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The Life and Works of Jose Rizal

Metacognitive Reading Report # 1

Name: Mirando, Paulene Rose S.J. Date: 8/19/19

1. Three (3) Things that I significantly learned from the readings

The mandatory Rizal subject in the Philippines was the upshot of the Rizal bill which
later became a law in 1956. The bill involves mandating educational institutions in the
country to offer a course on the hero’s life, works, and writings, especially the Noli Me
Tangere and El Filibusterismo.
Debates about this act have followed between the senators Recto and Laurel who
respectively, authored and sponsored the act, and the senators Rodrigo, Cuenco, and
Rosales, who thought that this act was another attack to the Catholic Church
The act was published on the day of our independence. The goal is to educate us about
the literature and writings concerning our history. It will be an awareness for each one of
us on how our national hero dealt with the Spaniards during his time.

2. Three (3) Things that are still unclear to me

The first thing that is unclear to me is that, why did the catholic church delaying the
progress of this act? do they think that the works of Rizal will create judgement about
how they rule the church?
The second thing is how sure is Recto that the bill he proposed will help the present
generation and the future generation? And how the works and life of Rizal can still be
applied to our lives today?
The last thing is, life and works of Rizal has served as an inspiration to us and to love and
embrace our own culture, but most Filipinos are inclined to embrace other cultures, What
do you think is the problem? Filipinos? Our History? Why?

3. I used to think that….

I used to think that this law would help awaken the passion that the Filipinos feel for their
country and further fight for the good of the country. Another thing, is that through the
implementation of this act, our fellowmen would be able to see how much we are blinded
by the foreigners, especially the Americans, and how much colonial mentality has taken
over the lives of the people. The sense of nationalism and being united is the real treasure
that we got through reading the works of Rizal. We can feel the success of our fallen hero
and be proud of what have he done for our country through his sacrifice. Rizal proves
that his books (Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo) tells us the history and the
heritage of our beloved country.

4. Three (3) questions that I want to ask about the readings

Why did Rizal said that his love for his country did not blame all problems on strangers,
but proclaimed that the Filipino people were also victims of their own immorality and
How was this act affects the present generation? are the issues stated in books written by
Rizal also happening nowadays after the act was made? if yes, relate the issues in the
present generation from the past.
If you were the author of the act, why would you pursue its approval? How will you deal
with the Catholic church delaying the progress of your presented act? Do you believe that
this act degrades the dignity of the Catholic church? why or why not?

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