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Nonlinear Static (Pushover) And Nonlinear Time History Analyses of Four Storied RCC Buildings Using ETABS


Dr. Vijay Namdev Khose

Q – Perform Nonlinear Static (Pushover) and Nonlinear Ti me History Anal ys es o n f ou r

s tori ed RC building as shown in Figure A a nd B using ETABS

3 Nos @ 5m C/C




X1 X2 X3 X4

Figure A Plan of the building

Story 4
Story 3

Story 2

Story 1


Figure B Elevation of building

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Nonlinear Static (Pushover) And Nonlinear Time History Analyses of Four Storied RCC Buildings Using ETABS

Bui lding details a re as follows

1. Gra de of concrete used is M 30 a nd grade of s teel used is FE500.

2. Fl oor to floor height is 3.1 m
3. Pa ra pet heighti s 1.2 m.
4. Sl a b Thickness is 150 mm.
5. Externa l wall thickness is 230 mm a nd i nternal wall thickness is 150 mm.
6. Si ze of columns i s 300mm X 450 mm a nd size of beams 300mm X 400 mm Al o ng
X di rection a nd 300 mm X 300 mm a l ong Y direction.
7. Li ve l oad on fl oor i s 2kN/m 2 and Live load on roof is 1.5kN/m 2.
8. Fl oor finishes is 1.5 kN/m 2 a nd roof treatment is 6.0 kN/m 2
9. Si te l ocated i n Seismic Zone III.
10. Bui lding i s resting on medium s oil.
11. Ta ke Importance Factor as 1.
12. Bui lding fra me type is Special Moment Resting Fra me (SMRF).
13. Density of concrete is 25 kN/m 3and Density of masonry wall is 20 kN/m 3

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Nonlinear Static (Pushover) And Nonlinear Time History Analyses of Four Storied RCC Buildings Using ETABS

Nonlinear Static (Pushover) Analysis using ETABS

Step 1: Linear Analysis with expected material properties
a) Defi ne expected material properties
b) Upda te section frame section material properties to expected material
c) Run a nalysis and design building with expected material properties
d) Unl ock model

Step 2: Define Gravity load case

a) Cl i ck the Define menu > Load Case comma nd to access the Load Cases form.
b) Cl i ck the Add New Case button to display the Load Case Data form.
c) Type the name of the load pattern Gravity in the Load edit list.
d) Sel ect a load type Nonlinear Static from the Type drop-down list.
e) Sel ect a Mass Source McScr1 from the drop-down l ist.
f) Speci fy the initial conditions to Zero Initial Conditions - Start from Unstressed
g) In Loa ds Applied options. Apply 100 % Dead load type and % live load type as
s hown i n Figure 1.
h) Sel ect a Geometric Nonlinearity option P-Delta from the drop-down list.

Figure 1. Load Case Data form-Define Gravity Load

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Nonlinear Static (Pushover) And Nonlinear Time History Analyses of Four Storied RCC Buildings Using ETABS

Step 3: Beam Hinge Assignment

a) Sel ect a ll the beam objects in the model.
b) Sel ect the Assign menu > Frame > Hinges comma nd to a ccess the Frame
As s ignment - Hinges form.
c) Sel ect a n Auto hi nge property from the Hinge Property drop-down list.
d) Type a 0.05 i n the Relative Distance edit box. See Figure 2. The relative distance
i s measured from End I (the start) of the frame object. The range is from zero to
one. When end offsets are defined, i f the relative distance i s specified such that
the hi nge falls within an end offset, the program automatically moves the hinge
to the i nside face of the end offset. The hinges a re always located within the
cl ea r length of the object between the end offsets.

Figure 2. Frame Assignment-Hinges form

e) Cl i ck the Add button. Auto hinge assignment form will popup.

f) Sel ect a n Auto Hinge Type from Tables in ASCE 41-13 from the Type drop-down
l i st. When this option i s selected, use the Select a Hinge Table drop-down list to
s elect the Table 10-7 (Concrete Beams – Flexure) Item i.
g) Sel ect a Degree of Freedom M3 from drop-down list.
h) From Deformation Controlled Hinge Load Carrying Capacity opti ons. Choose the
a ppropriate option:
i) Drops Load After Point E opti on. When this option i s selected, the l oad
ca rryi ng ca pacity drops to zero at point E.
ii) Is Extrapolated After Point E opti on. When this option is selected, the l oad
ca rryi ng ca pacity is extrapolated at point E (typically extra polated parallel to
l i ne D-E).

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Nonlinear Static (Pushover) And Nonlinear Time History Analyses of Four Storied RCC Buildings Using ETABS

i) In Transverse Reinforcing is Conforming, check transverse reinforcing is

conforming. When i t is unchecked, the reinforcing is not conforming.
j) In Reinforcing Ratio (ρ-ρ'/ρbalanced) opti on, select From Current Design (i .e., the
l a st concrete design performed) from drop-down list.
k) In V Value From opti on, select Gravity Ca se/Combo drop-down list. The results
from a s pecified l oad case a re those obtained the last ti me the analysis was run.
l) Cl i ck OK.
m) Type a 0.95 i n the Relative Distance edit box.
n) Repeat e to I steps.
o) Cl i ck OK.

Note: If the Ca s e/Combo option is used for P or V or the From Current Design
opti on is used, generated hinge properties may change when design or analysis
res ults change. Thus, the a nalysis a nd design will need to be i teratively run until
thei r results are constant from one run to the next before the hinge properties will
rema in constant from one run to the next.

Figure 3. Concrete beam Auto Hinge Assignment Data

Step 4: Column Hinge Assignment

a) Sel ect a ll the column objects i n the model.
b) Sel ect the Assign menu > Frame > Hinges comma nd to a ccess the Frame
As s ignment - Hinges form.

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Nonlinear Static (Pushover) And Nonlinear Time History Analyses of Four Storied RCC Buildings Using ETABS

c) Sel ect a n Auto hi nge property from the Hinge Property drop-down list.
d) Type a 0.05 i n the Relative Distance edit box. See Figure 2.
e) Cl i ck the Add button. Auto hinge assignment form will popup.
f) Sel ect a n Auto Hinge Type from Tables in ASCE 41-13 from the Type drop-down
l i st. When this option i s selected, use the Select a Hinge Table drop-down list to
s elect the Table 10-8 (Concrete Columns) from the drop-down list.
g) Sel ect a Degree of Freedom P-M2-M3 from drop-down list.
h) From Deformation Controlled Hinge Load Carrying Capacity opti ons. Choose the
a ppropriate option:
i) Drops Load After Point E opti on. When this option i s selected, the l oad
ca rryi ng ca pacity drops to zero at point E.
ii) Is Extrapolated After Point E opti on. When this option is selected, the l oad
ca rryi ng ca pacity is extrapolated at point E (typically extra polated parallel to
l i ne D-E).
i) In Concrete Column Failure Condition opti ons, choose Condition i - Flexure
j) In Shear Reinforcing Ratio ρ =Av/(bw*s) opti on, s elect From Current Design
(i .e., the l ast concrete design performed) from drop-down list.
k) Cl i ck ok. See Figure 4.
l) Type a 0.95 i n the Relative Distance edit box.

Figure 4. Concrete Column Auto Hinge Assignment Data form

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Nonlinear Static (Pushover) And Nonlinear Time History Analyses of Four Storied RCC Buildings Using ETABS

m) Repeat e to k s teps
n) Cl i ck OK.

Step 5: Define Push Over load case- X Direction

a) Cl i ck the Define menu > Load Case comma nd to access the Load Cases form.
b) Cl i ck the Add New Case button to display the Load Case Data form.
c) Type the name of the load pattern Push X i n the Load edit list.
d) Sel ect a load type Nonlinear Static from the Type drop-down list.
e) Sel ect a Mass Source McScr1 from the drop-down l ist.
f) Speci fy the initial conditions to Continue from State at End of Nonlinear Case.
The di splacements, velocities, s tresses, l oads, energies, and nonlinear
deformation histories from the end of a previous a nalysis a re carried forward.
Note tha t this option is a vailable a fter a nonlinear l oad case has been created i n
the model. Use the drop-down list to choose the "Gravity" Nonlinear Ca se.
g) In Loa ds Applied options. Select a Load Type Mode from drop-down list. Select
Loa d Na me 1 (i .e. Mode with tra nslation in X di rection). Type 1 i n the Scale factor
edi t box.

Figure 5. Load Case Data-Pushover in X Direction

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Nonlinear Static (Pushover) And Nonlinear Time History Analyses of Four Storied RCC Buildings Using ETABS

h) Sel ect a Geometric Nonlinearity opti on P-Delta from the drop-down list.
i) In the Load Application di s play box, click the Modify/Show button to access the
Loa d Application Control for Nonlinear Static Analysis form. See Figure 6.
i) In Load Application Control, s elect displacement control opti on.
ii) In Control Displacement, Choos e the Use Monitored Displacement opti on.
iii) In Load to a Monitored Displacement Magnitude of edi t box, s pecify 250
mm (the ma gnitude of the displacement that is the ta rget for the a nalysis.
Generally i t is kept as 4% of total building height). The program will attempt
to a pply the load to reach the specified displacement.
i v) In Monitored displacement opti on, select a displacement DOF/Joint U1 and
Story 4 from drop-down lists. Type 18 (Any Joint label at top level) i n the edit
Important: Us i ng displacement control is NOT the same as a pplying displacement
l oa ding on the s tructure! Displacement control is simply used to MEASURE the
di s placement that results from the a pplied loads, a nd to adjust the magnitude of the
l oa ding in an a ttempt to reach a certain measured displacement value.

Figure 6. Load application Control for Nonlinear Static Analysis-Pushover in X Direction

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Nonlinear Static (Pushover) And Nonlinear Time History Analyses of Four Storied RCC Buildings Using ETABS

j) In the Results Saved display box, click the Modify/Show button to access the
Results Saved for Nonlinear Static Load Cases form. See Figure 7.
i) Sel ect Multiple States opti on.
ii) In Minimum and Maximum Saved Steps edi t boxes, type 500 a nd 500,
res pectively.
iii) Uncheck Save Positive Increments Only check box.

Figure 7. Results Saved for Nonlinear Static Case

k) In the Nonlinear Parameters di splay box, click the Modify/Show button to access
the Nonlinear Pa rameters form and specify user defined Nonlinear Pa rameters
for the a nalysis. Keep default values. See Figure 8.

Figure 8. Nonlinear Parameters-Pushover Load Case

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Nonlinear Static (Pushover) And Nonlinear Time History Analyses of Four Storied RCC Buildings Using ETABS

Step 6: Define Push Over load case- Y Direction

a) Cl i ck the Define menu > Load Case comma nd to access the Load Cases form.
b) Cl i ck the Add New Case button to display the Load Case Data form.
c) Type the name of the load pattern Push Y i n the Load edit list.
d) Sel ect a load type Nonlinear Static from the Type drop-down list.
e) Sel ect a Mass Source McScr1 from the drop-down l ist.
f) Speci fy the initial conditions to Continue from State at End of Nonlinear Case.
The di splacements, velocities, s tresses, l oads, energies, and nonlinear
deformation histories from the end of a previous a nalysis a re carried forward.
Note tha t this option is a vailable a fter a nonlinear l oad case has been created i n
the model. Use the drop-down list to choose the "Gravity" Nonlinear Ca se.
g) In Loa ds Applied options. Select a Load Type Mode from drop-down list. Select
Loa d Na me 2 (i .e. Mode with tra nslation in Y di rection). Type 1 i n the Scale factor
edi t box.

Figure 9. Load Case Data-Pushover in Y Direction

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Nonlinear Static (Pushover) And Nonlinear Time History Analyses of Four Storied RCC Buildings Using ETABS

h) Sel ect a Geometric Nonlinearity opti on P-Delta from the drop-down list.
i) In the Load Application di s play box, click the Modify/Show button to access the
Loa d Application Control for Nonlinear Static Analysis form.
i) In Load Application Control, s elect displacement control opti on.
ii) In Control Displacement, Choos e the Use Monitored Displacement opti on.
iii) In Load to a Monitored Displacement Magnitude of edi t box, s pecify 250
mm (the ma gnitude of the displacement that is the ta rget for the a nalysis.
Generally i t is kept as 2 % of total building height). The program will attempt
to a pply the load to reach the specified displacement.
i v) In Monitored displacement opti on, select a displacement DOF/Joint U2 and
Story 18 (Any Joint label at top level) from drop-down lists. Type 1 i n the edit
box. See Figure 10.

Figure 10.Load application Control for Nonlinear Static Analysis-Pushover in Y Direction

j) In the Results Saved display box, click the Modify/Show button to access the
Results Saved for Nonlinear Static Load Cases form. See Figure 7.
i) Sel ect Multiple States opti on.

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Nonlinear Static (Pushover) And Nonlinear Time History Analyses of Four Storied RCC Buildings Using ETABS

ii) In Minimum and Maximum Saved Steps edi t boxes, type 500 a nd 500,
res pectively.
iii) Uncheck Save Positive Increments Only check box.
k) In the Nonlinear Parameters di splay box, click the Modify/Show button to access
the Nonlinear Pa rameters form and specify user defined Nonlinear Pa rameters
for the a nalysis. Keep default values. See Figure 8.

Step 7: Run Analysis

a) Set a ll Gra vity, Modal a nd a ll Pushover Load cases to run as Pushover l oad ca se
ta kes stiffness from gravity l oad ca se a nd mode s hape from Modal load case.
b) Run Ana lysis.

Step 8: Display Pushover Curve

a) Cl i ck the Display menu > Static Pushover Curve comma nd, which will display the
Ba s e Shear vs Monitored Displacement form. The form will display wi th a tab a t
the top, a tool bar, graphical plot and plot parameter options. See Figure 11.
i) Cl i ck the File menu at the top of that form.
ii) Cl i ck the Display Ta bles command to display a ta ble that, a mong other things,
i ncl udes the force a nd deformation for each step of the nonlinear s tatic
a na lysis. See Figure 12. Cl i ck export to Microsoft excel to export ta ble to
excel .

Figure 11. Pushover curve-X Direction

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Nonlinear Static (Pushover) And Nonlinear Time History Analyses of Four Storied RCC Buildings Using ETABS

Figure 12. Base Shear Vs Monitored Displacement plot

Step 9: Display Deformed shape and Hinge Results

a) Cl i ck the Display menu > Deformed Shape command to a ccess the Deformed
Sha pe form. See Figure 13. Input a value in the Step edit box to s pecify the step
i n the nonlinear s tatic a nalysis to be displayed by the deformed shape. See
Fi gure 14.

Figure 13. Display Deformed Shape Form

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Nonlinear Static (Pushover) And Nonlinear Time History Analyses of Four Storied RCC Buildings Using ETABS

Figure 14. Hinge Pattern-Push X

b) Cl i ck the Display menu > Hinge Results comma nd to review a plot of plastic
rota ti on vs moment, plastic deformation vs shear force, plastic deformation vs .
a xi al force for a s elected hinge. See Figure 15.

Figure 15. Hinge Results-Beam M3

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Nonlinear Static (Pushover) And Nonlinear Time History Analyses of Four Storied RCC Buildings Using ETABS

Nonlinear Time History Analysis using ETABS

Perform s tep 1-4 of Nonlinear Static (Pushover) Analysis i f i t is not a lready done.

Step 5: Define Time History Function

a) Cl i ck the Define menu > Functions > Time History comma nd to a ccess the Define
Ti me History Functions form. Define Time History Functions form will popup. See
Fi gure 16.
b) Sel ect from file the type of function from the "Choose Function Type to Add"
drop-down l ist. The click the Add New Function button.

Figure 16. Define Time History Functions form

c) In Time History Function Name edi t box, type TH (Time history name).

Figure 17. Time History Function Definition-From file

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Nonlinear Static (Pushover) And Nonlinear Time History Analyses of Four Storied RCC Buildings Using ETABS

d) Cl i ck the Browse button to a ccess the Pi ck Function Data File form a nd s pecify
the l ocation a nd filename of the time history da ta text file. Cl ick the View Fi le
button to open the text file in the default text editor to make any necessary
a djustment to the text file to accommodate how the program reads the text file:
i) In Header Lines to Skip edi t box. Specify the number of l ines at the top of the
fi l e to s kip when the program reads the function text fi le.
ii) In Prefix Chars. Per Line to Skip edi t box. Specify the number of characters to
s ki p i n every l ine of the text file when the program reads the function text
fi l e.
iii) In Number of Points per Line edi t box. Specify the number of points per line
to be pl otted for each l ine of the text file when the program reads the
functi on text fi le.
i v) Cl i ck Convert to User-Defined button. Typically the program does not import
the fi le i nto i ts database. It s imply ma intains a link to the file location. Thus if
the function file is moved, or i f the .edb file is moved to a nother location, the
progra m may s uddenly be unable to l ocate the file. When the Convert to
Us er-Defined button is clicked, the program imports the ti me history
functi on into its database file a nd the data is then always available to the
model. Do not click the Convert to User-Defined button until all other i nput
to the form ha ve been reviewed a nd updated appropriately.
e) In Values Are opti ons. Choose one based on type of ti me history data format:
i) Time and Function Values opti on. Select this option if the text file contains
va l ues for both ti me a nd function.
ii) Values at Equal Intervals of {Specify Number} option. Select this option if the
text fi l e contains function va lues spaced at equal ti me i ntervals, and enter
the va l ue of the time interval in the edit box.
f) In Format Type options. Choos e one:
i) Free Format opti on. Use this option if the items i n the lines of the text file
a re s eparated by spaces or ta bs.
ii) Fixed Format opti on. Use this option i f the i tems i n the lines of the text fi le
a re not s eparated by s paces or tabs. Then use the default for the Characters
per Item or specify the number in the edit box. Each item on a line is
a s signed the number of character s pecified i n this edit box. The program
begi ns counting the s paces a fter i t s kips the Number of Prefix Characters
s pecified.
g) Function Graph a rea . This a rea displays a gra ph of the function. It updates
a utomatically as changes are ma de to the form. In s ome cases it may be
necessary to cl ick the Display Graph button after making changes to display or
upda te the graphical display.
h) Cl i ck OK.
i) Cl i ck OK.

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Nonlinear Static (Pushover) And Nonlinear Time History Analyses of Four Storied RCC Buildings Using ETABS

Step 6: Define Nonlinear Time History Load Case- X Direction

a) Cl i ck the Define menu > Load Case comma nd to access the Load Cases form.
b) Cl i ck the Add New Case button to display the Load Case Data form.
c) Type the name of the load pattern NLTHA X i n the Load edit list.
d) Sel ect a load type Time History a nd Nonlinear Direct Integration from the drop-
down l ist.
e) Sel ect a Mass Source McScr1 from the drop-down l ist.
f) Speci fy the initial conditions to Continue from State at End of Nonlinear Case.
The di splacements, velocities, s tresses, l oads, energies, and nonlinear
deformation histories from the end of a previous a nalysis a re carried forward.
Note tha t this option is a vailable a fter a nonlinear l oad case has been created i n
the model. Use the drop-down list to choose the "Gravity" Nonlinear Ca se.
g) In Loads Applied opti ons.
i) Cl i ck Add.
ii) Sel ect a Load Type Acceleration from drop-down list. Select Load Name U1
(i .e. X di rection).
iii) Sel ect TH from drop-down list.
i v) In Scale Factor edi t box. Enter a scale factor that multiplies the load before
a dding i t to other l oads applied. The s cale factor has units of acceleration,
a nd s hould be consistent with the length units currently i n use.

Figure 18. Nonlinear Time History Load Case Data Form

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Nonlinear Static (Pushover) And Nonlinear Time History Analyses of Four Storied RCC Buildings Using ETABS

h) Sel ect a Geometric Nonlinearity option P-Delta from the drop-down list.
i) Number of Output Time Steps and Output Time Step Size edi t boxes. The total
ti me of the a nalysis is the number of output ti me s teps multiplied by the output
ti me-step size. Results will be saved only a t time zero and the subsequent output
ti me s teps, although the analysis will compute intermediate results a t every time
s tep of every a pplied-load ti me-history function.
j) In Proportional Damping. Cl i ck the Modify/Show button to specify the Damping
to us e for the analysis. See Figure 19.
i) In Viscous Proportional Damping, s elect Specify Damping by Period.
ii) Type fi rs t and Second period i n X di rection
iii) Type fi rs t and Second damping period in X direction
i v) Cl i ck on Recalculate Coefficients.
v) Cl i ck OK

Figure 19. Direct integration Damping Form

k) In Time Integration. Cl i ck the Modify/Show button to s pecify the Time

Integration Pa rameters to use for the analysis. See Figure 20.

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Nonlinear Static (Pushover) And Nonlinear Time History Analyses of Four Storied RCC Buildings Using ETABS

Figure 20. Time Integration Parameters

l) In Nonlinear Parameters. Cl i ck the Modify/Show button to define the Nonlinear

Pa ra meters to use for the analysis. See Figure 21Figure 20.

Figure 21. Nonlinear Parameters form

Step 7: Define Nonlinear Time History Load Case- Y Direction

a) Cl i ck the Define menu > Load Case comma nd to access the Load Cases form.
b) Cl i ck the Add New Case button to display the Load Case Data form.
c) Type the name of the load pattern NLTHA Y i n the Load edit list.

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Nonlinear Static (Pushover) And Nonlinear Time History Analyses of Four Storied RCC Buildings Using ETABS

d) Sel ect a load type Time History a nd Nonlinear Direct Integration from the drop-
down l ist.
e) Sel ect a Mass Source McScr1 from the drop-down l ist.
f) Speci fy the initial conditions to Continue from State at End of Nonlinear Case.
The di splacements, velocities, s tresses, l oads, energies, and nonlinear
deformation histories from the end of a previous a nalysis a re carried forward.
Note tha t this option is a vailable a fter a nonlinear l oad case has been created i n
the model. Use the drop-down list to choose the "Gravity" Nonlinear Ca se.
g) In Loads Applied opti ons.
i) Cl i ck Add.
ii) Sel ect a Load Type Acceleration from drop-down list. Select Load Name U2
(i .e. X di rection).
iii) Sel ect TH from drop-down list.
i v) In Scale Factor edi t box. Enter a scale factor that multiplies the load before
a dding i t to other l oads applied. The s cale factor has units of acceleration,
a nd s hould be consistent with the length units currently i n use.

Figure 22. Nonlinear Time History Load Case Data Form

h) Sel ect a Geometric Nonlinearity option P-Delta from the drop-down list.
i) Number of Output Time Steps and Output Time Step Size edi t boxes. The total
ti me of the a nalysis is the number of output ti me s teps multiplied by the output
ti me-step size. Results will be saved only a t time zero and the subsequent output
ti me s teps, although the analysis will compute intermediate results a t every time
s tep of every a pplied-load ti me-history function.

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Nonlinear Static (Pushover) And Nonlinear Time History Analyses of Four Storied RCC Buildings Using ETABS

j) In Proportional Damping. Cl i ck the Modify/Show button to specify the Damping

to us e for the analysis. See Figure 23.
i) In Viscous Proportional Damping, s elect Specify Damping by Period.
ii) Type fi rs t and Second period i n X di rection
iii) Type fi rs t and Second damping period in X direction
i v) Cl i ck on Recalculate Coefficients.
v) Cl i ck OK

Figure 23. Direct integration Damping Form

k) In Time Integration. Cl i ck the Modify/Show button to s pecify the Time

Integration Pa rameters to use for the analysis. See Figure 20.
l) In Nonlinear Parameters. Cl i ck the Modify/Show button to define the Nonlinear
Pa ra meters to use for the analysis. See Figure 21Figure 20.

Step 8: Review Nonlinear Time History Results

a) Deformed s hape, Hinge pattern a nd hinge results a t any ti me step can be
revi ewed similar to Nonlinear Static Analysis -Step 9.
b) Cl i ck the Display menu > Plot Functions comma nd to display the Time History
Pl ot form, which ca n be used to s pecify the load case and the function(s) to be
pl otted. The form will display with a ta b at the top, a tool bar, gra phical plot and
pl ot parameter options. See Figure 24.
i) Cl i ck Define plot functions button.
ii) Type Displacement Ux i n Plot Function Name edit box
iii) Sel ect function Type Joint Displacement from drop-down l ist.
i v) Sel ect a ppropriate ID’S, Response and Display s ettings.
v) Cl i ck OK.

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Nonlinear Static (Pushover) And Nonlinear Time History Analyses of Four Storied RCC Buildings Using ETABS

Figure 24. Plot functions form.

c) Sel ect Load ca se, horizontal and vertical functions to display plot. See Figure 25.

Figure 25. Joint Displacement plot

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