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Fundación Colegio Militar Inocencio Chincá

Educación con calidad

Preescolar, Básica, Media, Aprob. Resolución No 71-0848 del 25 de Marzo de 2011 de la Secretaria de
Educación Municipal. Licencia de Funcionamiento como Colegio Militar, Resoluc. 0530 Enero 29 de 1993 del
Ministerio de Defensa Nacional


1. Describe the following image, use positive and negative sentences:

 - There is a prince in the dining room

 - There is a chicken on the table
 - There are many fruits on the table
 - There is not a princess in the dining room
 - There are not chairs in the dining room
 - There is a fish in the dish
 - There are breads on a dish
 - There is not a King in the dining room
 - There is a door in the dining room
 - There are not pictures in the room
 - There are candles on the table
2. Rewrite the following sentences with the correct option

1. There is some milk the

2. We don’t need any
3. Can I have any water,
4. Are there some eggs in
the fridge?
5. There are some cats in
the garden
6. Would you like some
7. I don’t have any
8. There aren´t some
oranges on the table
9. HAve you gor any
brothers or sister?
10. I am lonely. I don’t
have any friends
11. There are some
parrots in the cage
12. Can I have some
more tea, please?
13. There is some money in my wallet
14. We haven’t got any bananas
15. Would you like some sugar in your tea?
16. I have some news for you
3. Choose the correct answer.
1. I need some tea. _________ do you need?
( X ) How much ( ) How many
2. I need some eggs. _________ do you need?
( ) How much ( X ) How many
3. I need some paper. _________ do you need?
( ) How much ( X ) How many
4. I need some money. _________ do you need?
( ) How much ( X ) How many
5. _________ cigarettes do you smoke a day?
( ) How much ( X ) How many
6. _________ work do you have to do?
( X ) How much ( ) How many
7. _________ sleep did you get last night?
(X ) How much ( ) How many
8. _________ children do you have?
( ) How much (X ) How many
9. _________ real friends do you have?
( ) How much (X ) How many
10. _________ times must I tell you?
( X ) How much ( ) How many

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