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Protect your Family from Dengue

Do you know how it is transmitted?

Mosquito carries the

virus in its body

Mosquito bites and

sucks blood
containing the virus
from an infected

And passes the virus

to healthy people
when it bites

The larger the Aedes population, the higher the number of

people at risk of getting the disease.

Do you know the signs of dengue fever?

/ Headache

/ Skin Rash

/ Prolonged fever

Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a severe form of

dengue fever where internal bleeding occurs. DHF can lead
to death.

You can get rid of the Aedes
Mosquito by removing Stagnant
Water in your Home.
The Aedes mosquito breeds in clean, stagnant water. It only needs a
puddle about the size of a twenty-cent coin.

Change of water in vases every

other day. Scrub inside of vases to
get rid of mosquito eggs before
putting in freshwater.

Flush plant roots with water to get

rid of any mosquito larvae.

Remove water from plant pot plates

every other day. Scrub plates clean
to get rid of mosquito eggs. Avoid
using pot plates if possible.

For hydroponic kits, ensure that the
openings are stuffed with cotton
wool and the covers are fitted
tightly to prevent the entry of

Loosen hardened soil in pots to

prevent water from collecting on
the hardened soil.

Do not leave pails and watering

cans outdoors in the open where
rainwater can collect in them. Pour
out the water in pails and watering
cans before storing. Store the pails
and cans upside down. Use up
water in pails within 3 days.

Cut back roof covering the roof
gutters to expose the gutters fully.

Check roof gutters at least once a

month to ensure that there are no
blockings and water stagnation. If
possible, remove roof gutters. If
not, punch holes in them. The holes
should be 1 to 2 cm in diameter
and 1 meter apart. If roof gutters
are warped or have lost their
gradient, engage a contractor to
have them repaired. After which,
follow up by punching holes in

Clear leaves and stagnant water

from drains.

Cover rarely used gully traps. If
possible, change gully trap covers
to non-perforated ones and fit
them with anti-mosquito valves.

Dispose of litter especially tins and

bottles properly to prevent rain
water from collecting in them.

Cover bamboo pole holders when

they are not in use to prevent the
collection of rain water.

Remove air-conditioner trays.
Redirect condensate to bathrooms
or toilets.

Check every possible place where

water can collect, such as canvas
sheets, unused fish tanks, old tyres
or watering cans in the garden.

If you are going on a holiday

Cover the toilet bowls.

Seal off the overflow pipes of

flushing cisterns.

Other ways to control mosquito

Sand Granular Insecticides

Once a month, pour sand granular

insecticide in containers, vases,
plant pot plates, gully traps and
roof gutters, even if they are dry.
The insecticide will dissolve in
water and kill the mosquito larvae.

You can buy sand granular

insecticides from selected nurseries
and DIY stores.

Household Insecticide Sprays

Household insecticide sprays are

useful but the control is temporary
because only mosquitoes that come
in contact with the insecticides are
killed. The best way to prevent
mosquitoes from breeding is to
get rid of stagnant water in your

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