Bing Klas Xi SMT 1

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[28/7 18:38] Nayoko Pati: Kegiatan sbb.



1. Who : Bersifat kata orang {she, he}

2. Whom : Bersifat kata orang {me, you, her, him, than, us, it}

3. Whose : Bersifat kata orang {her, his, my, your, our, their, its}

4. Which : Bersifat kata benda {me, you, her, their, us, it}



I thanked the woman. She helped me

I thanked the woman. Who helped me


The man was Mr. Jones. I saw him

The man whom was Mr. Jones I raw

the people were very nice. We visited than yesterday

the people were very nice. Whom we visited yesterday


I apologized the woman. I spelled her coffee

I apologized the woman Whose I spelled coffee

I know the man His bicycle was stolen

I know the man Whose bicycle was stolen


the book was good. I red it

the book which I red was good

the move wasn’t very good. We say it last night

the move wasn’t very good which we say last night.

[28/7 18:42] Nayoko Pati: Penjelasan singkat

Dalam Bahasa Indonesia, penggunaan adjective clause dapat dikatakan sebagai kalimat majemuk

atau menggabungkan dua kalimat. Hanya saja adjective lebih spesifik daripada kalimat majemuk itu
sendiri. Pada adjective clause, anak kalimat selalu yang difungsikan sebagai adjective.

Adjective clause ini dikenal juga dengan sebutan relative clause. Adjectice juga bisa disebut sebagai
kebalikan independent clause, di maka kalimatnya belum sempurna. Orang yang membacanya bisa
menfasirkan secara berbeda-beda. Karena memang kalimat adjective clause adalah anak kalimat
yang menjelaskan noun / kata benda atau pronoun / kata ganti. Untuk menghubungkannya dengan
kalimat utama, maka digunakan kata who, whom, whose, that, which, when, where, atau why. 
Kalimat utama atau main clause bisa dalam bentuk contoh 16 tense apa saja.

Karena sebenarnya materi ini sudah diulang-ulang dalam pelajaran, maka untuk menguji
pemahaman akan materi, kita lihat contoh soal di bawah ini. Contoh soal juga dapat berfungsi
sebagai referensi menunjang pelajaran sekolah.

Menggabungkan dua kalimat menjadi adjective clause

1. Ari lived a house. The house cost one billion rupiahs

2. Luna is the woman. We are going to recommended for secretary

3. My mother is angry. My mother is in this room

4. I do not like his friend. My son is talking to him.

5. Aminah found a bird. The bird’s leg was broken.

6. The girl is happy. Her father gave her a present for her birthday.

7. The Jakarta is the big city. I was born here.

8. Rama is a handsome young man. He is my brother.

[28/7 18:45] Nayoko Pati: Jawaban

Ari lived a house *which* cost one billion rupiahs.

Luna is the woman *whom* we are going to recommended for secretary.

My mother *who* is angry in this room.

I do not like his friend *whom* my son is talking to.

Aminah found the bird *whose* les was broken.

The girl *whose* father gave a present for her birthday is happy.

The Jakarta is the big city *where* I was born

Rama *who* is a handsome young man is my brother.

[28/7 18:45] Nayoko Pati: Tugas

silah titik-titik di bawah ini sehingga menjadi kalimat dengan adjective clause yang tepat!

The man ………………… lives across the school is my uncle.

The girl ………………….. umbrella is on the rain is my little sister.

The student ………………………….. I met is Mariam

Do you wear the dress ……………….. I gave it to you for your birthday?

Can you see the cat …………… is on the fence?

I still remember the place………….. we meet last week

Give me reason…………………….you leave me alone!

Bali ………………………………….is located in Indonesian, was may favourite destination to visit

Special prizes is available for the class ………………… wins in the English contest.

Someone sent her a message ……………………………… made her angry all day long

The little boy ……………………………. is running around my home ia my neighbour’s son.

Today is the day …………………………… moeslem people celebration Lebaran.

It was my best friend ……………………………………..hit the badminton ball over the net.

The woman ……………..has six children is my mother

She has a house ……………… has a beutiful garden

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