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Karl Eberth was the first person to discover Salmonella in aggregated lymphoid nodule and spleens of
typhoid patients.[ CITATION Ebe80 \l 1033 ] Then in 1884, Salmonella manage to grow in pure culture by
Georg Theodor Gaffky.[ CITATION Har99 \l 1033 ] Salmonella enterica was discovered by medical
practitioner, Theobald Smith in 1885.

The term Salmonella after the name of a United States Department of Agriculture veterinary pathologist
Daniel Elmer Salmon. Salmonella was found in pigs which was infected with a disease known as hog
Cholera by Theobald Smith and Daniel Elmer Salmon.[ CITATION Hey06 \l 1033 ] In 1884, United States
has been shocked by the news of first ever carrier of typhoid fever which is from Ireland immigrant,
Mary Mallon. She at least infected 122 people and five of them was found dead.

Historian and scientist did a lot of researches and manage to find out that Typhoid fever exist since 430
B.C. The discoveries also being supported by the death of one third of Athens’ population due to
unknown disease.[ CITATION Emm09 \l 1033 ] Historians and scientists believe that Salmonella exist in
United states since early 1600 and responsible of the death of 6000 people between 1607 and 1624.

Detection and Isolation

Storage and preparation of Samples

Stool samples were widely used to identify Salmonella. Food industry will test all of their products and
ingredients regularly but for meat, eggs and dairy products were given extra concern. The procedure of
this detection process were started by make sure that the sample were kept frozen to make sure that
the pathogen can survive during the testing. Then, 25g of sample will be used In the testing but for the
dried sample need to undergo resuscitation phase before the detection test. For certain dried food
which contain compound that can make the Salmonella inactive like herbs and spices, they need to be
neutralized by using neutralizing agent.[ CITATION Ste19 \l 1033 ]

Traditional Methods

This traditional methods needed the pre-enrichment culture in buffered peptone water to be incubated
at 37°C for 18hours. Then, the sample need to be separated into two different selective media which
normally Muller-Kauffmann Tetraionate-Novobiocin broth and Rappaport Vasiliadis Soy broth and need
to be incubated for another 24hours at different temperature which for Muller-Kauffmann
Tetrathionate-Novobiocin 37oC and Rappaport Vasiliadis Soy broth 41.5oC.

Rapid Methods

Novel culture tecniques and immunomagnetic separation are some of the examples of technology used
in Salmonella rapid test. This method is actually developed as an alternative of traditional methods
which usually take about three to five days to get results while for rapid test only takes about 48hours
depending on enrichment protocol.

D, E. (2009). Typhoid Fever.

DA, H. (2006). Salmonella.

Ebert. (1880). Die Organismen in den Organen bei Typhus abdominalis". Archiv für Pathologische
Anatomie und Physiologie und für Klinische Medizin. German.

Forsythe, S. J. (2019). The Microbiology of Safe Food Third Edition.

Hardy. (1999). Food, hygiene, and the laboratory. A short history of food poisoning in Britain.

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