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Portfolio Assessment of Fatima Aziz

Criterion Comments of Examiner Mark

1. Identification of a need or  Need of the design according to the target user clearly identified
opportunity with a brief analysis
leading to a design
 In depth analysis of design problem. Link with design clearly established. 4 out of 5
brief  Design brief is clear, showing the constraints.

2. Research into the design  Thorough research of design brief with the relevant data collected.
brief resulting in a  Specifications of the product are justified through a detailed research analysis. 8 out of 10
specification  The mood board, product analysis and questionnaire are linked with the client profile

 A range of ideas with appropriate solutions. Evaluation of ideas are detailed but could have been
3. Generation and exploration of more technical.
16 out of 20
design ideas  Comparison of the initial ideas show the understanding of the technical knowledge.
 Detailed sketching with annotations.
 Development of idea is reasonably good, through the use of wide range of different techniques, small
4. Development of proposed details are included through sketching which gives a good understanding.
13 out of 15
solution  Good use of CAD to develop a solution.
 Effective use of modelling to set up an effective planning for production.
 Detailed working designs are present with the detailed dimensions.
5. Planning for production 8 out of 10
 Step by step whole manufacturing process is displayed using cutting list, time plan and flowchart.
 The product is completed to a good standard, with the accuracy and most importantly according to
the expected specifications, however wall mounting mechanism on to the unit is not reflected in the
6. Product realization 26 out of 30
realization process.
 Detailed photographic record of whole manufacturing process.

 Testing carried out as the client took the product to the actual location.
7. Testing and evaluation  Evaluation done against all the specifications developed. 8 out of 10
 Strength and weaknesses are identified with the points added for the future modifications.

Total mark awarded 83 out of 100

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