Paladin Designbase Ac & DC Arc Flash Evaluation Manual: Based On Nfpa 70E and Ieee 1584

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Paladin® DesignBase™

AC & DC Arc Flash Evaluation Manual

Based on NFPA 70E
IEEE 1584

Power Analytics Corporation

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©Copyright Power Analytics Corporation 2012

All rights reserved

Version 6.80.00 October 2012

Table of Contents
1. What’s New in 6.80.00 .......................................................................................................... 3
2. Arc Flash Program Overview ................................................................................................ 3
2.1. Program Capabilities ..................................................................................................... 4
2.2. Arc Flash Study ............................................................................................................. 5
2.3. Exposure Defined .......................................................................................................... 6
2.4. Personal Protective Equipment Defined ........................................................................ 6
2.5. Arc Resistance Defined ................................................................................................. 8
2.6. Key Concepts ................................................................................................................ 8
2.7. References .................................................................................................................... 9
3. Tutorial ................................................................................................................................ 10
3.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................. 10
3.2. Network-Based Arc Flash Exposure on AC Systems / Single Branch Case .............. 11
3.2.2. Arc Flash Program: Screen 3 ......................................................................................19
3.2.3. Arc Flash Results ........................................................................................................22
3.2.4. Arc Flash Annotations ................................................................................................31
3.2.5. Arc Flash Database .....................................................................................................32
3.3. Network-Based Arc Flash Exposure on AC Systems / Multiple Branch Case ............ 36
3.3.1. Enabling PDC ARC Flash Activity Trace...................................................................42
3.4. Standalone Arc Flash Exposure on AC Systems ........................................................ 43
3.5. Network-Based Arc Flash Exposure on DC systems .................................................. 48
3.6. Stand-Alone Arc Flash Exposure on DC systems ....................................................... 55
4. Using Arc Flash for Single Phase Circuits .......................................................................... 59

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Paladin DesignBase
AC & DC Arc Flash Evaluation Manual

List of Figures

Figure 1 - Circuit for Arc Model ........................................................................................................ 3

Figure 2 - Arc Flash Zones .............................................................................................................. 5
Figure 3 - Arc Flash Categories ..................................................................................................... 11
Figure 4 - Network under study, showing a ½ cycle fault analysis at BUS-05 .............................. 12
Figure 5 - PDC Study for Motor on BUS-05 .................................................................................. 13
Figure 6 - Assigning Arc Flash Environment to Buses. ................................................................. 14
Figure 7 - Defining Breaker Short Circuit Characteristics. ............................................................ 15
Figure 8 - Arc Flash Toolbar. ......................................................................................................... 15
Figure 9 - Arc Flash Program; Screen 1. ....................................................................................... 16
Figure 10 - Arc Flash Program; Screen 2 – Bus Selection. .......................................................... 17
Figure 11 - Arc Flash Program; Screen 2 – Environment. ............................................................ 18
Figure 12 - Arc Flash Program; Screen 2 – Working Distance. .................................................... 18
Figure 13 - Arc Flash Program; Screen 2 – Calculation Option. ................................................... 19
Figure 14 - Arc Flash Program; Screen 3. ..................................................................................... 20
Figure 15 - PDC Information Transferred into the ARC Flash Calculation.................................... 21
Figure 16 - Clothing Required for Different Standards .................................................................. 22
Figure 17 - Energy vs. Distance Plot ............................................................................................. 24
Figure 18 - Label Options .............................................................................................................. 24
Figure 19 - Label – Format One .................................................................................................... 26
Figure 20 - Label – Format Two .................................................................................................... 27
Figure 21 - Label – Format Three.................................................................................................. 27
Figure 22 - Choice of the Task for Work Permit ............................................................................ 28
Figure 23 - A Partial Sample of the Work Permit .......................................................................... 29
Figure 24 - Creating a Summary IEEE-based Report ................................................................... 29
Figure 25 - Summary Arc Flash Report ......................................................................................... 29
Figure 26 - Custom Report Options............................................................................................... 30
Figure 27 - Custom Arc Flash Report ............................................................................................ 31
Figure 28 - Arc Flash Annotations. ................................................................................................ 31
Figure 29 - Arc Flash Database ..................................................................................................... 32
Figure 30 - Fabric Material Library ................................................................................................ 32
Figure 31 - Glove Class Library ..................................................................................................... 33
Figure 32 - IEEE 1584 Table ......................................................................................................... 34
Figure 33 - Label Options .............................................................................................................. 35
Figure 34 – Limited Approach Boundary ....................................................................................... 35
Figure 35 - Network topology for job-file “Arcflash” ....................................................................... 36
Figure 36 - Detailed view of B1 and its fault contributing branches (1/2 cycle Sym. Currents) ... 37
Figure 37 - PDC Study for Bus B1. Currents are plotted at 4160 V .............................................. 38
Figure 38 - Arc Flash Screen Two / Multiple Branch Case ........................................................... 39
Figure 39 - Arc Flash Screen Three / Multiple Branch Case ......................................................... 40
Figure 40 - Determining Controlling Branch .................................................................................. 41
Figure 41 - Creating New Standalone AC File .............................................................................. 43
Figure 42 - Standalone Welcome Window .................................................................................... 44
Figure 43 - Creating New Standalone AC File .............................................................................. 44
Figure 44 - Creating Excel Report STANDALONE.csv File .......................................................... 45
Figure 45 - Excel Report ................................................................................................................ 45
Figure 46 - Label Colors ................................................................................................................ 46
Figure 47 - Chose Buses to Create Labels ................................................................................... 46
Figure 48 - Label printed ............................................................................................................... 47
Figure 49 - Arc Flash Tools ........................................................................................................... 47
Figure 50 - DC Arc Flash: Assigning the Arc Flash Environment ................................................. 48
Figure 51 - DC Arc Flash: The Initial Screen. ................................................................................ 49

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Paladin DesignBase
AC & DC Arc Flash Evaluation Manual

Figure 52 - DC Arc Flash: Bus Selection ....................................................................................... 50

Figure 53 - DC Arc Flash: Environment, Distance and Option Selection ...................................... 51
Figure 54 - DC Arc Flash: Generating Graphic Labels.................................................................. 52
Figure 55 - DC Arc Flash: Generating Excel Results .................................................................... 53
Figure 56 - Creating New Standalone DC File .............................................................................. 55
Figure 57 - DC Standalone Arc Flash: Bus, Fault, and Arc Duration Information ......................... 56
Figure 58 - DC Standalone Arc Flash: Graphic Labels ................................................................. 57
Figure 59 - DC Standalone Arc Flash: Generating Excel Results ................................................. 58

List of Tables
Table 1 - Typical Thermal Performance of Various Fabrics in Cal/ cm2 ......................................... 7
Table 2 - NFPA-70E Flash Hazard Risk Categories ....................................................................... 7
Table 3 - Glove Classes .................................................................................................................. 7
Table 4 - DC Arc Flash Exposure: Detailed Results ..................................................................... 54

Note: You can view this manual on your CD as an Adobe Acrobat PDF file. The file name is:

 AC DC Arc Flash Evaluation Arc_Flash.pdf

You will find the Test/Job files used in this tutorial in the following location:

 C:\DesignBase\Samples\ArcFlash


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Paladin DesignBase
AC & DC Arc Flash Evaluation Manual

1. What’s New in 6.80.00

 New DC arc flash program based on NFPA-70E 2012 recommendations. Includes
maximum power method and NFPA-70E table lookup.
 Updates to AC arc flash program to reflect NFPA-70E 2012 changes.
 Enabled use of “Fixed” or “Movable” option for each bus as oppose for the entire project.
 Enhance Arc Flash annotation to display the worst case scenario.

2. Arc Flash Program Overview

The Paladin DesignBase Arc Flash Exposure Program uses empirical equations based on test
results given in IEEE-1584 to provide an estimate of the energy falling on a surface removed from
a fault. As an option, personal protective equipment (PPE) based on NFPA-70E is provided.

The circuit used in Figure 1 is a simplified model for arc current calculations. The power
dissipated in the arc radiates to the surrounding surfaces. The further away from the arc the
surface is, the less the energy is received per unit area.

Figure 1 - Circuit for Arc Model

Calculation of maximum short-circuit current, used for equipment evaluation, considers zero arc
resistance. When the fault does contain an arc, the heat released can damage equipment and
cause personal injury. It is the latter concern that brought about the development of the heat
exposure program. The heat exposure due to an arc can harm, or burn, bare skin or protective
clothing. ‘The Standard for Electrical Safety Requirements for Employee Workplaces’, NFPA
70E, provides information on the protective performance of various fabrics, which would limit heat
exposure to second-degree burns.

In addition to burns, there are other exposure risks to arcing faults, such as:

 Electrical shorts due to touching energized conductors

 Arc blasts, due to expanding gases, that can cause flying debris, knock a person off
balance, and cause ear damage
 Exposure to arc plasma can result in temporary or permanent blindness

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Paladin DesignBase
AC & DC Arc Flash Evaluation Manual

 Arc plasma or heat can result in a fire

 Metal vaporization can condense on cooler materials.

Clearly, any exposure to an arcing fault can be hazardous.

2.1. Program Capabilities

 Arc Flash Exposure based on IEEE 1584

 Arc Flash Exposure based on NFPA 70E
 Network-Based Arc Flash Exposure on AC Systems/Single Branch Case
 Network-Based Arc Flash Exposure on AC Systems/Multiple Branch Cases
 Stand-Alone Arc Flash Exposure on AC Systems
 Network Arc Flash Exposure on DC Networks
 Stand-Alone Arc Flash Exposure on DC Systems
 Exposure Simulation at Switchgear Box, MCC Box, Open Area and Cable Grounded and
 Calculate and Select Controlling Branch for Simulation of Arc Flash
 Test Selected Clothing
 Calculate Clothing Required
 Simulated Arc Flash Exposure at User Selected Buses
 User Defined Fault Cycle for 3-Phase and Controlling Branches
 User Defined Short Circuit Algorithm
 User Defined Distance for Subject
 100% and 85% Arcing Current
 100% and 85% Protective Device Time
 Automatic Scenario Comparison
 Protective Device Setting Impact on Arc Exposure Energy
 User Defined Labels
 Plot Energy for Each Bus
 Write Results into Excel
 View and Print Graphic Label for User Selected Bus(s)
 Work permits

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Paladin DesignBase
AC & DC Arc Flash Evaluation Manual

2.2. Arc Flash Study

Figure 2 shows three arc flash zones that can have different calculated arc flash energy levels for
each fault location; although the bus fault current level is the same, the fault clearing time can be
different. Zone 1 extends from the secondary main breaker to the transformer primary upstream
protective device. A Zone 1 fault on the transformer secondary (to within the secondary main
breaker) has to be cleared by an upstream device with a backup fault clearing time. Zone 1 also
covers main breaker racking-in and racking-out conditions. In the DesignBase program, a dummy
bus is usually furnished with the breaker symbol on the source side of the breaker.

Zone 2 includes the load side terminals of the secondary main breaker, main bus, feeder breaker
load terminals, and tie breaker (not shown). The Zone 2 bus/breaker zone is protected by the
secondary main breaker and would also include feeder breaker racking-in and racking-out
conditions. When the secondary main breaker is not provided, Zone 1 would also include Zone 2.

Zone 3 includes the feeder breaker load terminals to the downstream device (load, sub-bus or
MCC or panel breaker). Typically, with selective protective systems, Zone 2 fault clearing time is
greater than the Zone 3 clearing time. In the Paladin DesignBase program, a dummy bus is
usually furnished with the breaker symbol on the load side of the breaker.

Z one 1

Z one 2

Z one 3

Figure 2 - Arc Flash Zones

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Paladin DesignBase
AC & DC Arc Flash Evaluation Manual

2.3. Exposure Defined

The amount of heat from an arc depends on the voltage across the arc, the current, single phase
or multi-phase arc, confinement of the arc, and the distance the subject is away from the arc
plasma. Most of the data collected for heat exposure have been staged, since the modeling of
the arc is very complex [5, 6, 7, 8, 12].

The power in the arc (VARC * IARC) is radiated out as incident energy falling onto a surface. Test
results are often used to compare the amount of energy produced in the arc and radiating to a
surface at some distance away. As expected, the radiated energy depends whether the arc is
unrestricted in free air, or semi-confined, or directed as it would be in a switchgear cubicle with a
panel removed or the door open. The latter directs the radiating energy toward the open area,
greatly increasing the incident energy falling onto a surface. The arc produces quickly-expanding
gases. These gases heat the surfaces they contact. Thus, the energy of an arc can burn
contacted surfaces due to both radiant and convection heat transfer.

Low voltage switchgear type of equipment can have bare buses and a line-to-ground or a line-to-line
fault and can quickly become a three-phase arcing fault with the corresponding increase in arcing
energy. Arcing faults beginning as line-to-ground faults in cables and on insulating buses must burn
through the second insulating material before a multi-phase fault can result. This can last up to tens
of cycles depending on the energy in the fault.

2.4. Personal Protective Equipment Defined

Personal protective equipment includes many items, such as gloves, tools, face protection and
glasses, as well as the clothing to be worn. The main arc flash consequences are burns to the
body that could cause death. Therefore, the head and chest areas are more critical. While burns
on the person’s limbs are serious, they are not likely to cause death. For example, when working
on electrical equipment, gloves are voltage rated to protect from electrical shock while fire
retardant overalls have only a thermal rating. When gloves are worn, some thermal protection is
also provided.

Table 1 and Table 2 provide guidance to the thermal capabilities of some clothing articles. Table 2
is from NFPA 70E. NFPA 70E has divided the personal protective clothing (PPE) requirements into
four (4) risk categories Table 2. These hazard risk categories are listed below. Table 3 gives the
voltage capabilities of gloves up to 40-kV.

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Paladin DesignBase
AC & DC Arc Flash Evaluation Manual

Table 1 - Typical Thermal Performance of Various Fabrics in Cal/ cm2

Material Total Weight (Cal/cm 2)
Bare skin (clean) - 0.5
Bare skin (dirty) - 1.0
Untreated cotton 4.0 oz/yd 2.0
Single layer FR cotton 7.5 oz/yd 6.0
Single layer FR cotton 12.5 oz/yd 13.8
PBI fiber blend 4.5 oz/yd 6.1
Nomex III® 4.5 oz/yd 9.1
Nomex III® 6.0 oz/yd 13.7
Nomex III A® 4.5 oz/yd 9.2
Nomex III A® 6.0 oz/yd 13.1
Cotton (4 oz) under FR cotton (8 oz) 12.0 oz/yd 12.5
Nomex (2 layers) 12.2 oz/yd 22.6
Nomex (8oz) over FR cotton (8 oz) 16.0 oz/yd 31.1
Switching suit of FR coverall 24-30 oz/yd 40.0+

Table 2 - NFPA-70E Flash Hazard Risk Categories

Flash Hazard Risk Range of Calculated Min. PPE Rating Clothing Required
Category Incident Energy
2 2
0 0-1.2 cal/cm N/A 4.5-14.0 oz/yd untreated cotton
2 2
1 1.2+ to 4 cal/cm 4 cal/cm FR shirt and pants
2 2
2 4+ to 8 cal/cm 8 cal/cm Cotton underclothing plus FR shirt and pants
2 2
3 8+ to 25 cal/cm 25 cal/cm Cotton underclothing plus
FR shirt, pants, overalls or equivalent
2 2
4 25+ to 40 cal/cm 40 cal/cm Cotton underclothing plus FR shirt, pants, plus double layer
switching coat and pants or equiv.

FR = Fire resistance fabric

Table 3 - Glove Classes

Glove Class Use Voltage Max. Test Voltage

(kV) (kV)
00 0.5 2.5
0 1.0 5.0
1 7.5 10
2 17.5 20
3 26.5 30
4 36.0 40

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Paladin DesignBase
AC & DC Arc Flash Evaluation Manual

2.5. Arc Resistance Defined

Short-circuit arc resistance is a highly variable quantity that changes non-linearly with the arc
current during a cycle and on a cycle-by-cycle basis. As the current increases, so does the
ionized area, and, consequently, the resistance becomes lower. The voltage across the arc varies
non-linearly with the length and current flowing in it. Arcing short-circuit current magnitudes on
low-voltage systems (<1000 V) are more affected by arc resistance than they are on higher
voltage systems. Arc resistance results in the short-circuit currents smaller than in the bolted
short-circuit current.

On high voltage networks, the short-circuit arc resistance and resulting arc voltage are often low
compared to the circuit voltage; the arcing fault and bolted fault current can be approximately the
same. Arcing ground short-circuits have been known to have short-circuit currents that range
between zero and 100% of the bolted short-circuit current depending on the system voltage and
the type of arcing short circuit involved. [1] The environment in which the arcing short circuit takes
place affects the arc resistance and its continuity.

An arcing short circuit in a confined area is easily perpetuated due to the concentration of ionized
gases allowing easy current flow. An arc occurring on open conductors is elongated due to heat
convection, thereby lengthening the arc allowing cooling of ionized gas, so the arc may extinguish

The results of tests show that arcing short-circuit currents are very erratic in nature and do not
provide a constant resistance during any one cycle. Over several cycles the arc reignites, due to
uncooled ionized gases, almost extinguishes, and then fully reignites. There is not an exact equation
available to determine arc resistance. The references by Alm, Brown and Strom [2, 3, 4] provide
approximations to the arc resistance.

2.6. Key Concepts

Open Arc
This term is used to describe a non-enclosed Arc in which the energy is radiated equally in all
directions. An arcing fault on an overhead line would be an example of an open arc topology.

Directed Arc
This term, also known as “arc in a box”, describes an Arc that occurs in a partially enclosed area
such as an MCC or a Switchgear cubicle. In this case the energy radiated includes the energy
reflected from the enclosure walls. A fault in a switchgear cubicle with the door open would be an
example of a directed arc.

Radiant Energy
This term refers to the energy as the light, which is released by an Arc during a fault.

Blast Energy
This term describes the energy released by an Arc, in the form of convection. When the Arc
occurs, the gaseous mass surrounding the area is violently displaced and heated. The energy
contained in this rapid moving mass, as it collides with surrounding objects, is called the Blast
Energy of the Arc.

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Paladin DesignBase
AC & DC Arc Flash Evaluation Manual

2.7. References

1. Kaufmann, R. H. and J.C. Page, "Arcing Fault Protection for Low Voltage Power
Distribution Systems - The Nature of the Problem", AIEE Transaction, PAS vol 79, June
1960, pp 160-165. (Note: the value in Table 1 should be multiplied by 2 due to the
correction with CT probe ratio.)

2 Alm, Emil, " Physical Properties of Arcs in Circuit Breakers", Transactions of the Royal
Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, No. 25, 1949.

3. Brown, T. E., "Extinction of A-C Arcs in Turbulent Gases", AIEE Transaction Vol 51, March
1932, pp 185-191.

4. Strom, A. P., "Long 60-Cycle Arcs in Air", AIEE Transaction, March 1946, Vol 65, pp
113-118, (See discussion PP 504-506 by J. H. Hagenguth).

5. Wagner C. F., and Fountain, L.L., "Arcing Fault Currents in Low-Voltage A-C Circuits."
AIEE Transactions. 1948, vol 67, pp 166-174.

6. R. Lee, “The Other Electrical Hazard: Electrical Arc Blast Burns.” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl.
Vol. 18-1A, May/June 1982, pp 246-251.

7. R.A. Jones et al, “Staged Tests Increases Awareness of Arc-flash Hazards in Electrical
Equipment. Conf. Rec. IEEE PCIC Sept 1996, pp 298-281

8. J.R. Dunki-Jacobs, “The Impact of Arcing Ground Faults on Low-voltage Power System
Design”, GE publication GET-6098

9. Lawrence Fisher, “Resistance of Low-Voltage AC Arcs”, IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl. Vol. IGA-6,
Nov./Dec 1970, pp 607-616.

10. Richard Doughty et al, “Predicting Incident Energy to Better Manage the Electric Arc
Hazard on 600-V Power Distribution Systems.” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl. Vol. 36-1, Jan/Feb
2000, pp 257-269.

11. O.R. Schurig, “Voltage Drop and Impedance at Short-Circuit in Low Voltage Circuits”, AIEE
trans, Vol 60, 1941, pp 479-486.

12. IEEE Std 1584-2002, “IEEE Guide for Performing Arc-Flash Hazard Calculations”

13. Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace, NFPA 70E, 2012

® ™
Paladin DesignBase
AC & DC Arc Flash Evaluation Manual

3. Tutorial

3.1. Introduction

This tutorial will illustrate how to conduct ARC FLASH EXPOSURE analyses on both AC & DC
distribution systems. The exercise will be presented as explained below.

Network-Based Arc Flash Exposure on AC Systems

This application allows the user to evaluate the heat exposure caused by arcing faults, based on
an existing AC network file.

Arc Flash program automatically performs short circuit analysis, calculates arcing currents and
reads the fault clearing times of the appropriate protective devices. In terms of the analytical
standards that can be used, the user can choose between ANSI IEEE 1584, NFPA 70E or
CSAZ462. The program also incorporates the ability to analyze arcing faults on buses that are
fed from multiple power supplies. In such cases, the Arc Flash algorithm will scan all the
protective devices that control the current contributions into the fault. Once the scan has been
completed, the program selects the “Controlling” branch: the significant branch with the slowest
tripping time.

Stand-Alone Arc Flash Exposure on AC systems

In this option, a single line diagram/network file is not required. The AC ARC FLASH program will
rely on short circuit and tripping-time information being provided by the user.

Network-Based Arc Flash Exposure on DC systems

This application allows the user to evaluate the heat exposure caused by arcing faults, based on
an existing DC network file. The program automatically performs DC short circuit analysis and
determines PPE. In terms of the analytical method that can be used, the user can choose
between the NFPA 70E lookup tables or the maximum power method outlined in the Informative
Annex D” of the NFPA-70E standard.

Stand-Alone Arc Flash Exposure on DC systems

Similar to the explanation given above, this option does not require a network file. It relies on DC
Short Circuit and tripping time information provided by the user.


1. In order for the program to analyze a bus, the user MUST specify its Arc Flash Category.
Categories are assigned from the job file editor as the file is being constructed. The screen
capture shown below illustrates how to classify a bus directly from the editor during the
construction of the file.

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Paladin DesignBase
AC & DC Arc Flash Evaluation Manual

Figure 3 - Arc Flash Categories

2. For busses with greater than the assumed maximum short circuit current or fault clearing
times listed in the NFPA 70E standard tables 130.7 (C)(15)(a) and 130.7 (C)(15)(b), the arc
flash program will display Not Applicable (N/A) for both the arc flash category (PPE) and
boundary when the NFPA 70E calculation method is selected.

3.2. Network-Based Arc Flash Exposure on AC Systems / Single Branch Case

This section of the tutorial is based on the file “ARCHEAT_SB.axd”. The topology of the network
is shown in Figure 4 below in conjunction with back-annotated ½ cycle short-circuit results. The

® ™
Paladin DesignBase
AC & DC Arc Flash Evaluation Manual

tripping times of the breaker protecting the motor are defined in a coordination study that has
been previously carried out on the network (Motor PDC Study). The TCC graph on the next page
shows the phase coordination settings of the realy, along with bus and branch fault currents.


500 A


250 0-3-L


800 A


½ Cycle 3-P Symmetrical

942 6.61 A
500 -5KV

Branch Fault Current:

9426.61 Amps.

BUS-05 ½ Cycle 3-P Symmetrical

112 00.52 A Bus Fault Current:
I 11200.52 Amps.

Figure 4 - Network under study, showing a ½ cycle fault analysis at BUS-05

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Paladin DesignBase
AC & DC Arc Flash Evaluation Manual

303 Amp Motor

Motor Relay

GE 139 OL
2.000 TD 4.500 Tap
Time in Seconds

500/5 CT
176.0 InstTap

Branch fault
9427 SCA current

2400V through BKR-02


Bus fault
11201 SCA current
2400V at BUS-05

.5 1 10 100 1000 10000

Current in Amperes X 100
2400 Volt Phase Time-Current Characteristic Curves 04-25-2011
1 - Motor PDC Study 16:24:28


Figure 5 - PDC Study for Motor on BUS-05

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Paladin DesignBase
AC & DC Arc Flash Evaluation Manual

Illustration of the necessary steps to perform Arc Flash analysis follows.

 Open the file “ARCHEAT_SB” file from the “DesignBase > Samples > Arcflash” folder.
 Double click on each of the nodes/buses and make sure that a proper Arc Flash
classification has been given to each one of them. For example, double click on Bus-04
to verify the Arc Flash setting as shown in the figure below.
 The Arc Flash designation for each node of this network is shown in the figure below. The
designations chosen are not to be considered typical; they are only intended to serve as

Open Grounded
500 A

Open Grounded


Open Grounded
800 A

Box Grounded
Sym : 9426.62A

Sym : 11200.52A
I Box Grounded

Figure 6 - Assigning Arc Flash Environment to Buses.

 Enter/verify that all the protective devices have been properly characterized from the
short circuit point of view. In this exercise, emphasis will be made on breaker BKR-02
since it is the one protecting the motor on BUS-05. BUS-05 will be the objective of the
following arc flash analysis. Also remember that the relay associated with this breaker is
shown in Figure 5.

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Paladin DesignBase
AC & DC Arc Flash Evaluation Manual

 Double click on BKR-02 to invoke its respective editor, and select the “Breaker Data” tab.
 Complete all the required ANSI settings, paying special attention to the “Interrupting
Time” in cycles. This number is very important since it plays a role in the total time in
which an arcing fault can be cleared. In this case, notice that this is a 5-cycle breaker.

Figure 7 - Defining Breaker Short Circuit Characteristics.

 Finally if there is an intentionally added Relay Trip Delay (for example, aux. Tripping
Relays), user should enter it here. For this example enter “0”.
 Next proceed to create a PDC study for the branch under analysis. For this example, a
PDC study has already been created and it is shown in Figure 5.
 From the DesignBase toolbar select the “AC Arc Flash” icon. Appropriate Arc Flash
Toolbar will be displayed.

Figure 8 - Arc Flash Toolbar.

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Paladin DesignBase
AC & DC Arc Flash Evaluation Manual

 Click on “Analyze” button within the Arc Flash toolbar, . Arc Flash program window will
open, as shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9 - Arc Flash Program; Screen 1.

 Carefully read the initial Arc Flash screen and make sure that you understand the
program’s usage guidelines before proceeding.
 Click “Next” to proceed with calculations. The second screen of Arc Flash program will
open, Figure 10.

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Paladin DesignBase
AC & DC Arc Flash Evaluation Manual

3.2.1. Arc Flash Program: Screen 2

Figure 10 - Arc Flash Program; Screen 2 – Bus Selection.

Bus selection tool, Figure 10, enables the user to select buses to be studied by the Arc Flash
program. Notice that the “Arc Flash Buses” field contains all the buses in the project that:

 Are not suppressed from the system (nodes are supressed by default; user needs to
unsupress them)
 Have assigned Arc Flash enviroment

User can transfer buses from “Arc Flash Buses” to “Selected Buses” field, using “Add”, “Add All’,
“Remove” and “Remove All” buttons. These commands work in common fashion as in other
DesignBase applications (Short Circuit for example). For this example we will select buses “BUS-
04” and BUS-05” as shown in the above figure.

Also notice the “Show Bus” pull-down menu at the bottom of the screen as shown in Figure 10.
User can choose one of the selected buses using this feature. All the properties of the chosen
bus will be shown in this and subsequent Arc Flash screens.

® ™
Paladin DesignBase
AC & DC Arc Flash Evaluation Manual

The first important property for the Arc Flash calculation is bus environment (see Figure 11). Arc
Flash environment of the selected bus, BUS-04, is displayed in this section. The environment is
selected using the bus editor (Figure 3).

User can also select/verify that the Arc Flash Grounding Category for the selected bus has been
properly assigned. The program has automatically assigned the category that was entered into
the model by the user as it was being built.

Finally user can change grounding of all the selected buses using “Grounding Control” box. The
default option of grounding control is “Bus Editor”. Using this option user confirms the selection
done through bus editor (Figure 3). Selecting “All Buses Grounded” (or ungrounded) user
overwrites the editor information for all the selected buses.

Figure 11 - Arc Flash Program; Screen 2 – Environment.

User should next enter the working distance over which the Arc Flash energy is to be calculated.
The user can enter actual known values or use the IEEE 1584 defaults if deemed safe for the

Figure 12 - Arc Flash Program; Screen 2 – Working Distance.

Next, select the “Calculation” option. In this example we will ask the program to calculate the
minimal protective clothing required for the application. Select “Calculate Clothing Required”. This
is a common application of the program. Alternately, user could select “Test Selected Clothing” in
order to verify pre-selected clothing level.

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Figure 13 - Arc Flash Program; Screen 2 – Calculation Option.

User should also choose which cycle of fault current to use in the analysis and which short circuit
calculation method. The default option are ½ cycle and AC classical.

After all of the options of the current Arc Flash screen have been defined user should click on the
button. Program will run short circuit calculation before opening subsequent screen.

3.2.2. Arc Flash Program: Screen 3

The last Arc Flash screen is shown in Figure 14. User should refresh fault duration from PDC and
use this screen for printing the results. Before using “Refresh Duration from PDC” make sure that
you have already injected all Protective Device Curves in the model; the opening time of device is
related to the amount of Arc Flash Exposure and energy available at the bus.

Important: “Refresh Duration from PDC” is option that provides results for current scenario. If
model has multiple scenarios, and if user is interested in worse case results through all the
scenarios, “Worst Case” button should be used instead.

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Use the “Show Bus” window to select BUS-05. Next click on “Refresh Duration from PDC” button
as indicated in Figure 14. PDC result will be displayed in the screen.

Figure 14 - Arc Flash Program; Screen 3.

The following information is worth noting:

 Using IEEE 1584 formulas, program has calculated arcing currents.

Arcing currents are smaller than bolted fault current (see Figure 4).

 User can enter/verify the “Phase Gap” and “Cf” factors.

 User can set maximum tripping time for all the buses in the system.

If the fault duration is higher than maximum tripping time, the

maximum time will be used

 Tripping times that correspond to the arcing controlling branch currents are calculated and
entered into the respective fields. The user can change the trip time to represent differential
relay trip time. Detailed explanation of the results is given in Figure 15.

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Breaker Opening
5 cycles = 0.08


Relay Tripping
1.803 sec.

Figure 15 - PDC Information Transferred into the ARC Flash Calculation

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3.2.3. Arc Flash Results

The clothing required for the IEEE 1584 calculation on BUS-05 is shown as “Category 3”. From
the “Calculation Standards” section, user can switch over to NFPA 70E. User should press the
“Calculate” button to refresh the analysis results. The recalculated rating for the NFPA 70E
selection instead of IEEE 1584 is, in this case, more conservative (Category 4).

Figure 16 - Clothing Required for Different Standards

For busses with greater than the assumed maximum short circuit current or fault clearing times
listed in table 130.7 (C)(15)(a) in the NFPA 70E standard, the arc flash program will display Not
Applicable (N/A) for both the arc flash category (PPE) and boundary.

Energy Plot:

To generate the respective Energy vs. Distance plot of the results, select IEEE 1584 standard
and then click on the “Plot” button (see Figure 17).

The red area of the plot marks the distances with energy greater than 1.2 cal/cm^2 and special
clothing requirement. Green area has energy less than 1.2 cal/cm^2. User can use the cursor to
read the energy level for various distances as shown in Figure 17.

Additionally user can zoom, save, plot or edit the properties of a generated plot using the tools
available in the plot’s toolbar.

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Figure 17 - Energy vs. Distance Plot

Graphic Labels:
Select “Graphic Label” button to generate the equipment-warning labels. Before printing
the labels, user can choose their colors and decide for which buses the labels should be printed,
Figure 18.

Figure 18 - Label Options

Next, click on the “Display Labels” icon on arc flash toolbar and labels will be shown in main
DesignBase window. Once labels are displayed, the Arc Flash toolbar will change to enable

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additional manipulation of label style and appearance. Several label formats are shown in Figure
19, Figure 20 and Figure 21. The following toolbar functions apply on labels:

 - Label Options. Using this function user can choose between different label layouts and
label sizes
 - Print Labels
 - Print All the Labels in MS Word
 - Navigate through labels
 - Close the Current Label window
 - Open previously saved labels
 - Save labels

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Figure 19 - Label – Format One

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Figure 20 - Label – Format Two

Figure 21 - Label – Format Three

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Work Permits:

Select “Work Permit” button to generate the work permits. Use the pull down menu to
select a task for Work permit. Once the task is selected click OK and the permit will be generated.
The work permit appears as a word document, which the user can edit, print and save. A partial
sample of the work permit is shown below.

Figure 22 - Choice of the Task for Work Permit


Job/Work Order Number:

(1) Description of circuit / equipment / job location / bus name:


(2) Description of work to be done:

Work on energized parts, including voltage

(3) Reasons why the circuit / equipment cannot be de-energized or the work deferred until the next scheduled outage:

_________________________________________________ ______________________________________
Requester / Title Date

(1) Detailed job description procedure to be used in performing the above detailed work: ____
(2) Description of the Safe Work Practices to be employed: ____

Flash Boundary 776.7 in Flash Hazard 23.8 cal/cm^2 Working Distance 35.8 in
Shock Hazard 2.4 kV Restricted Approach 26.0 in Glove Class 1
Required PPE 3 Cotton underclothing plus FR shirt, pants, overalls or equivalent

(3) Means employed to restrict the access of unqualified persons from the work area: ____

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Figure 23 - A Partial Sample of the Work Permit

Text Based Output report:

To produce a text-based output report, proceed as follows:

- Select a Summary, Detailed or Custom report

- Select the Calculation Standard to be used
- Select “Results to Microsoft Excel”

This will create a report and save it to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Use the settings shown
below for this example and specify the name and a folder in which to save the report. Click

Figure 24 - Creating a Summary IEEE-based Report

The summary report is shown in the next figure.The following variables are reported:
 Bus and protective device name
 Bus voltage
 Bus and branch bolted fault current
 Critical case (100% or 85%): the case with the highest Arc Flash energy.
 Trip delay time, breaker oppening time and fault duration
 Arcing current, Arc Flash energy, Arc Flash boundary and required IEEE 1584 PPE class
 Bus configuration and working distance

Figure 25 - Summary Arc Flash Report

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To produce the most elaborate Arc Flash report user should select “detailed” output report and
“Both” standards. User can also select custom report. The following dialog box will appear if the
custom report is selected. Using this dialog box user can choose which data is to be reported.

Figure 26 - Custom Report Options

An example of custom Arc Flash report is shown in the next figure. Notice that 85% results are
not applicable since the bus voltages are higher than 1000V.

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Figure 27 - Custom Arc Flash Report

3.2.4. Arc Flash Annotations

User can display Arc Flash results back on the drawing using the back annotation icon from the
Arc Flash toolbar . The following items, Figure 28, can be displayed. The annotated results
are also shown in the figure.

Figure 28 - Arc Flash Annotations.

User can also color code the zones with respect to

different PPE category. To do that it is necessary to
click “Select Label Colors” button within annotation
dialog box.

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User can change the colors according to his/her


3.2.5. Arc Flash Database

At any time during the Arc Flash calculation user can view the Arc Flash database.

Figure 29 - Arc Flash Database

Choosing the “Database > Fabric Material Library” option user can review and edit the following
NFPA table:

Figure 30 - Fabric Material Library

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Glove Class library will be displayed if “Database > Glove Class Library” option is chosen.

Figure 31 - Glove Class Library

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IEEE 1584 table with the appropriate coefficients used in Arc Flash calculation will be displayed if
“Database > 1584 Table” option is chosen.

Figure 32 - IEEE 1584 Table

“Label Options” enables the user to include/ take off particular options in Arc Flash labels.

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Figure 33 - Label Options

Finally user can choose between fixed and movable parts, to determine the value of limited
approach boundary for each bus.

Figure 34 – Limited Approach Boundary

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3.3. Network-Based Arc Flash Exposure on AC Systems / Multiple Branch Case

This section of the tutorial is based on the network-file “Arcflash” located under
C:\DesignBase\Samples\ArcFlash folder. The complete topology of the network is shown in
Figure 35 below. The Arc Flash analysis described in this section is based on Bus B1 of this
network. Figure 36, shows a detailed view of B1 along with the 4 fault-current contributing
branches. Only two of these branches are significant paths; these branches carry short circuit
contributions from the sources. The rest of the branches carry motor contribution and the program
won’t analyze them.

Figure 35 - Network topology for job-file “Arcflash”

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Figure 36 - Detailed view of B1 and its fault

contributing branches (1/2 cycle Sym. Currents)

The tripping times of the protective devices injected in the branches are derived from a
coordination study that has been previously carried out on the network (Arcflash). The TCC
graph shown in Figure 37, shows the phase coordination settings of the protective devices
connected to B1 that belong to the two significant path mentioned earlier.

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Figure 37 - PDC Study for Bus B1. Currents are plotted at 4160 V

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Proceed to open the “Arcflash” file. Run the “AC Arc Flash” program (Figure 8 & 9). From the pool
of Arc Flash buses, select the Bus B1 and add it into the Selected Buses pool, Figure 38. Verify
that all the data in the Arc Flash screen appear exactly as shown in Figure 38. Click “Next” to run
Short Circuit analysis.

Figure 38 - Arc Flash Screen Two / Multiple Branch Case

Click on the “Refresh Duration from PDC” button. Arc Flash will produce the results as shown in
Figure 39.

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Figure 39 - Arc Flash Screen Three / Multiple Branch Case

There are a total of 4 branches contributing to fault current at Bus B1. The Arc Flash program only
considers branches leading toward sources to determine Arc Flash “controlling branch”. The
following summary provides a high-level overview of the methodology used by the program:

Determining the Controlling Branch

1) The fault currents for each adjacent branch to the bus are analyzed to determine the
paths leading to sources. To that end, steady state short circuit currents (30-cycles) are

2) Arcing current is calculated from the bolted fault current using the criteria given in IEEE
1584-2002, section 5.2.

3) Program checks along each path (identified in Step 1) and finds minimum clearing time
for each path. The device with the shortest clearing time on each path is recorded, then
(using the shortest clearing times of each path) the path with the longest clearing time is
used in the Arc Flash calculation. It is realized that the opening of the other major
contributing branches before the controlling branch would reduce the arcing current, but
holding the initial arcing constant for a longer time helps provide conservative cal/cm .

4) The path with the slowest tripping time is used as the controlling branch and the cal/cm
is calculated from total arcing and this tripping time

Exceptions to this rule are as follows:

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 If a path has no protective devices, a message “No PDC found” is generated and the
program will set the Arc Flash energy and PPE to Not Applicable (N/A)
 If a path has protective devices but they do not trip, a message “No PDC trip” is
generated and the program will set the Arc Flash energy to N/A while PPE will be set to
“Extreme danger”

Using the short circuit currents in Figure 36 and the coordination curves in Figure 37 , it can be
determined that the relay labeled “TIE-CB” (contribution from Bus 2 to Bus 1) will take longer to open
than the main circuit breaker CB3 during an arcing fault. As shown below the program selects “TIE-
CB” as the Arc Flash “controlling branch”.

Figure 40 - Determining Controlling Branch

To finalize the analysis, user should click on the “Results to Microsoft Excel” button.

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3.3.1. Enabling PDC ARC Flash Activity Trace

Detailed PDC Arc Flash navigation on the one-line along with calculated values can be viewed by
enabling the PDC Arc Flash Activity Trace. The Activity Trace is typically used for troubleshooting
as well as V&V purposes, and can be enabled by opening C:\DesignBase\Config\PDCOORD.INI
using NOTEPAD (or other text editor) and changing the value “Enabled” to “1” under the section
“[DebugMode]”. Each bus analyzed by PDC Arc Flash will generate a trace log that pops up in a
notepad window. It is advised to turn on the Activity Trace only when analyzing one bus at a time.

Arc Flash Trace Sample

############# Fault Current/Voltage(13854.00 Amps/4160.00 Volt) for 85% at Node

&&& Arc Fault Ratio for 85% is 0.965191 Gap: 102 K: -0.097000

+++++++++ Path 1 for 85% +++++++++:

Branch Name: CB3 Trip/Open Time: 0.4025/0.05s Fault/Arc: 5054/4145.96Amps
Branch Name: T1 No PDC Device Fault/Arc: 1523/1249.80Amps
Branch Name: C1 No PDC Device Fault/Arc: 1523/1249.80Amps
Branch Name: CB1 Trip/Open Time: 1.2038/0.05s Fault/Arc: 1523/1249.80Amps

+++++++++ Path 2 for 85% +++++++++:

Branch Name: TIE-CB Trip/Open Time: 0.6908/0.05s Fault/Arc: 6665/5468.40Amps
Branch Name: CB4 Trip/Open Time: 0.8050/0.05s Fault/Arc: 5052/4144.99Amps
Branch Name: T2 No PDC Device Fault/Arc: 1523/1249.50Amps
Branch Name: C2 No PDC Device Fault/Arc: 1523/1249.50Amps
Branch Name: CB2 Trip/Open Time: 1.2038/0.05s Fault/Arc: 1523/1249.50Amps

&&& Tripped Device Branch is TIE-CB with Fault/Arc: 6665/5468.40Amps

&&& Tripped Device Branch is TIE-CB with Trip/Open Time: 0.6908/0.05s index: 1

############# Fault Current/Voltage(13854.00 Amps/4160.00 Volt) for 100% at Node

&&& Arc Fault Ratio for 100% is 0.965191 Gap: 102 K: -0.097000

+++++++++ Path 1 for 100% +++++++++:

Branch Name: CB3 Trip/Open Time: 0.3669/0.05s Fault/Arc: 5054/4877.60Amps
Branch Name: T1 No PDC Device Fault/Arc: 1523/1470.35Amps
Branch Name: C1 No PDC Device Fault/Arc: 1523/1470.35Amps
Branch Name: CB1 Trip/Open Time: 1.0980/0.05s Fault/Arc: 1523/1470.35Amps

+++++++++ Path 2 for 100% +++++++++:

Branch Name: TIE-CB Trip/Open Time: 0.6375/0.05s Fault/Arc: 6665/6433.41Amps
Branch Name: CB4 Trip/Open Time: 0.7340/0.05s Fault/Arc: 5052/4876.46Amps
Branch Name: T2 No PDC Device Fault/Arc: 1523/1470.00Amps

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Branch Name: C2 No PDC Device Fault/Arc: 1523/1470.00Amps

Branch Name: CB2 Trip/Open Time: 1.0980/0.05s Fault/Arc: 1523/1470.00Amps

&&& Tripped Device Branch is TIE-CB with Fault/Arc: 6665/6433.41Amps

&&& Tripped Device Branch is TIE-CB with Trip/Open Time: 0.6375/0.05s index: 1

3.4. Standalone Arc Flash Exposure on AC Systems

In order to start Stand-alone AC Arc Flash program, select the “AC Arc Flash” icon without
opening any file.

In the newly opened window assign the file name as shown in Figure 40.

Figure 41 - Creating New Standalone AC File

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Once the first program window (identical to the one in Figure 9) is opened, carefully read and
make sure that you understand the program’s usage guidelines before proceeding. Select “Next”.

Figure 42 - Standalone Welcome Window

The following window is displayed:

Figure 43 - Creating New Standalone AC File

The program inserts the default data. The user can overwrite the initial data as needed. Enter the
data as given in the Figure 42 above. The program, automatically computes the data displayed in
the light green columns

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Manually enter the tripping times for the protective devices that correspond to 85% and
100% of the arcing current. Also enter the “Breaker Opening Time” in seconds. For this
example, use the numbers shown in the Figure 45 above. Select the equipment type from
the pick list. Also specify the “Phase Gap in mm” and the working distance.

To produce a text-based output report, click the “Export to Excel” button. The “Excel File” window
is displayed; insert the file name: STANDALONE and then click “Save” button:

Figure 44 - Creating Excel Report STANDALONE.csv File

The report is generated by the program as can be seen in the figure capture below:

Figure 45 - Excel Report

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To print Labels click the “Graph Label” button:

Figure 46 - Label Colors

Select the “Label Color” and then click the “OK” button.

The following window is displayed:

Figure 47 - Chose Buses to Create Labels

Click “OK” button. The label is displayed.

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Figure 48 - Label printed

Figure 49 - Arc Flash Tools

Within this environment the user can further:

 Select the label style options

 Print the current label
 Close the current label window
 Open the label for further editing

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 Save the label

3.5. Network-Based Arc Flash Exposure on DC systems

Arc Flash studies can be performed on DC systems within the DesignBase program. Proceed to
open the file “C:\DesignBase\Samples\ArcFlash\Dc_sc2.axd”.

Double click on each of the nodes/buses and make sure that a proper Arc Flash classification has
been given to each one of them. For example double click on CHARGER and assign “Box” Arc
Flash environment.

Figure 50 - DC Arc Flash: Assigning the Arc Flash Environment

From the toolbar select the “DC Arc Flash” command, .

Carefully read and make sure that you understand the program’s usage guidelines before
proceeding. Then, press “Next” to continue.

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Figure 51 - DC Arc Flash: The Initial Screen.

From the pick-list, select an individual bus to be analyzed. For this example, select BATT-1A.

Press “Next” to continue.

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Figure 52 - DC Arc Flash: Bus Selection

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The program will insert default data and automatically computes the data displayed in the light
green columns. The user can overwrite the initial data as needed or select a different calculation
option. Enter the data as given in Error! Reference source not found.

Figure 53 - DC Arc Flash: Environment, Distance and Option Selection

The clothing required for the application is shown as “Category 2”. Selecting the NFPA 70E
calculation option and keeping the arcing current as 23.867 kA will result in “Not Applicable” (N/A)
for both the arc flash category (PPE) and boundary. This is due to Table 130.7(C)(15)(b) in the
NFPA 70E standard 2012 not providing a PPE value that corresponds to arcing currents greater
than 10 kA in 250 volt systems.

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Switch back to the Maximum power method and then select “Graphic Label” to generate the
equipment warning label.
The “Select Label Colors” window will appear followed by the “Choose Buses to Create Labels”
window. Click on ok and then click on the “Display Label” icon on the arc flash toolbar. Labels will
appear as shown in Figure 54.

Figure 54 - DC Arc Flash: Generating Graphic Labels

Once labels are displayed, the Arc Flash toolbar will change to enable additional manipulation of
label style and appearance. The following toolbar functions apply on labels:

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 - Label Options. Using this function user can choose between different label layouts and
label sizes
 - Print Labels
 - Print All the Labels in MS Word
 - Navigate through labels
 - Close the Current Label window
 - Open previously saved labels
 - Save labels

To produce a text-based output report, click the “Export to Excel” button. Once, the “Excel File”
window is displayed; insert the file name “DCARCHEAT” and then click the “Save” button:

Figure 55 - DC Arc Flash: Generating Excel Results

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Finally user can choose between fixed and movable parts under the Database> Limited Approach
Boundary menu, to determine the value of limited approach boundary for each bus.

The following table shows the results of the analysis using the Maximum Power Method for Bus

Table 4 - DC Arc Flash Exposure: Detailed Results

Bus Name BATT-1A

LL Voltage (kV) 0.25
DC Bolted Fault (Amp) 47.735
DC Arcing Current (kA) 23.867
DC Fault Duration (sec) 0.2
Configuration Open
DC Arc Flash Boundary (inch) 39.3
Working Distance (inch) 17.9
Energy (cal/cm^2) 5.77
Required PPE Class 2
Unit System US
Restricted Approach Distance (inch) 0

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3.6. Stand-Alone Arc Flash Exposure on DC systems

In order to start the Stand-alone DC Arc Flash program, select the “DC Arc Flash” icon without
opening any file.

In the newly opened window, create a new project called “DCSTANDALONE” as shown in Figure

Figure 56 - Creating New Standalone DC File

Once the first program window is opened, carefully read and make sure that you understand the
program’s usage guidelines before proceeding. Select “Next”.

Select the NFPA 70E calculation method. Type a name for the bus to be studied. Set the voltage
to 250 V. Then enter 7000A as the fault current and 0.25 s as the arc duration.

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Figure 57 - DC Standalone Arc Flash: Bus, Fault, and Arc Duration Information

User can enter actual known values for working distance or use the IEEE 1584 defaults if
deemed safe for the application.

The clothing required for the application is shown as “Category 4”. Selecting the Maximum Power
Method option will give a “Category 0”.

Select “Graphic Label” to generate the equipment warning label. The “Select Label Colors”
window will appear followed by the “Choose Buses to Create Labels” window. Click on ok and

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then click on the “Display Label” icon on the arc flash toolbar. Labels will appear as shown in
Figure 54.

Figure 58 - DC Standalone Arc Flash: Graphic Labels

Once labels are displayed, the Arc Flash toolbar will change to enable additional manipulation of
label style and appearance. For more details, please refer to the previous section.

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To produce a text-based output report, click the “Export to Excel” button. Once, the “Excel File”
window is displayed; insert the file name “DCARCHEAT” and then click the “Save” button:

Figure 59 - DC Standalone Arc Flash: Generating Excel Results

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4. Using Arc Flash for Single Phase Circuits

Using Arc Flash energy levels for arcing faults on single-phase circuits and line-to-ground faults
or Line-to-line on three-phase circuits is not covered by the program. None of the tests that were
done for the IEEE 1584 equation development were for a single phase circuit or for a line to
ground faults. Therefore empirical equations are not available. From over 350 tests performed, 4
tests were for a line-line fault at 2.4-kV. The furnished data did not state if the arc stayed a
single-phase arc or went to a three-phase arc. On the tests that were made for three-phase
faults the initial "in a box" three-phase arcs also jumped between the conductors to the box
sides. This occurred whether the box was grounded or ungrounded. Therefore, for the initial line-
to-line it would be expected that the arcing became three-phase before the test ended resulting in
a higher energy level than if the fault stayed single-phase. In these line-to-line tests the energy
was approximately 65 to 80% of the similar 3-phase tests.

Drawing a conclusion from the data would be just an estimate. Logically a single-phase or line-to-
ground would have less energy than a 3-phase arc, one could be conservative and use the 3-
phase Arc Flash results for the single-phase and line-to-ground faults. One could also deduce
that a single-phase or line-to-ground condition would be approximately 33% of the three-phase
condition and use a factor greater than 33% for an estimate. Using 40% to 50% of the three-
phase could be an option.


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