and the reasons for such
appeal decision
4. Accused applies for probation
MORAL TURPITUDE  Prevents the decision of the sanggunian from
Act of baseness, vileness, or depravity in the private duties becoming final
which a man owes his fellow men, or to society in general.  Encouraged as before appeal as a matter of
exhaustion of administrative remedies
Does not include such acts as are not of themselves
immoral but whose illegality lies in their being positively NO RETROACTIVE EFFECT
prohibited. Removal from office prior to effectivity of the Code due to
an administrative case cannot be used as a ground for
Teves v COMELEC (2009) disqualification under the Code
DOCTRINE: Moral Turpitude has been defined as
everything which is done contrary to justice, modesty, EFFECT OF REELECTION ON PENDING ADMIN
or good morals; an act of baseness, vileness or depravity CASE
in the private and social duties which a man owes his Administrative disciplinary proceeding is abated.
fellowmen, or to society in general. It is inherently
immoral. It does not include such acts as are not of DUAL CITIZENSHIP
themselves immoral but whose illegality lies in their
Involuntary. Result of the concurrent application of the
being positively prohibited.
different laws of two or more states, a person is
DIGEST: Tevez owned a cockpit when it was not yet simultaneously considered a national by the said states.
illegal. When the LGC was enacted in 1991, he was
convicted for graft and corruption for having interest in DUAL ALLEGIANCE
a cockpit which allegedly he already transferred Voluntary. Person simultaneously owes loyalty to two or
administration to his wife before it was deemed illegal. more states.
He was disqualified from running for office for
conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude. DUAL CITIZENSHIP IN ELECTION LAW
Naturalized citizens who maintain allegiance to their
EFFECT OF PROBATION countries of origin even after naturalization.
 Not a sentence but a suspension of the imposition
of sentence. REMEDY
 Not disqualified from running for office.
 Cannot be equated with service of the sentence

Maria Carmela Sotelo (2017) 10


Candidates must elect Philippine citizenship upon the filing Presidents of liga ng mga barangay and pederasyon ng mga
of their certificate of candidacy to terminate their status as sangguniang kabataan – ex officio members of the
persons with dual citizenship. sangguniang panlalawigan, panlungsod, bayan


Intent to evade. Includes not only those who flee after All cities with one legislative district and all municipalities
conviction to avoid punishment but likewise who, after in Metro Manila area – 12 councilors
being charged, flee to avoid prosecution.
Comelec shall divide area into 2 districts by barangay for
One who, having committed or being accused of having purposes of representation in the sangguniang bayan
committed a crime in one jurisdiction, cannot be found
therein or is absent for any reason from that jurisdiction SECTORAL REPRESENTATIVE
that thereby forestalls criminal justice from taking its due 1. Women
course. 2. Workers
3. Urban poor
INSANE 4. Indigenous cultural communities
Condition which renders the affected person unfit to enjoy 5. Disabled persons
liberty of action because of the unreliability of his behavior 6. Other sectors
with concomitant danger to himself and others.
SECTION 42. Date of Election
TEST: Capacity to understand and appreciate the
nature of the particular act and to exercise Every three years, on the second Monday of May
intelligence in its performance.
SECTION 43. Term of office
Mentally deficient, mental ages 9-12yo. Defect in 3 years, provided shall not serve more than 3 consecutive
quantity of mental development, called amentia, which is terms in the SAME position
divided into idiocy, imbecility, and feeble-mindedness.
Voluntary renunciation shall not be considered as an
OTHER PROVISIONS ON DISQUALIFICATION. interruption in the continuity of service of full term.
Omnibus Election Code and Electoral Reforms Act of 1987
Convicted of: Barangay officials and SK – 3 years (amended by RA 9164
1. Giving money or other material consideration to in 2004)
influence, induce, or corrupt the voters or public
officials Date of election: last Monday of October and every 3 years
2. Committed acts of terrorism after 2002
3. Spent in his election campaign amount in excess
of that allowed TERM
4. Solicited, received or made any contribution Fixed and definite period of time which the law describes
prohibited under Secs 89, 95, 96, 97 and 104 that an officer may hold an office and fixes the interval
5. Violated any of Secs. 80, 83, 85, 86, and 261 after which the several incumbents shall succeed one
paragraphs d, e, k, v, and cc subparagraph 6 another.

SECTION 41. Manner of Elections A loss of title to office by conscious choice

Members of Sangguniang panlalawigan, panlungsod and SUCCESSION BY LAW

bayan: Not voluntary. Compulsory and obligatory.
First and second class provinces – 10
Fifth and sixth – 6 Term is broken because the office holder lost the right to
Provinces having more than 5 legislative district – 2 hold on to his office, and cannot be equated with the failure
sangguniang panlalawigan to render service.

President of leagues of sangguniang members of cc and cm Involuntary loss of title to office exempts an elective
– ex officio members of sangguniang panlalawigan official from the 3-term limit


Maria Carmela Sotelo (2017) 11


Temporary inability or disqualification to exercise the

functions of an elective post, even if involuntary, should Section 45. Permanent Vacancies in the Sanggunian
NOT be considered an interruption because the office
holder is simply barred from exercising the function of his LOCAL CHIEF EXECUTIVE
office while retaining title. 1. Sangguniang Panlalawigan and Panlungsod
(HUC and ICC) – President through Executive
Considered resigned from the moment of filing. 2. Sangguniang Panlungsod (CC) and Sangguniang
Bayan – Governor
Withdrawal of certificate does not render it void ab initio.
Effects remain even if withdrawn. If belonging to a Political party
a) Nomination
Aguinaldo v COMELEC (1981) b) Certification
DOCTRINE: After holding of the Jan. 30, 1980
elections, and proclamation thereafter made, a petition If unaffiliated
to disqualify a candidate based on a change of political Recommendation of the Sanggunian
party affiliation filed with this Court after January 30,
1980 arising from a pre-proclamation controversy, 3. Sangguniang barangay – City or municipal mayor
should be dismissed without prejudice to such ground
upon recommendation of Sangguniang Barangay
being passed upon in a proper election protest or quo
warranto proceedings.
Discretionary. Limited to those recommended only.
Aguinaldo v Santos (1992)
DOCTRINE: A public official cannot be removed for NATURE OF APPOINTMENT
administrative conduct committed during a prior term. Permanent and for the unexpired portion of the
deceased predecessor’s term. Acquires security of tenure
DIGEST: Aguinaldo was removed from office due to and appointment may not be recalled.
his participation in the coup d’etat. Petitioner questioned
his removal. While the case was pending, he filed his LAST VACANCY
certificate of candidacy for Gov. of Cagayan. Separate Created by the elevation of the member formerly occupying
petitions for disqualification was filed against him. the position next higher in rank which in turn becomes
Comelec decided that petitioner may still be voted upon. vacant by any of the causes already enumerated
Petitioner also filed a petition for certiorari to nullify his
disqualification which was granted since petitioner was
SECTION 46. Temporary Vacancy in the Office of
re-elected, the administrative case became moot and
the Local Chief Executive
Officer is powerless, for the time being, to discharge the
powers and prerogatives of the office
The continuity of the Acting Governor’s (VG) powers as
SECTION 44. Permanent Vacancies in the Offices of
presiding officer of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan is
the Governor, Vice-Governor, Mayor, and Vice-
Mayor suspended as long as he is in capacity.

When elective local official
1. Fills a higher vacant office
2. Refuses to assume office
3. Fails to qualify
4. Dies
5. Removed from office
6. Voluntarily resigns
7. Permanently incapacitated

Only an official candidate of a registered or accredited
political party can be substituted

Maria Carmela Sotelo (2017) 12

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