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Established 1879 | Columbus, Mississippi

Thursday | September 3, 2020

State flag: Magnolia could replace old rebel symbol

If voters accept the design on the November ballot, it will become the
new state flag; if they reject it, the design process will start anew
BY EMILY WAGSTER PET TUS sign that featured a shield with and Mississippi will remain a state
The Associated Press wavy lines representing water. without a flag for a while longer.
“We’ll send a message that we The commission decided
JACKSON — Mississippi vot- live in the future and not in the Wednesday that leading to the No-
ers will decide whether to accept past,” former Mississippi Supreme vember election, it will promote
a new state flag with a magnolia to Court Justice Reuben Anderson, the magnolia flag by calling it the
replace an old one legislators re- the flag commission chairman, “In God We Trust” flag.
tired under pressure because it in- said after the vote. “More than any other time in
cluded the Confederate battle em- The single design will go on our country, we need the mercy
blem that’s widely seen as racist. the November ballot. If voters ac- and grace of God,” said commis-
Courtesy image/Mississippi Department of Archives and History
A commission voted 8-1 cept the design, it will become the sion member TJ Taylor, who is an The State Flag Commission chose “The New Magnolia” de-
Wednesday to recommend the new state flag. If they reject it, the attorney and policy director for the sign on Wednesday as the candidate for a new flag. Voters will
magnolia over one other final de- design process will start anew — See STATE FLAG, 3A decide whether they approve the design on the Nov. 3 ballot.

Friendly City
Books prepares
for opening
PLUS: The Ranch House
Diner has new owner

hopes to
open in
in Novem-
Liner, a
2004 Mis-
sissippi Mary Pollitz
Antranik Tavitian/Dispatch Staff
School for Members of the Caledonia High School senior class of 2021 drive through downtown Caledonia for a senior parade on Mon-
Mathematics and Science alumna, day. Lowndes County School District students started back this week.
lived in Washington, D.C., for more
than a decade before deciding to
move back to the Friendly City.
For a few years, Liner has re-

SMART serves as some residents’ sole

turned to the Mississippi Univer-
sity for Women campus to teach at
Governor’s School. While in town

means of transportation during pandemic

last year, she realized she wanted
to open an independent bookstore
in the Friendly City.
“Last year when I was here, I
realized that there wasn’t an inde- Bus system recently added two stops on Louisville ic, “we know those people
have no other transporta-
pendent bookstore, but I was look-
ing for a local store to support,” Street, considering one on Garrard Road tion options,” Dumas told
The Dispatch.
Liner said. “I started to talk to
BY TESS VRBIN The Mississippi State University SMART expanded
friends in the area, and when the campus closed in March, but SMART from MSU’s on-campus
Books-A-Million did finally close
buses — which are free to ride — still transit system in 2014
in May it kind of felt like a sign.” The Starkville-MSU Area Rapid carried 14,500 riders between March and began offering buses
As of now, Liner is fine-tuning Transit bus system has seen more than 15 and Aug. 8, Jeremiah Dumas, MSU’s and routes in the city. The Dumas
location details for her brick-and- 4 million riders since it began in 2013, director of parking and transit services, program is funded primarily through a
mortar book shop and hopes to and the COVID-19 coronavirus pan- told Starkville aldermen at their Tues- Federal Transit Authority grant, and
open downtown near Fifth and
demic has highlighted how necessary day meeting. Starkville and Oktibbeha County con-
Main streets.
public transportation is for some area Since going out in public has been tribute $50,000 each.
For now, she is also building
residents, local leaders say. largely inadvisable due to the pandem- See TRANSPORTATION, 6A
her inventory to start an online
bookstore that will be running by
Oct. 1.
“For a lot of folks, when they
have a book specifically in mind,
they’ll go to Amazon and buy a
book,” Liner said. “What I would
like to do is recreate the experi-
Oktibbeha supes disqualify election commissioner candidate
tee ballot in November 2018
ence of discovering new books that Establishment of residency within two years left ‘gray area’ meant she would not meet
maybe you didn’t know about.”
For Liner, and many other avid BY TESS VRBIN trict 3 election commissioner ning to challenge Republican the requirement of living in
readers, there’s just something after the incumbent ques- incumbent Myles Carpenter. Oktibbeha County for a full
about shopping locally for a book. tioned his opponent’s time as His Columbus-based attor- two years before the 2020
She said there’s a lot of creativity Oktibbeha supervisors a permanent resident of the ney, William Starks, told the election. Election day is Nov.
and artists in the Columbus area, voted 3-1 in a special-call county. board of supervisors that 3 this year, and in 2018 it was
and she hopes to bring an addi- meeting Wednesday to dis- Catherine Van Halsema, Van Halsema’s decision to Nov. 6.
See BUSINESS, 6A qualify a candidate for Dis- an independent, was run- vote in Indiana via an absen- See SUPES, 3A


1 Which substance was used as binder for MEETINGS
the mortar used in the Great Wall of China — Sept. 8: Oktibbeha
animal fat, beer, sticky rice or tree resin? County Board of
2 According to the proverb, what breeds Supervisors meeting,
contempt? Chancery Courthouse,
3 In 1971, astronaut Dave Scott left a small 9 a.m.
metal sculpture on the Moon that depicts
what — a Coke bottle, an astronaut or a Sept. 8: Starkville-Ok-
Abi McDow tibbeha Consolidated
Fourth grade, Heritage School District Board
4 What championship tournament is played

94 Low 72
by the November Nine and won at the final of Trustees meeting,
High table of the Main Event? 6 p.m., 401 Greens-
Clouds and sun
5 Firenze is the Italian name for which boro St.
Tuscan city? Sept. 11: Starkville
Full forecast on Answers, 6B
page 3A. Board of Aldermen
work session, 10
a.m., City Hall
INSIDE Sept. 14: Oktibbe-
Business 5B Dear Abby 4B ha County Board of
Classifieds 6B Obituaries 5A Kalev Robb, a junior at Mississippi Supervisors budget
Comics 4B Opinions 4A State, is studying mechanical hearing, 9 a.m., Chan-
Crossword 6B engineering and is from Meadville. cery Courthouse


2A THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 2020 The Dispatch •

Biden: Trump ignores pandemic,

stokes unrest, solves neither
‘We need emergency
support funding for our Biden raises over $360 million in August
schools — and we need The Associated Press

it now. ... Not whipping WASHINGTON — Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden
raised $364 million in August, a record sum that will give him ample
up fear and division — resources to compete in the final two months of the campaign against
President Donald Trump.
not inciting violence Biden struggled to raise money early in the primary. But since he
became the presumptive nominee in the spring, money has poured into
in our streets.’ his campaign. In July, he all but closed the huge cash-on-hand advan-
tage enjoyed by Trump, who held $300 million in reserve.
BY BILL BARROW Biden’s August total, which was announced on Wednesday, speaks to
the enthusiasm among Democrats to oust Trump from office.
The Associated Press
The flood of new contributions came from grassroots supporters, as
W I L M I NG T ON, well as deep-pocketed donors, and should alleviate any lingering con-
Del. — Joe Biden is cern over whether Democrats will be able to inundate the airwaves in
calling the struggle key states.
to reopen U.S. schools “These numbers humble me,” Biden wrote in a message to support-
amid the coronavi- ers. “Even in a global recession, working families set aside some money
rus a “national emer- to power this campaign, and a little bit added up in a big way.”
gency” and accusing
President Donald declared, should be able to lead and lawless cities from taking Fed-
Trump of turning his Biden through multiple crises at the same eral dollars while they let anarchists
back to stoke passions instead about time. harm people, burn buildings, and
unrest in America’s cities. “Where is the president? Why ruin lives and businesses.” To that
The Democratic presidential nom- isn’t he working on this?,” Biden end, he signed a memorandum di-
inee’s broadsides came a day ahead asked. “We need emergency sup- recting agencies to review federal
of his own trip to Kenosha, Wiscon- port funding for our schools — and funding sent to Seattle, New York
sin, where Biden said he wants to we need it now. Mr. President, that is City, Washington and Portland, Or-
help “heal” a city reeling from anoth- your job. That’s what you should be egon.
er police shooting of a Black man. focused on — getting our kids back The opposing Biden and Trump
The wounding of Jacob Blake and to school. Not whipping up fear and events reflected the clear fault lines
subsequent demonstrations have division — not inciting violence in of the general election campaign.
made the political battleground state our streets.” Each man casts the other as a threat
a focal point for debate over police Trump answered almost imme- to Americans’ day-to-day security,
and protest violence, as well as the diately with his own event in North but Trump uses “law and order” as
actions of vigilante militias. Carolina, where he continued cast- his rallying cry while Biden pushes
Biden assailed Trump for his vil- ing the protests generally as “violent a broader referendum on Trump’s
ifying of protesters as well as his mobs here at home” that must be met competence, temperament and val-
handling of the pandemic that has with a strong show of force. “These ues.
killed nearly 190,000 Americans people know one thing: strength,” Biden said Wednesday that he’d
and crippled the national economy, he said. If local leaders would ask for use existing federal disaster law
leaving millions out of work, schools federal muscle, Trump said, “We’ll to direct funding to schools to help
straining to deal with students in have it done in one hour.” them reopen safely, and he urged
classrooms or at home and parents Trump later tweeted, “My Ad- Trump to “get off Twitter” and “nego-
struggling to keep up. An Ameri- ministration will do everything in tiate a deal” with Congress on more
can president, Trump’s challenger its power to prevent weak mayors pandemic aid.

Budget deficit to hit record $3.3T due to virus, recession

The spike in the deficit means that more than triple the 2019
shortfall and more than
11 percent behind last
year. Corporate tax col-
federal debt will exceed annual gross double the levels experi-
enced after the market
lections are down 34 per-
domestic product next year meltdown and Great Re-
cession of 2008-09. Gov-
The economy shut
down in the spring so
BY ANDREW TAYLOR Budget Office said. ernment spending, fueled people could be in isola-
The Associated Press The spike in the deficit by four coronavirus re- tion, in a failed national
means that federal debt sponse measures, would attempt to defeat the pan-
WASHINGTON — will exceed annual gross register at $6.6 trillion, demic. That shutdown led
The federal budget deficit domestic product next $2 trillion-plus more than lawmakers and President
is projected to hit a record year — a milestone that 2019. Donald Trump to pump
$3.3 trillion as huge gov- would put the U.S. where The recession has money into business sub-
ernment expenditures to it was in the aftermath of caused a drop in tax reve- sidies, larger unemploy-
fight the coronavirus and World War II, when accu- nues, but the changes are ment benefits, $1,200 di-
to prop up the economy mulated debt exceeded not as dramatic as seen rect payments and other
have added more than $2 the size of the economy. on the spending side, stimulus steps that have
trillion to the federal led- The $3.3 trillion figure with individual income helped the economy in
ger, the Congressional released Wednesday is tax collections running the short term.

CDC tells states: Be ready to distribute vaccines on Nov. 1

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS proval driven by political Corp., which has contract- requirements that would
considerations ahead of a ed with CDC to distribute prevent these facilities
PROVIDENCE, R.I. — presidential election, rath- vaccines to places includ- from becoming fully op-
The federal government er than science. ing state and local health erational by November 1,
has told states to prepare In a letter to governors departments and hospi- 2020,” Redfield wrote.
for a coronavirus vaccine dated Aug. 27, Robert Red- tals. He wrote that any waiv-
to be ready to distribute by field, director of the U.S. “CDC urgently re- ers will not compromise
Nov. 1. Centers for Disease Con- quests your assistance in the safety or effectiveness
The timeline raised con- trol and Prevention, said expediting applications for of the vaccine. The Asso-
cern among public health states “in the near future” these distribution facili- ciated Press obtained the
experts about an “October will receive permit appli- ties and, if necessary, asks letter, which was first re-
surprise” — a vaccine ap- cations from McKesson that you consider waiving ported by McClatchy.
The Dispatch • THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 2020 3A

Supes Missing Clay County

Continued from Page 1A
The Oktibbeha County man’s body found in
Election Commission has
five members, one from
each district, that serve
Oktibbeha County
four-year terms. The com- DISPATCH STAFF REPORT
mission is responsible for
“managing all aspects A missing Clay County fisherman’s body was
of general and special found Tuesday in an Oktibbeha County pond,
elections in the county, Deputy Coroner Billy Miller confirmed to The
maintaining an up-to-date Dispatch this morning.
list of registered voters, Jerome Blake, 69, went missing Monday
hiring and training poll while fishing. His body was found on Branson
workers, and assisting in Lane off of Turkey Creek Road in southeastern
the resolution of election Oktibbeha County and has been sent to Jackson
challenges,” according to for an autopsy to determine cause of death, Mill-
the county website. er said.
Van Halsema’s attor-
ney, Sam Begley of Jack-
son, cited several 2018 so-
cial media posts as proof
of Van Halsema establish-
ing herself in Starkville
in the summer of 2018. Tess Vrbin/Dispatch Staff
She had just finished the Jackson-based attorney Sam Begley, left, and District 3 resident Catherine Van Hal-
spring semester at Indi- sema listen during the Oktibbeha County board of supervisors special-call meeting
ana University when she Wednesday to determine whether Van Halsema met the two-year residency requirement
to run for election commissioner. The board voted 3-1 to disqualify her on the premise
moved into a house on
that her decision to vote via absentee ballot in Indiana in November 2018 meant she
Critz Street with Jay Hur- still considered herself an Indiana resident within two years of the 2020 election.
dle, then her fiance and
now her husband. Begley County because absen- qualify Van Halsema from Montgomery said the
also used bank and uni- tee ballots are mailed be- running for election com- date of the 2018 election
versity records to prove fore election day and she m is s ione r. was the determining fac-
Van Halsema had been would have mailed it from Supervisors tor.
using the Critz Street ad- Starkville. Marvell “She cast that absentee
dress as her permanent Starks’ counter argu- Howard of ballot, so she still consid-
address for more than two ment was that an absentee District 3 ered herself a resident
years. ballot proves the intent to and Joe Wil- (of Indiana) in my eyes,”
He cited state supreme return to the other place. liams of Dis- Montgomery said.
court cases that have “If she wanted to trict 5 voted Van Halsema told The
ruled residence as a per- establish that she had yes with Montgomery Dispatch she was “not
son’s “true fixed perma- abandoned it, then she Mont gom - satisfied” with the board’s
nent home and principal shouldn’t have made a ery. District 2 Supervisor decision and will discuss
establishment.” representation that (she Orlando Trainer voted no, with Begley the option of
“Living is domestici- was) still a resident (of In- and District 4 Supervisor appealing it. She said her
ty, it’s living in a house, diana),” Starks said. Bricklee Miller was ab- campaign had been cen-
it’s going to the grocery Board Attorney Rob sent. tered on increasing voter
store,” Begley said. “It’s Roberson agreed the ar- Montgomery and engagement and educa-
getting your mail at a gument was not whether Trainer both told The Dis- tion.
house, opening the mail, Van Halsema intended patch the “gray area” in “Whether or not my
paying the bills... A living to establish herself in Van Halsema’s casting of name is on the ballot in
arrangement is not some- Starkville but whether an absentee ballot was the November, I fully intend
thing that goes on at a she intended to abandon reason for their votes. to continue to register
precinct.” her residency in Indiana. Trainer said he be- new voters in our district,
Begley also said the After a closed-door lieved the voters of Dis- educate them on how
date of the 2018 election discussion, District 1 Su- trict 3 should have had to vote and make sure
was not the determining pervisor and Board Pres- the opportunity to decide they’re able to vote in No-
factor in Van Halsema’s ident John Montgomery whether Van Halsema vember,” Van Halsema
residency in Oktibbeha suggested a vote to dis- should hold office, while said.

State flag
Continued from Page 1A
state House speaker.
After the meeting ‘I think they did a good job. It’s, I think, a well-done flag.’
Wednesday, the magno- Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves
lia flag was raised on a
pole outside the Old Cap- to the final two last week. are the magnolia state,” is one of the nine flag
itol Museum in Jackson, Creators of the final said Vaughan, 43. “If it’s commissioners. Giles
where it fluttered in a designs said their work appealing to the eyes, it tweaked the design to
brisk breeze. reflects a love for Missis- will be accepted.” strengthen some ele-
Later in the day, Re- sippi and a desire for a The magnolia on that ments of it.
publican Gov. Tate Reeves banner that a wide range flag came from Sue Anna The other flag with the
praised the magnolia de- of people can fly with Joe, a Greenwood native red-and-white shield on
sign. pride. living in San Francisco. a dark blue background
“I think they did a good The magnolia flag has Her parents were born in also had the single star
job,” Reeves said. “It’s, I the state flower on a dark China, and they moved made of diamond shapes.
think, a well-done flag.” blue background with to the United States in
The banner, nicknamed
Legislators shelved red bars on either end. the 1960s. Joe, 44, said
the “Great River Flag,” is
the Confederate-themed The flower is encircled by Tuesday that as a person
flag two months ago stars representing Mis- of Chinese background by graphic designer Mi-
against the backdrop of sissippi as the 20th state. growing up in Mississip- cah Whitson, who grew
widespread protests over It also has a single star pi, she felt “disassociat- up in Alabama, graduat-
racial injustice. The flag made of diamond shapes ed” with the flag the state ed from the University
had been divisive for de- representing the Native had used since 1894. She of Mississippi and now
cades in a state with a 38 American people who heard white people say lives in Boston. The com-
percent Black population. lived on the land before the Confederate symbol mission Wednesday also
The final push for change others arrived. represented their ances- gave Whitson, 39, credit
came from business, ed- The magnolia flag is a tors and African Amer- for helping design the
ucation, religious and combination of elements icans say it represented magnolia flag.
sports groups — includ- submitted by six people. slavery.
ing, notably, the Missis- Four live in Mississippi, “I felt like I was part of
sippi Baptist Convention and the others live in San a broken family,” she said.
and the Southeastern Francisco and Massachu- Joe said she watched
Conference. setts. online as Mississippi leg-
By law, the new flag Graphic designer islators voted to retire
cannot include the Con- Rocky Vaughan of Acker- the old flag. Because she
federate battle flag, and it man, Mississippi, created has worked in design, she
must have the phrase, “In the overall design of the felt it was her civic duty
God We Trust.” Requiring magnolia flag, which was to submit a proposal. She
the religious phrase on altered with work from chose a magnolia because
the new flag helped per- others. He said Tuesday she believes the flower
suade some conservative that he started working is an easily recognizable
legislators to retire the on designs years ago, symbol of Mississippi.
old one. when Mississippi res- “I still very much love
The public submitted idents were bickering my home state,” Joe said.
nearly 3,000 designs. The about the flag with the Kara Giles of Oxford
commission — with mem- Confederate image. also worked on the mag-
bers appointed by the “What I wanted to do nolia flag. She’s a graphic
governor, lieutenant gov- was show every Missis- designer and executive
ernor and House speaker sippian that there’s a com- assistant to Oxford May-
— narrowed the choices promise out there, and we or Robyn Tannehill, who


Mississippi company plans site in Gulfport, the Mississippi Develop-
ment Authority said in a statement Tues- SOLUNAR TABLE
expansion to fulfill Navy contract day. The solunar period indicates
peak-feeding times for fish and game.

GULFPORT — A Mississippi company The company is set to build a Major

will soon begin a $2.1 million expansion 16,000-square-foot addition onto its ex- Minor 8:36p 9:05p
Major 2:18p 2:58
project to fulfill a contract with the U.S. isting 160,000-square-foot facility to pro- Minor 8:23a 9:16a
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
duce composite components for the Navy, of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks

Seemann Composites, which devel- according to Mississippi Development Au-

oped its own vacuum-infusion technology,
expects to create 35 jobs over the next
three years as construction begins at its
thority Interim Director John Rounsaville.
The authority said it is providing some
funding for the expansion.
The Dispatch
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PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager


Magnolia Flag faces

an uphill climb
n Wednesday,
the state’s flag
made its selection for
a new state flag. With
more than 3,000 flag
submissions, the eight
members narrowed the
list to two finalists — the
Great River Flag and
the Magnolia Flag, the
latter designed by Rocky
Slim Smith
Vaughn of Starkville.
Wednesday, the commis-
sion voted 8-1 for the Magnolia Flag.
Now all that remains is for voters to approve
the new flag at the polls on Nov. 3.
Easy-breezy, right?
No. it’s not. Nothing is ever really easy in Mis-
sissippi as long as there is an option for the state
to make an ass out of itself.
And here again, we see why the Magnolia Flag
is far from becoming the official state flag.
By the way, you won’t see the words “Mag-
nolia Flag” on the ballot. As part of its selection
process, the commission gave the flag a new
name: The “In God We Trust Flag.”
When the Legislature voted to replace the
state’s Jim Crow flag bearing the Confederate
flag in its canton, it also set up a commission to VOICE OF THE PEOPLE
Letters to the editor
come up with a replacement and mandated that
the new flag must incorporate the words “In God
We Trust” in its design.
I suggested that the phrase be written in Ara-
Editor’s note: The following four letters are in In any case, like all contributors here, including
bic as a means of showing that our state believes response to a Wednesday letter in which the author those who you wish to silence, I am a citizen of this
in freedom of religion, but Mississippi is not expressed fatigue in reading both anti-Trump and city, of this state, and of this country. I also pay both
ready to go that far just yet. My gut tells me that left-leaning letters to the editor. my taxes and my subscription to The Dispatch. As
the Legislature would ban all religions aside from Ronald Reagan once famously said, “I paid for this
Christianity and, perhaps, Judaism, if it could get No Mr. McLaughlin, you are not the only one tired microphone!”
away with it. They can’t, of course. So this is the of those endless streams of delusional hogwash being Lastly, regarding your letter’s final sentence, “…
next best thing. perpetrated on Dispatch readers. I am in total agree- perhaps one day they will look back on these submis-
So even though the Magnolia Flag, like all the ment with you. I have reached the point of just ignor- sions and ask themselves, ‘What was I thinking?’”
flag submissions, features the Legislature-man- ing them. They are so full of “Trump Derangement When hell freezes over, sir. Not that I have much
dated words, on the ballot it will be the “In God Syndrome,” that they are blind to all the accomplish- to worry about there. President Trump’s disastrous
We Trust” flag. ments of his presidency. Typical liberal thinking in 50’s-era environmental policies have made it clear
This is the sort of thing we see all the time my opinion. No positive ideas on how to make things that will never happen.
when the state really, really wants to put its better…just bashing! Thanks for letting us know that The real solution? My first thought: Mr. McLaugh-
thumb on the scale at the ballot box: Give it a there are other Dispatch readers who feel the same. lin should just avoid the Opinions page rather than
name that shames voters into supporting it. Kudos also to Mr. Lautzenhiser. I have no doubt censoring liberal voices. But then I had a better idea –
The commission could just as easily have most Mississippians like having the motto of “In God why not retake high school American civics, instead?
named it the “Your Grandma’s Dying Wish Was We Trust,” on the state flag. I can’t see how anyone Just a suggestion.
That You Choose This Flag.” can complain about that. I want God’s blessings on Paul Mack
If this seems a bit desperate to you, there’s a Mississippi, and acknowledge it or not, non believers Columbus
good reason. benefit from his blessings. That phrase is on our
money, but I haven’t heard of anyone refusing to use Trump today asked the FCC to look into the social
No sooner had the Legislature voted to get
it because it’s there. None of us are going to be happy media networks because they have been deleting
rid of the Jim Crow flag, a movement emerged to
with everything, and just because a few people want Trump’s lies, lies, and more lies and conspiracy
save the flag by insisting that the decision be left something changed isn’t in my opinion a valid reason
to the voters. tweets.
for change. Case in point: One atheist sued to have He wants them to relax their rules about false
Led by state senator Chris McDaniel, (R, Cra- prayer removed from schools, and look at all the cha- information so he can continue with his.
zytown), an effort to put the old flag back on the os that followed. Relax, take a deep breath and vote And now, you want The Dispatch to stop printing
ballot has emerged. Already McDaniel’s group, for Trump. You will feel better. my letters because you don’t like them.
“Let Mississippi Vote,” has assembled 1,000 vol- Roger Wade You do know Trump is a pathological liar, don’t
unteers to begin the petition process that could Columbus you?
put the old flag back before the voters next year. Even Ted Cruz compared him to the fascist leader
Under their plan, the Jim Crow flag would be I am heartily glad to read all the opinions of our Mussolini in the primary.
one of four choices left to the voters. The other local writers, whether I agree or not. If everyone I Rick Perry said, in the primary, that he was a can-
flags on the ballot would be the Magnolia Flag, read agrees with the way I think, I would never know cer on the conservative party. Since he is president, I
the state’s bicentennial flag and the Stennis Flag, that there are people out there who think differently. say he is like a cancer on America.
which emerged as an early alternative to the Jim It really is important to know that there ARE people All of the above gives me a lot to write about. I will
Crow flag but was not submitted for consideration who think differently. Sometimes, they change my not be called a “sucker” for believing Trump’s lies.
to the flag commission. opinion. Sometimes, I try to change theirs. Often, I I’m trying to save our democracy from Trump.
All of that comes later, of course. learn that some fact is being treated as an opinion. Trump calls a QAnon GOP primary winner a fu-
The matter now before voters is whether or This debate informs the rest of my social interactions, ture Republican star. Do you know that the FBI calls
not to adopt the erstwhile Magnolia Flag as the such as they are in these times. For those of you who them a terrorist group?
state’s official flag. may not know, “Trump derangement syndrome” is DHS withheld July intelligence bulletin calling out
The guess here is that the flag will not be used to discredit the thinking of people who disagree Russian attack on Biden’s mental help.
with President Trump and his policies. This seems And Trump is doing it now. See how Russia and
approved by voters. There will be some who just
repetitive, since there was also George W. Bush Trump are working together to defeat Biden.
don’t like the design and others who preferred
derangement syndrome. I’m amused by this concep- No more intelligence meetings with congress if
one of the other flag submissions. The biggest tion that someone who disagrees with a Republican
challenge, however, will come from all who our elections are being interfered with by foreign
president must be ill. countries.
resent the Legislature’s decision to get rid of the Bonnie Oppenheimer
Jim Crow flag and are determined it be reinstat- You do know in the primary, Trump promised to
ed. make America great again. Do you think he has? AP
That’s a strong coalition to overcome. fact check: Is Trump America great again or hells-
In his September 2 letter to The Dispatch editor,
So, in a state where good sense often does cape?
Mike McLaughlin wished that “certain self-appointed
not prevail at the ballot box, there’s a distinct Four years ago, candidate Trump promised that if
left-wing political experts” discontinue voicing their
possibility that we haven’t seen the last of the Jim he won, the crime and violence that today afflicts our
opinions in The Dispatch. I assume I am among those
nation will soon come to an end.
Crow flag, proving yet again what we have always to whom he refers.
Beginning on Jan. 20, 2017, safety will be restored.
known: Mr. McLaughlin, sir, I respect your right to voice
Another failed promise, on top of many more.
Doing the right thing is never, ever easy in your opinion here, sarcastically or not, but I’d still like
Please, if you are tired of reading my letters to The
Mississippi. to make a couple of my typically misguided points
Dispatch, vote for Biden.
Slim Smith is a columnist and feature writer first before honoring your request straight away.
James Hodges
for The Dispatch. His email address is ssmith@ First, a point of logic. If left-leaning writers are
Steens “self-appointed” may I ask, please, who selected the
writers of letters with the conservative opinions you
desire? Did I miss something or were their letters Point of information on voting twice
submitted at the request of some higher authority? The President has fallen down the rabbit hole. He
Please explain. suggested to the people at his North Carolina rally
Our View: Local Editorials I, too, have grown tired of something – tired of that they should vote twice in the upcoming election,
Local editorials appearing in this space represent the having fellow citizens tell me to shut the hell up when ostensibly, to “test the voting system.” Voting twice in
opinion of the newspaper’s editorial board: Peter Imes, I have not made the same request of them. Neither I an election in North Carolina is a Class One felony.
editor and publisher; Zack Plair, managing editor; Slim nor anyone else of my viewpoint in these pages ever Bill Gillmore
Smith and senior newsroom staff. To inquire about a does so. How you and others doing the same see this Columbus
meeting with the board, please contact Peter Imes at
as consistent with the core values of our democracy
662-328-2424, or e-mail
escapes me. But there it is. Still, I will never under- A letter to the editor is an excellent way to participate
stand it. Anyway, no, I don’t think I will shut up. in your community. We request the tone of your letters
But I will take you and yours one further. Unlike be constructive and respectful and the length be limited
you, my deep love of this democratic republic does to 450 words. We reserve the right to edit letters for
Imagination Library: not include a desire to stifle debate. I implore moti-
vated and patriotic conservatives to please continue
clarity, grammar and length. While commentary on
national issues is always welcome, we limit candidate
Give the gift of books writing ­— always. It is not only precisely what you
should do — it is vital to our nation. You want censor-
endorsements to one per letter-writer. We welcome all
letters emailed to or mailed to
ship? There is always Russia or North Korea. That’s The Dispatch, Attn: Letters to the Editor, PO Box 511,
not what we’re about here in the United States. Columbus, MS 39703-0511.
The Dispatch • THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 2020 5A

75th anniversary of end of WWII is mostly virtual amid virus

Commemoration initially was supposed premieres, galas and thousands
of people honoring the veterans
them, watching history unfold as
a young Marine. He and his com-
ed his life to peace after the war
to be a blockbuster event with parades, movie in their 90s or beyond, some who
may be marking the milestone
rades who live in the mainland
U.S. had to watch a livestream of
“War must not happen again,”
he said, recalling the words ut-
premieres, galas and thousands of people for the last time. the ceremony from home instead tered by Gen. Douglas MacAr-
Because of the threat of the of on the decks of the battleship thur on the day the Japanese
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS niversary of the surrender, some virus, the ceremony was scaled as planned. surrendered. But “we’re still os-
of those same men who served down to about 50 people, with “Well, I was very disappoint- cillating on many of the things
HONOLULU — When Jap- the United States weren’t able local veterans and government ed, yes. I was hoping to maybe that are necessary to bring us
anese military leaders climbed to return to the Missouri in Ha- officials gathering on the USS see a friend or two,” he said. “I peace.”
aboard the USS Missouri in waii’s Pearl Harbor because of Missouri in masks. The names just want to share with at least my Pedersen wore a blue Marine
Tokyo Bay on Sept. 2, 1945, the the world’s new war against the were read of surviving WWII family and a couple of other folks uniform recently sent to him for
battleship was packed with U.S. coronavirus. veterans, including 14 who were some of the feelings that I was go- the ceremony as he watched the
sailors eager to see the end of The commemoration initially on the ship the day the Japanese ing to express when I got there.” event from a laptop at his son’s
World War II. was supposed to be a blockbust- surrendered. Those feelings are complicat- house in rural West Sacramento,
On Wednesday, the 75th an- er event with parades, movie Jerry Pedersen, 95, was one of ed, said Pedersen, who dedicat- California.

COMMERCIAL DISPATCH born to the late Ernest in Pickens County, Zorado Mize Christian Services will be David Christian of
OBITUARY POLICY Roy Purcell and Nellie Alabama, to the late Swan. He attended at 2 p.m. Saturday, Olive Branch, Mark
Obituaries with basic informa-
Mae Rocko Purcell. Se Edward A. Turnipseed Harley School and was at Robinson Funeral Kendall Christian of
tion including visitation and
service times, are provided was formerly employed and Clemence Gore previously employed Home Chapel, with the Germantown, Tennes-
free of charge. Extended obit- as an operator with Bell Turnipseed. He was with Walker Manufac- Rev. Darion Duckworth see and Robert Burris
uaries with a photograph, de- South. a veteran of the U.W. turing. He was a mem- officiating. Burial will Christian of Collier-
tailed biographical information In addition to her Army National Guard. ber of Amory Church of follow in Memorial ville, Tennessee; and
and other details families may parents, she was pre- he was formerly em- Christ. Gardens Cemetery. five grandchildren.
wish to include, are available In addition to his Visitation will be one
ceded in death by her ployed with McShan
for a fee. Obituaries must be
sister, Linda P. Hanson. Lumber Company and parents, he was pre- hour prior to services.
submitted through funeral
homes unless the deceased’s She is survived by as owner of E & M ceded in death by his Robinson Funeral
body has been donated to her siblings, Sharon Contractors. siblings, Azell Carden, Home is in charge of
science. If the deceased’s Richards, Teresa Ly- In addition to his par- Luther, Herman and arrangements.
body was donated to science, man and Victor Purcell ents, he was preceded J.W. Christian; and an Mrs. Christian was
the family must provide official off of Oregon. in death by his siblings, infant brother. born Feb. 17, 1932, to
proof of death. Please submit Pallbearers will
Warren, Robert Floyd, the late Velma Williams
all obituaries on the form
Elbert Vaughn Eugene, James, Marvin be Chris Christian, and Burris G. Brigance.
provided by The Commercial
Dispatch. Free notices must STARKVILLE — and Dan Turnipseed, Tyler Christian, Wayne She was a member of
be submitted to the newspa- Elbert Garciea Vaughn, Laura May Bigford and Christian, Brian Chris- First United Methodist
per no later than 3 p.m. the 57, died Aug. 15, 2020. Cherry Mullenix. tian and John Comer. Church.
day prior for publication Tues-
Graveside ser- He is survived by In addition to her
day through Friday; no later
than 4 p.m. Saturday for the vices will be at 1 p.m. his wife, Josie Duncan Grathan Christian parents, she was
Sunday edition; and no later Saturday, in Greater Turnipseed; children, WEST POINT — preceded in death by
Lisa Pate, Susan Cow- Grathan Brigance her husband, Chuck
than 7:30 a.m. for the Monday Ebenezer Cemetery, Don Richardson
edition. Incomplete notices with the Rev. Joseph art and Lori Baines; six Christian, 88, died Christian. Visitation:
must be received no later than L. Stone officiating. grandchildren; and one Sept. 2, 2020, at She is survived by Saturday, Sept. 5 • 12-1 PM
7:30 a.m. for the Monday great-grandchild. NMMC-West Point. her children, William College St. Location
Visitation will be from Services:
through Friday editions. Paid
notices must be finalized by 3
3-6 p.m. Friday, at Cen- Saturday, Sept. 5 • 1 PM

p.m. for inclusion the next day tury Hairston Funeral Latasha Hollingshed College St. Location
Monday through Thursday; and Home. Century Hair- STARKVILLE — Mt. Vernon Cemetery
on Friday by 3 p.m. for Sunday ston Funeral Home of Latasha “Rose” Holling- College St. Location
and Monday publication. For Starkville is in charge shed, 45, died Aug. 27,
more information, call 662- of arrangements. 2020.
Mr. Vaughn was Graveside services
born Sept. 29, 1963, in will be at 11 a.m.
Yvonne Roland Starkville, to Winnie Friday, in First Baptist
USAF ACADEMY, Ruth Morris and the Longview Cemetery.
Colo. — Yvonne L. late Elbert Vaughn. He Visitation is from 1-6
Roland, 61, died Aug. was a member of Sec- p.m. today, at West Me-
31, 2020. ond Baptist Church. morial Funeral Home.
A private home going In addition to his West Memorial Funeral
celebration will be held mother, he is survived Home of Starkville is
at First Baptist Church by his children, Erik in charge of arrange-
of Aliceville. Lavender’s Stevenson of Memphis, ments.
Funeral Service of Tennessee, Lindsey She is survived by
Aliceville is in charge Larry of Atlanta, her daughter, Dorian
of arrangements. Georgia and Elbert Janiyah Plair; mother,
Garciea Vaughn II of Dolly Hollingshed;
Johnnie Lee Roxie; siblings, Shelia and siblings, Cathy
COLUMBUS — Morgan, Nathaniel Hollingshed of Tupelo,
Johnnie Lee, 73, died “Bobby” Morris both Annie Lee of Nettleton,
Aug. 29, 2020. of Starkville, James Bertha Hollingshed
Graveside services Kennard Purnell of of Houston, Texas and
will be at 1 p.m. Friday, Dyersburg, Tennessee James Hollingshed Jr.
in Union Cemetery, and Barron Morris of of Tuscaloosa, Ala-
with the Rev. James Collierville, Tennessee; bama.
Greenlaw officiating. and two grandchildren.
Visitation is from noon- T.F. Christian
5 p.m. today, at Cen- Joe Turnipseed AMORY — T.F.
tury Hairston Funeral ETHELSVILLE, Christian, 86, died
Home. Century Hair- Ala. — Joe Turnipseed, Sept. 1, 2020, at North
ston Funeral Home of 77, died Sept. 1, 2020, at Mississippi Medical
Columbus is in charge his residence. Center-Gilmore.
of arrangements. Funeral services will Funeral services are
Mr. Lee was born be at 2 p.m. Friday, at at 4 p.m. today, at Cleve-
Dec. 5, 1946, in Co- Skelton Funeral Home land-Moffett funeral
lumbus, to the late Chapel, with the Rev. Home, with Phillip
Alex Lee and Ida Mae Kevin Taylor officiat- Hathcock officiating.
Whitfield. ing. Burial will follow in Burial will follow in
Mt. Moriah Free Will New Hope Cemetery.
Renee Purcell Baptist Church Ceme- Visitation is from 3-3:45
STARKVILLE — tery. Visitation is from p.m. prior to services
Renee Purcell, 71, died 6-8 p.m. today, at the fu- at the funeral home.
Sept. 1, 2020, at The neral home. Skelton Fu- Cleveland-Moffett of
Beehive in Starkville. neral Home of Reform, Amory is in charge of
Welch Funeral Home Alabama is in charge of arrangements.
is in charge of arrange- arrangements. Mr. Christian was
ments. Mr. Turnipseed was born to the late Thomas
Mrs. Purcell was born Dec. 24, 1942, Fred Christian Sr. and

Can I get the coronavirus twice?

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS against serious illness had COVID-19 will have
even if it could not prevent some immunity against a
Can I get the coronavi- a reinfection. His more re- repeat infection. But they
rus twice? cent infection was detect- don’t know how much
It seems possible, ed through screening and protection, or how long it
though how often it hap- testing at the Hong Kong would last.
pens isn’t known. airport, and research- This is important be-
Researchers in Hong ers said genetic tests re- cause if immunity wears
Kong recently reported vealed different strains of off, it could pose a chal-
evidence of a person who the virus.
lenge for vaccines. Some
got the coronavirus a sec- Several other possible
ond time, months after an experts say booster shots
cases have been reported,
initial infection. may be needed.
including a U.S. man who
The finding has not yet was sicker the second It’s also unclear wheth-
been published in a jour- time than the first. er reinfected people
nal. But scientists said Even if people can get would be able to spread
the 33-year-old man had reinfected, the World the virus to others. That’s
mild symptoms the first Health Organization says another reason scientists
time and none the second it likely wouldn’t happen say people should contin-
time, suggesting his im- regularly. ue to wear masks, social
mune system may have Health experts gener- distance and practice
provided some protection ally believe people who good hygiene.
6A THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 2020 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 1A
tional creative outlet for chased The Ranch House a month as a new busi- ers and hotdogs for the
those in town. from Tim and Bethany ness owner, Sullivan said grand opening. Sulli-
“I think that books Plowman a little more the restaurant is operat- van will also have folks
take you places,” Lin- than a month ago. ing well and welcoming bringing in classic cars,
er said. “When I was Sullivan, a former regulars as well as some trucks and motorcycles,
growing up, my family education administrator, new faces. so if you have a special
didn’t have money to said he always wanted “I’ve seen a steady ride you want to show
travel. Books helped me to retire and open a growth in business and off, bring it out to meet
explore the world before small restaurant. Call it steady growth in custom- the new owners Saturday
I ever had the chance divine intervention or the ers,” Sullivan said. “We’re night.
to travel abroad or visit perfect storm, but a few running pretty good, In Starkville, there’s
other places. … I think years shy of retirement we’re doing well. The been some rumors cir-
that supporting that and in the midst of a food is good, the ser- culating that two stores
creativity and exploration pandemic, Sullivan saw vice is excellent and the are preparing for closure.
and imagination is really the perfect opportunity atmosphere is accommo- Those rumors have been
important, no matter to purchase The Ranch dating.” deemed false. According
what your age is. It offers House. Though Sullivan said to representatives from
another opportunity to “I have been taking he’s always wanted to Tuesday Morning and
broaden your experi- culinary-cuisine style open a restaurant, he Bargain Hunt, neither
ence.” classes for years now,” wasn’t entirely sure what company has any in-
Be sure to keep up to Sullivan said. “… I was to expect. To say in the tention of closing the
date with Friendly City looking for something least, he’s been pleasant- Starkville locations.
Books with its website smaller. But with the ly surprised thus far. Over in downtown
and Facebook page. pandemic happening like “We have actually Starkville, Magnolia Soap
Moving to East Colum- it did, it put The Ranch really enjoyed it and & Bath Company, 222
bus, The Ranch House House at a price range I found it to be much more E. Main St., is officially
Dinner, 807 Alabama St., could afford. It allowed along the lines of what we open.
will host its grand open- me an opportunity to get wanted it to be,” Sullivan The soap store offers
ing on Saturday. something like a land- said. “… It’s better than more than 50 scents of
I know that might mark.” we actually anticipated. I bath and skin products
sound funny since the The Ranch House is wake up every day excit- that are 100-percent
Columbus diner has been open Sunday through ed to go to work.” plant-based.
open since the 1940s, Friday from 5:30 a.m.-2 Be sure to head over Be sure to check out
but this grand opening p.m. and Saturdays from there Saturday night the new store on the
welcomes a new owner. 5:30-11 a.m. from 3-7 p.m. to enjoy block Monday through
Sammy Sullivan pur- After a little more than hamburgers, cheeseburg- Saturday 10 a.m.-6 p.m.

Continued from Page 1A
Dumas told the board two new stops on the agreed with Dumas that
in January that SMART west side of Louisville SMART is especially
saw a 20.5-percent in- Street south of Academy beneficial to the city at
crease in ridership in Road and another one this moment.
2019. The SMART sys- on Highway 182 at the “Particularly during
tem’s 11 routes with 71 Partnership School, the times when it’s extreme-
stops cover 62.2 miles, campus for grades 6-7 in ly difficult to afford to go
and 83 percent of that the Starkville-Oktibbeha places, it serves as an as-
mileage goes between Perkins Spruill
Consolidated School Dis- set to the community as a
the city and campus or is trict. ing Hills subdivision, in whole from an economic
solely in the city. The Louisville Street northern Starkville. development standpoint,”
When the pandemic stops came after a grant Ward 6 Alderman she said. “The expansion
began in March, SMART from the Mississippi De- and Vice Mayor Roy A. to reflect areas in town
ran one bus per route, partment of Transpor- Perkins, who represents that have added side-
allowed only half the tation funded new side- Rolling Hills, said the walks and bike lanes and
capacity of each bus walks there and created potential stop would be that sort of thing really
and required all riders a safe place for the buses “ideal” for the area and reflects the need for our
to wear protective face to stop, Dumas said. be widely used by resi- residents to enjoy and
coverings. SMART has The city and SMART dents. take advantage of the op-
resumed running all its are considering creating “I think it is very fore- portunity to get around
buses but still has the a stop at the intersection seeable that this bus stop
other two requirements in ways they might not
of Garrard Road and Ofo- will come to fruition,” otherwise be able to.”
in place, Dumas said. homa Street, one of the Perkins said.
Some riders have told two entrances to the Roll- Mayor Lynn Spruill
SMART drivers they
need the buses to get to
and from OCH Region-
al Medical Center to be
tested for COVID-19, and
two people later reported
that they had tested posi-
tive, Dumas said.
Paratransit, a door-
to-door transportation
option for citizens with
disabilities, saw its rid-
ership nearly double in
2019 — to 6,177 from
3,977 in 2018. SMART
used to run two or three
paratransit buses at a
time and now only has
one but has kept the ser-
vice going throughout
the pandemic, and its
primary use is for trips
to the hospital that do not
require an ambulance,
Dumas said.
“On our normal fixed-
route buses, we clean
them once a day and once
every night, but for the
Paratransit vehicle, we’ve
been cleaning it between
every trip,” he said.
MSU resumed classes
on Aug. 17, and the first
two days saw a 70-percent
reduction in students’
use of SMART compared
to previous years, since
many students did not re-
turn to campus in person
and some choose not to
use public transportation
at the moment, Dumas
In the past few months,
SMART implemented

Send in your
church event!


Religious brief


BY THEO DEROSA are against the wall” even though they’ve
handled the transition
When the Columbus admirably.
High School football “We still feel pres-
team was cleared to sured and rushed be-
practice in early July cause we are behind,”
and began preparing for Pulphus said. “We’re be-
the 2020 season, the Fal- hind, but it is what it is.”
cons were understand- The Falcons’ coach-
ably excited. ing staff has been work-
So excited, head ing extra hard to make
coach Joshua Pulphus up for lost time, plan-
said, they would have ning and scheming in
happily lined up against the field house as late as
just about any football 8 or 9 p.m.
team in the area — re- “We put in long
gardless of level. hours,” Pulphus said. “I
“I think we could think I’ve got some great
have played Mississip- coaches here.”
pi State, and we would The Columbus staff
have been happy to go has had to make up the
play,” Pulphus said. major blow COVID-19
So maybe it’s good dealt to the school’s ju-
that Columbus opens up nior high program in
the season Friday with a addition to putting the
road game at Louisville, Falcons’ spring and
a perennial champion- summer workouts in
ship contender in MH- disarray, but Pulphus
SA A Class 4A who of- said he’s pleased with
fers one of the toughest the school’s incoming
tests the Falcons could ninth graders and the
hope to take. Pulphus sophomores already on
expects the Wildcats to its varsity roster. Tyrie
vie for another state title Dispatch file photo Payne and Cameron
this season and said the Jaylan Stewart (26) and Steven Cattledge (9) take down a Louisville ball carrier in the first quarter during a high Kidd are some of the
experience will be bene- school football game in September of 2019. 10th graders who will be
ficial for his team right “cornerstones” of how
“We’re gonna win Plenty of scouts will has received junior col- Senior Chris Allen,
off the bat this fall. Pulphus wants to run his
that one,” senior outside certainly be in atten- lege recruiting interest the Falcons’ other start-
“Anytime you’re play- program, the coach said.
linebacker Steve Cat- dance Friday to watch himself. Dickerson is er at outside linebacker,
ing championship-ped- It’s his second year
tledge said. Louisville defensive end the only returning offen- pointed out Harris as a
igree teams, I always in Columbus since tak-
Pulphus said Cat- Tyvoris Cooper, a three- sive lineman for Colum- budding star who has
think it’s a good match- ing over a team without
up,” Pulphus said. “They tledge, who is 6 -foot-4 star prospect consid- bus and the only senior helped lead Columbus’
a single win in 2018. Af-
could beat us 100-0 or 1-0; and 220 pounds, has ered the No. 22 senior in on either side of the line. improvement on de-
ter a 4-7 season in 2019,
anytime you’re playing received scholarship of- Mississippi, according “He’s taken great fense. The Falcons’ of-
Pulphus’ goal for the Fal-
against somebody that fers from several FBS to the 247 Sports com- leadership and owner- fense, which struggled cons remains the same:
has the same goal and schools and recruiting posite rankings. ship of that level,” Pul- greatly at the beginning to make the playoffs,
the same drive that you interest from Auburn “Anytime you’re play- phus said. of last season, has im- though he said doing
have, I think it’s essen- and Mississippi State. ing a player of that cal- Juniors Dietric Mc- proved majorly, too. merely that wouldn’t be
tial playing — win, lose Senior quarterback iber — that level — it’s Cray, Isaiah Harris and But thanks to start- satisfying for the team.
or draw.” Ethan Conner, a return- scary,” Pulphus said. Ormani Smith and soph- ing offseason workouts Pulphus knows
Even though the lat- ing starter, is in a similar “He showed some stuff omores Tyrese Erby and more than a month be- meeting those high ex-
ter two options are more boat, but Pulphus said on film that a lot of high Hemyar Nagi will staff a hind schools like New pectations starts with
likely — Louisville won Southeastern Confer- school kids don’t need young defensive line. Hope and Caledonia, Friday’s game, and no
32-6 at Columbus last ence schools like the Ti- to know how to do.” “We don’t have that Allen admitted he still matter how the Falcons
Sept. 6 — Columbus gers and Bulldogs have Pulphus acknowl- many bodies,” Pulphus feels a little bit behind fare, he’s proud of how
players voiced their con- waited to pull the trig- edged Cooper will be a said. “We’re looking for- in his ramp-up for the his team has looked.
fidence two days ahead ger on both players until “handful” for Falcons ward to them growing season. “I can say I think
of their long-awaited the colleges’ scouts can senior lineman Johna- up and learning and be- So did Pulphus, who we’ve got it going the
first game. watch them play. than Dickerson, who ing more mature.” said the Falcons’ “backs way I like it,” he said.


How Jamar Chaney’s run as a high school coach prepared him to return to MSU
BY BEN PORTNOY sibilities are limited by his staff were anxious. Jamari Stewart — and Following Chaney’s Now back in Starkville NCAA rules. Despite that, Only 10 people had shown another two were added two-year run as head for his first professional
he’s quickly developed an up to the meeting the year even after Chaney left coach at Centennial, spell with the Bulldogs,
STARKVILLE — Ja- acumen on the recruiting before Chaney arrived. to become an assistant Mullen hired him as the Chaney has delivered a
mar Chaney is right at trail rooted in his time as Scanning the crowd, coach at Florida. assistant director of foot- vast impact on the recruit-
home. a high school coach. there were now more than Boasting a roster that ball operations in Gaines- ing staff held over from
Following a five-year Taking over a St. Luc- 50 patrons in attendance. would send five players ville. In his role, Chaney Joe Moorhead’s tenure
NFL career that spanned ie West Centennial team “ They to the Division I level kept high school coaches and those that have since
four teams, a three-year that struggled to a 2-7 saw his coupled with a culture of informed on happenings joined as part of Leach’s
run at his alma mater St. record in 2016 while he e ne r g y,” toughness and discipline at Florida, recruited run- contingent. His general
Lucie West Centennial served as the defensive then-defen- that mimicked that of ning backs, linebackers responsibilities include
High School in Port St. coordinator, Chaney be- sive backs Mullen’s program during and offensive linemen and recruiting the defensive
Lucie, Florida, and a one gan a cultural overhaul of coach and his time in Starkville, operated as the first line side of the ball, though he
season spell under former the program that sprung co - defen- Chaney guided Centen- of contact for the staff. notes he’s recruited most
head coach Dan Mullen forth his own career. sive co- nial to a 5-5-1 record with He also sat in on meet- every position on the
at Florida, Chaney has Players and coaches ordinator three losses by seven or ings with defensive coor- field. Chaney also boasts
promptly carved a niche would be treated like col- Codi Vick Chaney less points. dinator Todd Grantham added credibility on sell-
on a staff long on experi- lege athletes and staffers. told The A breakthrough 7-3 and linebackers coach ing the program as one of
ence, but short on MSU Practices were expected Dispatch. “They heard season followed in 2018 Christian Robinson in the few staffers in the re-
ties. to be up-tempo and pur- through the phone, they — giving the Eagles their hopes of gaining added cruiting office that played
Staying in contact poseful, with sporadic saw it through our Twitter first winning season since experience. for MSU.
with MSU Senior Asso- full-pads work. Even the posts, they saw it through 2004 and first playoff ap- “The information that Most recently, his
ciate Athletic Director of players’ practice pants everything we were do- pearance in seven years. you get, it was new to me,” name has appeared in
Football Dave Emerick were cut shorter to mimic ing in the community “It was nuts real- Chaney conceded. “It re- slews of tweets from pros-
throughout the offseason, the tight cut donned daily that this isn’t the same ly,” said Aaron Gluff, ally taught me a lot about pects receiving offers and
the pair traded messages by college teams. Centennial that he played Chaney’s then-lineback- recruiting, the process of interest from the Bulldogs
over potential positions Off the field, Chaney for or the previous years. ers and strength and con- evaluating guys, doing as Sept. 1 marked the first
on first year head coach worked to drum up sup- It was a different type of ditioning coach. “...This your own homework, be- day coaches could con-
Mike Leach’s staff. Set- port from a previously Centennial.” area that we’re in is load- cause a lot of schools will tact 2022 prospects under
tling on a senior defensive apathetic fan base. He With excitement envel- ed with talent. It was just offer guys because other NCAA rules.
analyst role, Chaney was developed a booster club oping Chaney’s revival, a matter of time before schools offer them. And “He brings that real-
officially hired on July 15. to help fundraise and host players followed. Vick, somebody came around I think it’s there’s high ness that needs to be in
“We wanted to get Ja- events in the community. who worked as a quality that took advantage of it, value in truly, truly eval- college football, especial-
mar back home,” Emerick The school even shifted control coach at Florida used it and did it the right uating guys, looking at ly now,” Vick said. “These
told The Dispatch. “He its annual scrimmage Atlantic prior to joining way. I mean, obviously their film, trying to get kids, they’re calling out
played here, had a great from its home stadium to the staff, estimates the he moved on to bigger in contact with their high fakeness...So when you’ve
career here, played in the a local park, hired a DJ Eagles secured three or and better things, but it’s school coaches to find out got a guy like Chaney that
NFL. (He’s a) young guy, and let fans in for free to four transfers in Chaney’s one of those things that if about them...make sure is real with you at all times
a lot of energy players re- bolster awareness. first fall. At least five or he would’ve stayed here you’re getting not only the and is honest with you
late to.” Calling a parents meet- six more followed the I think it would’ve kept talented players, but the and he legit cares about
Given his official title, ing ahead of their inaugu- next season — including going higher in the right right character players in you, that does great for
Chaney’s on-field respon- ral season, Chaney and current MSU freshman direction.” your program.” kids who want to follow.”
2B THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 2020 The Dispatch •

Tour reaches end of season, embarks on plan toward diversity

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS nate to racial and social Lake with two victories because I am surprised ing,” he said. quickly have responded
injustice causes in their since the return, along we’ve been able to go on That includes the and said that they are
ATL ANTA — What markets. with runner-up finishes without any single prob- charity component, excited for this oppor-
started as the “Return “In essence, how do in the PGA Chamion- lems.” which has carried on tunity, excited for this
to Golf” has yielded to we use the platform ship and last week at The Tour Champion- without spectators, pro- challenge.”
“Crossing the Finish that we’ve established the BMW Champion- ship is the end of the ams or corporate hos- He said the tour ex-
Line.” over the past 80 years to ship. He starts with a season, but not the end pitality. Monahan said pects to raise at least
Twelve weeks after make deeper and more two-shot lead over Jon of the year, or the con- supporting sponsors of $10 million a year for
the PGA Tour ended its specific commitments Rahm, who made a 65 - cern. the Tour Championship those causes for the
longest stoppage since around social justice foot bending birdie putt Spectators still have — Coca-Cola and the next decade, “and that’s
World War II because of efforts in our commu- in a playoff to beat John- not been allowed to re- Southern Company — something that we’re
the COVID-19 pandem- nities?” he said. “The son last week. turn, with no indication were enabling at least going to hold ourselves
ic, it marked progress work may never be com- No one should be sur- when that would hap- a $3.5 million contribu- accountable to.”
with two slogans that plete, but as we close out prised. They are Nos. 1 pen. Monahan said the tion to local charities He also said the tour
brought equal measures this season of change, I and 2 in the world rank- plan was for pro-ams this week. would work toward at-
of satisfaction and a felt it important to rein- ing. Rahm was more sur- — a big part of a tour- Monahan also said tracting more minori-
sigh of relief. force our commitment.” prised the tour reached nament’s revenue — to local tournaments and ties to golf through
“I was confident that And what a season it its season-ending event resume in the Domin- their charitable do- The First Tee, which
we had the right plan,” has been. without having to stop ican Republic in three nations would be the currently has a great
Commissioner Jay Mo- The week the PGA because of the corona- weeks. Pro-ams already backbone of the tour’s emphasis on education
nahan said Wednesday. Tour signed a new me- virus. Only seven play- are in place on the PGA pledge toward support- than the game, and
“But I was uncertain as dia rights deal said to ers and three caddies Tour Champions and ing diversity in a sum- with support of the Ad-
to whether or not, like be worth more than $7 tested positive in the 13 the Korn Ferry Tour. mer of intensified racial vocates Pro Golf Asso-
everybody else, you’d billion over nine years, tournaments held in 12 Monahan thought and social unrest. ciation Tour, created a
be able to get to this the coronavirus led to weeks in 11 states. back to Friday the 13th PGA Tour events decade ago to provide
point.” golf shutting down for “I’m not going to lie, — in March — when have raised more than playing opportunities to
That point would be three months. Tiger when I saw ... pretty he announced the next $3 billion for charity minority players.
the Tour Championship Woods, who won his much 20% of the tests four tournaments had since 1938, and that “It’s nice to see stuff
for the top 30 players record-tying 82nd tour- were positive country- been canceled, starting money — $200 million happening,” said Cam-
who made it through nament last fall, played wide, almost worldwide, with The Players Cham- last year — goes mainly eron Champ, one of
two FedEx Cup postsea- only twice before the and with how many pionship. to local organizations. four players of Black
son events to reach East shutdown, four times other sports were hav- “As gut-wrenching as “All of our tourna- heritage on the PGA
Lake and chase the $15 after. He did not make ing trouble ... nobody that day and the weeks ments are going to be Tour and the only one
million bonus that goes it to the Tour Champi- should be surprised if to follow were, as we identifying racial and to reach the Tour Cham-
to the winner. onship. one week we show up ultimately canceled or social injustice causes pionship. “Anyone can
Monahan also A record five play- and there’d 30 posi- postponed nearly 30% of in their local markets talk about it, but action
brought up another ers already have taken tives,” Rahm said. our season, the adapt- going forward,” Mona- is what’s need. And it’s
monetary figure — a turns at No. 1 in the “We can congrat- ability, innovation, and han said. “I think it’s a amazing to see that.
projected $100 million world. ulate each other and collaboration that has big statement that with It’s definitely a huge
over the next 10 years Dustin Johnson is everybody else for the brought us to this week the number of tourna- and amazing step in the
for tournaments to do- the No. 1 seed at East good job we’ve done, is incredibly gratify- ments we have they all right direction.”

Tom Seaver, heart and mighty arm of Miracle Mets, dies at 75

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS to ever play the game,” Seaver off his list of 26 pro- team that it is,” said Ron ally the way handled his pitch to Piazza, and the
Mets owner Fred Wilpon tected players, and in Jan- Swoboda, the right field- whole career,” said Miami two walked off together
NEW YORK — Tom and son Jeff, the team’s uary 1984 he was claimed er whose sprawling catch manager Don Mattingly, a waving goodbye to fans.
Seaver transformed a fran- chief operating officer, by the Chicago White Sox helped Seaver pitch the former New York Yankees He is survived by Nan-
chise and captivated a city, said in a statement. as free agent compensa- Mets to a 10-inning win in captain. “We just left New cy, daughters Sarah and
setting enduring stan- Seaver was elected to tion for losing pitcher Den- Game 4 of the ’69 Series York, and every time you Anne, and grandsons
dards as he whipped his the Hall of Fame in 1992 nis Lamp to Toronto. against Baltimore. “He walk in a door there, it’s Thomas, William, Henry
powerful right arm over- when he appeared on 425 While pitching for the gave them credibility.” like Tom Seaver Hall, with and Tobin.
head for the Miracle Mets of 430 ballots for a then-re- White Sox, Seaver got his Seaver’s death was an- different pictures.” George Thomas Seaver
and dirtied his right knee cord 98.84%. His mark was 300th win at Yankee Stadi-
atop major league mounds nounced, in fact, hours When the Mets closed was born in Fresno, Cal-
surpassed in 2016 by Ken um and did it in style with
for two decades. after the Mets beat the their previous home, Shea ifornia, on Nov. 17, 1944,
Griffey Jr., again in 2019 a six-hitter in a 4-1 victory.
A consummate pro and when Mariano Rivera be- He finished his career Orioles in an interleague Stadium, on the final day a son of Charles Seaver,
pitching icon, he finished came the first unanimous with the 1986 Boston Red game. of the 2008 regular sea- a top amateur golfer who
fulfilled after a career re- selection by baseball writ- Sox team that lost to the “Just a class act. Just a son, Seaver put the finish- won both his matches for
membered with awe long ers, and in 2020 when Der- Mets in the World Series. gentleman in the way he ing touches on the nostal- the U.S. over Britain at
after his final strikeout. ek Jeter fell one vote short “Tom Seaver was one handled himself, and re- gic ceremonies with a last the 1932 Walker Cup.
“It is the last beautiful of a clean sweep. of the best and most inspi-
flower in the perfect bou- “Tom was a gentleman rational pitchers to play
quet,” Seaver said on the who represented the best the game,” Reds Chief
afternoon he was induct- of our national pastime,” Executive Officer Bob
ed into baseball’s Hall of Commissioner Rob Man- Castellini said in a state-
Fame. fred said in a statement. ment. “We are grateful
Seaver, the galvaniz- “He was synonymous with that Tom’s Hall of Fame
ing force who steered the the New York Mets and career included time with
New York Mets from the their unforgettable 1969 the Reds. We are proud
National League cellar to season.” to count his name among
a stunning World Series the greats in the Reds
title in 1969, has died. He “After their improba- Hall of Fame. He will be
was 75. ble World Series cham- missed.”
The Hall said Wednes- pionship, Tom became a Supremely confident
day night that Seaver died household name to base- -- and not necessarily
Monday from complica- ball fans — a responsi- modest about his extraor-
tions of Lewy body demen- bility he carried out with dinary acumen on the
tia and COVID-19. Seaver distinction throughout his mound -- Seaver was a
spent his final years in life,” he said. 12-time All-Star who led
Calistoga, California. Seaver’s plaque in Coo- the major leagues with a
Seaver’s family an- perstown lauds him as a 25-7 record in 1969 and a
nounced in March 2019 he “power pitcher who helped 1.76 ERA in 1971. A clas-
had been diagnosed with change the New York sic power pitcher with a
dementia and had retired Mets from lovable losers drop-and-drive delivery
from public life. He con- into formidable foes.” He that often dirtied the right
tinued working at Seaver changed not only their knee of his uniform pants,
Vineyards, founded by place in the standings but he won Cy Young Awards
the three-time NL Cy the team’s stature in peo- with New York in 1969,
Young Award winner and ple’s minds. 1973 and 1975. The club
his wife, Nancy, in 2002 “Tom Seaver hated to retired his No. 41 in 1988,
on 116 acres at Diamond lose,” said Jerry Grote, the first Mets player given
Mountain in the Calistoga his longtime catcher with the honor.
region of Northern Cali- the Mets. “In May of 1969, “From a team stand-
fornia. we had a celebration in point, winning the ’69
Seaver was diagnosed the locker room when we world championship is
with Lyme disease in reached .500 for the first something I’ll remem-
1991, and it reoccurred in time. Tom said, ‘We want ber most,” Seaver said in
2012 and led to Bell’s Pal- more than .500, we want a 1992. “From an individual
sy and memory loss, the championship.’” standpoint, my 300th win
Daily News of New York Seaver pitched for the brought me the most joy.”
reported in 2013. Mets from 1967-77, when Seaver limited his pub-
“He will always be he was traded to Cincin- lic appearances in recent
the heart and soul of the nati after a public spat years. He did not attend
Mets, the standard which with chairman M. Donald the Baseball Writers’
all Mets aspire to,” Mike Grant over Seaver’s desire Association of America
Piazza, a former Mets for a new contract. It was dinner in 2019, where
catcher and Hall of Fam- a clash that inflamed base- members of the 1969 Mets
er, tweeted when Seaver’s ball fans in New York. were honored on the 50th
dementia diagnosis was “My biggest disap- anniversary of what still
announced. pointment? Leaving the ranks among baseball’s
Nicknamed Tom Ter- Mets the first time and most unexpected champi-
rific and The Franchise, the difficulties I had with onships.
Seaver was a five-time 20- the same people that led Five months later, as
game winner and the 1967 up to it,” Seaver told The part of a celebration of that
NL Rookie of the Year. He Associated Press ahead of team, the Mets announced
went 311-205 with a 2.86 his Hall induction in 1992. plans for a statue of Seaver
ERA, 3,640 strikeouts and “But I look back at it in a outside Citi Field, and the
61 shutouts during an il- positive way now. It gave ballpark’s address was
lustrious career that lasted me the opportunity to officially changed to 41
from 1967-86. He became work in different areas of Seaver Way in a nod to his
a constant on magazine the country.” uniform number.
covers and a media pres- He threw his only Seaver did not attend
ence, calling postseason no-hitter for the Reds in those ceremonies, either,
games on NBC and ABC June 1978 against St. Lou- but daughter Sarah Seaver
even while still an active is and was traded back to did and said her parents
player. New York after the 1982 were honored.
“He was simply the season. But Mets gener- “This is so very appro-
greatest Mets player of all- al manager Frank Cash- priate because he made
time and among the best en blundered by leaving the New York Mets the
The Dispatch • THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 2020 3B

College football embarks on uncertain season of COVID-19

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS the entire Big Ten and fixed its scheduling prob- cheerleaders and mascots Even that might be were adjusted and con-
Pac-12, have postponed lem by joining the ACC — will mostly be missing more of a guideline than ference championship
A most overused their seasons and are for football this season this fall. a rule. Other conferences games could be played
coaching cliche has never hoping to make them up only. are taking a more case- later into December than
been so relevant as col- later. That means no No. As for the players, a What happens when a by-case approach. usual, the selection of the
lege football embarks on 2 Ohio State, No. 7 Penn few dozen have already In Major League Base-
a season of COVID-19: State, No. 9 Oregon and opted out, including some player (or coach) tests ball, one positive test has
playoff teams was also
positive? pushed back to Dec. 20.
Take it one day at a time. six other teams that were big stars such as LSU caused teams to postpone
Athletic directors, con- If anything resem-
With so much uncer- ranked in the preseason All-America receiver games to allow for addi-
tainty, trying to figure AP Top 25. Ja’Marr Chase, Pitt de- ference commissioners bling a full season can be
tional testing and contact
how this will go is impos- Among the three oth- fensive tackle Jaylen Twy- and even coaches have ac- played, rest assured the
tracing. Will college foot-
sible. But there will be er so-called Power Five man and Miami defensive knowledged they expect ball teams be that aggres- powers that be in college
games, including a few Conferences, the South- end Gregory Rousseau. disruptions this season. sive? How much practice football will try to make a
this weekend, though eastern Conference (10 The reason why Pow- time can a team miss and playoff happen. Hundreds
the usual Labor Day games for each team, COVID-19 protocols er Five leagues altered
schedules was to provide
still play a game? of millions of dollars in
grand opening has been starting Sept. 26), At- The ACC, Big 12 and “That’s assuming a lot television revenue are on
scrapped. lantic Coast Conference SEC have all mandated more flexibility for post- of things go wrong and the line.
The 2020 season will (11 games, Sept. 12) and coronavirus testing of ponements. if they do, my answer to With only three Power
be a story about what was Big 12 (10 games, Sept. players three times per Positive tests leading the question would be if Five conferences playing,
lost, what was salvaged 12) have schedules in week during the season to players and staff being you lose two or three days maybe a team from out-
and what was gained in place. None will be play- and the other confer- isolated and quarantined early in the week, you’re side those powerhouse
reaction to all the disor- ing each other. The SEC ences are expected to do have already contributed hard pressed to get your leagues such as Central
der. This also could be is playing no games out the same. to three FBS games be- team ready,” Notre Dame
ing postponed, including Florida or Cincinnati can
the first of two over the of conference. ACC and Positive tests will send coach Brian Kelly said.
Big 12 teams will play one North Carolina State at finally break into foot-
next eight months. players to isolation for at
nonconference game at least 10 days and players Virginia Tech, which was ball’s final four. Or maybe
It figures to be weird
and worrisome. What we home. deemed to be close con- scheduled Sept. 12 but Championships and it just makes it easier for
know and what’s still to All those compelling tacts to those who test has been pushed back to trophies? the selection committee
be determined: early season nonconfer- positive will be quaran- Sept. 26. The College Football to include two SEC teams.
ence matchups and the tined for 14 days. How this works is dif- Playoff is on for now. The As for the rest of the
traditional late-season, During games, there ficult to predict. The Big semifinals are scheduled bowls, if all 77 were per-
Who is (and isn’t) cross-conference rivalry will be masks worn on 12 is trying to come up to be played Jan. 1 at the mitted to play in a post-
playing? games won’t be played in sidelines. with a minimum number Rose Bowl in Pasadena, season game there would
What is most common- 2020. Some schools, such of players available that California, and the Sugar still not be enough to fill
ly referred to as major The American Athletic as North Carolina and would require a team to Bowl in New Orleans. The
40 bowl slots. Some could
college football (NCAA Conference, Conference Pittsburgh, will have no play. national championship
take a year off. Maybe
Division I Bowl Subdivi- USA and Sun Belt are fans in attendance at their “As long as you have at game is set for Jan. 11 in
sion or FBS) is comprised Miami Gardens, Florida. some will shift to the
also playing, trying to games, at least when the least 53 players certified
of 130 teams and 10 con- to play, and you’ve got at (Yes, the Rose Bowl spring.
get as close to a normal season starts. Many oth-
ferences. Seventy-seven 12-game season as they ers will have reduced least the minimum num- could be played on New As for the individu-
of those teams are sched- can. Independents BYU crowds, ranging from ber and every one of those Year’s Day — even though al awards such as the
uled to play throughout and Army have practical- 20%-25% capacity, to start positions comprising that the Big Ten and Pac-12 Heisman Trophy, there
the fall, starting at vari- ly rebuilt their schedules the season. 53, then you have to play,” might not start their sea- has been no indication
ous times in September. from scratch. Famously The pageantry of col- Iowa State athletic direc- sons until after that.) they won’t be handed out
The other 53, including independent Notre Dame lege football — the bands, tor Jamie Pollard said. Because schedules after the fall season.

Fans or not, NFL braces for new stadium feel, sudden changes
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS tickets to the conces- globally like that. So I tarps are reserved for as possible before the as 3,000 people working
sions, to the merchan- think that they are go- sponsors of both the pandemic, and one new when Atlanta visits on
A RLINGTON, Tex- dise to the game, to the ing to not just survive club and the league. one at AT&T Stadium is Sept. 20. The Falcons
as — Jerry Jones won’t lack of private suites this. I think they will “Creative thinking likely to be permanent: are among the teams
put a number on the being used, which then thrive in it.” is going to win here,” cashless transactions not allowing fans at
attendance for the Dal- has an impact on spon- The Green Bay said Mark Reino, CEO for concessions and least through Septem-
las Cowboys’ home sorships. So there is Packers offer the only of Merit Mile, a Boca merchandise. The secu- ber.
opener until the crowd a trickle-down effect glimpse at NFL financ- Raton, Florida-based rity setup also could be “We certainly will fol-
is announced later this that this virus has had es as a publicly owned advertising, PR and permanently altered. low all of the guidelines
month at AT&T Stadi- on the industry as a team. Even with no sports marketing agen- While the league ap-
um. and we’re so fortunate
whole.” fans all season, CEO cy. “Maybe it’s a little pears well-positioned to
The owner of the to have the room and
Specifics are hard Mark Murphy says the cheeky, sometimes get through a year with-
Cowboys also hopes to get because clubs Packers can cover play- those cheeky ideas re- out fans, the people who have the openness and
the 80,000 -seat venue don’t disclose or dis- er costs with national ally win out in terms of serve them will feel the the airedness that we
with standing room cuss them. According revenue highlighted maintaining loyalty.” effects more profound- have out there, and it
space that pushes ca- to 2018 figures esti- by media rights, which While there is debate ly, said sports consul- gives us a lot of flexibil-
pacity past 90,000 will mated by Forbes mag- is about two-thirds of over an on-field advan- tant Marc Ganis. ity,” Jones said. “We an-
be closer to full as the azine, the Cowboys the club’s overall reve- tage for teams that will “Concessions and ticipate a great crowd.”
pandemic-altered NFL pulled about two-thirds nue. Murphy also says allow fans, Steinberg merchandising, ushers, Whether those
season goes on. of their $950 million in the Packers have about thinks it could be an janitorial, union and crowds will grow fits
All of which is to say revenue from the stadi- $400 million in reserve. advantage with spon- non-union workers — with questions such as
the league’s clubs are um. Most of the the sors as well. He consid- not high-income people what the league will do
preparing for a rapidly While America’s league’s 32 teams will ered it likely that clubs but people who need if there is a COVID-19
changing environment Team figures to take start the season with- would give sponsors this money,” said Gan- outbreak within a team,
while accepting the one of the biggest hits out fans. Both Los An- more access to tickets, is, co-founder of Chi- or if there is a larger
bottom-line notion that in stadium revenue, geles teams have an- noting that in-stadium cago-based consulting outbreak around the
playing games with even with fans on hand nounced plans to follow sponsors that could be group Sportscorp and a country in the fall, as
limited numbers of fans while other teams don’t the model started by impacted by fewer eye- confidant of many NFL experts have warned.
or none at all will affect allow them, the Cow- Korean baseball and ad- balls on signage were owners. “That’s who It’s hard to say.
revenues in 2020. boys also are a symbol opted by Major League often local advertisers. will be really damaged.” “I think when you
“You think about the of the NFL at large — Baseball — fan cut- “People don’t realize Texas Gov. Greg Ab-
reflect back to the last
lost revenue that these they should be fine in outs in the seats when how much of the local bott is allowing sports
teams have across the couple of months, the
the long term. the new SoFi Stadium advertising is driven by venues to fill 50% of ca-
board with no fans “The NFL is a jug- opens. Proceeds are go- bundling,” Steinberg pacity, and the design thing that has been be-
in the building,” said gernaut,” said David ing to charity. said. “You can buy your of the Cowboys’ $1.2 bil- ing consistent across
Bill Rhoda, president Steinberg, co-founder The league is al- ad package and then lion stadium in Arling- the board is new things
of global planning for of Zeta Global, a da- lowing teams to sell they throw in the sky- ton, halfway between pop up all the time,”
Legends, a stadium op- ta-driven marketing sponsorships on tarps box.” Dallas and Fort Worth, Rhoda said. “Where we
erations company co- technology company. covering seats in the Rhoda said many makes a number hard thought we were going
owned by the Cowboys “Other than maybe Eu- lower bowl between the venues were already to determine. Jones will to be three weeks ago
and New York Yankees. ropean (soccer), there’s 30 -yard lines, capped at creating as many say this much; The club is different than where
“And it goes from no other league really 16 spots. The end zone touchless interactions expects to have as many we’re at today.”
4B THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 2020 The Dispatch •

Duvall follows Ozuna with 3 HRs; Braves complete sweep

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Jackie Bradley Jr. hit a the second when Duvall hit Nice grab day’s victory. “He’s good. He
solo homer and J.D. Martinez his first homer, and Ozuna had a good workout (Tues-
Braves 2B Johan Camargo
BOSTON — Adam Duvall had two hits and two RBIs added an RBI single. day),” manager Brian Snit-
made a nice over-the-shoul-
hit three home runs a night af- for the Red Sox, who fell a Bradley’s pushed the Red ker said. “With the off day
der, running catch on Marti-
ter teammate Marcell Ozuna season-high 13 games under Sox ahead 4-3 in the fourth. tomorrow, we just decided to
nez’s pop well beyond the in-
become the first NL player ever .500. Martinez’s RBI single made get him the whole series.” …
field dirt.
to hit three homers in Fenway Fenway was built in 1912, it 5 -3. Snitker said 2B Ozzie Albies
Park, and the East-leading At- but the Red Sox are an AL club Making just his fourth ca- (right wrist inflammation)
lanta Braves beat the stumbling and interleague play wasn’t in- reer start, Braves lefty Rob- Positive thoughts could hit some live pitching at
Boston Red Sox 7-5 Wednesday troduced in MLB until 1997. bie Erlin was tagged for five Red Sox manager Ron Roe-
nicke was asked before the the club’s alternate training
night to complete a three-game Ozuna’s drive also cleared runs and six hits in four-plus
game how he handles all the site “in a couple of days.”
sweep. the Monster, sailing over a innings.
losing this season. Red Sox: DH/OF Martinez
Duvall hit a pair of two-run billboard and completely out
“I think the easy way to do returned to the lineup and
shots over the Green Monster of Fenway against Andrew Who’s next? this, is to focus to try and get played left field. He missed
and a solo blast to center for his Triggs (0 -2) in the seventh. RHP Robinson Leyer be-
five RBIs. Ozuna added a long, Duvall’s third homer hit off a people better,” he said. “As the last two games after get-
came the 12th different pitch-
tiebreaking solo drive for the back wall near the bleachers long as I’m able to focus on ting hit on the left hand by
er to start for the Red Sox in
Braves, who entered the three- after his second homer had just their 37th game. He was that, the wins and losses don’t a fastball. … Roenicke said
game set winless in their last tied it at 5 against Triggs an the “opener” and fanned two get to me too much.” RHP Nathan Eovaldi (calf
15 series (0-12-3) against the inning earlier. in scoreless inning. tightness) played catch and
Red Sox. Tyler Matzek (3-2) got four The 27-year-old Leyer Trainer’s room will throw a bullpen Thurs-
It was Atlanta’s first sweep in outs in relief for the victory. made 236 minor league ap- Braves: OF Ronald Acuña day, but probably not start
Boston since capturing a three- Mark Melancon struck out pearances over four organiza- Jr. was out of the lineup for Saturday when he’s eligible to
game set in 2002. Freddie Free- the side in the ninth for his tions before he made his MLB the third straight game after come off the IL. “Maybe push
man had two hits to extend his eighth save in nine chances. debut Monday, allowing a run tightness in his right ham- him back a day or so,” Roe-
hitting streak to 16 games. The Braves tied it at 3 in with a strikeout. string forced him out of Sun- nicke said.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: try to talk to her dren to play naked while outside
I have been about something in their yard?
lucky enough she has said We are a childless couple in
to have fallen or done that our 60s who live in a suburban
madly in love bothers me, she neighborhood in the Northeast.
with the most won- often becomes A new couple moved here with
derful man in the aggressive, and their children, a boy and a girl,
world. We have I don’t know how who appear to be about 5 and
been together to approach this 8 years old. Both of them often
for two years and subject without are naked while playing in their
living together for getting into an ar- yard. This happens in all kinds
almost a year. I’m gument or losing of weather, not just when it’s
in my mid-30s; our friendship. extremely hot.
ZITS he’s in his mid- What should I We all have fairly large
40s. We both do? — PROUDLY yards, but none of the yards in
have had plenty of LUCKY IN LOVE the neighborhood are private.
experience in love DEAR PROUD- Neighbors on both sides of this
— enough to feel Dear Abby LY LUCKY: Could family and anyone walking up
sure that we’ve your friend be or down the street can see the
found the person we want to suffering from a touch of jealou- children. We are not prudes, but
spend the rest of our lives with. sy because you constantly extoll this happens frequently, and it
My best friend has been very your boyfriend’s virtues? Her makes us uncomfortable. Is it
disparaging of our relationship cynicism may have something time for us to move? — AVERT-
and makes rude comments to do with the fact that she and ING MY EYES
about it. If I tell her how happy her fiance have been together DEAR AVERTING: Five- and
we are in spite of the pandemic, for nine years with no marriage 8-year-old minors are too old to
she says it’s because we’re still in sight. be naked in public. Pay a visit
in the “honeymoon phase.” If I If you can’t talk to her about to your new neighbors’ house
GARFIELD describe something kind that sensitive issues without her be- and introduce yourself. Ask
my boyfriend has done for me, coming aggressive or you being why the kids play outside with
she adopts a condescending afraid of losing the friendship, no clothes on. Gauge what you
tone and makes remarks about it doesn’t take a crystal ball to learn, and if you suspect ne-
“new love” and that I should see the two of you are growing glect or abuse, report it to Child
enjoy this now because it will increasingly distant with the Protective Services.
change. passage of time. I do think you Dear Abby is written by
She’s the same age I am should ask your friend why she Abigail Van Buren, also known
and has been with her fiance for reacts the way she does and as Jeanne Phillips, and was
nine years. I have always been tell her how it makes you feel. founded by her mother, Pauline
very supportive of their relation- It may be the only way to save Phillips. Contact Dear Abby
ship, but she seems incapable your friendship. at or P.O.
of offering me the same level of DEAR ABBY: At what age is Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA
support in my love life. When I it no longer appropriate for chil- 90069.
TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Sept. come true. Draper, the central figure of the
3). Whatever uncertainty you TAURUS (April 20-May 20). television drama “Mad Men.”
feared, now you’ll embrace Not all feelings are messages To avoid the infinite loop here,
it — crave it even — because from the depths. Some are strive instead to be of service.
you recognize that the only way just momentary choices based LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
to grow is to enter the realm of on comfort zones. A feeling The presence of another will
unpredictable outcomes. The can also be a distraction from be keenly felt, and you will be
unknown factors include (but another, less-appealing, more made aware of the potential for
are not limited to) relationships uncertain feeling. trouble and delight ahead, as
with exciting people, esoteric GEMINI (May 21-June 21). it is obvious that in some ways
knowledge and a novel invest- You’re in the mood to take you mesh and in other ways you
ment. Gemini and Sagittarius yourself less seriously and, as collide.
BABY BLUES adore you. Your lucky numbers a result, your work improves. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
are: 16, 13, 2, 28 and 5. Perhaps, it’s because there’s You’re likely to pour over every
ARIES (March 21-April 19). more room to incorporate other detail. The perfectionism that
There have been times when opinions when you’re not so has you moving incredibly slowly
it was hard for you to imagine intent on proving yourself. now will also be the reason that
being free, self-reliant and in CANCER (June 22-July you’re so excellent at the task.
control of your own financial 22). “What is happiness? It’s LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
and emotional destiny. Today’s a moment before you need You are very aware of what you
developments are a dream more happiness,” quipped Don don’t know and only get more
aware of it as you go. This is
proof that you are amassing a
great body of learning indeed,
as every new idea opens up 10
more questions.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.
BEETLE BAILEY 21). Consider making a vision
board. The surface verisimili-
tude of an image makes you
feel as though you are within
touching distance of your de-
sire. Your brain gets used to
this, bridges a gap, shortens
the leap to reality.
21). It seems counterintuitive
that a lighter approach to a
relationship would intensify the
bond, and yet your jovial atti-
tude will produce an impressive
depth of connection.
19). All of the little things
matter. All of the little things
don’t matter. Both statements
will be equally true today, and
the best results will come from
alternating between the two
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). Today, there will be no
good reason to impress or
advise, entertain or manage.
You only need to be present.
Humility is the key that opens
wisdom’s gate.
20). When you find yourself
making great efforts to project
and protect a certain idea of
who you are, then it’s time for a
talk with yourself. Why does it
matter so much? Losing sight
of who you are might be just the

Up one’s sleeve
The Dispatch • THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 2020 5B

Galloway Chandler McKinney leading professional organiza- and qualified based on its oper-
tion,” states Managing Member ational excellence. The selected
Insurance Receives Best Brandt Galloway. “This honor Best Practices agencies retain
Practices Status recognizes that at every level, their status during the three-year
COLUMBUS — Galloway Galloway Chandler McKinney cycle by submitting extensive
Chandler McKinney Insurance Insurance and its employees are financial and operational data for
retains its Best committed to providing the best review each year. This is the sec-
Practices status for possible service and products ond year of the current three-year
the eighth consecu- for our clients. The fact that study cycle.
tive year, once again we’ve received the Best Practices Of the more than 20,000
becoming a part of designation eight years in a row independent agencies across
an elite group of in- speaks to the consistency of that the country, only 262 qualified
dependent insurance commitment.” as Best Practices agencies. To
agencies around the Since 1993, IIABA and Reagan be chosen, the agency had to be
United States. This Galloway Consulting, an Atlanta-based among the 35-45 top-performers
status comes by management consulting firm, in one of six revenue categories.
participating in the Independent have joined forces to study the Galloway-Chandler-McKinney
Insurance Agents & Brokers of country’s leading agencies in six Insurance has served residents
America (IIABA) Best Practices revenue categories. The agencies in north Mississippi and west
Study group. comprising the study groups are Alabama for 29 years. The agency
The annual survey and study selected every third year through writes commercial and person-
of leading independent insurance a comprehensive nomination and al insurance and has offices in
agencies documents the business qualifying process and awarded Columbus, West Point, Starkville,
practices of the “best” agencies “Best Practices Agency” designa- Amory and Aberdeen. Additional
and urges others to adopt similar tions. Galloway Chandler McKin- information about the company
practices. “We’re pleased to be ney Insurance was nominated by can be found at www.gcminsur-
acknowledged by our industry’s multiple carriers and associations

1182 Island Road; electric, ity; 807 24th Street South; Ridge Road; move mobile
City of Columbus same mechanical; Quality Heating home; Mills Home Center
Aug. 24-28, 2020 ■ Emad H. Mohamad; 75 and Air Inc ■ Christopher Carter; 145
■ Mayurkumar and Dipika Pa- Reeves Drive; electrical; Bea- ■ Mack and Katherine Murray; Grady Hogan Road; construct
tel; 2329 Martin Luther King vers Electric 406 Winterset Drive; plumb- pool house; owner
Jr. Drive; demolition of car ■ Michael and Robin Balthis; ing; Ralph Shaw Plumbing LLC ■ Jim Bearden; 397 Barnett
wash; Bostick Construction 1182 Island Road; electrical; ■ Winnie Wilson; 2609 17th Circle; remodel s/f residence;
■ Ryan and Katherine Mun- same Avenue North; plumbing; owner
son; 301 2nd Avenue North; ■ Magnolia Enterprises; 1934 Truesdale ■ Mike Oglesby; 1310 Steens
sign installation; same Military Road; electrical; Wel- Vernon Road; construct s/f
■ Candace Adams; 118 Mill don Electric Lowndes County residence; owner
Street; demolition of s/f resi- ■ Anniett K Tate; 1906-B ■ Martha Ellis; Hornets Nest
Sept. 2, 2020
dence; same Highway 45 North; electrical; ■ Emmit Conner; Whispering Cove; construct s/f residence;
■ Ryan and Katherine Mun- Beavers Electric Pines Road; set up mobile owner
son; 301 31st Avenue North; ■ Columbus Housing Author- home; owner ■ Karen Price; 9203 Nashville
install exterior door; same ity; 807 24th Street South; ■ Emmit Conner; Whispering Ferry Road; set up mobile
■ Fox Run Apartments of Co- electrical; Tony Watson Pines Road; move mobile home; Andy Williamson
lumbus LLC; 636 31st Avenue Electric Inc home; Hard Core Services ■ Karen; 9203 Nashville Ferry
North; reroof office building; J ■ Firefly Enterprises LLC; 924 ■ Mitchell Thornton; 1375 Road; move mobile home;
Miller Roofing 10th Avenue South, Apt A; Halbert Road; addition to s/f Mills Home Center
■ Mayurkumar and Dipika Pa- electrical; Jimmie Chism residence; owner ■ Ricky Adkins; Hwy 69 S.;
tel; 2329 Martin Luther King ■ Gayle Guynup; 201-M ■ Michael Stevens; 7369 set up mobile home; owner
Jr. Drive; new store; Bostick Alabama Street; electrical; Ridge Road; Set up mobile ■ Ricky Adkins; Hwy 69 S.;
Construction Livingston and Sons home; Michael Nickoles move mobile home; Southern
■ Michael and Robin Balthis; ■ Columbus Housing Author- ■ Michael Stevens; 7369 Housing
Ads appear in The Commercial Dispatch,
The Starkville Dispatch and Online
To place ads starting at only $12,
call 662-328-2424 or visit

Mobile Homes for Rent Farm Equipment & Supplies Trucks, Vans & Buses

Employment 3BR/2BA Trailer, New

Hope school dist. $650/
Garage Sales John Deere Tractor with
mo & $650 dep. No pets, accessories John Deere
Call us: 662-328-2424 no drugs, no partying. Call Two free signs 790, 432 hours, very
b/w 10a−9p. 662−386− good condition, 72"
"Frontier" finishing
General Help Wanted 4292. NO TEXT MGS. Garage Sales: East mower, 60" Country
Box Blade. $8,500.00
BUCHANAN HARDWOOD 609 Dublin Dr. Sat, 7am. 662−497−2309
Flooring LLC in Aliceville, AL NICE DW 3BR/2BA MH, Lots of house hold Items,
is in need of maintenance Columbus School Dist. Large Ladies clothing &
personnel, please email No HUD. No Section 8. scrubs, baby & clothing for Reduced!!!...Exceptional

Did you
resume to joe@ $600/mo + 600 dep. entire family, purses, one−owner maintained

601−940−1397 or 2001 Dodge Ram 3500 shoes, cosmetology
205−442−2011. equipment. Too much to Quad Cab w/5.9L
name. Please Wear Mask. Cummins engine,
automatic transmission
BYTERIAN CHURCH seeks Garage Sales: North Truck has 203,000+
a pianist for Sunday morn- Utilities & cable included, SAT. 7A−until wife wears miles, but runs like new
ing worship. The pianist from $145/wk − $535/mo out! 411 Hwy. 373 next to and looks great!
must be familiar with This paper was printed in the $10,500. 662−574−
Columbus & County School middle school. Liquidating
hymns and accompanying locations. 662−242−7653 household. 4640 YESTERDAY’S ANSWER
congregational singing. or 205−442−2011. basement of The Dispatch in
Salary is $50 each Sunday. downtown Columbus.
Email resume to
Rooms For Rent
Garage Sales: New Hope Sudoku
Sudoku is a number- Yesterday’s answer
Five Questions: placing puzzle based on
a 9x9 gridis witha several
num- 7 9 6 3 4 8 5 1 2
ROOM FOR RENT, FULLY Sat. 9/5 7a.−until. 97
given numbers.puzzleThe object 2 1 8 5 9 7 3 4 6

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

based onthe a 9x9 5 3 4 2 1 6 7 8 9
Rentals 1 Sticky rice
Includes appls, furn & util. is to place numbers
$350 or $500 per month. grid
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 8 5 2 7 3 1 9 6 4
Ads starting at $12 given
so thatnumbers. The
No deposit.

662−295−4701. each row, each 6 4 9 8 5 2 1 7 3
Ads starting at $25 object
column and each 3x3 the
is to place box
2 Familiarity 3 7 1 4 6 9 8 2 5
Autos For Sale
contains the1same to 9 number
Apts For Rent: North the empty spaces so 9 8 7 6 2 5 4 3 1
Real Estate Ads starting at $12 only once. The difficulty
2012 RED Cadillac CTS
Coup, 3.5 engine, loaded, that each row, each 4 6 5 1 8 3 2 9 7
level increases from
3 Astronauts column and each 1 2 3 9 7 4 6 5 8
FOX RUN APARTMENTS 1 65k hwy mi only, new tires,
Bargain Column Mondayboxtocontains
& 2 BR near hospital. fully serviced & well−
$595−$645 monthly. Ads starting at $25 maintained. $32,000. 3x3 Difficulty Level 9/02

Military discount, pet area, ANTIQUE DUNCAN PHYFE 662−726−1649. the same number only once. The difficulty level
SOFA with original increases from Monday to Sunday.
4 World Series
pet friendly, and furnished Lots & Acreage
corporate apts. upholstery. Good shape. Motorcycles & ATVs
of Poker
1.75 ACRE LOTS. Call 662−241−7148.
GYM. ON SITE SECURITY. Good/Bad Credit Options. 2005 HONDA 250 REBEL
ON SITE MAINTENANCE. Good credit as low as 20% MOTORCYCLE.
ON SITE MANAGEMENT. down, $499/mo. Eaton Black, red, and gray.
24−HOUR CAMERA Crochet baby blankets
5 Florence
Land, 662−361−7711. Hand made, $25−$39 1,428 miles. $1500.
SURVEILLANCE. Benji & 662−364−0120.
Ashleigh, 662−386−4446. each. 662−798−9811.

Need a
Apts For Rent: West 36 ACRES ON GATLIN RD. Infant to toddler rocker
new car?
Excellent timber & building $15. 662−798−9811

sites. $72,000. For more
info, call 205−799−9846

or 205−695−2248. Ole miss helmet lamp $17.
Mobile Homes for Sale
Apartments & Houses
1997 Fleetwood Riverview Samsung Tablet Samsung
1 Bedrooms 16x80, 3BR/2BA MH. Incl Galaxy Tab 4 16 GB
Excellent Condition $100
2 Bedroooms
HVAC & propane tank.
Good cond. Ethelsville, AL, Columbus 662−245−
3 Bedrooms $9,950 OBO, will need 3635
moved. 662−364−0552.
Furnished & Unfurnished Tom Tom GPS $20
1, 2, & 3 Baths
Excellent Condition 662−

Lease, Deposit
Start in the classifieds section for
& Credit Check Burial Plots your buying and selling needs! 4 BUIAL PLOTS
327-8555 Looking for a new home?
Let us help, shop here.
in Friendship Cemetery.
South West corner. $2000 Ads starting at $12 for one week!
Call 662−574−5420
Apts For Rent: Other

1 Expansive
5 Brooch part
10 Rap sheet
12 Led Zeppe-
lin’s “Whole —
13 Barista’s
14 Squirrel’s find
1 BEDROOM 15 Running bird
3 BEDROOMS 18 Tom Cruise
LEASE, movie
© The Dispatch

20 Mamie’s mate
DEPOSIT 21 Mimic
AND 23 Homer’s
CREDIT CHECK neighbor 44 Admit 17 Count start
24 Spanish cat 45 Edward V 19 Gangster’s
662-329-2323 26 Work units and Richard III
46 Confession
22 Work on a
28 Atlantic catch
2411 HWY 45 N 29 Newborn’s list room
COLUMBUS, MS need DOWN 24 Boarded
31 Hagen of 1 Parking pro 25 Travel kit plug
Commercial Property For Rent acting 2 Texas land- 27 Workout unit
32 Fred Astaire mark 28 Coyly man-
8000 SQ ft. dock height
movie 3 Crunch kin nered
warehouse w/ office 4 Tit for — 30 Devoured

Service Directory
space. $2000/month. 36 Tourney
Call Bud Phillips favorite 5 Applaud 33 Half of His-
662−549−2302 39 Brewpub 6 Door feature paniola
product 7 Lent effort 34 Bold poker
Houses For Rent: East
40 ATM button 8 Coxswain’s bet
41 Banish count 35 Prom group
$750/month. Plus Promote your small business starting at only $25 43 Take the 9 Gasped for 37 Search out
deposit.3br/1ba. wheel breath 38 Blunders
No pets. No HUD. Carpet & Flooring General Services General Services Lawn Care / Landscaping 11 Attacked 42 Crosses out
Call 662−889−2031
Bucket truck & stump No lawn too large or too
Houses For Rent: Other removal. Free est. small. Mowing, trimming &
Serving Columbus weedeating.
IDEAL FOR 1 OR COUPLE! since 1987. Senior Call 662−243−1694
2BR/1BA w/ workshop. citizen disc. Call Alvin @
Caledonia school area. No 242−0324/241−4447 Painting & Papering
HUD. No pets. $675 dep + "We’ll go out on a limb for
$687 rent, incl trash. you!" QUALITY PAINTING.
662−386−5000. Ext/Int Painting.
DAVID’S CARPET & WORK WANTED: Licensed Sheet Rock Hang, Finish &
UPHOLSTERY & Bonded. Carpentry, minor Repair. Pressure Washing.
NEAR CAFB: 3BR/2BA @ CLEANING electrical, minor plumbing, Free Estimates. Ask for
525 Co−Op Rd, Columbus. FALL SPECIAL insulation, painting, demo− specials! Larry Webber,
1600sqft, quiet area, 4 Rooms − $99 lition, gutters cleaned, 662−242−4932.
Columbus City Schools. Carpet − Rugs − Cars pressure washing, land−
ALL appliances, washer/ Call for more info! scaping, cleanup work.
662−722−1758 SULLIVAN’S PAINT
dryer, pool table, & dining 662−242−3608. SERVICE
room furn incl. Large Lawn Care / Landscaping Special Prices.
private lot close to golf General Services Interior & Exterior Painting.
course. $850/mo + dep. 662−435−6528
662−574−1711. JESSE & BEVERLY’S
Slag − $400 Mowing, cleanup, Tree Services
Mobile Homes for Rent Clay Gravel − $250 landscaping, sodding,
Available for hauling any & tree cutting. J&A TREE REMOVAL
materials. Columbus. Call
Walter, 662−251−8664. Got leaky pipes? 662−356−6525 Work from a bucket truck.
East or West Columbus or Find a plumber in the Insured/bonded.
near CAFB, Caledonia Are you a painter? Call Jimmy Prescott for free
schools. 601−940−1397. classifieds. Advertise here! estimate, 662−386−6286.

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