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(For Week-4 22June, 2020 to 26 June, 2020)

My Dear! Read carefully before you start your work

Say Bismillah

Draw the margin lines on your notebook page.

Put Day and Date on daily basis.

I would appreciate if you work individually.

Do your work in neat and beautiful hand writing.

Q 1. Do these questions in notebook then choose and put the correct
answers in box.
Q 2. Draw beads on the abacus to show these numbers in your

(a) 14
(b) 11
(c) 07
(d) 10
(e) 09

Q 3. Put tens and ones in box on note book.

Q 4. Write number names in your notebook.

1 ten and 4 ones fourteen .

1 ten and 3 ones ._

1ten and 0 ones_____________________.

1 ten and 6 ones_____________________.

1 ten and 2 ones_____________________.

1 ten and 9 ones_____________________.

Q 5. Write the missing numbers in your notebook.

14 = ten and ones

12 = ten and ones

11 = ten and ones

Q 6. What number does the abacus how? Write in your notebook.

Q 8. Write number names in your notebook. (eleven-thirteen)

Q 1. Learn the spellings of these words. Write two times on your
 Crying

 Bangle

 Blows

 Golden

 Wood-apple

 Outside

 Next

 Tree

 Roof

 Pick

Q 2. Underline the nouns from these sentences and write down in

your notebook
Rahila is crying .She has lost her golden bangle. She sits under a wood-apple

Q 3. Arrange the spellings and write down in your notebook.




nedlog ___________________

legnba ___________________
Q 4. Make two sentences of each word and write down in your


(a) Cry

(b) lost

(c) count

(d) run

(e) fall

(f) hole

(g) leaf

(h) laugh

(i) golden

(j) stand

Q 5. Read the following passage carefully and write down the answers
of the questions in your notebook.
Rahila is crying. She has lost her golden bangle. She sits under a wood-apple tree. It is
next to the wall. Rahila counts the leaves on the tree.

(a) What does Rahila lose?

(b) Where does Rahila sit?

(c) What does Rahila do?

Q 6. Underline the verbs from these sentences and write down in your
Don't cry Rahila' says Mum. 'Go and play'. Rahila goes outside. She sits under the
wood - apple tree.

Q 7. Find out the meanings of these words from dictionary and write
down in your notebook.

(a) Cry
(b) Lost
(c) Spins
(d) Golden
(e) Lucky

Q 8. Have you ever lost something precious? Where did you find it?
Write down few lines in your notebook.

Q 9. Rewrite the sentences in your notebook and encircle the

Rahila stands up.

The leaf dances up and down __ left and right.

It climbs high above the roof.

Q10. Do you get any surprise from your parents? What is it? Write
down few lines in your notebook
‫وسالربمن‪۱‬۔ اینپاکیپںیمانرحوفوکالمےیئ‬





‫ئرحوف ھیے‬
‫وسالربمن‪۳‬۔اینپاکیپرپاغ ب‬












‫وسالربمن ‪۷‬۔اینپاکیپںیموجڑرک ھیے‬



‫وسالربمن ‪۸‬۔“و” ےکوکیئےسناچناافلظاینپاکیپںیمںیھکل‬





Give the answers of following questions in your notebook.

Q 1. Find out what pets your friends have.


Q 2. What do the pets eat?


Q 3. Do they have babies?


Q 4. What are the babies like?


Q 5. Fill in the blanks with the help of word bank in your notebook.
Same, different, forty, five, look after.

(a) An adult guinea is about ____________ times heavier than its baby.
(b) An elephant is about ____________ times heavier than a baby elephant.
(c) Frogs do not _______________ their babies.
(d) Baby animals like dogs are ___________ shape as their parents.
(e) Baby butterfly look ________ as parents butterfly.
Q 6. What do these animals become when they grow up? Write down
answer in your notebook.

(a) Puppy

(b) Kitten


(d) Cub

(e) Chicken

Q 7. Search out two interesting facts alert about animals and write
down in your notebook.

Q 8. Draw a pet animal in your notebook and color it.

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