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‘Teacher may then play a game “I am Never Satisfied”.

One person shares a problem and

another student gives an advice but the first person finds a problem with that and a new

suggestion is given. This continues till either the first person cannot find a fault in the advice

or the other student cannot think of a suitable advice.’ (Waqar, 2018)

For example:

A: I have a constant head ache.

B: You should consult a doctor.

A: Why should I go to a doctor for such a small issue?

B: Then, you should have taken a tablet before leaving home.

A: I hate tablets.

B: You should drink more water to reduce the intensity of pain.

A: I have forgotten my water bottle at home.

B: You can take mine…

Waqar, R. (2018). Engaging Activities for the ELT Classrooms. Unpublished manuscript.

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