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Science and Myths

Presented by Richard Sanchez

Myth, a story of the gods, a religious
Science can help us understand ourselves
account of the beginning of the world,
and our world, to recognize how it works
the creation, fundamental events, the
and where we fit within it. There will
exemplary deeds of the gods as a result
always be questions to be answered.
of which the world, nature, and culture
Science can be thought of as both a body
were created together with all parts
of knowledge and the process of
thereof and given their order, which still
acquiring new knowledge.
obtains. A myth expresses and confirms
Interesting thing about science is that it’s
society's religious values and norms, it
never finished. Every discovery leads to
provides a pattern of behavior to be
more questions, new mysteries, to
imitated, testifies to the efficacy
something else that needs explaining.
of ritual with its practical ends and

establishes the sanctity of cult.

Scientific Myth
A scientific myth is a myth about science, or a myth or

factoid that is commonly thought to be scientific.

Scientific discoveries are often presented in a

mythological way with a theory being presented as a

dramatic flash of insight by a heroic individual, rather

than as the result of sustained experiment and

Newton's Law Of Gravitation-
Scientific Myth
Newton's observation of an apple falling indeed played a part in

starting him thinking about the problem, but it took him about

twenty years to develop the theory fully and so the story of the

apple has been described as a myth. Other scientific

misconceptions include the idea that bats are blind

The extent to which it occurs and is problematic is debatable.

The scientific historian Douglas Allchin suggests that mythical

accounts are misleading because they present the results as

handed down by authority figures and understate the

importance of error and its resolution by the scientific method

Drawbacks and problems of scientific mythology
The lofty goals of scientific mythology (such as happiness, immortality, salvation, godlike nature), of course, are

never achieved: in fact, humans in highly industrialized

societies become less happy, less healthy, and less mentally stable but reliant on

stimulants. At the same time, the constant striving for “superhuman” goals and beyond

our limited earthly realm overtaxes our resources that are diverted into wrong directions

that are not immediately beneficial to the human race and are thus without return.

Especially affected are third world countries and underprivileged minorities, making

science into a mechanism of exploitation of the rest of humanity by the rich. Thus such

basic problems as poverty, hunger, disease, child mortality and so forth have not been

eliminated. Instruments of science, such as advanced weaponry, are often used directly to

kill people in underdeveloped countries for political and economic gains. At the same

time, overtaxing the resources of the planet led to an almost complete destruction of our

environment. Yet, skewing people’s goals by false promises and illusory solutions

actually leads humans further and further away from the truly “salvific” goals, in

material, social, or spiritual sense.

In the modern world, myths and stories still have an important

Science Needs
role to play – even in scientific research. Scientists have

stories about important people and great events in science,

Myths to
such as the discovery of penicillin, uncovering the structure of

DNA, the development of vaccines and the battles that

Galileo and early proponents of a sun-centred model of the

solar system fought with the reactionary forces of the Church.

Together, these stories help young scientists understand the

collective benefits of research that go beyond personal

advancement and success.

The Future Of Science

It’s important to recognize that how we do research has changed. This was brought home to

me recently when I reread The Pursuit of Nature, the story of some of the great Cambridge

physiologists of the mid-20th century.

This “industrialization” of science is right and necessary. It has accelerated the impact of

research in society and allowed scientists to discover and develop new technologies. There is

probably nothing left that can be discovered using equipment made from biscuit tins. But

amid all this change, we haven’t adapted the way in which we instill the ethics and values of

science and research into young researchers

All cultures need their myths, and each lab needs its lore.
Time: The Ancient Egyptian calendar was

originally based on the cycle of the star

Sirius, effectively applying astronomy

principles to develop an accurate

calendar divided into 12 months, 365 days

and 24-hour units. We still use their

calendar model in our tracking of the

days today. They were one of the first to

divide days into equal parts through the

use of timekeeping devices like sundials,

shadow clocks and obelisks with

evidences for even water clocks.

 The Ancient Egyptians are known for their massive constructions and outstanding architecture such as

the Great Pyramid of Giza, which is one of the Seven Wonders of the World. The ramp and the lever

were two of the most famous construction inventions they developed, and the principles that guided

them are still widely used in construction today.

Many of their most famous inventions were based upon the scientific principles the Ancient Egyptians

discovered. They had a variety of medical techniques and cures for both humans and animals, along

with a vast knowledge of anatomy, as they practiced mummification and preservation of the dead. One

of the earliest accounts of medical texts originated in ancient Egypt: It described and analyzed the

brain, providing the earliest insight into neuroscience.

Myths &
Chimps and humans share uncanny similarities,

not the least of which is our DNA — about 98.8%

is identical.However, evolution works by

incremental genetic changes adding up through

many, many generations. Chimps and humans

did share a common ancestor between 6 and 8

million years ago but a lot has changed since

then.Modern chimps evolved into a separate

(though close) branch of the ape family tree

Lightning never
strikes the same
place twice.

Lightning does strike twice.Some

places, like the Empire State Building,

get struck up to 100 times a year.

In the 2009 book "Fat Chance," the author, Dr. Robert

Lustig, claims that sugar stimulates the brain's reward

system the same way that tobacco, alcohol, cocaine,

and even heroin does, and therefore must be equally

addictive. Lustig even cites studies that show parts of

our brain that light-up from a sugary reward are the

same parts that get excited for many types of

enjoyable activities
Only a small percentage of people with Tourette

syndrome randomly yell out swear words.It

actually encompasses a lot more than that,

including involuntary movements and different

sound tics.The swearing tic is called coprolalia.


















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