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Short Line Parameters Calculations

Positive and Zero Sequence Impedance

Power Analytics Corporation

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Version 1.30.00 October 2008

Short Line Parameters Calculations

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Short Line Parameters Calculations

Table of Contents
1. Foreword ............................................................................................................................................ 1
2. Purpose.............................................................................................................................................. 1
3. Capabilities ........................................................................................................................................ 1
4. Option 1. Aerial (Overhead) Lines ..................................................................................................... 2
5. Option 2. Three-Conductor Cables .................................................................................................... 3
6. Option 3. Three-Single Conductor Cables......................................................................................... 3
7. Option 4. Three-Single Concentric Neutral Cables, Neutrals Solidly Grounded ............................... 3
8. Three-phase Short Line Consisting of a Three-conductor Cable: ..................................................... 3
8.1 Cable Configuration: ............................................................................................................. 3
8.2 Parameters Identification: ..................................................................................................... 4
8.3 Positive-sequence Impedance (R1, X1): .............................................................................. 4
8.4 Zero-sequence Impedance (RO, XO):.................................................................................. 4
8.4.1 Sheath return only: ............................................................................................................... 5
8.4.2 Grounded sheath-earth return: ............................................................................................. 5
8.5 Reference: ............................................................................................................................ 6
9. Three-phase Single Circuit Short Aerial (Overhead) Line With Neutral Wire: ................................... 6
9.1 General Configuration: ......................................................................................................... 6
9.2 Parameters Identification: ..................................................................................................... 6
9.3 Positive-sequence Impedance (R1, X1): .............................................................................. 7
9.4 Zero-sequence Impedance (R0, X0): ................................................................................... 7
9.4.1 Earth return only: .................................................................................................................. 8
9.4.2 Neutral return only: ............................................................................................................... 9
9.4.3 Grounded neutral-earth return: ............................................................................................. 9
9.5 Reference: ............................................................................................................................ 9
10. Three-phase Single Circuit Short Line Consisting of Three-single Conductor Cables: .................. 10
10.1 General Configuration: ....................................................................................................... 10
10.2 Parameters Identification: ................................................................................................... 10
10.3 Positive-sequence Impedance (R1, X1): ............................................................................ 11
10.3.1 With sheaths open .............................................................................................................. 11
10.3.2 With sheaths short-circuited (Bonded together): ................................................................ 11
10.4 Zero-sequence Impedance (RO, XO):................................................................................ 11
10.4.1 Earth return only:.................................................................................................. 12
10.4.2 Sheaths (bonded together) return only: ............................................................... 13
10.4.3 Grounded Sheath-earth return: ............................................................................ 13
10.5 Reference ........................................................................................................................... 13
11. Mr. G.C. McDonald’s Contribution ................................................................................................... 14
12. Computation of Zero-sequence Impedance Following the Formulas of Westinghouse
Transmission and Distribution Reference Book: ............................................................................ 16
13. Verification and Validation: .............................................................................................................. 20
14. Computation of Positive and Zero-sequence Impedances (R & X) for Three-phase
Configuration Consisting of Three-single Concentric Neutral Cables ........................................... 22
15. Positive and Zero-sequence Impedance Calculation ...................................................................... 25
16. Positive and Zero Sequence Impedance Calculation ...................................................................... 28
17. Nomenclature for Equations ............................................................................................................ 32
18. References ...................................................................................................................................... 34
19. Standalone Short Line Parameters Tutorial .................................................................................... 35
20. Network-Based Short Line Parameters Calculations ...................................................................... 45

Short Line Parameters Calculations

List of Figures

Figure 1 ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Figure 2 ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Figure 3 ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 4 ......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 5 ....................................................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 6 ....................................................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 7 ....................................................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 8 ....................................................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 9 ....................................................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 10 ..................................................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 11 ..................................................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 12 ..................................................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 13 ..................................................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 14 ..................................................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 15 ..................................................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 16 Tutorial Case Study (File: shtln.mzp).......................................................................................... 35
Figure 17 Short Line Under Study ............................................................................................................. 45

Note: You can view this manual using your CD as an Adobe Acrobat PDF file. The file name is:

 Short Line Parameters Short_Line_Parameters.pdf

You will find the Test/Job files used in this tutorial at the following location:

 C:\DesignBase\Samples\ShortLine = Short Line Parameters


Short Line Parameters Calculations

1. Foreword
This program was developed in the assumption that the user is a Professional Engineer and,
therefore, familiar with the concepts under consideration.

2. Purpose
To provide an easy, usable method of producing both Positive and Zero Sequence Impedance
values for short aerial (overhead) lines, three-conductor cables, three-single conductor cables, and
three-single concentric neutral cables.

3. Capabilities
The program will provide Positive Sequence, Zero Sequence or both Positive - and Zero
Impedance values for:

1. Three-Phase, Single Circuit, Short Aerial (Overhead) Lines With Neutral Wire

Return Path options:

a. Earth return only;

b. Neutral return only;

c. Ground Neutral return.

Neutral options:

a. 1 Neutral Conductor;

b. 2 Neutral Conductors.

2. Three-Phase Short Line Consisting of Three-Conductor Cables

Return Path options:

a. Sheath return only;

b. Grounded Sheath-Earth return.

3. Three-Phase Single Circuit Short Line consisting of three-single conductor cables.

Return Path options:

a. Earth return only;

b. Sheath return only;

Short Line Parameters Calculations

c. Grounded Sheath-Earth return.

Sheath options:

a. Open Circuit;

b. Short Circuit (Bonded).

4. Three-single concentric neutral cables with the neutral solidly grounded.

4. Option 1. Aerial (Overhead) Lines

Three-Phase, Single-Circuit, Short Aerial (Overhead) Lines with Neutral Wire;

After selecting the Aerial (Overhead) Lines option from Line Type Options, input information with
regard to the screen instructions.

When entering "Systems" information the user can press the "F2" function key for pick list to select:

Units used:

a. Standard.

Results are in ohms/1000 feet, and will be stored in the Standard

DesignBaseFeeder Data File.

b. Metric.

Results are converted to ohms/1000 meters, and will be stored in the Metric
DesignBase Feeder Data File.

c. Frequency.

in Hz, defaults to DesignBase configuration setting.

If data for the feeder already exist in the DesignBase Feeder Data File, then a warning screen will
present the following:


To Overwrite Existing Data:

N. Do NOT overwrite existing DesignBase Feeder Data (default).

Y. Overwrite existing DesignBase Feeder Data.

Short Line Parameters Calculations

5. Option 2. Three-Conductor Cables

Three-Phase, Three-Conductor Cable.9

After selecting the Three-Conductor option from the Line Type Options, input the required items
according to the screen instructions.

Sheath's resistivity is in ohms/cubic centimeters at the temperature under consideration.

6. Option 3. Three-Single Conductor Cables

Three-Phase, Three-Single Conductor Cables.

After selecting the Three-Single-Conductors option from the Line Type Options, input the required
information according to the screen instructions.

7. Option 4. Three-Single Concentric Neutral Cables, Neutrals Solidly Grounded

After selecting the Three-Single Concentric Neutrals option from the Line Type Options, input the
required information based on the screen instructions.

8. Three-phase Short Line Consisting of a Three-conductor Cable:

8.1 Cable Configuration:

Figure 1

Short Line Parameters Calculations

8.2 Parameters Identification:

Rp = Effective a.c. resistance of a conductor of the cable (with sheath

open) at the temperature and frequency under consideration, in
ohms per 1000 feet.

(GMR)p = G.M.R. of a conductor of the cable at the frequency under

consideration, in feet.

(RAD)i = Inner radius of sheath in feet.

(RAD)o = Outer radius of sheath in feet.

sh = Resistivity of sheath in ohms per cubic centimeter, at the sheath

temperature under consideration.

(GMD)p = Mutual distance between two-phase conductors in feet.

F = Frequency (c/s) under consideration.

= Earth resistivity in ohms per cubic meter.

Rsh = Resistance of sheath in ohms per 1000 feet.

8.3 Positive-sequence Impedance (R1, X1):

R1 = Rp ohms per phase per 1000 feet.

X1 = 0.000882(F) log10 [(GMD) p/(GMR) p] ohms per phase per 1000


8.4 Zero-sequence Impedance (RO, XO):

De = 2160  feet.

(GMR) pg = 3 (GMR ) p (GMD)2 p (1)

(GMD) sep = [(RAD) i+(RAD) o]/2

2o 2i
Rsh = sh/[(RAD) -(RAD) ] ohms per 1000 feet. (2)

NOTE: Skin effect of sheath is assumed to be negligible.

Short Line Parameters Calculations

The equivalent circuit for zero-sequence impedance calculation for three-conductor cables in terms
of actual impedance in ohms per 1000 feet is shown below:

Figure 2

NOTE: To obtain per phase values, actual impedance is to be multiplied by 3.


Rco = Rp/3, Rso = Rsh, Reo = 0.00030113(F) ohms per 1000 feet.

Xco = 0.000882(F)log10[(GMD)sep/(GMR)pg] ohms per 1000 feet.

Xeo = 0.000882(F)log10[De/(GMD)sep] ohms per 1000 feet.

8.4.1 Sheath return only:

RO = 3(Rco+Rso) ohms per phase per 1000 feet.

XO = 3(Xco) ohms per phase per 1000 feet.

8.4.2 Grounded sheath-earth return:

2 2
Gso = 1/Rso, Seo = R eo+X eo, Geo = Reo/Seo, Beo = -Xeo/Seo,
2 2
Gse = Gso+Geo, Bse = Beo, Sse = G se+B se,

Rse = Gse/Sse, Xse = -Bse/Sse,

RO = 3(Rco+Rse) ohms per phase per 1000 feet.

XO = 3(Xco+Xse) ohms per phase per 1000 feet.

Short Line Parameters Calculations

8.5 Reference:

Wagner, C.F. and Evans, R.D., "Symmetrical Components", First edition, pp. 136-157, pp.
163-169, McGraw-Hill.

9. Three-phase Single Circuit Short Aerial (Overhead) Line With Neutral Wire:
9.1 General Configuration:

Figure 3

Conductor identification:

a, b, c are the phase conductors;

1, 2 are the neutral wires.

9.2 Parameters Identification:

Rp = Effective a.c. resistance of a phase conductor at the

frequency and temperature under consideration, per 1000

(GMR)p = G.M.R. of a phase conductor at the frequency under


Dpp1, Dpp2, Dpp3 = Three mutual distances among the phase conductors.

Rn = Effective a.c. resistance of a neutral wire at the frequency

and temperature under consideration, per 1000 feet.

(GMR)n = G.M.R. of a neutral wire at the frequency under

Short Line Parameters Calculations


NNW = Number of neutral wires, up to a maximum of two.

Dpn1, Dpn2,..., Dpnj = Mutual distances from each phase conductor to each
neutral wire where j = 3(NNW).

Dnn = Distance between the two neutral wires (if NNW = 2).

F = Frequency in c/s.

 = Earth resistivity in ohms per cubic meter.

NOTE: All G.M.R.'s and distances are in feet and the resistances are in ohms.

It is assumed that the three-phase line is properly transposed or the effect of asymmetrical
spacing is negligible. The neutral wires (if two) are assumed to be symmetrically located
with respect to the line.

9.3 Positive-sequence Impedance (R1, X1):

(GMD)p = 3 ( Dpp1) ( Dpp2) ( Dpp3) (3)

R1 = Rp ohms per phase per 1000 feet.

X1 = 0.000882(F) log10 [(GMD) p/(GMR) p] ohms per

phase per 1000 feet.

9.4 Zero-sequence Impedance (R0, X0):

(GMR)pg = 3 (GMR ) p (GMD)2 p (4)

De = 2160 feet. (5)

(GMR)ng = (GMR)n, if NNW = 1. (6)

(GMR)ng = (GMR n)( Dnn) if NNW = 2. (7)

(GMD)sep = j (8)
( Dpn1)( Dpn2) . . . ( Dpnj) , j = 3(NNW)

The equivalent circuit for the calculation of zero-sequence impedance for the configuration
shown before in terms of actual impedance in ohms per 1000 feet is:

Short Line Parameters Calculations

Figure 4


Rco = Rp/3

Rno = Rn/NNW

Reo = 0.00030113 (F) ohms

Xco = (F1)(F)log10[(GMD)sep/(GMR)pg] ohms

Xno = (F1)(F)log10[(GMD)sep/(GMR)ng] ohms

Xeo = (F1)(F)log10[De/(GMD)sep] ohms

(Xco + Xeo) = (F1)(F)log10[De/(GMR)pg] ohms


F1 = 0.000882

NOTE: To obtain per phase impedance, actual impedance is to be multiplied by 3.

9.4.1 Earth return only:

RO = 3(Rco+Reo) ohms per phase per 1000 feet.

XO = 3(Xco+Xeo) = 3(F1)(F)log10[De/(GMR)pg] ohms per phase

per 1000 feet.

Short Line Parameters Calculations

9.4.2 Neutral return only:

RO = 3(Rco+Rno) ohms per phase per 1000 feet.

XO = 3(Xco+Xno) ohms per phase per 1000 feet.

9.4.3 Grounded neutral-earth return:

ZO = 3[Zco+(Parallel combination of Zno and Zeo)]

2 2 2 2
Sno = R no+X no; Gno = Rno/Sno; Bno = -Xno/Sno; Seo = R eo+X eo

Geo = Reo/Seo; Beo = -Xeo/Seo; Gone = Gno+Geo; Bone = Bno+Beo;

2 2
Sone = G one+B one; Rone = Gone/Sone; Xone = -Bone/Sone

RO = 3(Rco+Rone) ohms per phase per 1000 feet.

XO = 3(Xco+Xone) ohms per phase per 1000 feet.

9.5 Reference:

Wagner, C.F. and Evans, R.D., "Symmetrical Components", First edition, pp. 136-157, pp.
163-169, McGraw-Hill.

Short Line Parameters Calculations

10. Three-phase Single Circuit Short Line Consisting of Three-single Conductor


10.1 General Configuration:

Figure 5

10.2 Parameters Identification:

Rp = Effective a.c. resistance of a conductor of a cable (with its sheath

open) at the temperature and frequency under consideration, in
ohms per 1000 feet.

(GMR)p = G.M.R. of a conductor of a cable at the frequency under

consideration, in feet.

(RAD)i = Inner radius of the sheath, in feet.

(RAD)o = Outer radius of the sheath, in feet.

sh = Resistivity of sheath in ohms per cubic centimeter at the sheath

temperature under consideration.

Dpp1, Dpp2, Dpp3 = Mutual distances among the three-phase conductors, in feet.

F = Frequency in c/s.

 = Earth resistivity in ohms per cubic meter.

NOTE: It is assumed that three-phases are properly transposed or the effect of

asymmetrical spacing is negligible.

Short Line Parameters Calculations

10.3 Positive-sequence Impedance (R1, X1):

10.3.1 With sheaths open

(GMD)p = 3 ( Dpp1) ( Dpp2) ( Dpp3) (9)

R1 = Rp ohms per phase per 1000 feet.

X1 = 0.000882(F)log10[(GMD)p/(GMR)p] ohms per phase per 1000 feet.

10.3.2 With sheaths short-circuited (Bonded together):

Rsh = Resistance of a sheath in ohms per 1000 feet.

2 2
Rsh = sh/[(RAD) o- (RAD) i] ohms per 1000 feet. (10)

NOTE: Skin effect on sheath is assumed to be negligible.

Xm = Mutual reactance between conductors and sheaths per

phase per 1000 feet.

Xm = 0.000882(F)log10[(2)(GMD)p/[(RAD)o+(RAD)i]] ohms per

phase per 1000 feet.

of sheath = [(RAD)o + (RAD)i]/2
2 2 2
R1 = Rp+[(Xm) (Rsh)/[(Xm) +(Rsh) ]] ohms per phase per 1000 feet.
3 2 2
X1 = 0.000882 (F)log10[(GMD)p/(GMR)p] - [(Xm) /[(Xm) +(Rsh) ]] ohms
per phase per 1000 feet

10.4 Zero-sequence Impedance (RO, XO):

De = 2160  feet.

(RAD)o + (RAD)i
(GMR) pg = 3 (GMR ) p (GMD)2 ; (GMR )sh = (11)
p 2

Separation of a sheath from its conductor = [(RAD)o+(RAD)i]/2 = (SEP)shc

(GMD)sep = 3 (SEP )shc (GMD)2 p (12)

(GMR)pg = GMR of the phase conductors as a group

(GMR)sh = GMR of sheath

Short Line Parameters Calculations

Equivalent circuit for zero-sequence impedance calculation for the cable configuration
shown before in terms of actual impedance per 1000 feet, in ohms:

Figure 6


Rco = Rp/3; Rso = Rsh/3; Reo = 0.00030113(F) ohms per 1000 feet.

Xco = 0.000882(F)log10[(GMD)sep/(GMR)pg] ohms per 1000 feet.

Xeo = 0.000882(F)log10[De/(GMD)sep] ohms per 1000 feet.

Xco+Xeo = 0.000882(F)log10[De/(GMR)pg] ohms per 1000 feet. (13)

NOTE: To obtain per phase impedance, actual impedance is to be multiplied by 3.

10.4.1 Earth return only:

RO = 3(Rco+Reo) ohms per phase per 1000 feet.

XO = 3(Xco+Xeo) = 3(0.000882)(F)log10[De/(GMR)pg] ohms per phase per

1000 feet.

Short Line Parameters Calculations

10.4.2 Sheaths (bonded together) return only:

RO = 3(Rco+Rso) ohms per phase per 1000 feet.

XO = 3(Xco) ohms per phase per 1000 feet.

10.4.3 Grounded Sheath-earth return:

2 2
Gso = 1/Rso; Seo = R eo+X eo; Geo = Reo/Seo; Beo = -Xeo/Seo;
2 2
Gse = Gso+Geo; Bse = Beo; Sse = G se+B se; Rse = Gse/Sse;

Xse = -Bse/Sse.

RO = 3(Rco+Rse) ohms per phase per 1000 feet.

XO = 3(Xco+Xse) ohms per phase per 1000 feet.

10.5 Reference:

Wagner, C.F. and Evans, R.D., "Symmetrical Components", First edition, pp. 198-214,

Short Line Parameters Calculations

11. Mr. G.C. McDonald’s Contribution

Power Analytics Corporation gratefully acknowledges the following work contributed by Mr. Glen
Craig McDonald, P. Eng., Distribution Planning Engineer for the City of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan,


72 KV

Positive- and Zero-Sequence Impedance of 72KV Line.

(Refer to attached sketch of tangent structure.)

1. Spacing between phases is - 132 inches

- 134 inches

- 89 inches

GMD - 116.3 inches-->9.69 ft

2. Spacing between phases and shield is: -180 inches

- 93 inches

-166 inches

3. Assume a 55-foot-pole set seven feet into the ground. height of the lowest conductor would be:

55 ft. - 7 ft. - 14.8 ft. = 33 ft.

 X1e  log10 (2)(33)  = 0.373 (28)

4. The phase conductors are 2/0 ACSR Quail. From the Aluminum Electrical Conductor Handbook
(#81-71410 page 4-27, Library of Congress).

resistance r at

ra--> 75C - 0.9299 ohms/mile - 0.1759 / 1000 ft.

reactance Xa - 0.599 
shunt cap - 0.1182 mega.  ohm/mile - 60 hz. 1 ft. spacing
GMR - 0.0072 

5. Ground cable (shield) is #2 Copperweld (Turan Gönen, "Electrical Power Distribution System
Engineering", McGraw-Hill, Table A7, page 656, ISBN 0-07-023707-7, Library of Congress).

Short Line Parameters Calculations

GMR - 0.00763

rg - at 25C - 0.882 ohm/mile 167.045/1000 ft.

rg - at 50C - 0.979 ohm/mile

induct Xg - 0.592 ohm/mile

Shunt capacitor Xg - 0.1241 mega ohm/mile

Xe(g) = log10(2)(48') = 0.4064 mega ohm/mile (29)

6. Calculate +Z sequence (phase conductors only)

Xd = 0.2799 log10 (GMD)  (30)

= 0.2794 log10 (9.69 ft.)  in ohms/mile
= 0.2756 
Xd = ra + j(Xa = Xd)  (31)

 Z+ve = 0.929 + j(0.599 + 0.2756) (32)

= (0.929 + j0.8746) ohm/mile
= (0.1759 + j0.1656) ohm/1000 ft.

7. Capacitive effect + ve sequence (phase conductors)

X1 = X1a + X1d
= 0.1182 + 0.06831 log10 (9.69 ft.) (33)
= 0.1182 + 0.06737

X1 = X1a + X1d
= 0.1856 mega ohm/mile (34)

Short Line Parameters Calculations

Figure 7

12. Computation of Zero-sequence Impedance Following the Formulas of

Westinghouse Transmission and Distribution Reference Book:

For one ground-wire case:

Zo(a) = ra + re + j(Xe + Xa - 2Xd) per mile per phase (35)


1 f
Xd =  ( 0.2794 log10 dij )
6 60

dij being all possible six distances between phase conductors.

f 1
Xa = .2794 log10 (36)
60 ( GMR ) a

re = .00477f

Short Line Parameters Calculations

3 f 
Xe = x (0.2794) x log10 4.665 x 106 (37)
2 60 f

= .006985f log10 4.665 x 106

At 25C,

ra = .929 /mile

Xe = 2.8879

Xa = .5987

re = .2862

Xd = .27566

Zo(a) = 1.2152 + j2.93528 (38)

Zo(g) = 3rg + re + j(Xe + 3Xg) (39)


f 1
Xg = .2794 log10 (40)
60 ( GMR ) a

At 25C,

rg = .882 /mile

Xg = .59162

Zo(g) = 2.9322 + j4.66276 (41)

= 5.5081  57.84

Zo(ag) = re + j(Xe - 3Xd) (42)


Xd = [Xag1 + Xbg1 + Ccg1] (43)


Xag1 = .004657f log10 dag1, etc.

Xd = .29862

Short Line Parameters Calculations

Zo(ag) = .2862 + j1.99204 (44)

= 2.0125  81.82

Z 0 2 (ag)
Zo = Z0 ( a ) - (45)
Z 0(g)

= 1.2152 + j2.93528 -

= 1.2152 + j2.93528 - .73531  105.8

= 1.2152 + j2.93528 + .20021 - j.70752

= 1.41541 + j2.22776 /mile

= 0.2687 + j0.42192  per 1000 ft.

which match almost exactly the computer results.

As per equation (40) of Westinghouse Transmission and Distribution Reference Book, for n = 1

Zo(ag) = .00477f + j0.01397f log10 (46)
3 (d ag1 d bg1 d cg1)

= .00477f + j0.01397f log10 De - j0.01397 f log10 3 dag1 d bg1 dcg1


De = 2160

Zo(ag) = .00477f + j0.01397f log10 2160 - j0.01397f(1/3)log10 (dag1 dbg1 dcg1) (47)

 1
= .00477f + j0.01397f log10 [4.6656 x 106 ( )] - j0.01397f/3 x 3 x log10 (dag1dbg1dcg1)
f 3

= j3[ x .004657f log10 (dag1 dbg1 dcg1)]

Zo(ag) = .00477f + j0.006895f log10 ( 4.6656 x 106 ) - j3[_( Xag1 Xbg1 + Xcg1 )] (48)


Short Line Parameters Calculations

Xag1 = .004657f log10 dag1 etc. (49)

Zo(ag) = re + j( Xe - 3Xd ) (50)


re = 0.00477f

Xe = 0.006985f log10 ( 4.6656 x 106 ) (51)

Xd = [ Xag1 + Xbg1 + Xcg1 ] (52)

Short Line Parameters Calculations

13. Verification and Validation:

Power Analytics Corp. - (c) Copyright 2012
Job File Name : 2TRANS.MZP Date :
Positive and Zero Sequence Calculation Time :


Project Number :

Units (US, Metric) : US Standard

Frequency : 60
From Node :
To Node :

Feeder Name : EE1

Line Type : 1 - Overhead Lines

Earth Resistance (ohm-ft) : 100.000

Phase Conductor Resistance (ohms/1000ft) : 0.1800000
G.M.R. of Phase Conductor (ft) : 0.0072000

Distance between Phase Conductors (ft)

Conductors 1-2 : 11.0000000

Conductors 2-3 : 7.4200000
Conductors 3-1 : 11.1700000

Calculation Method : 3 - Both Zero and Positive Sequence

Return Type : 3 - Ground Neutral-Earth

Number of Neutral Conductors : 1

Neutral Conductor Resistance (ohms/1000ft) : 0.1670450

G.M.R. of Neutral Conductor (ft) : 0.0076300

Distance from Phase Conductor to 1st Neutral (ft)

Phase 1 to Neutral : 13.8300000
Phase 2 to Neutral : 7.7500000
Phase 3 to Neutral : 15.0000000


Zero Sequence

Resistance (R0) : 0.26416 (Ohms/Phase/1000ft)

Reactance (X0) : 0.40391 (Ohms/Phase/1000ft)

Positive Sequence

Resistance (R1) : 0.18000 (Ohms/Phase/1000ft)

Reactance (X1) : 0.16560 (Ohms/Phase/1000ft)

Short Line Parameters Calculations

Figure 9

Figure 10

Figure 11

Figure 8 Figure 12

Short Line Parameters Calculations

14. Computation of Positive and Zero-sequence Impedances (R & X) for Three-

phase Configuration Consisting of Three-single Concentric Neutral Cables

Power Analytics Corporation gratefully acknowledges the contributions of Mr. Glen C. McDonald
and Ms. Jun Sun, P. Engs. for the City of Saskatoon, Sask., Canada, and of Dr. A. Miah, Associate
Professor at the South Carolina State University, Orangeburg, South Carolina, U.S.A.

The following figure shows the three-phase configuration consisting of three identical single
concentric neutral cables.

Figure 13

The equations which have been used for the computation of Positive and Zero-sequence
impedances are shown in the following pages. The different variables of the equations are identified

GMRa = Geometric mean radius of a phase conductor, in ft.;

GMRn = Geometric mean radius of a single neutral strand, in ft.;

Short Line Parameters Calculations

Ra,Rn = Effective A.C. resistance of a phase conductor and a neutral strand respectively in
ohms/1000 ft. at the temperature and frequency under consideration;

f = Frequency in c/s(Hz) under consideration;

 = Earth resistivity in ohm-meter;

Sab = GMD of the three-phase conductors

= (dab x dbc x dca)1/3, in ft.;

D = Diameter of the circle defined by the neutral strand centers of one concentric
neutral cable, in ft.;

N = Number of neutral strands wrapped around the insulation of one concentric neutral

Kn = Spacing factor

= N N-1

NOTE: For the Metric System of Units, proper conversion factors have been used in the program.

The equations are:

  1  
Zaa-g = r  4.788  10

 2  f  j2  f  4.681  104  6.096  105 log e 
  GMR a
f  

  1  
Zab-g =  4.788  10 5

 2  f  j2  f  4.681  104  6.096  105 log e 
  Sab
f  

 rn 
Znn-g3 =



 3 N + 4.788  10  2 f  + j2 f  4.681  10 + 6.096  10 

 
1  1 
 
  1  5 1
 log
e + loge   6.096  10  log e  ( N  1) log e  (55)
 f 3 2  3N  GMR n KnD 
 S ab   
 2  

Short Line Parameters Calculations

Zan-g3 =  4.788  10-5  2f  + j2f 

  
  
 4.681  10-4 + 6.096  10-5 log  1  
e 
 D 2 f 
 3 S ab 
  2 

rn N 1 2 1 1 1 
Znn-p =  j2 f  6.096  10 5  log e  log e  log e  (57)
N  N K N D N GMR n S ab 

 2 1 
Zan-p = j2 f  6.096 10 5  log e  log e  (58)
 D S ab 

Z 2 an  p
Z13 = Z aag  Z abg  ohms per 1000 ft. (59)
Z nn  p

3Z 2 an g3
Z03 = Z aa g  2Z abg  ohms per 1000 ft. (60)
Z nn g3

Short Line Parameters Calculations

15. Positive and Zero-sequence Impedance Calculation




Cable description: C-500-14.4-C-31

Figure 14


Phase Conductor Resistance (ra) (ac 60Hz at 90C): 0.0275 ohms/1000 ft.

Diameter of Conductor Dc: 0.7890 inches

Strands: 36

Constant based on strands Kg: 0.7678

Dc  Kg
GMRa = : 0.3028971 inches Geometric Mean Radius of the Phase Conductor (61)

GMD : 7.559526 inches

GMD = 3 ( AB x BC x CA ) = 3 ( 6 x 6 x 12) (62)


Neutral Conductor Resistance (rn') (AC 60Hz at 75C): 1.9342638 ohms/1000 ft.

Adjustment for the Lay Length of neutral wires:

15  
rn = rn' x (assuming Lay Length = 15 x Lay Diameter) (63)

= 2.339375

Number of wires N: 26

Neutral wire GMRn: 0.031464 inches Geometric Mean Radius of a single neutral strand.

DO (outside diameter of the neutral): 1.475 inches

Di (inside diameter of the neutral): 1.330 inches

Power Analytics Corp. - (c) Copyright 2012
Job File Name : 4NEUTRAL.MZP Date :

Short Line Parameters Calculations

Positive and Zero Sequence Calculation Time :


Project Number :

Units (US, Metric) : Metric Standard

Frequency : 60
From Node :
To Node :

Feeder Name : TEST4

Line Type : 4 - Three-Single Concentric Neutrals

Earth Resistance (ohm-m) : 10.000

Phase Conductor Resistance (ohms/1000m) : 0.0275000
G.M.R. of Phase Conductor (m) : 0.0252414

Distance between Phase Conductors (m)

Conductors A-B : 0.5000000

Conductors B-C : 0.5000000
Conductors C-A : 1.0000000

Calculation Method : 3 - Both Zero and Positive Sequence

Return Type : 3 - Ground Neutral-Earth

Single Neutral Strand AC Resistance (ohms/m) : 2.3393750

G.M.R. of Single Neutral Strand (m) : 0.0026220
Diameter of Neutral Centers (m) : 0.1168750

Number of Neutral Strands : 26


Zero Sequence

Resistance (R0) : 0.11665 (Ohms/Phase/1000m)

Reactance (X0) : 0.06793 (Ohms/Phase/1000m)

Positive Sequence

Resistance (R1) : 0.09966 (Ohms/Phase/1000m)

Reactance (X1) : 0.09915 (Ohms/Phase/1000m)


Short Line Parameters Calculations


:100 ohms - meter


 1 
 
 N - 1
Spacing factor Kn = N = 1.1391973 (64)

All GMR, GMD and D are in inches.

  12 x  / f 
Zaa-g =  r a + 4.788 x 10-5 x 2 f  + 2 f 4.681x 10-4 + 6.096 x 10-5 1n 
 (65)
  GMRa 

= 0.0455503 + j 0.2668939 ohms/1000 ft.

  12 x  / f 
Zab-g = 4.788 x 10-5 x 2 f  + j2 f 4.681x 10-4 + 6.096 x 10-51n  GMD

= 0.0180503 + j 0.1929589 ohms/1000 ft.

Znn-g 3 =
 rn
 N

 + 4.788 x 10 x 2 f  + j2 f 4.681x 10 + 6.096 x 10 1n
-5 -4 -5
/f (67)

1 1  12 4 x 12 
+6.096x10-51n + 6.096 x 10-5 x 1n  (N- 1)1n 
(GMD )2 3 N  GMR n Kn x ( Do + Di) 

= 0.0480423 + j0.2111278 ohms/1000 ft.

  
   
  12 x 
Zan-g 3 = 4.788 x10-5 x 2 f  + j2 
f 4.681x 10-4 +

6.096 x 10-51n 

f 

  3 D0 + Di x 2  
 
(GMD)  
  4 

= 0.0180503 + j0.2111732 ohms/1000 ft.

rn  N-1 4 x 12 1 12 12 
Znn-p = + j2 f  6.096 10-5  1n + 1n -1n  (69)
N  N K n  ( D 0 + D i ) N GMR n GMD 

= 0.0899760 + j0.0545066 ohms/1000 ft.

 4 x 12 12 
j2 f x 6.096 x 10-5  1n
GMD 
Zan-p = - 1n (70)
 ( D0 + Di )

Short Line Parameters Calculations

= j0.0546428 ohms/1000 ft.

Z13 = Zaa-g - Zab-g - = 0.0617760 + j0.0592289 ohms/ 1000 ft. (71)
Z nn-p

3 Z2an-g 3
Z03 = Zaa-g + 2 Zab-g - = 0.1147475 + j0.0313168 ohms/ 1000 ft. (72)
Z nn-g 3

16. Positive and Zero Sequence Impedance Calculation




Cable Description: C-250-4.16-C-30

Phase Conductor Data:

Figure 15
Phase Conductor Resistance (ra) (AC 60Hz at 90C): 0.0542 ohms/1000 ft.

Diameter of Conductor Dc: 0.5580 inches

Strands: 37

Constant based on strands Kg: 0.7678

 Dc x Kg 
GMRa =   : 0.2142162 inches (73)
 2 

GMD: 1.17 inches

GMD = 3 ( AB x BC x CA ) = 3 ( 1.17 x 1.17 x 1.17 ) (74)


Neutral conductor resistance (rn') (AC 60Hz at 75C): 3.06855 ohms/1000 ft.

Adjustment for the Lay Length of neutral wires:

15 + 
rn’ x (assuming Lay Length = 15  Diameter) = 3.7112364 ohms/1000 ft. (75)

Number of wires N: 24

Neutral Wire GMRn: 0.024961 inches

Short Line Parameters Calculations

Do (outside diameter of the neutral): 0.9950 inches

Di (inside diameter of the neutral): 0.8900 inches



:100 ohms - meter


 1 
 
 N-1 
Spacing factor Kn = N = 1.1481779 (76)

All GMR, GMD and D are in inches.

   
  12 x 
Zaa-g =  
r a + 4.788 x 10-5 x 2 f + 2 f 4.681x 10-4 + 6.096 x 10-51n 
 GMR a
f 
  
  

= 0.0722503 + j0.2748549 ohms/ft.

   
  12 x 
Zab-g =  
4.788 x 10-5 2 f + j2 f 4.681x 10-4 + 6.096 x 10-51n 
  GMD
f 
  
  

= 0.0180503 + j 0.2358377 ohms/ft.

 rn   
 + 4.788 x10 x 2 f  + j2 f 4.681x10 + 6.096 x10 1n
-5 -4 -5
Znn-g 3 = (79)
 3N   f

1 1  12 4 x 12 
+6.096 x10-51n + 6.096 x10-5 x
3N  GMR n 
1n + (N-1)1n
(GMD ) 2 Kn x ( D0 + Di 

= 0.0695952 + j0.2427273 ohms/1000 ft

Short Line Parameters Calculations

  
   
  12 x 
Zan-g 3 = 4.788 x10-5 x 2 f  + j2 
f 4.681x 10-4 +

-5 
6.096 x 10 1n 
 D0 + Di
f 


x (GMD ) 2  
  4 

= 0.0180503 + j0.2428039 ohms/1000 ft.

rn N - 1 4 x 12 1 12 12 
Znn-p = + j 2 f x 6.096 x10-5  1n + 1n -1n 
N  N Kn x ( D0 + Di ) N GMR n GMD 

= 0.1546346 + j0.0206688 ohms/1000 ft. (81)

 4 x 12 12 
Zan-p = j2 fx 6.096 x 10-5 1n - 1n  (82)
 ( DO + Di) GMD 

= j0.0208986 ohms/1000 ft.

Z13 = Zaa-g - Zab-g - = 0.0569748 + j0.0386463 ohms/1000 ft. (83)
Z nn-p

3 Z2an-g 3
Z03 = Zaa-g + 2 Zab-g - = 0.2002247 + j0.0482579 ohms/1000 ft. (84)
Z nn-g 3

Longhand Program % Deviance

Zero Sequence

R0 0.2002247 0.19925 0

X0 0.482579 0.4977 0

Positive Sequence

R1 0.0569748 0.05697 0

X1 0.0386463 0.03865 0

Program and longhand calculation results match 100%

Short Line Parameters Calculations

Power Analytics Corp. - (c) Copyright 2012

Job File Name : 5NEUTRAL.MZP Date :
Positive and Zero Sequence Calculation Time :


Project Number :

Units (US, Metric) : US Standard

Frequency : 60
From Node :
To Node :

Feeder Name : TEST5

Line Type : 4 - Three-Single Concentric Neutrals

Earth Resistance (ohm-ft) : 100.000

Phase Conductor Resistance (ohms/1000ft) : 0.0542000
G.M.R. of Phase Conductor (ft) : 0.0178513

Distance between Phase Conductors (ft)

Conductors A-B : 0.0975000

Conductors B-C : 0.0975000
Conductors C-A : 0.0975000

Calculation Method : 3 - Both Zero and Positive Sequence

Return Type : 3 - Ground Neutral-Earth

Single Neutral Strand AC Resistance (ohms/1000ft) : 3.7112364

G.M.R. of Single Neutral Strand (ft) : 0.0020800
Diameter of Neutral Centers (ft) : 0.0785410

Number of Neutral Strands : 24


Zero Sequence

Resistance (R0) : 0.19925 (Ohms/Phase/1000ft)

Reactance (X0) : 0.04977 (Ohms/Phase/1000ft)

Positive Sequence

Resistance (R1) : 0.05697 (Ohms/Phase/1000ft)

Reactance (X1) : 0.03865 (Ohms/Phase/1000ft)

Short Line Parameters Calculations

17. Nomenclature for Equations

D = diameter of the circle defined by the neutral strand centers of one concentric neutral cable
(see Figure 1, page 3) in feet. Values of D can be derived from information published in
cable manufacturers' catalogues.

f = frequency - Hertz

GMRa, = Geometric Mean Radius of the phase conductor (subscript a) and a single neutral strand
GMRn (subscript n) - in feet. GMRa is readily available from tables such as those in References 1,
3, and 5. GMRn can also be obtained from tables but, since each strand has a solid, circular
cross section, it is readily calculated using GMRa = .3894dn, where dn is the diameter of a
single neutral strand in feet (see Figure 1).

j = the complex operator, 1 90

KN = spacing factor which, when multiplied by D/2, gives the geometric mean spacing among the
N neutral strands of one concentric neutral cable. KN is obtained from the expression

N = number of neutral strands wrapped around the insulation of one concentric neutral cable
(see cable manufacturers' catalogues).

ra,rn = resistance of the phase conductor (subscript a) and a single neutral strand (subscript n) -
ohms/1000 feet (see cable manufacturers' catalogs). There should be a c resistance values
calculated for the expected operating temperatures of the phase and neutral conductors.
They should include skin effect and proximity effect, wherever these effects can be readily

re = ohms/1000 ft.

 = earth resistivity - ohms meter.

Sab = geometric mean spacing of the three-phase conductors - feet. Referring to Figure 1,

Zaa-g, = self impedance of a phase conductor (subscript aa) and self impedance of a group of
Znn-g3 paralleled neutral strands (subscript nn) with earth return - ohms/1000 feet.

Short Line Parameters Calculations

Zab-g3, = mutual impedance between two conductors or two groups of conductors with earth return-
Zan-g3ohms/1000 feet. Subscripts a and b denote phase conductors and subscript n denotes a
group of neutral conductors. In a three-phase circuit there are actually three mutual
impedances among the three-phase conductors: Zab-g, Zbc-g, and Zca-g. However, in Equation
(A2) the use of a geometric mean spacing Sab instead of the actual interphase spacing means
that the resulting value of Zab-g is the arithmetic mean of the three actual values. In a similar
sense Zan-g3 is an average of the three actual mutual impedances that exist between each of
the three- phase conductors and the entire group of neutral conductors.

Zan-p = positive sequence mutual impedance between the phase conductors of the cable and their
concentric neutrals - ohms/1000 feet.*

Znn-p = positive sequence self impedance of the three-phase circuit formed by the concentric
neutrals of the cables - ohms/1000 feet.*

Z13, = positive and zero sequence impedance, respectively, of a three-phase concentric neutral
Zo3 circuit ohms/1000 feet.

* When positive sequence currents flow in the phase conductors of a three-phase concentric
neutral circuit induced currents will circulate between each phase's neutral and the earth
return path. The magnitude of this current depends upon neutral resistance, interphase
spacing, and the diameter of the circle of centers of concentric neutral strands. In turn, the
positive sequence impedance of the circuit is modified by the magnitude of these neutral
currents. Z an-p/Zna-p is the factor which reflects the effect of neutral circulating current on the
positive sequence impedance of three-phase concentric neutral cable. On an overhead
open wire transmission or distribution circuit this effect is negligible. Recent studies have
shown that it is not negligible for the close spacing associated with concentric neutral cable.

Short Line Parameters Calculations

18. References
1. Clarke, Edith, Circuit Analysis of A-C Power Systems, Vol. I, John Wiley and Sons, New
York, 1943.

2. Clarke, Edith, Circuit Analysis of A-C Power Systems, Vol. II, John Wiley and Sons, New
York, 1943.

3. Wagner, C. F., and R. D. Evans, Symmetrical Components, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New
York, 1933.

4. Stevenson, W. D., Jr., Elements of Power System Analysis, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New
York, 1955.

5. Electrical Transmission and Distribution Reference Book, Westinghouse Electric

Corporation, Pittsburgh, Fourth Edition, 1964.

6. Smith, D. R., and J. L. Barger, "Impedance and Circulating Current Calculations for UD
Multi-Wire Concentric Neutral Circuits," IEEE Conference Record of 1971 Conference on
Underground Distribution, September 27-October 1, 1971, Detroit, Michigan, pp. 130-138.

7. Edison Electric Institute and the Bell Telephone System, Engineering Reports of the Joint
Subcommittee on Development and Research, Vol. II, Report No. 14.

8. Edison Electric Institute and the Bell Telephone System, Engineering Reports of the Joint
Subcommittee on Development and Research, Vol. IV, Report No. 37.

9. "Rome Cable UD Technical Manual," Third Edition, Rome Cable Co., Rome, N.Y., 13440.

10. IEEE Power Group, Conference Record (69C1-PWR) and Conference Record
Supplement (69C1-PWR (SUP.)) for the Special Technical Conference on Underground
distribution, Anaheim, California, May 12-16, 1969.

11. Ramo, S. and J. R. Whinnery, Fields and Waves in Modern Radio, 2nd edition, John Wiley
& Sons, Inc., New York, 1953.

Short Line Parameters Calculations

19. Standalone Short Line Parameters Tutorial

Neutral 1 Neutral 2






18 18

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

Figure 16 Tutorial Case Study (File: shtln.mzp)

This tutorial will illustrate the step-by-step procedure required to calculate the following short-line
parameters using Power Analtyic's "Short Line Parameters Calculation" program:

1. Zero Sequence Resistance & Reactance

2. Positive Sequence Resistance & Reactance

The tutorial is based on a 3-phase circuit equipped with two neutral return conductors. Figure 23 shows
the geometrical/structural configuration of the circuit. All the dimensions shown in the figure are
expressed in feet. General data for each circuit follows:

Line Type: Overhead Line

Earth Resistance (ohm-ft): 100.000
Ph. Cond. Res. (ohms/1000ft): 0.0445070
G.M.R. of Phase Conductor (ft): 0.0277000
Return Type: 2 Neutral Conductors

Short Line Parameters Calculations

Distance between Phase Conductors:

Conductors 1-2: 18.00 ft.

Conductors 2-3: 18.00 ft.
Conductors 3-1: 36.00 ft.

No. of Neutral Cond.: 2

Distance between Neutral Conductors: 18.00 ft

Neutral Cond. Res. (ohms/1000ft): 0.0445070

G.M.R. of Neutral Conductor (ft): 0.0277000

Distance from Phase Conductor to 1st Neutral:

Phase 1 to Neutral: 13.45 ft.

Phase 2 to Neutral: 13.45 ft.
Phase 3 to Neutral: 28.80 ft.

Distance from Phase Conductor to 2nd Neutral:

Phase 1 to Neutral: 28.80 ft.

Phase 2 to Neutral: 13.45 ft.
Phase 3 to Neutral: 13.45 ft.

1.1 From the Power Analytics TECHNICAL 2004 main menu screen invoke the Short Line
Parameters program as follows:

> Select Analysis / Miscellaneous Analysis / Line Constants / Short Line Parameters

Short Line Parameters Calculations

1.2 Once in the Positive and Zero Sequence Calculation program main menu, proceed to create
the new file as follows:

> Select File / Select New

1.3 Once in the Enter Data screen proceed as follows:

> From the Select a Page field select Job Title

> In the Project Num. field type the appropriate job id. Number - Tutorial 99

> In the Feeder Name field type the appropriate label for the feeder being studied - Tutorial

Short Line Parameters Calculations

> In the Job Title field type an appropriate description for the project

> In the From Node field type the node id. from which the feeder originates - 1

> In the To Node field type the destination node id. - 2

> Return to the Select a Page field and select Line Type

1.4 As the program displays the Line Data information screen enter the data pertaining to the line as

> From the Line Type picklist select 1 - Overhead Lines

> From the Calculation Method field select Both (for Positive & Zero Sequence)

> From the Unit Type field select US

> In the Frequency (Hz) field type 60

> In the Earth Resistance (ohm-ft) field type 100

> In the Phase Conductor Resistance (ohms/1000 ft) field type 0.0445070

> In the G.M.R of Phase Conductor (ft) field type 0.0277000 (Geometric Mean Radius)

> Return to the Select a Page field and select Return Type

Short Line Parameters Calculations

1.5 Proceed to describe the type of current return path according to the following procedure:

> From the Return Type picklist select 2 - Neutral

> Notice that once Neutral is selected a new page named Neutral appears in the Select a page
field. This will allow the user to enter the neutral conductor(s) information.

> Proceed to enter the Distance between Phase Conductors (ft) information as follows:

> Conductor 1 - 2: 18.00 (ft) (Refer to Figure 23)

> Conductor 2 - 3: 18.00 (ft) (Refer to Figure 23)
> Conductor 3 - 1: 36.00 (ft) (Refer to Figure 23)

> Return to the Select a Page field and select Neutral

1.6 Finally, proceed to define the neutral current return-circuit according to the following guidelines:

Short Line Parameters Calculations

> In the Number of Neutral Conductors field select 2

> In the Neutral Conductor Resistance (ohms/1000 ft) field type 0.0445070

> In the G.M.R of Neutral Conductor (ft) field type 0.0277000 (Geometric Mean Radius)

> In the Distance between Neutral Conductors (ft) field type 18.00 (Refer to Figure 23)

> Proceed to enter the Distance form Phase Conductor to Neutrals (ft) information as follows:

1st Neutral 2nd Neutral

Phase 1 13.45 ft 28.80 ft
Phase 2 13.45 ft 13.45 ft
Phase 3 28.80 ft 13.45 ft

> The above distances can be calculated based on the dimensions specified in Figure 23.

> Press .

1.7 Once the data input process is concluded, proceed to save the file according to the following

> Select File / Save As

> In the File Name field type "shtln.mzp"

> Press

Short Line Parameters Calculations

1.8 Once the file has been input and saved, the main menu screen space shows a summary of the
data. At this point the program is ready to run the calculations. To do so, follow this procedure:

> Select Output / Calculate

> Or simply select the icon

1.9 Once the calculations are completed, the results are shown in the output screen. With the aid of
the tool bar menu, the user has the following options: Scroll up and down to read the results, Print
the results, and Save the results to either a Feeder file or Text file

Short Line Parameters Calculations

1.10 To save the results to a feeder file, proceed as follows:

> Select Output / Save to Feeder File

1.11 If the output is saved to a feeder file Power Analytics Corporation will acknowledge by means of
the above dialog box. Press .

Short Line Parameters Calculations

1.12 To save the results to a text file proceed as follows:

> Select Output / Save to Text File

1.13 Proceed to save the results into the text file according to the following procedure:

> In the File Name field type "shtln.txt"

> Press

Short Line Parameters Calculations

1.14 Following are the results of the analysis:

Power Analytics Corp. - (c) Copyright 2012

Job File Name : SHTLN.MZP Date :
Positive and Zero Sequence Calculation Time :

Job Title : Tutorial Exercise for Short Line Parameter Calculations

Power Analytics Corporation
January 1999

Project Number : Tutorial 99

Units (US, Metric) : US Standard

Frequency : 60
From Node : 1
To Node : 2

Feeder Name : Tutorial Feeder

Line Type : 1 - Overhead Lines

Earth Resistance (ohm-ft) : 100.000

Phase Conductor Resistance (ohms/1000ft) : 0.0445070
G.M.R. of Phase Conductor (ft) : 0.0277000

Distance between Phase Conductors (ft)

Conductors 1-2 : 18.0000000

Conductors 2-3 : 18.0000000
Conductors 3-1 : 36.0000000

Calculation Method : 3 - Both Zero and Positive Sequence

Return Type : 2 - Neutral

Number of Neutral Conductors : 2

Distance between Neutral Conductors (ft) : 18.0000000

Neutral Conductor Resistance (ohms/1000ft) : 0.0445070

G.M.R. of Neutral Conductor (ft) : 0.0277000

Distance from Phase Conductor to 1st Neutral (ft)

Phase 1 to Neutral : 13.4500000
Phase 2 to Neutral : 13.4500000
Phase 3 to Neutral : 28.8000000

Distance from Phase Conductor to 2nd Neutral (ft)

Phase 1 to Neutral : 28.8000000
Phase 2 to Neutral : 13.4500000
Phase 3 to Neutral : 13.4500000


Zero Sequence

Resistance (R0) : 0.11127 (Ohms/Phase/1000ft)

Reactance (X0) : 0.35633 (Ohms/Phase/1000ft)

Positive Sequence

Resistance (R1) : 0.04451 (Ohms/Phase/1000ft)

Reactance (X1) : 0.15416 (Ohms/Phase/1000ft))

Short Line Parameters Calculations

20. Network-Based Short Line Parameters Calculations

Neutral 1 Neutral 2






18 18

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

Figure 17 Short Line Under Study

This tutorial will illustrate the step-by-step procedure required to calculate the following short-line
parameters using DesignBase Technical 2004 "Short Line Parameters Calculation" program:

1. Zero Sequence Resistance & Reactance

2. Positive Sequence Resistance & Reactance

The tutorial is based on a 3-phase circuit equipped with two neutral return conductors. The above figure
(Figure 24) shows the geometrical/structural configuration of the circuit. All the dimensions shown in the
figure are expressed in feet. General data for each circuit is shown in the next page.

Short Line Parameters Calculations

Overhead Line Electrical and Physical Topology Data

▪ Line Type: Overhead Line

▪ Earth Resistance (ohm-ft): 100.000

▪ Ph. Conductor Resistance (Ω/1000ft): 0.0445070

▪ G.M.R. of Phase Conductor (ft): 0.0277000

▪ Return Type: 2 Neutral Conductors

▪ Distance between Phase Conductors:

▪ Conductors 1-2: 18.00 ft.

▪ Conductors 2-3: 18.00 ft.
▪ Conductors 3-1: 36.00 ft.

▪ No. of Neutral Conductors: 2

▪ Distance between Neutrals: 18.00 ft

▪ Neutral Cond. Res. (Ω /1000ft): 0.0445070

▪ G.M.R. of Neutral Conductor (ft): 0.0277000

▪ Distance from Phase Conductor to 1st Neutral:

▪ Phase 1 to Neutral: 13.45 ft.

▪ Phase 2 to Neutral: 13.45 ft.
▪ Phase 3 to Neutral: 28.80 ft.

▪ Distance from Phase Conductor to 2nd Neutral:

▪ Phase 1 to Neutral: 28.80 ft.

▪ Phase 2 to Neutral: 13.45 ft.
▪ Phase 3 to Neutral: 13.45 ft.

Short Line Parameters Calculations

Short Line Parameters Calculations

Step 5. Step 4.
Proceed to enter all the pertinent descriptive data for the Select “Job Title”.
9. study, as shown in this example.
Proceed to describe the electrical characteristics of the line Step 8.
(Overhead Line) under study as well as the “Units” and the Select the “Line Type”
“Calculation Method” required. Proceed as indicated here. editor.

Step 6.
Select “Save As”.
Step 11.
Proceed to describe the return type (Neutral) and the Step 10.
distance between the phase conductors of the line. Select the “Return Type”
Proceed as indicated here. editor.
This data is
updated from the
job file’s single
line diagram.

Step 7.
Assign an appropriate name
for the file, and select the
folder in which it is to be
stored. Press “OK”.

Short Line Parameters Calculations

Step 13. Step 12.

Proceed to select the number of neutral conductors (2) and Select the “Neutral” editor.
describe their electrical characteristics. Enter the distance
between each phase conductors with respect to each of the neutral
conductors. Proceed as indicated here.

Step 14.
Once the data entry process has been completed, select “Save” and then select “OK”.

Step 15.
Once the “OK” button is pressed, the
program returns to the feeder editor.
Select the “Short Circuit” tab, and the
sequence impedance results calculated by
the program have been automatically
calculated and updated as shown here.

Short Line Parameters Calculations

Step 16.
To add this feeder data to a library,
select the library in which it is to be
saved and then select “Save to
Library”. In this example the feeder
will be saved to the default
“DesignBase” “Standard” library under
the “Transmission Line” description.

Step 19.
Select “OK”.
Step 18.
Specify the “Resistance” and
“Reactance” correction factors as

Step 17.
Select the specific library to be
used. In this example, select “US

Short Line Parameters Calculations

Short Line Parameters Calculations

2.1 Editing and Existing Network-Based Study

Short Line Parameters Calculations

Short Line Parameters Calculations

3.0 Standalone Short Line Parameters Calculation

Short Line Parameters Calculations
Step 4.
Proceed to enter all the pertinent descriptive data for the
line under study, as shown in this example. Step 3.
Select “Job Title”.
Step 8. Step 7.
Proceed to describe the electrical characteristics of the line under Select the “Line Type”
study as well as the “Units” and the “Calculation Method” editor.
required. Proceed as indicated here.

Step 5.
Select “Save As”.
Step 10.
Proceed to describe the return type and the distance Step 9.
between the phase conductors of the line under study. Select the “Return Type”
Proceed as indicated here. editor.

This data is manually

entered and customized by
the user.

Step 6.
Assign an appropriate name
for the file, and select the
folder in which it is to be
stored. Press “OK”.

Short Line Parameters Calculations

Step 12. Step 11.

Proceed to select the number of neutral conductors (2) and Select the “Neutral” editor.
describe their electrical characteristics. Enter the distance
between each phase conductors with respect to each of the neutral
conductors. Proceed as indicated here.

Step 13.
Once the data entry process has been completed, select “Save” and then select “OK”.

Step 14.
To run the analysis, select the
“Running Man” icon.

Step 15.
The results of the calculation are
shown here in red.

Short Line Parameters Calculations

Step 16.
An alternate way to run the analysis is by
selecting “Output/Calculate”. This will produce
the same results shown in step 16.

Step 20.
To create a text output report of the analysis,
select “Save to Text File.
Step 21.
Assign a name and a folder
location for the text output file as
indicated here. Select “OK”.

Step 22.
To view the output report, open the
text file using the windows
“Notepad” or any other word
processor of preference.
Step 17.
To edit any section of the input data, select
“Edit/Edit…” or simply click on the “Edit” icon.

Step 18.
Proceed to modify and re-run the
analysis as required.

Step 19.
Once the data entry process and the final
calculations have been completed, select

Short Line Parameters Calculations

Step 23.
To save the newly created feeder file into an
DesignBase library, select “Save to Feeder File”.

Step 24.
Proceed as indicated in steps 16 to 21.

Short Line Parameters Calculations


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