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Developing Policy and Strategy ranks of a business.

Should you
need to make immediate changes, a
The approach to developing policies
top-down change (also known as an
and strategies may come in any following
executive-driven change) can come
into play to resolve any problems
1. Top-Bottom Approach – also called within an organization, bypassing a
as autocratic leadership. In this slower decision-making process
approach, initiatives in developing involving lower level employees.
policies and strategies come from 3. Good Organization: Tasks are
the top management with rank and determined and filtered down
file tasked to implementing or company lines without any confusion
following the policies and strategies. because business goals are set by
2. Bottom-Top Approach – believes in upper management and will not be
the statement, “Two is better than affected by outside opinions.
one.” In this approach, policy and 4. Minimized Cost: Lower level
strategy initiatives emanates from employees are free to complete their
the bottom or rank and file which top own tasks unique to their role in the
management develops concrete company and aren’t saddled with the
policies and strategies for the lower- responsibility of setting company-
ranked employees to observe or to wide goals.
There are also some downfalls to
3. Top-Bottom-Top Approach – policy
the top-down approach:
and strategy initiatives are taken by
the top management then filtered 1. Limited Creativity: Employees are
down to lower-ranked personnel for soloed in their responsibilities and
consultations then returned back to are unable to contribute to the
the top management for overall goals of the company —
refinements. sometimes leading to frustration and
a lack of motivation to perform.
Pros and Cons of Top-Bottom Approach
2. Dictatorial: The approach can seem
The benefits include the following: oppressive to the employees who
aren’t a part of the process.
1. Decreased Risk: Since the highest
3. Slow Response to Challenges:
level of management is also usually
When a challenge arises as a result
the most informed and most
of a decision, it can take time for
knowledgeable about the business,
upper management to establish a
there is a decreased risk involved in
solution because there are limited
the decision-making process when
minds contributing to decisions.
lower level employees are taken out
of the equation. Pros and Cons of Bottom-Top Approach
2. Strong Management: The upper
These pros of practicing bottom-up
authorities in a company will be able
communication include the following:
to determine best practices and
reach goals easier with decisions
created and enforced at the highest
1. Increased Company-Wide Commu- 3. Inaccurate Reflections of Data: A
nication: When every employee variety of people working on the
actively participates in the decision- same projects simultaneously can
making process, the overall cause skewed results and
communication among members of inaccurate decisions in the long
the organization will increase term.
Strategic Decisions
2. Build Morale: All members of the
business community will feel These are decisions that are
included and valued, which fosters a concerned with whole environment in which
supportive and communicative the firm operates, the entire resources, and
environment where employees can the people who form the company and the
thrive and grow together. interface between the two.
3. Share Solutions: A wide hearth of
brain power goes into the problems According to Wheelen and Hunger
of the company as they arise, which (2004), a decision is considered strategic
will result in quicker problem solving when it is:
and more efficient solutions. 1. Rare. Strategic decisions are
4. Increased Collaboration: Employees unusual and typically have no
of all levels are granted the precedent to follow.
opportunity to discuss problems, 2. Consequential. Strategic decisions
bounce ideas off of one another, and should commit substantial resources
build trust across departments. and demand a great deal of
Despite the benefits of the bottom- commitment from people at all
up communication style, however, there are levels.
some potential pitfalls: 3. Directive. Strategic decisions set
precedents for lesser decisions and
1. Bogging Down of Employees: When future actions throughout the
all employees participate in larger organization.
decisions (that are typically saved
for upper management), they can References:
get bogged down by the sheer Orcullo Jr., N. A. (2007). Fundamentals of
responsibility. Employees can be Strategic Management.
taken away from their own tasks and
pulled into larger projects, causing Eby, K. (2018). Which Management Style Is
them to lose precious time. Right for You: Top-Down or Bottom-Up
2. Slowed Time Creating Plans and Approach? Retrieved the article from:
Reaching Goals: When many people
with varying ideas contribute to the bottom-up-approach
company’s decision-making process,
conflicts and disagreements can
arise. This can lead to delays in
making plans and reaching goals.

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