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User Manual

1. The URL for Employee Master is

2. Enter the username (HRMS ID) and password to login

3. After Successful login 5 digit OTP is generated on your registered mobile device. If the Otp is not generated
please contact HRMS Helpdesk.
4. After Otp is verified ‘’DashBoard is seen with Bill Unit Information’ ,The Number of employees are respectively in
Draft, Submitted, Verified and Accepted cases and in the right corner ‘’LOGOUT” option is there to logout from
the HRMS ‘Employee Master’.

Employee Master
1. In the left side of the Corner Right Click on Employee Master for Adding New Employee Information.

2. After Clicking on New Employee, New Screen is opened with 6 tabs. For Entering Employee Information.

Basic_info FamilyPersonalCommunicationCurrent_statusMedicalQualification
3. Enter the 11 digit IPAS employee ID for the employee (list of employees which will appear based on the value
entered and assigned employees.

4. After Entering IPAS EmployeeID press Tab button.

On the right side of the screen ‘Employee Service Record’ as PDF will be opened for that respective employee. If
employee service record PDF is not available, then it needs to be uploaded as mentioned below in Upload SR Section.
5. Press ‘Save As Draft’ button to save the relevant fields. Employee Details are saved as Draft so that you can
change afterwards in the future.

6. Press ‘Save’ button to submit it to the verification authority, A confirmation dialog to save employee data or
not and the OTP will be sent in order to save data successfully.

7. After successfully saved, The Dealing clerk cannot able to edit the required field. And the status changed
from New to Submitted for Verification.
8. In Family info tab select the HRMS ID of the employee whose data needs to be entered and press Tab

9. For Adding family information, click on Add Member to add list of family members.

10. If the Verification_authority reject it, the data of the employee will be sent back to you for corrections with

11. For Verification Authority, click on Employee Master then click on Verify Employee.
12. All left side checkbox to be ticked compulsory for verification and acceptance. The left side checkbox is
given for compulsory verification of important field.

13. Select the employee record for a review, if any corrections are needed in a field, it is required to click on the
checkbox against each field and enter the remarks (if any).

14. After corrections click on reject button and data are sent back to the dealing clerk, if no corrections are there
then click on ‘Accept’ button.

15. For Accepting Authority click on Employee Master then click on Accept Employee.
16. Select the employee record for a review, if any corrections are needed in a field, it is required to click on the
checkbox against each field and enter the remarks(if any). And reject it and otp will be generated and same
must be input on UI to reject successfully, After rejection the data is moved back to the dealing clerk for
17. if no corrections are there then click on ‘Accept’ button.

18. Once the Accepting Authority accept the employee record and data is moved to the separated location and
will not be available for modification (Life cycle completed and it is called Employee’s Golden Record).

Upload SR Record
1. To upload SR Record. Click on Employee Master and Click on Upload Employee SR.

2. Enter HRMS Employee ID and PF Number and Upload Service Record (PDF) and click on Upload Button.
3. Service Record has been Saved Successfully for that Employee.

e-SR Module
e-SR Entry
1. In the left side of the Corner, Right Click on e-SR for Adding New e-SR Information.

2. After Clicking on e-SR, New Screen is opened with 5 tabs. For Entering e-SR Information.

Awards PromotionsIncrementsNominationsPunishment.

3. Enter the HRMS ID for the employee and press Tab Button to show all 5 tabs.
4. Press ‘Save As Draft’ button to save the relevant fields. Employee Details are saved as Draft so that you can
change afterwards in the future.
5. Press ‘Save’ button to submit it to the verification or Acception authority, A confirmation dialog will be
showed.and OTP will be sent to save employee data successfully.

6. After confirmation OTP will be sent to save e-SR data successfully.

7. After successfully saved, The Dealing clerk cannot able to edit the required field.
View-SR Entry

1. In the left side of the Corner, Right Click on view-SR for viewing e-SR Information.

2. Enter the HRMS ID for the employee and press Go Button to fetch Employee Information.
3. In the right side of the corner Status and SR Page Number is mentioned to know whether status is
verified or not by the accepting authority.

Accept-SR Entry

1. In the left side of the Corner, Right Click on accept-SR for accepting e-SR Information.

2. Select the HRMS ID from dropdown and press Go Button.

3. If the Employee information is correct, the accepting authority will accept otherwise accepting authority
will reject the e-SR for correction. Before acceptance or rejection OTP will be generated to confirm
acceptance or rejection.
For Unit ADMINs:

Create User:
This option helps to create a new user. Below are the steps to create a new user
1. Click on Create User under Admin Section

2. Enter an IPAS/HRMS ID of Employee and click Go.

3. The details of Employee will be fetched automatically if the user exists

4. Fill the details of users as below

 Surname fetched automatically and it’s Editable
 User type: Dealing clerk, Verification Authority and Accepting Authority. Select accordingly
what rights given to specific type of user.
 Mobile Number of given Employee, used for OTP to login and transactions.
 Password must contain at least one capital letter, one number and one Special character
4. Click on Submit to create a new user

Relationship Assignment:
This screen is used to update relation between the Dealing clerk, Verification Authority and Acceptance

1. Select Verification Authority and Acceptance Authority of given Dealing clerk in given list.
Note: A single Verification Authority can have only have one & Unique Acceptance Authority.
The matrix looks like as below :-

Dc1 VA1 AA1

Dc2 VA1 AA1
2. After selecting click on Submit to save the relationship.

Assign Bill Units:

This screen is to assign a Bill unit, department and Designation to Dealing clerk

1. Select Dealing clerk from the list in Dealing clerk Section, the verification and Acceptance
Authority will be fetched automatically. The count show the number of employees present in the
designation of a department of a specific Bill unit.
2. Select Bill unit, department and Designation from the list. Click on Add button to Add more Bill unit
department and designation for Assignment to Dealing clerk.

3. After selecting click on Submit to assign the corresponding employees to the Dealing Clerk
Un-Assign employees from DC
There two ways to unassign employees from Dealing Clerk
1. Un-Assign all employees of a particular Dealing Clerk
a) Go to Admin Section> Assign billunits
b) Select a Dealing clerk from the drop down
c) Click on ‘Load List’ button at the bottom right on the screen. This will fetch the list of all
employees assigned to that Dealing Clerk.

d) Click on ‘Unassign All’ button to un-assign all the employees assigned to that DC

2. Un-Assign specific employees

a) Go to Admin Section> Assign billunits
b) Select a Dealing clerk from the drop down
c) Click on button shown in image below to toggle between bulk & individual assignment
d) Enter an IPAS ID to assign and click ‘tab’ key on keyboard
e) Click on ‘+’ icon to add more rows.
f) Click on ‘Assign employees’ button to assign the employees to the selected Dealing Clerk.

Employee Assignment Report

This Screen provides report of Dealing clerk, Verification Authority and Accepting Authority assigned to
specific employee.
The Search Option can search in entire table.

Each column has their own separate search option. You can search in specific column

Download option for Excel and Option for Print is available


Change Password
1. To change Password Click on Profile Section onto the right corner and click on Change Password.

5. Enter your current password (Password during login time), new password and confirm password should
be same and click on change.
6. Finally password Changed successfully.

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