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Assignment 2

REG-no. DK 30 06 09 46

DTU Electrical Engineering

Department of
Electrical Engineering

Course: 31745 Real-time digital simulation and test of power system

Make a summary report of the overcurrent relay protection. The exercise is based
on the ‘Overcurrent Relay Modelling’ (Lecture for overcurrent relay case) and Over-
current Relay Modelling Assignment.
Based on the case ‘Overcurrent relay’, implement additional control as explained
Overcurrent relay operates for current values above the pick up values of the relay
 Firstly, the relay receives the secondary side signals from CT.
 Secondly, magnitudes of sinusoidal waveforms from sampled data taken at dis-
crete intervals should be determined. The calculation of the current is needed
[1]. The equation to calculate the current is presented in Eq.(1). The input
should be the burden current from the current transformer (CT). The burden
current should be processed through sampler and buffer and finally used to
calculate IRMS.

𝒊𝟐𝒌 + 𝒊𝟐𝒌+𝟏 − 𝟐𝒊𝒌 𝒊𝒌+𝟏 𝒄𝒐𝒔𝝎𝟎 ∆𝒕

𝑰𝟐 = (1)
(𝒔𝒊𝒏𝝎𝟎 ∆𝒕)𝟐

Implementation of different circuit breaker control logic compared to the exercise

should be made in a way that once the fault happens and the obtained current is
above the pick up current, the relay sends a trip signal and circuit breaker opens.
The pick up value of the current equals 1 A.

The following points should be covered and answered in the report.

1. Briefly describe the purpose of the overcurrent relay. How does operation
of the overcurrent relay differs from the distance relay operation?
2. Briefly describe the exercise.
3. Describe the fault control logic. In addition:
a. What is the purpose of the ‘Active bit number to trigger the fault’.
How are they arranged?
b. What is the purpose of the signal name to control the fault?
c. In the point of wave logic, the degrees are converted to time using
gain block. Present briefly the calculation to obtain the value inside
the gain block (4.63e-5).
4. Describe the circuit breaker (CB) logic. In addition:
a. What are the active bit numbers to control the breaker, what val-
ues do they have and why?
b. What is the purpose of the signal name to control the breaker?
c. What does initial status (stat) of the breaker present?
d. What is initial status of CB in this exercise?

DTU Electrical Engineering

Department of
Electrical Engineering

Course: 31745 Real-time digital simulation and test of power system

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e. We went through two options for automatic opening of CB, one
during exercises and another done for the assignment. Please, de-
scribe the difference.
5. Please, provide brief description of the current calculation procedure and
its implementation in RSCAD. What value 𝜔0 ∆𝑡 equals to? What is purpose
of the sampler and buffer? Please, present the control block to calculate
the current and control block for the TRIP, fault control block and CB con-
trol block.
6. Describe the test results including the test scenario, what has been ob-
served, and a short explanation of the results

The report should be done individually. The maximum number of pages for the
report is 10 (by including the cover and content pages, maximum is 12 pages).

[1] Johns, A.T., Digital Protection for Power Systems, IEE Power Series 15, Peter Per-
egrins Ltd., Six Hills Way, Stevenage, UK, 1995

DTU Electrical Engineering

Department of
Electrical Engineering

Course: 31745 Real-time digital simulation and test of power system

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