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Certificate No.


Course: IT Elective 1 – Web Systems and Semester: First School Year: 2020-2021
Technologies 1
Class Schedule: Instructor: Engr. Eric B. Guimbaolibot
BS InfoTech III-A – MW/4:00-5:00 Lec
TTh/2:30-4:00 Lab

BS InfoTech III-B – F/7:00-9:00 Lec

F/9:00-12:00 Lab

BS InfoTech III-C – MW/9:00-10:30 Lab

TTh/1:00-2:00 Lec

Course Description:
This course provides the students with the fundamental understanding of developing
web-based application and its corresponding support systems. It also covers various web
design concepts and techniques that will allow students to design, build and create effective,
interactive and dynamic web applications.
The course requires the use of different technologies in order to implement various
web-based software applications.

Course Outline
Week 1 Introduction to the course/discussion about the syllabus, Vision, Mission,
Goals and Objectives
1. Internet and the World Wide Web
1.1 Evolution of the Internet
1.2 Getting Set up to Use the Internet
Week 2 2. Web Technologies
2.1 Web Site and Web Portals
2.2 Search Engines
2.3 Security
2.4 Video and Audio Streaming
Week 3 3. Principles of Web Design
3.1 Understanding the Web Design Development
3.2 Designing for Multiple Screen Resolution
3.3 Crafting the Look and Feel of the Site
Week 4 4. HTML Protocol
4.1 HTML and its syntax
4.2 HTML tags
4.3 HTML content elements
4.4 Static Web Pages using HTML5
Week 5 5. The Format of a Web Page
5.1 The Web Page structure
5.2 Page Title
5.3 URL
5.4 Web Page Content
October Midterm Examination

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Effectivity Date: October 5, 2018
Certificate No. AJA19-0226
Week 6 4. Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets
4.1 Recognizing the Benefits of Using CSS
4.2 Examining Basic Selection Techniques
Week 7 6. Overall Design and Management
6.1 Organizing a Website
6.2 Using an External Style Sheet
Week 8 7. Creating Static and Dynamic Pages Using Web Development Applications
and Support Tools for Web Design
7.1 PHP
7.2 JavaScript
Week 9 8. Introduction to Web Publishing
8.1 Web Publishing Tools and Methods
8.2 Processes in Web Publishing
December Final Examination
Course Requirements
The students are required to:
1. take and pass the major examinations (Midterm, and Final Examination);
2. take and pass the online assessments;
3. actively participate during virtual discussions; and
4. submit and pass required activities, assignment/s and project/s.
Course Learning Outcomes Required Output(s)

After completing this course, you should

be able to:

1. Understand some fundamental theory Quiz, Oral Recitation, Online Activity/Assignment,

about how the internet works. Written Examination
2. Define the principle of Webpage Quiz, Oral Recitation, Online Activity/Assignment,
Design and to know the different Project, Written/Practical Examination
internet technologies.
3. Visualize the basic concept of HTML Quiz, Oral Recitation, Online Activity/Assignment,
and recognize the elements of HTML. Written/Practical Examination
4. Introduce the basic concepts of Quiz, Oral Recitation, Online Activity/Assignment,
Cascading Style Sheets. Written/Practical Examination
5. Use related technologies in developing Quiz, Oral Recitation, Online Activity/Assignment,
complete web-based applications. Written/Practical Examination
6. Develop the concept of Web Quiz, Oral Recitation, Online Activity/Assignment,
Publishing. Written/Practical Examination
Course Policies
1. You are required to attend the scheduled face-to-face sessions, if necessary.
2. You are expected to behave with academic honesty. It is not academically honest to misrepresent
another person’s work as your own, to take credit for someone else’s work or ideas, to obtain
advanced information on confidential test materials, or to act in a way might harm another
student’s chances of academic success. You automatically will have a grade of 5.0 after three (3)
offenses of academic dishonesty.
3. You are expected to attend scheduled virtual sessions and take major examinations (Midterm
and Finals) on the specified day.

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Effectivity Date: October 5, 2018
Certificate No. AJA19-0226
4. You should submit the learning material together with the required outputs for the specified
week(s) on the specified date and time to the campus security personnel or as per instruction
from your instructor.
5. You are expected to do all the activities, exercises, and tasks independently or as per instruction
from your instructor.
6. Students who miss to attend major exams & quizzes due to justifiable reason (sickness) with note
approved by the dean shall be given special examination.
7. Removal, completion of INC and conditional grades should be accomplished within one (1) month
period starting from the date of final grades were submitted.
Grading System
Assessments/Requirements 50%
 Attendance
 Oral Recitations
 Projects
 Quizzes
 Online Activities/Assignments
Major Examinations 50%
 Midterm
 Final

TOTAL 100%

Gibbs, Paul (2016) HTML Beginners – Basics of Web Design, ISBN 978-0-9928697-2-4 (eBook –

McFedries, Paul (2009) Internet Simplified, Wiley Publishing, Inc., ISBN: 978-0-470-40446-1

Morley, Deborah and Parker, Charles S., (2015) Understanding Computers; Today and Tomorrow,
15th Edition, Cengage Learning, ISBN-13: 978-1-285-76727-7

Sklar, Joel () Principles of Web Design, 6th Edition, Cengage Learning, ISBN-10: 1-285-85264-8

Stolley, Karl (2011) How to Design and Write Web Pages Today, Greenwood

Consultation Schedule

MWF – 10:30am-12:00nn

Prepared by: Approved:


Instructor College Dean

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Effectivity Date: October 5, 2018

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