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Evolution of Wood Shear Wall Testing, Modeling,

and Reliability Analysis: Bibliography

John W. van de Lindt, M.ASCE1

Abstract: A summary of wood shear wall testing, wood shear wall modeling, and wood shear wall reliability analysis studies over the
last two decades is presented in chronological order. However, since the objective was to present the evolution of shear wall testing and
modeling, and not to identify every study that has ever taken place, this paper is limited to manuscripts widely available, such as journal
and conference papers. It is divided into three sections—shear wall testing, shear wall modeling, and shear wall reliability analysis studies.
The review of each study appears in the section of this paper that the present writer felt the majority of the effort and contributions of the
researchers was made, although many of the studies may belong in two or even three of the aforementioned categories. These important
and closely related topics are presented in an effort to provide practicing structural engineers with a chronological diary of how engineers’
understanding of wood shear wall behavior has evolved.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲1084-0680共2004兲9:1共44兲
CE Database subject headings: Shear walls; Models; Reliability analysis; Wood; Bibliographies.

Introduction Starting as early as the 1940s, standard racking tests were

developed to help designers calculate the shear strength of wood
The main lateral load-carrying members of low-rise wood struc- shear walls. Since then, a great deal of experimental research has
tures are shear walls. A shear wall consists of dimensional lumber been conducted to quantify both the static and the dynamic char-
sheathed with plywood, oriented strand board 共OSB兲, or other acteristics, and subsequently the behavior, of wood shear walls.
sheathing material to create a stiff wall assembly. Lateral forces Experimental studies have ranged from static to pseudodynamic
induced into the wall are resisted primarily by the sheathing and as well as full-scale shaketable studies. A primary motive for
are transferred to framing members via nailed connections. Shear much of the experimental studies was the development of static
walls utilize the high racking strength of the sheathing to provide and/or dynamic numerical models to predict wood shear wall be-
rigidity against shear forces and minimize deflections. Through havior during simulated earthquake loadings. Models have ranged
this composite action, a shear wall system is able to effectively from simple formulas for the prediction of strength, stiffness, and
dissipate energy and transfer loads to the foundation of a building. deformation to complex nonlinear finite element models detailed
Fig. 1 presents a schematic diagram showing the various compo- enough to include nonlinear elements for each fastener. Recently,
nents that make up a typical wood shear wall. Light-frame wood some models have incorporated structural reliability concepts in
structures, in general, demonstrate favorable responses during order to help estimate the reliability of shear walls under earth-
moderate and even severe ground shaking. This is the result of quake loads. Their general aim is to provide a knowledge base
two beneficial characteristics. upon which implementation decisions can be made for
1. Their strength/stiffness to weight ratio is high; i.e., they have performance-based seismic design of wood structures. Many of
low seismic masses. these reliability analyses rely on suites of ground motions devel-
2. Wood shear walls that make up the majority of the force- oped outside of the scope of the study, and some include variabil-
resisting mechanism for these structures exhibit highly non- ity in the shear wall hysteretic/material properties.
linear responses, even at low force levels. Fig. 2 presents the Experimental studies of shear walls help engineers to under-
results of a monotonic shear wall test, or push-over test. stand and improve the behavior of shear walls under dynamic
Notice that there is no distinct yield point or linear region. loading, and to improve seismic design approaches and codes. A
Wood shear walls are capable of dissipating a large amount review of this early research is detailed in bibliographies written
of energy through the summation of the individual fastener by Carney 共1975兲 and Peterson 共1983兲. This paper presents a
deformations. The result is a hysteretic response similar to review of wood shear wall testing, modeling, and reliability
the hysteresis presented in Fig. 3. analysis from 1982 to the present. Many of the studies reviewed
belonged to more than one of the categories, and several encom-
1 passed testing, modeling, and reliability analysis. The review of
Assistant Professor, Michigan Technological Univ., Dept. of Civil
and Environmental Engineering, Houghton, MI 49931. each study appears in the section of this paper that the writer felt
Note. Discussion open until July 1, 2004. Separate discussions must the majority of the effort and contributions of the researchers was
be submitted for individual papers. To extend the closing date by one made. The majority of this review effort was focused on readily
month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing Editor. available publications, such as journal and conference articles.
The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and possible
publication on January 13, 2003; approved on April 2, 2003. This paper is Wood Shear Wall Testing
part of the Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction,
Vol. 9, No. 1, February 1, 2004. ©ASCE, ISSN 1084-0680/2004/1- In addition to a brief description of each study, Table 1 provides a
44 –53/$18.00. summary of the wall dimensions, the sheathing types, fastener


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Fig. 2. Force-displacement relationship for wood shear wall. Notice
Fig. 1. Typical components of single panel wood shear wall that at this very low force/displacement level there is significant
nonlinear behavior.

types, and the loading protocol used in each of the studies, when
available. Also, please note that the wall dimensions, sheathing from 2,980 to 6,100 lb for their samples. Their conclusions were
dimensions, and nail dimensions are presented in the system of that the connection of the shear wall to the floor for the
units, i.e., metric or U.S. customary, as originally presented. windward-side shear walls was typically the location of failure,
In 1983, Atherton 共1983兲 presented the results of tests on 10 and a significant amount of load may be transferred to the side
16⫻48 ft wood-framed diaphragms sheathed with particleboard. wall during lateral loading. Patton-Mallory and Wolfe 共1985兲
The main purpose of the tests was to examine the effect of the tested 11 full size shear walls 共see Table 1 for lengths兲 and 200
sheathing thickness, nail size, nail spacing, blocking, and sheath- small walls, i.e., scaled, to improve the database for the racking
ing pattern on the strength of the diaphragms. Increasing nail resistance of light-frame wood walls sheathed with plywood and
spacing had the largest effect on the wall strength, and blocking gypsum. The tests showed that the racking strength was linearly
had a smaller, but what the author considered significant, effect. proportional to the wall length, and the authors recommended that
An experimental program to investigate the behavior of seven the length of wall containing openings for windows or doors
shear wall assemblies used in manufactured housing was con- should be neglected in racking resistance calculations. They con-
ducted by Nelson et al. 共1985兲. Their study investigated the size clude that gypsum wallboard does contribute to shear wall perfor-
and location of the shear wall within an assembly, the number of mance and is additive to the resistance provided by the plywood
glued sides of hardwood paneling, and the number of floor joists sheathing. Interestingly, a very recent article focused on shake-
below the shear wall. The failure mechanisms were described in table tests of a two story house and the influence of wall finish
detail for each of the seven tests and the ultimate load ranged materials 共Filiatrault et al. 2002兲 reported the same findings as

Fig. 3. Hysteretic response of wood shear wall


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Table 1. Summary of Wood Shear Wall Tests

Study Walls tested Sheathing type共s兲 and connectors Loading protocol

Atherton 共1983兲 10 16⫻48 ft 7/16 and 5/8 in. particleboard; 8d and 10d nails Cyclic
Nelson et al. 共1985兲 Four 8 ft, 0 in. Glue Monotonic
Three 10 ft, 6 in.
Patton-Mallory and Wolfe 共1985兲 Three 8⫻8 ft 1/2 in. gypsum with 1.25 in. drywall nails; Monotonic
Two 8⫻16 ft 1/2 in. gypsum and 1/2 in. CDX plywood
Six 8⫻24 ft
200 22 in.⫻2,
4, 6, and 8 ft
Falk and Itani 共1987兲 Four 8⫻24 ft 1/2 in. plywood with 6d common nails Sine waves at varying frequencies,
and 1/2 in. gypsum with 1/2 in. gypsumboard nails free vibration
Cheung et al. 共1988兲 Seven 8⫻8 ft 1/2 in. Douglas Fir; 8d smooth galvanized boxnails Monotonic
Stewart et al. 共1988兲 11 2.4⫻2.4 m 7.5 and 12 mm Quasi static, sinusoidal shaketable,
and El Centro 1940 shaketable
Polensek and Schimel 共1991兲 Five 2.44⫻2.44 m 9.5 mm plywood; 12.7 mm gypsum Static cyclic
Deam et al. 共1991兲 Five 9.0⫻3.6 m Plywood Cyclic
Dolan and Madsen 共1992兲 11 2.4⫻2.4 m 9 mm waferboard and 9 mm plywood Monotonic, slow cyclic
Schmid et al. 共1994兲 Three 8⫻4 ft 1/2 in. plywood; 10d⫻ 2.125 in. vinyl coated nails Reversed cyclic pseudostatic
Leiva-Arevena 共1996兲 2.4⫻2.4 m 12 mm Radiata-pine; helically threaded 50 mm nails Reversed cyclic: BRANZ P21 test
procedure 共New Zealand兲
Karacabeyli and Ceccotti 共1996兲 Six 2.4⫻4.9 m 9.5 mm OSB; 9.5 mm plywood; 65 mm nails Ramp and cyclic
Kamiya et al. 共1996兲 Six 2.42⫻1.82 m 7.5 mm plywood; 9 and 12 mm plywood Shaketable: El Centro 1940,
19 2.42⫻1.82 m Taft 1952
Serrette et al. 共1997兲 18 2.44⫻2.44 m Plywood, OSB, gypsum, FiberBond Monotonic with initial preload
15 0.61⫻0.61 m to set connections
Lam et al. 共1997兲 11 2.4⫻7.3 m 1.2⫻2.4 m panels and 1.2 ⫻7.3 m panels Monotonic and reversed cyclic
Yamaguchi and Minowa 共1998兲 2.94⫻3.64 m 9 mm plywood; N50 50 mm nails Shaketable: Kobe 1995
He et al. 共1998兲 2.4⫻7.2 m OSB Reversed cyclic, three different
Shenton et al. 共1998兲 Eight 2.4⫻2.4 m 15/32 in. plywood; 1/2 in. OSB; 8d nails Reversed cyclic, SPD
Dinehart and Shenton 共1998a兲 12 2.44⫻2.44 m 11.9 mm plywood or 12.7 mm OSB; 8d nails Static cyclic, dynamic reversed
Kawai 共1998兲 19 2.79⫻3.64 m Plywood, braces, gypsum, plywood with sliding board Pseudodynamic, cyclic
Dolan and Heine 共1998兲 22 2.4⫻12 m 12 mm plywood; 12 mm OSB Monotonic, reversed cyclic: SPD
Ficcadenti et al. 共1998兲 24 2.4⫻2.4 m 9.5 mm plywood Reversed cyclic: various
Dinehart and Shenton 共1998b兲 Four 2.4⫻2.4 m 11.9 mm plywood; 8d nails Reversed cyclic: SPD
Karacabeyli and Ceccotti 共1998兲 2.44⫻4.88 m — Monotonic, reversed cyclic,
and pseudodynamic: various
Bracci and Jones 共1998兲 8⫻8 ft 15/32 in. Reversed cyclic
He et al. 共1999兲 Eight 2.4⫻7.32 m 9.5 mm OSB; 50 mm 6d nails Monotonic, reversed cyclic
Dinehart et al. 共1999兲 8⫻8 ft 15/32 in. plywood; 8d nails Reversed cyclic: SPD
Shipp et al. 共2000兲 14 8⫻8 ft 15/32 or 3/8 plywood; 8d or 10d common nails Reversed cyclic
Karacabeyli et al. 共2001兲 13 8⫻4 ft 7/16 in. OSB; 82 mm nails Shaketable: scaled Kobe 1995,
20 2.44⫻2.44 m Landers 1992
Higgins 共2001兲 2.4⫻2.4 m 11.9 mm plywood; 8d nails Reversed cyclic
Durham et al. 共2001兲 12 2.4⫻2.4 m 9.5 mm OSB; 50 mm spiral nails Monotonic, cyclic, shaketable:
Landers 1992
Note: Wall dimensions are reported in the units and to the accuracy that they were originally reported in the study.


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being very significant. In fact, it appears that the exclusion of wall method. It was concluded that shear walls possess considerable
finish materials from experimental studies could lead to overly energy absorption and damping capacity. Equivalent viscous
conservative results. damping was found to be between 0.2 and 0.4%. Karacabeyli and
Falk and Itani 共1987兲 measured the dynamic characteristics of Ceccotti 共1996兲 outlined a five-year research program on wood
10 different wood diaphragms, four of which they designated as shear walls in Canada. They discussed one set of the tests that
shear walls. Free-vibration tests were performed to measure natu- examined the effect of fastener type on wall performance and the
ral frequencies and damping ratios of the four walls. Then, effect of gypsum wallboard on shear wall capacity. They deter-
forced-vibration tests using sine waves at varying frequencies mined that gypsum wallboard increases the strength and stiffness,
were performed to develop displacement response spectra for the but lowers the ductility, of the wall when compared to walls with
walls. They found that the reduction in stiffness of the walls due only OSB or plywood sheathing. This is, of course, the obvious
to openings was approximately equal to the proportion of the trade-off, since deformation is required to absorb input energy,
walls occupied by the openings. Clearly this reinforces the earlier but deformation results in damage. Kamiya et al. 共1996兲 pre-
conclusion of Patton-Mallory and Wolfe 共1985兲 that the length of sented the results of two different series of shear wall tests. The
the wall containing openings should be neglected in design. first set of tests were shaketable tests that compared the effect of
A study conducted by Cheung et al. 共1988兲 used full-scale fastening the studs with bolts instead of nails. A comparison of
static and free vibration tests to verify a previously developed the earthquake load with the design load of the wall was also
nonlinear finite-element model for wood shear walls. Three dif- made. They observed little difference in the response of the wall
ferent shear wall layouts were tested, and the connection between whose studs were fastened with nails versus the response of the
the sheathing and framing was found to dominate the shear wall wall whose studs were fastened with bolts. However, when the
behavior. Stewart et al. 共1988兲 investigated the behavior of wood acceleration was increased, the maximum displacement response
shear walls under reversed-cyclic static loading and shake- of the wall with nailed studs increased significantly more than
table tests. They observed that the two failure mechanisms were that of the bolted wall. The second set of tests examined various
the sheathing nail heads breaking off and nail shanks withdrawing plywood sheathing thicknesses and focused on the effect of mass
from the framing. They also measured damping values for shear on the response.
walls. Their primary conclusions were that walls subjected to dy- A study by Serrette et al. 共1997兲 investigated the static racking
namic loading exhibited enhanced stiffness compared to those behavior of several different metal framed shear walls. The walls
loaded quasi statically. They also concluded that damping was were sheathed with various materials such as OSB and plywood.
approximately 10% during elastic response, but was reduced to They found that the shear capacity values of the OSB and ply-
5% during nonlinear response. Polensek and Schimel 共1991兲 in- wood walls were similar.
vestigated several different types of light-frame wood subsystems, Lam et al. 共1997兲 evaluated the resistance of wood shear walls
one of which was shear walls. They statically tested five shear sheathed with oversize panels. Oversize panels are sheathings,
walls to gather some useful information when designing for wind either OSB or plywood, that are larger than the standardized
and seismic effects. 1.22⫻2.44 m 共4⫻8 ft兲. In general, the oversized panels are still
Deam et al. 共1991兲 tested full-scale three-story plywood shear 2.44 m 共8 ft兲 in one direction, but can be some multiple of 1.22 m
walls cyclically to failure. The shear walls were designed to the 共4 ft兲 in the other direction. Under monotonic loading, the walls
current 共at the time兲 New Zealand code. Their major conclusion sheathed with oversize panels were found to have a significantly
was that large displacements in the bottom story were able to be increased stiffness and lateral load-carrying capacity. Under cy-
accommodated without instability problems occurring. Dolan and clic loading, the walls built with standard 共2.4⫻1.2 m兲 panels
Madsen 共1992兲 tested full-scale shear walls in order to compare were found to dissipate more energy. Both of these conclusions
the effects of sheathing type, i.e., plywood versus waferboard, on are logical, since the energy being dissipated is a result of the nail
wall performance. Their motivation was that the assumption that deformations occurring as a result of the rotations of the indi-
the two materials are equivalent had been made in the U.S. build- vidual sheathing panels. Different failure modes were observed
ing code, but was never verified. This included assumptions about during the cyclic tests and monotonic tests. Yamaguchi and
the equivalent stiffness for shear walls built using each of the Minowa 共1998兲 performed shaketable tests of wood shear walls
materials. The authors concluded that sheathing type played an using the 1995 Kobe north-south component of the ground mo-
insignificant role in the working stress range of the shear walls as tion recorded at the Kobe Marine Meteorological Observatory as
well as the ultimate capacity. They also observed that the wafer- well as some static tests. Some of the walls tested dynamically
board sheathed shear walls had lower deflections at high loads, collapsed following the maximum response. They observed that
i.e., upper 50%, than did plywood sheathed shear walls. the walls tested dynamically had more strength, but lower ductil-
A study by Schmid et al. 共1994兲 focused on testing plywood ity than the walls statically tested. They also verified a method to
sheathed shear walls with a height-to-width ratio of 2:1, rather predict the collapse of shear walls and verified its accuracy using
than the more common 1:1, since the uniform building code al- three additional ground motions.
lows shear panels a ratio of 3.5:1. They concluded that vertical The influence of cyclic test protocols for wood shear wall test-
dead load applied to walls helps to increase the capacity at lower ing was examined by He et al. 共1998兲. They compared a test
displacement levels, but they made no conclusions about this at protocol commonly used in Canada, the European Committee for
higher displacement levels. They also determined that uplifting at Standardization, and a proposed protocol. They concluded that
the end was the key factor to lateral wall displacement and, there- loading protocols with a large number of cycles can result in
fore, proper anchor bolt use is required. The authors recom- fatigue failure of the nails. The authors felt that their proposed
mended decreased shear values for walls with a height-to-width protocol more effectively reflects the walls’ performance under
ratio of 2:1. seismic loading. Several years earlier, Skaggs and Rose 共1996兲
Leiva-Arevena 共1996兲 tested wood shear walls in order to es- reviewed some test methods for wood shear walls. Shenton et al.
timate the damping ratio using the equivalent viscous damping 共1998兲 performed tests to characterize the degradation of stiffness


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and energy dissipation during cyclic loading. The tests were con- age during the 1995 Kobe earthquake in Japan. Both static and
ducted using a sequential phase displacement 共SPD兲 procedure pseudodynamic tests were conducted, and the testing results
共Shepherd 1996兲 recommended by the Structural Engineers Asso- matched well with the response from their proposed bilinear/slip
ciation of Southern California. They observed that the effective hysteresis model. He et al. 共1999兲 investigated the influence of
stiffness decreased linearly with repeated cycling at the same dis- openings on the lateral resistance of wood shear walls built with
placement level. The energy dissipation of the wall was found to standard and oversize sheathing panels. The application of over-
decrease significantly with the first cycle of a new, increased, size sheathing panels improved the shear wall performance.
amplitude and only moderately with the cycles of the same am- Openings caused a significant decrease in strength and stiffness,
plitude that followed. The SPD procedure has many cycles and and a change in failure mode. Shear walls with openings had a
could certainly result in nail fatigue, as discussed previously 共He combination of nail and panel failures. An existing nonlinear
et al. 1998兲. finite-element program was used to predict the shear wall behav-
Dinehart and Shenton 共1998b兲 conducted a comparison be- ior, but the authors felt that some fine tuning of the program was
tween four static and eight dynamic shear wall tests. It was de- needed to provide more consistent results for the systems. Dine-
termined that the static tests predicted the maximum load of the hart et al. 共1999兲 tested shear walls in order to compare the per-
dynamic tests fairly well, but were unable to reasonably predict formance of conventional walls with that of walls that included
most dynamic properties. They also determined that the failure viscoelastic dampers. They tested five different damper configu-
rations and found increases in energy dissipation as high as 59%.
modes of the walls were quite different for the static and dynamic
They also observed significant increases in the effective stiffness.
loading cases. A discussion about this paper disagreed with the
Shipp et al. 共2000兲 investigated the effectiveness of different
authors’ use of the SPD loading technique used to simulate an
types of hold-down hardware during reversed-cyclic loading.
earthquake 共Karacabeyli et al. 1999兲.
They determined that the type of hold-down anchor had a small
Ficcadenti et al. 共1998兲 applied the E 564 load protocol
effect on the maximum lateral force carried by the walls. Karaca-
共ASTM 1994兲 to four identical sets of plywood sheathed shear
beyli et al. 共2001兲 introduced a new type of shear wall system
walls using three different cyclic load protocols. They concluded developed in Canada. The new shear wall was tested using a
that loading cycles with numerous cycles in the elastic range low- shaketable and was found to perform better than conventional
ered the ultimate strength of the shear wall. They also observed shear walls. The improved performance is achieved by rearrang-
several different types of failure modes, indicating that plywood ing the location of the sheathing. Rather than having studs on one
shear wall behavior was significantly influenced by tension forces side, the sheathing was sandwiched between two studs rotated 90°
in the individual fastener subassemblies. from their conventional orientation. The fasteners connecting the
Dolan and Heine 共1998兲 tested 22 walls using monotonic and sheathing to the studs then become loaded in double shear.
reversed-cyclic displacement control loading. Their walls had Higgins 共2001兲 presented the results from wood shear walls
various configurations with openings for windows and doors as cyclically tested with a new type of hysteretic damper called a
well as various anchorage conditions. They observed a change in kinematically expanding hysteretic damper. The device has re-
failure mode when overturning restraints were not used. The walls sulted in significant improvement of the shear wall performance.
were tested monotonically and using reversed-cyclic loading. In addition, a time history analysis was performed for single-
Monotonically tested walls sustained a higher load at displace- degree-of-freedom 共SDOF兲 systems, and it was determined that a
ments beyond capacity than did the walls subjected to reversed- significant reduction in response can be achieved with the instal-
cyclic loading. They concluded by making recommendations that lation of the new dampers.
may be applied to design. Durham et al. 共2001兲 tested 12 shear walls with standard and
Dinehart and Shenton 共1998a兲 compared the response of wood oversize OSB panels. The walls’ shear capacity increased 26%
shear walls with and without passive dampers. Cyclic lateral tests when using large sheathing panels. They also used the same num-
were conducted on conventional walls and walls with a viscoelas- ber of nails for some of the walls, redistributing the nails nor-
tic damper located in a diagonal brace. The brace/damper in- mally found at the interior seams to the exterior of the walls.
creased the load capacity and stiffness of the wall by more than These walls had an increased shear capacity of 104%. The walls
30%, and the energy dissipation capabilities by more than 50%. were tested monotonically, reversed-cyclically, and using a
Karacabeyli and Ceccotti 共1998兲 tested several wood shear walls shaketable. During the shaketable tests, the walls sheathed with
using different testing protocols. They used a cyclic protocol the oversize panels drifted approximately 25% less than the stan-
共ASTM 1993兲 and several other protocols with fewer cycles and dard walls.
lower frequency. Their goal was to examine the difference on the
maximum load carrying capacity, ultimate displacement, enve-
lope curves, and dissipated energy due to the testing protocol. Wood Shear Wall Modeling
They found that the maximum load-carrying capacity was ap-
proximately equal regardless of the protocol. The maximum load- The goal of a numerical or mathematical model is to help quantify
carrying capacity for the pseudodynamic tests was found to be system and/or component behavior, and eventually provide for a
approximately 15% greater than those found during the cyclic and better understanding of complex structural behavior. Modeling of
monotonic tests. Bracci and Jones 共1998兲 investigated the split- wood shear walls has evolved over the last two decades from
ting of the sill plate that occurred during the Northridge earth- simple racking equations for displacement and ultimate capacity
quake by testing shear walls with and without confining plates at to complex nonlinear dynamic models.
the base of the walls. The confining plates provided the walls with Easley et al. 共1982兲 derived formulas for sheathing fastener
additional stiffness, a slight increase in maximum load, and ap- forces, linear wall stiffness, and nonlinear load-strain wall behav-
proximately 26% more energy dissipation capacity. ior. They based these formulas on deformation patterns observed
Kawai 共1998兲 conducted comprehensive tests on 16 different during the testing portion of their work, and confirmed the mod-
shear wall configurations that were found to have suffered dam- els’ adequacy using linear and nonlinear finite-element analysis.


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Fig. 4. Explanation of pinching in hysteresis loops. Pinching in wood shear wall hysteresis typically occurs at larger responses.

They concluded that their formula for sheathing forces should tional stories. The model agreed well with available experimental
only be applied in the linear range, with the exception of the side results, and was used to show the effect of vertical load on the
and maximum end fastener force, which is accurate well into the load-displacement curve for a shear wall.
nonlinear range. Itani et al. 共1982兲 developed a procedure to cal- In 1987, Patton-Mallory and McCutcheon 共1987兲 extended the
culate the racking performance of wood shear walls by replacing model previously developed by McCutcheon 共1985兲 to model
each sheet of sheathing with a pair of diagonal springs. The stiff- racking behavior of shear walls sheathed on both sides with dis-
ness of each spring was estimated from the stiffness of an indi- similar materials. Recall that several of the experimental studies
vidual sheathing to frame connector/fastener. discussed earlier concluded that the inclusion of the wall finish
Cheung and Itani 共1983兲 developed a finite-element model to materials is critical for accurate modeling of wood frame struc-
predict the static and dynamic behavior of light-frame wood shear tures. Asymptotic curves were used to model fastener load slip.
walls. The model employed a nonlinear nail load-slip element, The model was compared to the results of numerous small wall
and a numerical example was presented for static and dynamic tests, and predicted the racking behavior of the shear wall well.
loading. A year later, Itani and Cheung 共1984兲 presented a finite- Kamiya 共1988兲 developed a simplified model that broke the hys-
element model that used joint, beam, and two-dimensional plane teresis into several sections derived from trends in shear wall
stress elements to model nail connectors, frame members, and data. The model was verified using six pseudodynamic shear wall
sheathing, respectively. The nonlinear nail element was based on tests, and produced good results. Gutkowski and Castillo 共1988兲
measured nail load-slip properties. Their finite-element model developed a mathematical model for light-frame wood shear
was general and did not impose restrictions on the sheathing ar- walls that used conventional stiffness matrices for the stud-frame
rangement, load application, or distorted geometry. The results of members and two-dimensional orthotropic-plane stress elements
their model agreed well with experimental results. Itani and Rob- for the sheathing. They used nonlinear fastener elements to model
ledo 共1984兲 presented a finite-element model that used beam ele- the slip between the stud frame and the sheathing. Linear spring
ments, constant strain triangles, and joint elements. The nonlin- connector elements were used to model the joints between the
earity was restricted to the joint elements and the behavior of stud frame members. Experimental results from 10 shear wall
some, but not all, of the nails was included in the models. Both tests were used to confirm a high degree of accuracy for their
continuously sheathed walls and walls with openings were con- model.
sidered, and they concluded that both models provided reasonable A two-dimensional finite-element model for all types of wood
predictions at low computer cost. diaphragms including shear walls was developed by Falk and
McCutcheon 共1985兲 formulated a general procedure to deter- Itani 共1989兲. Their formulation included a nonlinear finite element
mine the racking response of wood shear walls using energy that accounted for the distribution and stiffness of fasteners con-
methods. His procedure provided a flexible alternative to empiri- necting the sheathing to the framing. Parametric studies on nail
cal formulas that only applied to specific wall configurations. Lat- stiffness and nail spacing were performed, and it was concluded
eral load-slip data for nailed connections were used to calibrate that nail spacing had more of an effect on the wall stiffness than
the model, and the procedure was confirmed using full-scale shear did nail type.
wall tests. A simple numerical shear wall model was developed by Filiatrault proposed a new concept for the design of wood
Gupta and Kuo 共1985兲. They used a generalized coordinate ap- shear walls. Friction devices in the corner of the walls were ana-
proach to derive equilibrium equations for the wall, and then ex- lytically modeled, and were shown to significantly reduce the
tended the approach to multiple panel walls by assuming a sinu- vibration amplitude and eliminate pinching in the hysteresis.
soidal deformed shape for the vertical studs. They confirmed the Pinching of hysteresis occurs at moderate to high displacement
adequacy of their model by using a finite-element model and levels, and an explanation is shown in Fig. 4. The elimination of
shear wall tests performed by Easley et al. 共1982兲 and Foschi pinching means that more energy is being dissipated by the sys-
共1982兲. Gupta and Kuo concluded that their model was accurate tem as a result of the friction device. Dolan and Filiatrault 共1990兲
and simple enough to be used in repetitive dynamic analyses. developed a single degree of freedom oscillator model based on
Gupta and Kuo 共1987兲 later developed a five degree of freedom static test data capable of predicting the steady-state response of
model for single story shear walls that included uplift behavior of nailed shear walls. Their model broke the hysteresis into six linear
the studs. Two more degrees of freedom were added for addi- regions requiring five basic assumptions. The model was verified


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using four shear wall test specimens, and was found to be accu- Table 2. Explanation of Reliability Index and Probability of Failure
rate. The authors concluded that the model will help with the Reliability index Corresponding failure probability
transition from static to dynamic shear wall tests and theory. Fili-
1.0 0.159
atrault 共1990a,b兲 formulated a simple analysis model to predict
1.5 0.067
the static and dynamic response of timber shear walls. This model
2.0 0.023
incorporated arbitrary geometry of the framing, sheathing and
2.5 0.0062
connections, and wall discontinuities, i.e., openings. A
3.0 0.0013
displacement-based energy formulation was used to develop the
3.5a 0.000233a
static and dynamic equilibrium equations. The model was verified
4.0 0.0000317
with full-scale shear wall racking and shaketable tests, and was
4.5 0.0000034
found to be accurate.
5.0 0.00000029
A numerical model for nonlinear static analysis of wood shear
7.0 0.00000000000128
walls was developed by Dolan and Foschi 共1991兲 that included
8.0 0.000000000000000666
nonlinear connector behavior, bearing behavior between sheath- a
Reliability index corresponding to a failure probability of approximately
ing panels, and the effects of out-of-plane bending of the sheath-
2 in 10,000; i.e., 0.0002.
ing. The sheathing-to-sheathing bearing element was modeled as
a bilinear spring, and modeled only in-plane forces. The sheathing
element deformations were described using a cubic polynomial in
each direction; hence, 12 degrees of freedom at each node were walls from experimental results. Some nonlinear modeling issues
required. The authors conclude that their model is general and were also addressed.
capable of modeling irregular shapes as well as adhesive connec- The results of the response of a wood shear wall from an
tions. Kasal and Leichti 共1992兲 developed a two-dimensional equivalent linear response method were compared to the results of
model that was equivalent to a detailed three-dimensional model. a more complicated time history analysis by Kawai 共1999兲. It was
The equivalent model was formulated using equivalent energy determined that the equivalent linear response tended to underpre-
concepts, and yielded the global behavior of the structure in rea- dict displacements, while energy methods tended to overpredict
sonable computer times. It may be applied to wood shear walls displacements. In an effort to bridge the gap between the SDOF
with or without openings. and multi-degree-of-freedom systems, a discrete three degrees of
White and Dolan 共1995兲 developed a finite-element model to freedom hysteretic model was developed by Dinehart and Shen-
examine the behavior of timber shear walls subjected to mono- ton 共2000兲. The model has the ability to account for wall geom-
tonic or dynamic loading. They used four types of elements—a etry, fastener type, fastener spacing, and sheathing type. The
beam element for the framing, a plate element for the sheathing, model accurately predicted hysteretic behavior at low displace-
nonlinear springs for the sheathing to frame connectors, and a ment levels, but failed to predict the pinched hysteresis observed
bilinear spring to model bearings between adjacent sheathing in experimental tests. Folz and Filiatrault 共2001兲 developed a nu-
panels. The adequacy of the program was confirmed using merical model for wood shear walls under quasi static loading.
existing experimental data, and the model predicted the strength Three structural components were used—rigid framing members,
of the wall very well. The correlation coefficient between the linear elastic sheathing panels, and nonlinear sheathing-to-
model and the dynamic test results was approximately 0.84 for framing connectors. The model accounts for hysteretic pinching,
displacement. stiffness, and strength degradation. A procedure was also pre-
sented for calibrating SDOF systems to predict the nonlinear dy-
A general hysteresis model for timber structures was created
namic response of shear walls under seismic loading.
based on a modified Bouc-Wen-Baber-Noori 共BWBN兲 model by
Foliente 共1995兲. That model could handle multiple degrees of
freedom, and incorporated stiffness degradation, strength degra-
dation, and pinching. The proposed model compared well against
Reliability Analysis of Wood Shear Walls
experimentally determined hysteresis shapes, and can be used to
As the field of structural engineering, particularly earthquake en-
model a wood shear wall; hence, it is included here. Foliente et al.
gineering, moves toward the implementation of performance-
共1999兲 formulated a hysteretic restoring force model. It was
based design, it is critical that performance levels for wood struc-
shown that for some practical cases, statistical linearization could
tures correspond to the targeted reliability levels. Reliability
be used in place of the more time intensive Monte Carlo simula-
analysis for structures subjected to earthquake loading has been
tion to estimate shear wall response statistics. Kasal and Xu de- pursued for several decades. A common measure of reliability is
veloped a mathematical model using constitutive equations to the reliability index, which corresponds to a failure probability.
analyze nonlinear joint behavior. The model incorporated stiffness For example, the footnoted row in Table 2 presents the reliability
and strength degradation as well as pinching, and could be used to index corresponding to a failure probability of approximately 2 in
describe the hysteretic behavior of wood shear walls. Richard 10,000; i.e., 0.0002. Reliability index levels ranging from 2 to 4.5
et al. 共1998兲 and Davenne et al. developed a numerical model for are fairly common in structural design codes. Interestingly, only
dynamic modeling that assumed all of the energy dissipation to recently have reliability techniques been combined with seismic
occur in the joints. The model was developed based on the ob- analysis for wood shear walls. Several of the studies here in-
served behavior of single joints tested under static monotonic and cluded modeling and reliability, and several included testing,
reversed-cyclic loadings. Pseudodynamic tests were carried out modeling, and reliability techniques.
on three walls to confirm the adequacy of the finite-element Ceccotti and Foschi 共1999兲 evaluated a seismic design proce-
model. King and Deam 共1998兲 present the results of a study to dure for wood shear walls in the Canadian National Building
develop a rational method of rating the seismic capacity of shear Code. They coupled nonlinear dynamics with first order reliability


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methods to calibrate a design factor. This study included variabil- availability of computing resources at the individual level. Any
ity in the peak ground accelerations and variability of some of the mention of computing time as a limiting factor in numerical mod-
hysteretic parameters. The parameters were fit to experimental els 共e.g., finite-element models兲 is virtually nonexistent in model
data, and the authors selected a coefficient of variation based on documentation today. Reliability assessments of wood shear walls
engineering judgment. They concluded that the code procedure have been limited to date, but have served to help calibrate sev-
was adequate for the geographical area considered. Another study eral load and resistance factor wood design codes around the
only considered the probabilistic characteristics of peak ground world and have started the ball rolling toward performance-based
accelerations 共Foliente et al. 1999兲. The system variability was light-frame wood design. In fact, the reliability of wood shear
assumed to play a minor role in the overall response of the shear walls will most probably find its greatest use in the performance-
wall. That study used two models, a modified BWBN model and based seismic design of engineered wood shear walls over the
a simpler model, which did not include pinching and stiffness next decade. If performance-based design is to be fully developed
degradation, to investigate the effect of pinching on reliability and implemented in the next decade, it will be necessary to de-
estimates. They found that neglecting pinching and stiffness deg- velop damage models for light-frame wood structures that can be
radation produced unconservative reliability estimates. This is used to assess performance in terms of losses to owners. Testing
logical, since pinching of the hysteresis loop decreases the area that incorporates measurement and quantification of damage lev-
within the loop, which is a direct measure of seismic energy dis- els will be key to the development and proper calibration of these
sipation due to hysteresis. Thus, neglecting pinching would make models. Currently, drift levels and some simple measures are re-
the model seem to dissipate more energy than the shear wall is lated back to damage estimates, introducing additional uncer-
really capable of dissipating, resulting in unconservative response tainty into the performance estimates. Additionally, although
estimates. modeling techniques and their resulting accuracy have advanced
Foliente 共2000兲 developed another procedure for calculating significantly, it is recommended to develop simpler models that
the reliability of shear walls under uncertain earthquake loading have the accuracy necessary for the implementation of
that did not include the effect of uncertain hysteretic parameters. performance-based design, but do not prohibit the repetitive
A modified BWBN hysteresis model was used within a Monte analyses that may be required.
Carlo simulation framework to compute reliability estimates. The
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