Reference:: Population and Environment: A Global Challenge (2017) Retrieved From

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As time goes by, the population increases across countries and regions of the
world. Today, we have more than 7.8 billion people around the world that need to
be clothed, fed, nurtured, molded, and educated. This growing number of people
continuously consume resources while also produces vast quantities of waste
that adversely affect the environment. According to a study “Population and
Environment: A Global Challenge”, there are two major forms of how humans
affect the environment: first, human consumption of resources such as land,
food, water, air, fossil fuels, and minerals; second, the waste products as a result
of consumption such as air and water pollutants, toxic materials, and greenhouse
gases. It is evident that as our population has increased, the health of our
environment has decreased. The Earth’s resource sustainability is adversely
affected because of the uneven and overconsumption of resources of the
growing number of humans because the more people consume resources, the
more people create waste. Thus, population growth and resource sustainability
are inversely related because as population growth increases, resource
sustainability decreases.
Population and Environment: A Global Challenge (2017) Retrieved from

Population: The Numbers (2020) Retrieved from


The environmental impact of all this consumption is huge. The

mass production of goods, many of them unnecessary for a
comfortable life, is using large amounts of energy, creating
excess pollution, and generating huge amounts of waste.

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