Work 68. Unit 10 Activities

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Technical University Of Ambato

English Faculty


Miryan Salazar

B1+ Preimtermedio

Wednesday, September 01rd, 2020

April – September 2020

Ambato – Ecuador
Story Third Conditional

This the story of how I met my wife Jane. It all started when I was going to work by

taxi and it suddenly broke down. If my taxi hadn’t broken (not/break) down, I

would have gotten (get) to the station on time. If I had arrived (arrive) at the

station on time, I wouldn’t have missed (not/ miss) my train. If I hadn’t missed

(not miss) the train, I wouldn’t have had to (not/ have to) wait an hour for the

next one. If I hadn’t had to (not/have to) wait for an hour, I wouldn’t have gone

(not/ go) to the café for a coffee.

If I hadn’t had (not/ have) a coffee, I would haven’t met (not/meet) my friend

Sarah – and if I hadn’t met (not/meet) Sarah, she wouldn´t have introduced me to

her friend Jane. So, Jane and I met because my taxi broke down that morning!

Complete each sentence with the correct form of do, make or take.

1. You take part in a race and come first.

2. Someone made an overseas phone call on you r mobile phone.

3. You’re in a queue at the supermarket and when you get to the front, the

shop assistant takes a break.

4. Someone offers you a free holiday, but you can’t take advantage of it.

5. It’s your first day in a new job, but no one makes care of you.

6. You did an exam and to your surprise, you did well.

7. You couldn’t do your best at something because you weren’t feeling well.

8. You’re in a car and the driver takes a stupid risk.

9. A friend gave you directions to a party, but they didn’t take sense.

10. A shop assistant makes a mistake and gives you €50 change instead of €5.

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