OSHA Beryllium Rule PDF

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Protecting Workers from Exposure to Beryllium

and Beryllium Compounds: Final Rule Overview
Beryllium and beryllium compounds are In general industry, exposure to
important materials used in the aerospace, beryllium can occur in the following
electronics, energy, telecommunication, medical, industries and activities:
and defense industries. However, beryllium is • Beryllium Production
a highly toxic metal and workers who inhale • Beryllium Oxide Ceramics and
beryllium are at an increased risk of developing Composites
chronic beryllium disease (CBD) or lung cancer. • Nonferrous Foundries
The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational • Secondary Smelting, Refining, and
Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has Alloying
finalized new beryllium standards for general • Precision Turned Products
industry, construction, and shipyards that • Copper Rolling, Drawing, and Extruding
provide commonsense, affordable, and flexible • Fabrication of Beryllium Alloy Products
strategies for employers to protect workers • Welding
from these serious risks. These rules are based • Dental Laboratories
on review of peer-reviewed scientific evidence,
a model standard developed by industry and
labor, current consensus standards, and an In construction and shipyards, exposure to
extensive public outreach effort that included a beryllium primarily occurs when metal slags that
public comment period and public hearings. contain trace amounts of beryllium (<0.1% by
Compared to other OSHA health standards, the weight) are used in abrasive blasting operations.
beryllium rule covers a relatively small worker
What are the health effects associated
population of approximately 62,000 workers.
with beryllium exposure?
OSHA estimates that each year the final rule
Workplace exposure to beryllium and beryllium
will save the lives of 90 workers from beryllium
compounds can result in the following:
related diseases and prevent 46 new cases of
chronic beryllium disease once its full effects Chronic Beryllium Disease (CBD) is a serious
are realized. pulmonary disease that can cause serious
debilitation or death. Signs and symptoms
What is beryllium? of CBD can include shortness of breath, an
Beryllium is a lightweight but extremely strong unexplained cough, fatigue, weight loss, fever,
metal used in the aerospace, electronics, and night sweats. Some workers may develop
energy, telecommunications, medical, and severe symptoms very quickly, while others may
defense industries. Beryllium-copper alloys not experience signs and symptoms until months
are widely used because of their electrical or years after their exposure to beryllium. CBD
and thermal conductivity, hardness, and can continue to progress even after a worker
good corrosion resistance. Beryllium oxide has been removed from exposure. An individual
is used to make ceramics for electronics and must become sensitized to beryllium through
other electrical equipment because of its heat inhalation or skin exposure before he or she can
conductivity, high strength and hardness, and develop CBD.
good electrical insulation.
Lung cancer is associated with occupational • Employers must offer medical examinations
exposure to beryllium by inhaling beryllium- to certain exposed workers. If a specified
containing dust, fumes or mist. The beryllium-related health effect is identified,
International Agency for Research on Cancer they must offer additional workplace
(IARC) lists beryllium as a Group 1 carcinogen accommodations to the worker to reduce
(causes cancer in humans), and the National beryllium exposures.
Toxicology Program (NTP) lists beryllium as a
known human carcinogen. How will OSHA help employers comply
and protect their workers?
The need for new beryllium standards
The rule provides staggered compliance dates
• The health dangers of beryllium exposure
to ensure that employers have sufficient time
have been known for decades. OSHA’s
to meet the requirements and get the right
current permissible exposure limit (PEL) for
protections in place. Employers have:
beryllium is both outdated and ineffective for
preventing disease. • One year after the effective date of the rule to
• Over the decades since OSHA adopted the implement most provisions of the standard;
current PEL, a consensus has developed • Two years after the effective date to
around the science supporting the need implement the requirements for change
for greater protection for workers. Many rooms and showers, and;
employers, including the U.S. Department • Three years after the effective date
of Energy, are already implementing the to implement the engineering control
necessary measures to protect its workers requirements.
from beryllium exposure.
• The technology for most employers to Additional information
meet the new standards is widely available Additional information on OSHA’s beryllium rule
and feasible. can be found at www.osha.gov/beryllium. OSHA
can provide extensive help through a variety of
How will the new rule protect workers? programs, including technical assistance about
• The rule reduces the PEL for beryllium to effective safety and health programs, workplace
0.2 micrograms per cubic meter of air (µg/ consultations, and training and education.
m3) averaged over 8 hours, and establishes a OSHA’s On-site Consultation Program offers
short-term exposure limit (STEL) for beryllium free and confidential occupational safety and
of 2.0 µg/m3 over a 15-minute sampling health services to small and medium-sized
period. Employers must use engineering and businesses in all states and several territories
work practice controls to prevent excessive across the country, with priority given to high-
beryllium from becoming airborne where hazard worksites. On-site consultation services
workers can breathe it in. are separate from enforcement and do not result
• Employers must limit access to high-exposure in penalties or citations. Consultants from state
areas, provide respiratory protection when agencies or universities work with employers to
necessary, and provide personal protective identify workplace hazards, provide advice on
clothing when high exposures or dermal compliance with OSHA standards, and assist in
contact is possible. establishing and improving safety and health
• Employers must assess exposures, develop management systems. To locate the OSHA
and implement written exposure control On-site Consultation Program nearest you, call
plans, and provide workers with training 1-800-321-OSHA (6742) or visit www.osha.gov/
specific to beryllium. consultation.
Twenty-eight states and territories operate their For more information on this and other health-
own occupational safety and health state plans related issues impacting workers, to report
approved by OSHA. State plans are required to an emergency, fatality, inpatient hospitalization,
have standards that are “at least as effective” or to file a confidential complaint, contact your
as OSHA’s standards, and may have different nearest OSHA office, visit www.osha.gov, or call
or additional requirements. To locate an OSHA- OSHA at 1-800-321-OSHA (6742), TTY 1-877-
approved state plan, visit www.osha.gov/dcsp/osp. 889-5627.

This is one in a series of informational fact sheets highlighting OSHA programs, policies or
standards. It does not impose any new compliance requirements. For a comprehensive list of
compliance requirements of OSHA standards or regulations, refer to Title 29 of the Code of Federal
Regulations. This information will be made available to sensory-impaired individuals upon request.
The voice phone is (202) 693-1999; teletypewriter (TTY) number: (877) 889-5627.

DSG FS-3821 01/2017

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