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Sustainable Lighting

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licht.wissen 20 Sustainable Lighting



“Will you please stop building the way you build!”

Frei Otto, 1977

The earliest reference to “sustained use” in print appears in a book by Carl von Carlowitz
published in 1713. The author’s thoughts were on the need to make economical use of
forestry resources – to cut down only as much timber as could be grown to replace it.
Around 300 years later, the Google search engine lists more than 40 million hits for the word
“sustainability”. The issue has become a priority for our society in recent decades. How do
we secure the future for future generations? How do we manage our environment so that
natural resources are conserved, economically acceptable solutions found and sustainable
social development ensured?

For the German Sustainable Building Council – DGNB – the word sustainability sums up
our core objectives, which include committing the whole of society to taking responsibility
for present problems such as climate change and resource depletion and not leaving them
for future generations to deal with. Our concept of sustainability goes beyond the traditional
three-pillar model that considers ecology, economy and user comfort. The design and
realisation of sustainable buildings and urban districts also takes account of functional and
technological aspects, processes and even location.

We want to sensitise and win over the public to the idea that sustainable building will be
taken for granted in the future and we want to show how the design and construction pro-
cess can be managed to achieve that. Every resident and every building can help promote
sustainability. Light – both natural and artificial – plays an important role in defining the quality
of architecture and the way it is perceived. Controlling the “intangible” qualities of light in
indoor and outdoor spaces presents a special challenge for designers. Spatial impact aside,
high-quality lighting with efficient light sources and intelligent technology is an important
criterion for successful certification. This is clearly shown by the many buildings and urban
developments that have been awarded the DGNB seal of approval in recent years.

The DGNB acknowledges the importance of light and its relevance for sustainable building,
amongst other things by introducing the criteria profile “Visual Comfort”. At universities, the
basics of light and the integration of lighting concepts into architectural designs are important
subject areas of bachelor’s and master’s degree courses.

Students are keenly interested in the phenomenon of light, so where lighting is harnessed to
enhance quality of space, sustainability naturally becomes an architectural issue.

I therefore welcome this new licht.wissen 20, which provides important information and
practical examples of sustainable lighting for the design and construction process.

Prof. Anett-Maud Joppien, Dipl.-Ing. M. Arch.

Vice Chairwoman of the DGNB, Professor at Technische Hochschule Darmstadt

licht.wissen 20 Sustainable Lighting

Green light for

the future
Page 6

Light for greater

Page 10

Light for liveable

Page 12

Light – building
block of
Page 14

Sustainable value
Page 16

From raw
material to
Page 18

Lighting comfort
and efficiency
Page 22

New lighting for

old premises
Page 30

Green light for

Page 32

Page 36 licht.wissen 04 Licht im Büro, motivierend und effizient


Jedes Heft! €

Die Schriftenreihe von

licht.wissen 10
Notbeleuchtung, Sicherheitsbeleuchtung

Imprint 52 Seiten über Not- und Sicherheitsbeleuchtung:

Heft 10 informiert über relevante Normen und
Vorschriften, erklärt licht- und elektrotechnische
Anforderungen und belegt mit zahlreichen Anwen-
dungsbeispielen die Bedeutung der Sicherheits-

Page 38

licht.wissen 20 Sustainable Lighting


Aspects of sustainable lighting

Environmental Economic Social

nature conservation capital health
climate protection return on investment safety
resource conservation conservation of value quality of life

Sustainable lighting
energy efficiency low power costs high quality of light
avoidance of light pollution long life high user comfort
emission control low maintenance greater sense of wellbeing
recycling improved productivity through lighting tailored to requirements
better light


Green light for the future
In the past, sustainability mainly meant protecting the environment. But action that is really sustainable also takes
account of economic and social issues. Modern lighting technology makes a valuable contribution here.

Sustainable action is as old as mankind. In Development). In 1992, at the first major

the daily fight for survival, stone-age man in sustainability conference in Rio, an interna-
Africa filled ostrich eggs with water and tional partnership for sustainable develop-
buried them for when times were hard. In ment was created defining global sustain-
antiquity, highly skilled architects and mas- ability goals and measures – from poverty
ter-builders sought to create structures that reduction to species conservation.
would last forever. Even today, pyramids
and Roman aqueducts withstand natural Since then, sustainability has been suc-
disasters and erosive forces and are good cessfully conveyed from the abstract politi-
examples of sustainable architecture. cal level to the heart of society. Initiatives
such as the UN Carbon Discloser Project
But the human race has not always man- ( drive sustainable
aged its affairs in a sustainable manner. action forward. In Germany, guidance for
Wood was one of the first natural resources national sustainability strategy has been
to fall victim to the advance of civilisation, provided since 2001 by the German Coun-
as swathes of barren terrain around the cil for Sustainable Development
Mediterranean still testify today. Despite (
that fact – or perhaps because of it – it is to
forestry that we owe our modern concept Apart from politicians and non-governmen-
of sustainability. A Saxon mining adminis- tal organisations, many companies are also
trator called Hans Carl von Carlowitz coined committed to the sustainability cause: eco-
the phrase “sustained use” (“nachhaltende nomical use of resources, personnel pro-
Nutzung”) in his book “Sylvicultura oeco- tection and development, transparency and
nomica” published in 1713. He proposed a integrity are now inherent components of
simple rule: cut down only as much timber corporate social responsibility. Products
as can be grown to replace it – the blue- need to meet stringent criteria in terms of
print for a self-sustaining economic system. environmental friendliness and cost-benefit
Environmental issues are still central to the
sustainability debate today. Economic The impact of climate change
growth after the Second World War was on the debate
achieved at the cost of massive environ- The greenhouse effect and climate change
mental damage. Problems such as water have injected a new dynamism into the
pollution and forest dieback became in- international debate on sustainability. At the
creasingly urgent, until finally they were ad- Kyoto Conference in 1997, many industrial
dressed by politicians at international level. countries committed for the first time to
The UN Conference on the Human Environ- take action specifically designed to mitigate
ment held in Stockholm in 1972 marked the climate change. Even though individual
birth of international environment policy. actors such as Canada subsequently with-
drew from the Kyoto Protocol, its provisions
Three pillars: are binding for most parties to the conven-
environment, economy, social tion through to 2020.
[02] Modern lighting technology helps meet It quickly became clear that sustainability is
human needs and can contribute a great not confined to environmental issues alone. The EU has become a pioneer in climate
deal to sustainable development. Today, the three-pillar model of sustainabil- protection. By 2020, it intends to reduce
ity, focusing on environment, economy and energy consumption by 20 percent com-
[03] Sustainable lighting is environmentally
benign, makes economic sense and pro- the social dimension, is widely accepted pared to 1990 levels, which will cut carbon
motes a sense of wellbeing by delivering light (Source: Brundtland Report – Report of the emissions by 780 million metric tons.
tailored to needs. UN World Commission on Environment and Helping it work towards that target are

licht.wissen 20 Sustainable Lighting


resolutions such as Ecodesign Directive ment and automated processes alone. The
2009/125/EC, which sets out requirements technology needed to do so is already
for energy related products. It provides a available. The government has recognised
basis, for example, for eliminating inefficient this opportunity and supports switchover
light sources from the European market. projects, e.g. by offering grants for LED
based municipal lighting installations.
With this heightened commitment to cli-
mate protection, energy management has The investment is worthwhile because
become a core issue of sustainability. In modern lighting technology can make an
Germany, new impetus has been given to important contribution to sustainable devel-
this development by the phasing-out of opment. Efficient light sources, optimised
nuclear power and the ambition to trans- luminaires and electronic control systems
form the country’s energy sector by cutting conserve natural resources, are largely
fossil fuel consumption and developing recyclable and reduce costs. They also
regenerative energy sources. provide better light for the performance of
visual tasks and promote wellbeing.
Modern lighting technology contributes
to sustainability With lighting technology, the entire lighting
One of the biggest resources, however, is industry has joined the vanguard of the sus-
energy efficiency – because the best alter- tainability movement. Self-imposed sustain-
native source of energy is unused energy. ability targets are regularly documented and
The figures speak for themselves: accord- monitored in reports.
ing to the German Electrical and Electronic
Manufacturers’ Association (ZVEI), electric- 쐍 Environment: The lighting sector plays
ity consumption in Germany could be re- an important role in the drive to meet the
duced by 80 billion kilowatt/hours a year by climate targets of the Kyoto Protocol. The
improving the efficiency of electrical equip- development of resource-saving lighting


Percentage of global electricity

technology is an integral part of its sus- 쐍 Research and development: In labora- consumption attributable to
tainability strategy. LEDs, ballasts and tories and development departments, lighting
other “green” products that are sustain- lighting manufacturers work on even more 85 %
ably manufactured and save energy figure efficient, even better-performing techno-
prominently in the portfolio of many mem- logies, thus translating the idea of sustain-
bers of the ZVEI Lighting Division. As for ability into long-lasting user-friendly prod-
production operations, many companies ucts that make sparing use of resources.
comply with the environmental require-
ments contained in international stan- Many manufacturers in the lighting industry
dards such as ISO 14001. comply with international corporate stan-
dards in their daily operations. Those
쐍 Corporate Governance: Written guide- standards include ISO 9001 for quality
lines ensure that companies act ethically management as well as ISO 14001 and
and behave responsibly towards em- 50001 for environmental and energy man- Lighting
ployees and customers. This includes agement. The manufacturers’ commitment 15 %
ensuring and monitoring compliance with benefits everyone involved: for the con-
Source: International Energy Agency ©
health and safety rules. sumer, for instance, ISO 9001 certification 06
provides a guarantee of high-quality prod-
쐍 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): ucts; companies profit from guidelines that [04 + 05] The development of resource-
The lighting sector seeks social dialogue – lower error rates and costs – and compli- saving lighting technology is an integral
with customers at trade fairs or local ser- ance with ISO 50001 and ISO 14001 re- part of the lighting industry’s sustainability
vice points, with scientists at conferences duces the pressure on the environment and strategy.
and research projects. It furnishes exper- climate.
[06] According to the International Energy
tise in standards committees and associ-
Agency/ United Nations Environment Pro-
ations. Companies take responsibility for gramme (IEA/UNEP, spring 2014), lighting
their employees by investing in health and accounts for 15 percent of global electricity
safety management and further training. consumption.

licht.wissen 20 Sustainable Lighting

Light for greater sustainability

Modern light sources such as LEDs require little energy and thus ease the pressure on the climate system.
But green lighting technology can do even more. It achieves impressive eco-balances, cuts costs and makes for
a better quality of life.

According to figures published by the Inter- with daylight, presence control and thus
national Energy Agency (IEA), lighting is greater lighting comfort. Electronic control
responsible for around 15 percent of global offers the greatest savings potential. With
electricity consumption and nearly five per- it, energy consumption can be reduced
cent of global greenhouse gas emissions. by as much as 70 percent.

At the same time, energy consumption is 쐍 Raw materials need to be used carefully
significantly higher than it needs to be. so that they can later be reclaimed for
According to the European Commission re use. In the case of LEDs, this applies to
Green Paper “Lighting the Future” (2011), the electronics; with fluorescent lamps, it
around 75 percent of all lighting installa- applies to rare earths and mercury and
tions in Europe are more than 25 years old. with luminaires, aluminium, iron, plastics
So the saving potentials are high. In 2009, and glass. The lighting industry favours
the ZVEI calculated that around 1.4 million the use of recyclable or reclaimable mate-
metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions rials and takes maximum care to ensure
could be avoided and costs of around that harmful substances are avoided in
400 million euros saved on street lighting strict accordance with the regulations in
alone. The figures show that efficient light- place.
ing technology can make a real difference
in mitigating climate change. But sustain- 쐍 Recycling systems ensure that compo-
able lighting can do even more: nents such as glass or metal can be
reused at the end of a product’s life cycle.
쐍 LEDs not only save energy; they combine
high lighting quality with longevity. In out- 쐍
Professional lighting design guarantees
door lighting, they avoid light pollution and that lighting is tailored to needs. In offices
do not interfere with nocturnal insects. and manufacturing premises, standard-
LED technology also has an impressive compliant lighting makes for optimal
eco-balance. More than 90 percent of an working conditions and thus helps create
LED light source’s total carbon footprint is added value. Technical stipulations are
generated in operation; only two percent taken into account; so are users’ needs
is required for its manufacture. LEDs offer and requirements.
many advantages, which is why the
McKinsey study “Lighting the way” (2011) 쐍 Sustainably designed light meets
forecasts that LEDs will account for human needs. It ensures safety on roads
70 percent of light source sales by 2020. and in public places, it safeguards our
health when we are at work and play, it
쐍 Luminaires with a high light output ratio impacts positively on our sense of well-
Literature on the subject and a long life save electricity and mainte- being and it thus makes for a better
nance costs. Reduced luminaire dimen- quality of life.
Hans Carl von Carlowitz: “Sylvicultura oecono- sions and recyclable materials such as
mica”, 1713. aluminium and glass conserve valuable
resources. The recyclability of luminaires
Brundlandt Report of the UN World Commission on is taken into account right at the product
Environment and Development: “Our common future”, development stage.
쐍 Lighting management, combined with
McKinsey Report: “Lighting the way”, 2011. electronic operating devices, permits vari- [07] Efficient lighting makes an important
able lighting scenes, perfect coordination contribution to protecting the environment.


licht.wissen 20 Sustainable Lighting


Light for liveable cities

Cities worldwide are plagued by a whole range of problems: air pollution, road congestion, social tensions.
Modern lighting eases the pressure on carbon balances and municipal budgets. But above all it helps make for
a better quality of life for residents.

Astronauts at the International Space Station Sustainable lighting for the urban modern control technology, energy con-
(ISS) are witnesses of a global trend. At night environment sumption has been cut by 62 percent. The
and when visibility is good, they see the Modern lighting technology makes an im- project has won the town the EU „Green-
world’s cities as patches of light in the dark portant contribution towards sustainable Light Award” (
expanse of uninhabited terrain. And those urban development. Efficient, long-life light
patches are growing, as the dark areas sources – such as LEDs – reduce energy LED technology and digital lighting control
shrink – a sign of advancing urbanisation. consumption. Luminaires with optimised increasingly form the foundations of sus-
In 2012, 71 percent of Europe’s population optical control elements and electronic tainable urban lighting. Apart from high
lived in an urban environment (Source: lighting management also improve carbon efficiency, LEDs offer a number of other ad-
Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevölkerung); the balance and quality of light. Lower outgo- vantages: precise light control avoids unde-
global figure was 51 percent – and rising. ings for maintenance make for greater cost sirable light emissions, which can disrupt
efficiency. biorhythms and frequently give rise to com-
The trend towards urbanisation presents plaints of light pollution. Another environ-
many problems: air pollution, water con- Exterior lighting presents a major opportu- mental plus of modern lighting is that it
sumption, accumulation of waste. And the nity for urban areas to raise their profile as does not interfere with nocturnal insects.
negative environmental side effects are “green cities”. “LED City” Königsfeld in the Studies show virtually zero response to the
accompanied by economic and social South West of Germany is a good example. light of modern lamps or LEDs.
problems such as shortage of housing and The Baden-Württemberg spa town is a
poverty. One solution for sustainable urban member of the Black Forest LED network Light for a better quality of life
development is presented by “Green City” (LED-Netzwerk Schwarzwald). From parks But sustainable urban lighting does more
concepts. At international and local level, to residential areas, almost all of the town than protect the environment, help mitigate
politicians, scientists and business work on lighting has now been switched to LED. Re- climate change and boost energy efficiency
plans designed to keep urban growth within placeable modules guarantee that the LED and cost effectiveness. As in the home,
reasonable, stable limits. technology used is always up to date. With light plays an important role in the city as a


mood-setter – because lighting shapes the

face of urban surroundings at night. It pro-
vides security, creates atmosphere and im-
pacts crucially on local environment and
quality of life. Some interesting figures were
produced by a Forsa study in 2010. The
researchers found that 97 percent of Ger-
mans consider their immediate environment
to be an important factor in personal life.
Ahead of salary and holidays, it only ranks
second to health.
Luminaires without reflector technology
쐽 Light pollutes the night sky
So one thing is clear: energy efficiency and 쐽 Light radiates into front gardens and homes
cost effectiveness alone do not make for 쐽 High scattering losses ©
sustainable urban lighting. Lighting can only 10
be described as sustainable if it improves
quality of life in the urban environment and
finds acceptance among the people living
with it.

[08] Sustainable urban lighting is good

for the environment and significantly helps
improve security and quality of life.

[09] The patches of light on Earth are

spreading: in 2012, 71 percent of people in
Europe lived in an urban environment. LED luminaires /
luminaires with reflector technology
[10 +11] Energy-efficient light sources and 쐽 No light radiates into the night sky or homes
luminaires casting precisely controlled light 쐽 Light is directed only where it is really needed
save energy, guard against “light smog” and 쐽 Very good light output ratio ©
do not interfere with nocturnal insects. 11

licht.wissen 20 Sustainable Lighting

Light – building block of sustainable architecture

Across Europe, the term “green building” was coined to denote a building of energy efficient design. Today, it is
being superseded by the expression “blue building”, which indicates a balanced sustainability concept: blue building
conserves resources, is cost effective and offers a high degree of comfort for occupants. With high-quality lighting,
building owners can score important points for certification.

Plants on facades, trees on the roof? Not all A growing number of investors and building Environmental quality:
sustainable buildings take green building owners appreciate the benefits of certifica- 쐍 Energy efficiency of lighting

that literally. Even so, virtually no new build- tion. According to a Deutsche Hypotheken-
ing today can ignore the sustainability issue. bank study done in 2012, the supply of Economic quality:
To meet ever-stricter efficiency requirements certified buildings in Germany grew by 쐍 Cost efficiency of lighting

and ensure long-term property value, more 30 percent to around 500 properties in 2011.
and more building owners are taking care Shining example: company head offices
to build sustainability into their plans. One of the earliest green building certifi- win DGNB gold
cates was the British BREEAM label Efficient lighting technology alone does not
Green building aims at reducing consump- launched in 1990. Internationally, the lead- guarantee a certificate. But good lighting
tion of non-renewable energy, water and ing certification system is the LEED (Lead- can do a lot to help ensure successful
land. But sustainable building does more ership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification. This is clearly evidenced by a
than just help the environment. Current sus- developed by the U.S. Green Building case in Essen, where DGNB assessors
tainability concepts consider the triad of Council. LEED points are spread over six rated the new head offices completed in
environment, economy and sociocultural categories, which include water efficiency 2010 for a long-established industrial con-
aspects. This means that: cost, quality, and energy management. cern. The new facility was strictly designed
comfort, accessibility and many other fac- and constructed as a sustainable building
tors are taken into account in design and In Germany, the quality seal of the German complex.
construction. Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) has
become an established form of certification. 400,000 centrally controlled lamellae permit
With high-quality lighting, builders can score It has been awarded since 2008, in the optimal use of daylight. Illuminance in the
a whole range of sustainability points: grades “gold”, “silver” and “bronze”. DGNB offices is automatically adjusted by sensor-
쐍 for protecting the environment and helping
certification is not just confined to private controlled standalone luminaires that take
mitigate climate change – because effi- and public buildings; entire urban districts account of natural incident daylight. Pres-
cient lighting technology keeps electricity are also eligible. The table on the right ence detectors activate the artificial lighting
consumption and carbon emissions low; shows the most important blue/green build- only when it is actually needed. The result is
쐍 for improving cost effectiveness –
ing certificates. high user comfort and minimum energy
because energy-saving long-life light consumption. The luminaires are connected
sources reduce power and maintenance The DGNB has developed a system of six via an interface to the building management
costs; rating categories with a total of around 40 system, so the lighting can be centrally
쐍 for enhancing user comfort – because
criteria. The categories are: environmental controlled along with other systems such as
good lighting ensures a high quality of quality, economic quality, sociocultural and heating, ventilation and cooling.
light and an agreeable atmosphere. functional quality, technical quality, process
quality and site quality. Lighting scores The total primary energy consumed by the
Sustainability certificates points in three different categories of the buildings is 58 percent lower than statutory
Builders and operators can show sustain- DGNB rating system. requirements. For the high sustainability
ability by securing certificates. This entails standards achieved, the company head
more work and additional cost. Neverthe- Functional quality: office complex was awarded a gold DGNB
less, certification is not just a moral asset; it 쐍 User influence
has a real cash value. For example, it is an 쐍 Lighting control

effective marketing tool for properties. Fu- 쐍 Daylight availability

ture-proof construction avoids loss of value 쐍 Visual contact with outside

for the owner. Certification goes hand in 쐍 Protection from glare (daylight and

hand with careful planning and investment artificial lighting)

in sustainable technology, which often pay 쐍 Good colour rendering

dividends in terms of greater cost efficiency. 쐍 Exposure to sunlight

[12] Systematically sustainable: the new
headquarter complex for a long established
industrial concern offers an agreeable work-
ing environment with lots of daylight and
high-quality lighting. Along with other sys-
tems such as heating and ventilation, the
lighting is centrally controlled by an inte-
grated building management system. The
building complex was awarded a gold DGNB
certificate for the high sustainability stan-
dards achieved.

[13] Certificates confirm a building’s sus-

tainability. Owners profit from meticulous
planning, sustainable technology and cost ef-
ficiency; they also avoid loss of value. The
table lists various labels and the main lighting
criteria for certification.


Label & sponsor Country since Description Main criteria Lighting criteria*

LEED USA 1998 LEED is a label in internatio- use of space, water effi- light pollution reduction,
Leadership in Energy nal use. It is awarded in plati- ciency, energy, materials and energy efficiency, daylighting,
and Environmental De- num, gold, silver and certi- resources, indoor environ- visual contact with outdoors,
sign fied. mental quality, innovation, re- user-friendly lighting control
gional priority

BREEAM UK 1990 BREEAM largely rates the management, health and energy efficiency, daylighting,
Building Research environmental and social wellbeing, energy, trans- efficient user-friendly lighting
Establishment`s sustainability of buildings. port/access, water supply, control, glare protection,
Environmental The rating scale is as follows: materials, waste, use of good colour rendering
Assessment Method Outstanding, Excellent, Very space pollution, innovation
Good, Good and Pass.

DGNB Germany 2008 The DGNB certificate takes environmental quality, energy efficiency, cost effi-
Deutsche Gesellschaft account of environmental, economic quality, socio- ciency, daylighting, visual
für Nach- economic and social sustai- cultural/functional quality, contact with outdoors, glare
haltiges Bauen e.V. nability factors. Around 40 technical quality, process protection, good colour ren-
criteria are assessed. The ra- quality (e.g. design/con- dering, exposure to sunlight
ting grades are gold, silver struction), site quality
and bronze.

Minergie Switzer- 1998 Minergie largely assesses building shell, efficient bright interior design, efficient
Verein Minergie land buildings on the basis of heating and ventilation, light sources, luminaires with
energy consumption. Miner- renewable energies electronic ballasts, optimised
gie Eco presents additional luminaire reflectors, daylight
requirements in terms of he- management/presence de-
alth-promoting and environ- tectors
mentally sound construction.
*Only the main lighting criteria are shown. Full criteria catalogues, including standard requirements and limiting values for lighting, are available from the certifying organisations.

licht.wissen 20 Sustainable Lighting

Sustainable value creation Life cycle of lighting: processes,

Innovative lighting technology enhances the quality of a building. To harness Construction Project
its full potential, it is essential that those involved in the project interact process initialisation
effectively and that standards are observed over the full life cycle.

Sustainable lighting has to meet exacting

standards: efficiency, longevity and high
quality of light are important features. But
they are not the only criteria. The materials
used in light sources and luminaires should
be largely recyclable and free of toxic Standards
substances. High user comfort is another
requirement; so is easy maintenance.

To fulfil these criteria, the idea of sustain-

able lighting needs to be embraced
throughout the value-added chain – from Luminaire Raw material
raw materials to distribution. But even that product process production
is no guarantee of sustainability. The poten-
tial of modern lighting technology can only
be tapped fully if professional lighting de-
sign, installation and maintenance are parts
of an integrative concept. Laws ElektroG3)

The realisation of a new building or refur- REACH5)
bishment of an existing one is a long
process (see fig. 14). It starts with the initial
idea (project initialisation), continues with
design work and invitations to tender and is Standards ISO 9001, ISO
far from over even after the construction
work is completed. The building then has to
be diligently operated and maintained and
arrangements made for its disposal at the 14
end of its life.

Lighting figures in a construction project missioning. What is also often essential at

from the beginning to the end of its life this stage is professional support by the
cycle. It features in all the planning and manufacturers of the lighting products. Be-
forms part of the tender package. Its instal- cause of their special expertise, they also
lation is an important phase of completion. remain important partners for operation and
Efficient operation and easy maintenance maintenance.
keep costs low and ensure the economic
efficiency of the building. Manufacturers focus on sustainability
throughout the product process: they en-
Actors sure that component suppliers observe key
Sustainable lighting is achieved through the environmental standards and that products
effective interaction of many actors. In the are designed with conservation of resources
construction process, the building’s owner, and avoidance of harmful materials in mind.
designer and operator define the require-
ments on which the design will be based. Standards
Then tenders are invited and contracts State regulations ensure that important sus-
awarded, followed by installation and com- tainability targets are met, both in lighting and

actors, standards

Design: preliminary planning – draft planning – approval Tendering Contract award Installation Operation and
planning – detailed planning maintenance

EnEV 1)


Lighting application standards, e.g. DIN EN 12464-1 Lighting application standards

Building certification, e.g. DGNB

Product design Procurement Manufacture / Storage / Transport / User

production Distribution delivery
Building owner
EnEV: Energy Saving Directive
General administrative regulation for procurement of
CE marking, energy efficiency labelling energy-efficient services
ElektroG: Act governing the sale, return and environ-
mentally sound disposal of electrical and electronic
14001, ISO 50001 equipment
EBPG: Energy-using products act
REACH: European regulation on registration, evalua-
Product standards, e.g. DIN EN 61347 tion, authorisation and restriction of chemicals


in the construction process. Take new build- standards that present high requirements in Further up-to-the-minute information
ings, for example. In Germany, the Energy terms of lighting technology and lighting about standards and regulations can
Saving Directive (EnEV) implements various quality. At the product design stage, manu- be found at
EU directives on building efficiency. Amongst facturers observe lighting product stan-
other things, it stipulates that the primary dards such as DIN EN 61347. For lighting
energy demand of a non-residential building designers, crucial guidance is provided by
for lighting must be established at the prelim- the application requirements set out in
inary design or refurbishment stage. standards such as DIN EN 12464-1 (for in-
door work premises).
For lighting products such as lamps and
luminaires, return and disposal standards Statutory and voluntary standards offer
are implemented by legislation such as the advantages for everyone involved: for
Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act manufacturers, they create incentives for
(ElektroG) in Germany. innovation; building owners save electricity
as a result of high energy efficiency and
In addition to state regulations, manufactur- occupants profit from high quality of light
ers, designers and builders take account of and user comfort.

licht.wissen 20 Sustainable Lighting


From raw material to disposal

Conservation of resources, avoidance of waste, re-use of materials – sustainability accompanies modern lighting
through its entire life cycle. Special attention is paid to energy efficiency.

Power is consumed even before lights are Most companies in the lighting industry are
switched on for the first time – in the course aware of these circumstances and bear
of their manufacture, for example, and dur- sustainability in mind from the outset. Pro-
ing shipment to the dealer. And the energy duction and packaging are designed to
counter still keeps on ticking at the end of a minimise waste and environmentally harmful
lamp’s life too – because regardless of substances. Water treatment and filter sys-
whether lighting hardware is disposed of or tems prevent harmful emissions. Modern
recycled, both processes require the use logistics systems guarantee that the least
of more energy. possible energy is used to transport prod-
ucts to dealers and end consumers. The
And the eco-balance can extended even fact that many manufacturers are certified
further – right back to product design. Ma- to ISO 14000 also indicates the high envi-
terials and other resources should be used ronmental standards that are generally
sparingly in the manufacturing process and demanded from ancillary suppliers.
harmful substances reduced to a minimum.
To assess the sustainability of a lighting in- Raising the recycling rate
stallation over its entire life cycle, the costs European directive 2012/19/EU (WEEE)
incurred here also need to be considered. prescribes recycling for lighting. So even at

Energy balance of light sources
Light sources do not only consume energy during the time they are in operation. For a full energy balance, their
manufacture and transport, disposal and recycling also need to be taken into account. Life-cycle analyses establish
the design and construction stage, sustain- the total primary energy consumed by a light source from cradle to grave. Total energy consumption can thus be
ability-minded manufacturers of luminaires, compared. An example: an LED lamp requires significantly less primary energy than a comparable halogen lamp for
for example, have an eye on the end of the same light output (see fig.17).
their products’ life. They give preference to
the use of recyclable materials such as
glass, steel or aluminium. Halogen-free Life cycle energy consumption
> 90 %
wiring offers one opportunity to help raise
the luminaire recycling rate. For lamps and
LEDs, German manufacturers have created
an extensive network of collection points
through the recycling company Lightcycle
Retourlogistik und Service GmbH.

That said, the amount of energy used for

manufacturing processes, shipment and
recycling is comparatively small. The opera-
tion of lighting installations accounts for
more than 90 percent. So, electricity con-
sumption is by far the most important factor
in the energy balance – and the most im-
portant cost factor as well. It also deter-
mines how much climate-damaging carbon
dioxide is emitted when a luminaire is in
operation. Lighting industry and science are
thus working hard to increase lighting’s 7%
energy efficiency even more. The progress approx. approx. approx.
that has been made can be clearly seen 1% 1% 1%
from a comparison of conventional incan-
Raw Production Transport Use Recycling
descent lamps with modern LED lamps materials ©
(see fig. 17): while incandescent lamps 16
have a primary energy input requirement of
nearly 3,300 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per Comparison of light sources
25,000 operating hours, LED lamps con- Number of lamps Type of lamp Primary energy consu-
sume only around 660 kWh. per 25,000 hrs. med per 25,000 hrs.
lamp, 40 W
Electronic lighting control taps additional
savings potential, e.g. by automatically
25 15 3,290 kWh
activating luminaires only when they are
30 W

12.5 19 2,467 kWh

[15] LED facade luminaires deliver glancing

light that accentuates the building at night CFL, 8 W
and emphasises its architecture. LEDs are
efficient and virtually maintenance free.
2.5 10 659 kWh
[16] More than 90 percent of the total en-
ergy consumed by a luminaire is consumed
during operation. Efficient light sources thus
offer high savings potential. LED, 8 W

[17] Modern light sources are very efficient. 1 10 659 kWh

LED and compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs)
consume considerably less primary energy 쐽 Production 쐽 Operation
than conventional incandescent lamps. 17

licht.wissen 20 Sustainable Lighting

Investment recouped through savings

When the entire life cycle of a lighting instal-
lation is considered, it quickly becomes
clear that investment in sustainable lighting
pays dividends. Lower electricity and main-
tenance costs make up for the outlay on
modern lighting technology. However, while
the price of a new lighting installation is
comparatively easy to establish, energy and
maintenance costs are harder to gauge. For
a correct calculation, though, it is important
to consider not just acquisition costs but
18 also expenditures on electricity and mainte-
nance. In many cases, they account for
Practical example: LEDs for sustainable lighting more than three-quarters of total life cycle
costs. Take street lighting, for example: if
Energy consumption and maintenance account for around 85 percent of the cost of a lighting installation. Sustainable obsolete street lights with mercury vapour
lighting keeps electricity and maintenance bills low while at the same time delivering more comfort and a better lamps are replaced by modern LED tech-
quality of light. How this works is shown by an application example: the original lighting provided for a classroom by nology for lowered night-time lighting, elec-
diffuser luminaires and T26 fluorescent lamps was replaced by surface mounted LED luminaires as well as two LED tricity costs fall by as much as 80 percent.
wallwashers for board lighting. A daylight dependent control system and presence sensors automatically tailor the
lighting to actual requirements and help save energy. The charts below show the distribution of maintenance, energy Coupled with lower maintenance expenses,
and acquisition costs of the new lighting installation over a 20-year period. this means that the cost of refurbishment
is quickly recouped. The same applies to

Energy consumption and costs

14,555 100 % 27.3

53 %

6,177 11.6
38.8 %

2,837 5.3

Total CO2 Investment costs vs ope- Average energy consump-

over lifetime in kg rating costs (absolute) tion per m2 and year in kWh

쐽 Old T26 lamps 쐽 LED lighting

쐽 LED-LED lighting with lighting management 쐽 Investment ©

Savings potential
Remaining energy

57 % Potential savings with

Additional saving with 23 % efficient LED lighting
lighting management


Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) for a luminaire
Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) provide a summary of all environmental im-
pacts – e.g. consumption of primary energy, raw material acquisition – over the life cycle of
the product. An EPD for a luminaire may contain the following information:
indoor lighting. The combination of efficient
light generation and electronic control Produkt Product description
saves so much electricity that the money Characteristics
saved matches the initial outlay within only Connected load
a few years. ...
Software facilitates calculation Types of material (e.g. steel, aluminium)
How sustainably a lighting installation works Proportions by weight
can be worked out using special software.
Many manufacturers offer calculation tools
Production Place of manufacture
as free downloads. With them, different
Detailed list of manufacturing stages
lighting designs can be compared, for
example, in terms of their energy consump-
tion, cost and carbon footprint. Designers Delivery Delivery area
and users can thus swiftly get a clear idea Packaging
of the life-cycle costs and eco-balance of Materials
lighting products. Weight

EPDs provide compact information Use Lifetime (in years)

Additional information is furnished by Envi- Service life (in hours)
ronmental Product Declarations (EPD) (see
Energy mix (e.g. EU)
table). They are compact documents that
Power rating (in watts)
report environmental impacts over the life
Total energy consumption (in kWh)
cycle of a product, e.g. a luminaire.
Primary energy demand (in MJ)
Special effects (e.g. thermal loading)

Recycling/ Details of recyclable components

disposal Details of proper disposal of non-recyclable components
Proportion of recyclable materials by weight

Ökobilanz Summary of all product-related environmental impacts over the full life
cycle of the product, e.g.:
use of energy (divided into renewable and non-renewable)
water consumption
global warming potential
waste categories (non-hazardous, hazardous, radioactive)

Healthy workplace lighting Cost of health-promoting lighting Payroll cost

makes good economic sense at a workplace (simplified example) of an employee

Correctly planned, workplace lighting helps maintain Acquisition: 150 €/m2 × 10 m2 = 1,500 € 60,000 €/year1
employee health and wellbeing. Absenteeism is
thus reduced and sick leave costs are lowered for Electricity: 260 kWh/year × 0.20 € × 10 = 520 €
the employer. The fact that investment in innovative
lighting pays off can be seen from the highly simplified Maintenance: 50 €/year × 10 = 500 €
calculation on the right profiling health-promoting
lighting for a 10 m² office workplace (observation Total: 2,520 € 600,000 €
period: ten years).
1 € per day 0.50 € per minute

250 work days, each eight hours (480 minutes) long
If an employee works more effectively for two minutes a day (rather than being unfocused or making mistakes), the cost of lighting for
that day is recouped.

licht.wissen 20 Sustainable Lighting

Lighting comfort and efficiency

Whether the focus is on office or street lighting, sustainable lighting design takes account of the full life cycle of a
lighting installation. The aim is to maximise lighting comfort and minimise use of energy.

Sustainable lighting design looks at the en- eco-labels or EPDs (Environmental Prod-
tire life cycle of a lighting installation – from uct Declaration) for customer guidance;
product selection to disposal. It is based 쐍 energy-efficient long-life light sources,
on precise analysis: Which standards and luminaires and operating devices, which
regulations need to be observed? What keep power and maintenance expenses
opportunities are offered by the certification permanently low;
of buildings on the basis of sustainability 쐍 replaceable components, which facilitate
criteria adopted for e.g. the American repairs and modernisation and extend
LEEED seal of approval? And very impor- a lighting installation’s operating life; older
tantly: What are the users’ needs? A light- LED modules, for example, can be
ing installation is only really sustainable if it replaced by new, higher-performance
is found useful in daily life. Hence the inclu- products;
sion of scope for personalised control 쐍 easy-to-operate switches and displays;
among the assessment criteria for green 쐍 high quality of light, which combines good
building certificates. visual conditions (visual quality) and
agreeable atmosphere (emotional quality)
When a lighting installation is singled out with a positive impact on body and health
for refurbishment, a clear description of (biological quality).
its present condition is required to identify
savings potentials and improvements in A whole range of “lighting tools” are avail-
quality. able for achieving these goals.
쐍 Modern light sources such as LEDs or

A truly sustainable lighting concept is more T16 fluorescent lamps reach 70 to 100
than just energy-efficient. It combines the lm/watt luminous efficacy in operation.
principles of environmental protection, cost Very good colour rendering properties
effectiveness and comfort. This means fo- (Ra 쏜 90) stand for a high quality of light.
cusing on: 쐍 Luminaires with optimised reflector tech-

쐍 recyclable, low-pollution products that nology direct the light precisely onto the
present no disposal problems at the end surfaces where it is required with minimal
of their life. Many manufacturers offer loss.

Example of a holistic lighting installation rating model

Economic lighting criteria (60 %) Quality criteria (40 %)*

10 %
20 % 20 % Quality of light

Price Product quality

35 %

+ =
20 % Energy Biological effect

Maintenance Aesthetics
20 % 20 %
Other User comfort

Environment +
35 % resources
10 % 10 %

20 * Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court ruling: Quality may account for 50 % of a rating.


Overall rating

[20] Holistic lighting installation rating takes

account of more than just financial aspects.
Apart from economic selection criteria
40 % Economic criteria (e.g. investment and maintenance costs), it
also assesses the quality of an installation,
60 % Quality criteria e.g. in terms of the quality of light and user
comfort it delivers and the sustainability of
the products used. According to a Düssel-
dorf Higher Regional Court ruling, quality fea-
tures can account for 50 percent of a rating.

[21] Sustainable lighting combines high vi-

sual comfort with energy efficiency.

licht.wissen 20 Sustainable Lighting

쐍 Lighting management adjusts the lighting often within only a few years. What is more,
automatically to meet actual needs and the acquisition of environmentally friendly
enhances user comfort. technology such as LED receives public
쐍 Design software helps gear the lighting to support, e.g. in the form of government
actual requirements. grants or favourable loans from the KfW
banking group (see page 27).
Only if the full potential of modern lighting
technology is harnessed and usefully inte- Contracting permits early modernisation
grated can a lighting concept achieve good Where a lighting installation requires mod-
results. Intelligent lighting management ernisation, energy performance contracting
plays a key role here. Where office lumi- (EPC) is a time-honoured model for financ-
naires are automatically switched by pres- ing the project. It allows refurbishment
ence detectors, for instance, energy con- projects to be implemented promptly even
sumption decreases by 15 to 30 percent. when budgets are tight.
Users also benefit from higher operating
convenience: they do not need to activate It works like this: a service provider mod-
the lighting themselves. However, one of ernises the lighting and subsequently profits
the features of good lighting management from the costs thus saved. Depending on
is that users can change programmed the project and contracting model, the
lighting scenes as required at any time. payback period is eight to twelve years.

[22 + 23] Lighting management systems Cost effectiveness and financing There are two different model contracts in
ensure that the right light is delivered at the
Lighting quality aside, designers and deci- EPC: the duration and the participation
right time. Daylight and presence control sys-
tems are particularly efficient. sion-makers also need to consider the cost model. In the case of a duration model, the
effectiveness of an installation. It is impor- contractor normally receives the operating
[24] A sustainable lighting solution goes tant to note that energy and maintenance cost savings as remuneration for his services.
through several phases and passes through bills account for around 85 percent of total For the client, this means a shorter contract
many hands in the course of its develop-
life-cycle cost; acquisition and installation period but no cost savings until it ends.
ment. Effective interaction is vital to ensure
that the end product, when it goes into oper- make up only about 15 percent. So, an
ation, is energy-efficient and environmentally investment in energy-efficient, long-life In the participation model, the contractor
sound. lighting technology is quickly recouped – receives only a percentage of the operating


costs saved; the rest goes to the municipal-
ity. In this case, the client profits from im-
mediate financial relief but accepts a longer
contract period.

Maintenance and disposal

To work sustainably, lighting technology re-
quires care, i.e. proper maintenance. For
compliance with DIN EN 12464-1 “Lighting
for indoor workplaces”, designers need to
document how a lighting installation needs
to be maintained (cleaning, lamp replace-

In companies and municipalities, mainte-

nance schedules specify when light sources
and control systems need to be maintained.
Maintenance is influenced by the degree
of protection of the luminaire, operating
conditions and other factors. For repairs, it
is an advantage if defective parts are easy
to replace. Environmentally friendly prod-
ucts can be almost wholly recycled after
use. In the case of LED and fluorescent
lamps, more than 90 percent of the material
used is recyclable; recoverable materials
nclude glass, metals, phosphor powders
and mercury.

Many partners provide information on sus-

tainable lighting design for lighting designers


Sustainable lighting design

Rules and
Lighting / Sun protection
Systems integrator
electrical designer manufacturer
Sun protection

Energy saving Additional Extra investment User acceptance

design costs

HOAI*-Phases Basic Preliminary Draft design Approval

evaluation design planning

Detailed design Tendering + Contract award Supervision Property support

contract award support of construction services
HOAI* = Scale of fee for architects and engineers
24 ©

licht.wissen 20 Sustainable Lighting

and operators. One of them is the German greater sustainability in lighting. Without
Energy Agency (dena), which offers online electronic control, there is no way that op-
tools for energy-efficient indoor and outdoor erators and users can harness all the ad-
lighting ( / vantages that modern light sources, lumi- At naires and operating devices have to offer.
these sites, municipalities and companies 쐍 Daylight sensors enable artificial lighting

find lots of practical tips and tools for every to be adjusted automatically according to
phase of a lighting project – from planning the natural light available.
through to operation. 쐍 Presence detectors and motion sensors

activate lighting when a room or room

Indoor lighting: zone is occupied. Timer control enables
Light for sustainable buildings lighting to be automatically deactivated –
Building efficiency guidelines as well as an effective way to eliminate unnecessary
standards and regulations on health and burn time.
safety and consumer protection are impor- 쐍 Programmed lighting scenes enable light-

tant signposts for anyone preparing an in- ing to be swiftly adjusted to meet chang-
door lighting concept. The German Energy ing requirements – a practical solution for
Saving Directive (EnEV) also sets efficiency offices, for instance, or restaurants.
values for lighting in private and public 쐍 Control makes lighting dynamic; bright-

buildings. The standard DIN EN 12464-1 on ness and light colour can be infinitely var-
indoor workplace lighting contains detailed ied. Positive stimuli can thus be generated
stipulations in terms of illuminance, glare for atmosphere and biorhythms. High illu-
limitation and other lighting quality features minance and cool white light ‘kick-start’
and requires adequate incident daylight and our body in the morning; warm subdued
energy efficiency. light in the evening has a relaxing effect.

In some applications, the percentage of total In existing buildings, additional energy sav-
energy consumption attributable to lighting ings could be achieved with lighting man-
is particularly high. In office buildings, it is agement. A study done by Braunschweig
around 50 percent, in hospitals 20 percent. University of Technology in 2007 evaluating
Here, massive savings potential can be energy concepts for office buildings (EVA –
tapped by energy-conscious lighting. At a Evaluierung von Energiekonzepten für Büro-
workplace, high quality of light has a positive gebäude) showed that presence-depen-
effect on performance and wellbeing, while dent lighting control is still not used in many
at the same time absenteeism declines. This office buildings. It also indicated that further
has been confirmed by a number of studies efficiency potential could be tapped by tai-
(e.g. Mills/Tomkins/Schlangen, Journal of loring lighting more closely to requirements
Circadian Rhythms, 2007). and thus avoiding unnecessarily high light
Any energy-conscious lighting concept
needs to be based on efficient light Lighting management systems such as
sources. The crucial factor, however, is the DALI (Digital Addressable Lighting Interface)
efficiency of the entire lighting system: can be integrated via interfaces into higher-
luminaires with high light output ratios are level building management systems such as
optimally deployed if they direct light onto KNX. Lighting thus becomes part of an effi-
the surfaces where it is needed with only cient overall system along with other sys-
minimal losses. High-quality enclosures si- tems such as heating and ventilation.
multaneously guard against glare. Interac-
tion with the architecture of the room is also Outdoor lighting:
important: light-coloured walls with good efficient, low-maintenance and reliable
reflective properties ensure that little light For the design of street lighting in Europe,
[25 – 27] Lighting solutions that are socially output is lost. the standard DIN EN 13201 sets out re-
and environmentally sustainable also receive
quirements for a wide range of application
political backing: numerous incentive
schemes for local government and business Electronic control: scenarios from small local access roads
facilitate the financing of newbuild and refur- key to greater sustainability and parking areas to urban motorways and
bishment projects. Lighting management is the key to even tunnels. Traffic volumes and the speed at

Financing and support
Sustainability is a political goal and is promoted
accordingly. Among other things, the EU and the
German government support newbuild and refurbish-
ment projects that help mitigate climate change by
increasing energy efficiency.

Incentives are also offered for energy-saving lighting

projects, e.g. in local government or the private
sector. Under the German environment ministry’s
National Climate Protection Initiative, for example,
local authorities receive help when switching indoor
or hall lighting to LED technology. The federal states
have also set up schemes. In Baden-Württemberg, for
instance, the “Klimaschutz-Plus” programme offers
assistance for municipalities refurbishing indoor and
street lighting. Information is available at
Special loan programmes offered by the KfW banking
group facilitate the financing of sustainable lighting
projects. The KfW investment loan “Kommunen
Premium – Energieeffiziente Stadtbeleuchtung”, for
example, is applicable for street or car-park lighting
projects. If municipalities meet the technical require-
ments, eligible costs are financed up to 100 percent.

Favourable financing options are also available

through contracting. A service provider renews the
lighting at his own expense and subsequently profits
from the cost savings that are realised (information
and contract texts available at The
Centre of Expertise for Contracting operated by the
German Energy Agency (dena) offers initial consul-
tancy sessions for local authorities seeking to make
contracting arrangements for public buildings and
puts them in touch with project development profes-


licht.wissen 20 Sustainable Lighting

Best Practice:
House of Knowledge Work
The “House of Knowledge Work” that opened in 2012
at the Fraunhofer Institute of Industrial Engineering
(IAO) is a shining example of sustainable lighting
design. At night, long rows of windows glow with light
from indoors to give the building a stunning visual
impact; during the day, they become generously
dimensioned openings for natural daylight. Modern
luminaire technology, LEDs and lighting management
combine energy efficiency with good office working
conditions. The building was awarded the LEED label
of the US Green Building Council and a gold DGNB
certificate for excellence in sustainable building.


which road users travel are among the

factors considered here. Once luminaires
have been selected, the required lumi-
nance is realised with as few light points as
possible. But safety remains a top priority.
And special attention is paid to conflict
areas, such as crossroads or pedestrian
crossings, where there is a heightened risk
of collision.

Sustainable design is invariably based on

wide column spacing and lowest possible
wattage to keep electricity and mainte-
nance costs low. Because of energy effi-
ciency requirements, the only light sources
capable of creating a truly sustainable solu-
tion are LEDs. Their low energy consump-
tion produces the greatest cost saving and
their longevity keeps maintenance costs
low. What is more, LEDs are insensitive to
cold and therefore particularly well suited
for outdoor use.

Light makes for security

Energy efficiency and cost effectiveness are
only one aspect of sustainability. At least as
important is the need for municipal lighting
to have the approval of residents and visi-
tors. Lighting that uniformly illuminates
roads and paths and thus ensures safety is
in the public interest. At the same time, it
creates an agreeable atmosphere in com-
mercial and residential areas and avoids

Best Practice:
Street lighting, Langen
The town of Langen near Bremerhaven is one of the
first German municipalities to switch its street lighting
completely to LED. It started with a successful pilot
project, installing LED lighting in the town hall car-
park. Switching the rest of the street lighting will cut
energy consumption by around 62 percent and
reduce CO2 emissions by some 473 metric tons a
year. With additional savings on maintenance, the
investment will be recouped in as little as around ten
years. Thanks to modern control technology, the
brightness of the lighting can be lowered late at
night, whereas in the past the lighting along certain
stretches of road was completely deactivated.


Sustainable procurement:
undesirable effects such as stray light on Assessment matrix for cost-effective LED street lighting
buildings or light pollution. Illuminated
facades and signs facilitate orientation. Energy-efficient LED light sources are considered a Government’s LED Lead Market Initiative. This
truly sustainable solution for street and exterior light- practical and easy-to-use Excel-based tool allows key
As well as high efficiency, LEDs offer the ad- ing. LED technology is comparatively new and opens economic evaluation criteria to be weighted and prod-
vantage of generating light that can be very up totally new possibilities in lighting. ucts compared in the procurement of LED street lights.
precisely directed. Modern floods, spots and Four main criteria are considered:
LED light lines can thus cast architecturally The range of products is growing fast – and public- 쐽 price

interesting buildings in the right light with vir- sector clients often face the challenge of making 쐽 energy

tually no light radiating into the night sky. informed judgements on the value for money that 쐽 product quality and lighting characteristics

the products offer. At the same time, local authorities 쐽

aesthetic appeal
Additional savings potential can also be should not take price as the sole criterion for
tapped in exterior lighting by lighting man- procurement decisions; all economic aspects need The matrix is designed for flexibility and can be
agement. For example, street lights can be to be considered. adapted with little effort to meet individual require-
conveniently maintained by telemanage- ments – both in terms of criteria and with regard to
ment. And when traffic volumes are low, lu- Help for sustainable procurement is provided by an the default weighting assigned for individual rating
minous flux along arterial roads can be low- assessment matrix developed as part of the German aspects.
ered – within the limits set out in standards
– and thus adapted to actual requirements.

When existing installations are modified,

structures that are already in place, such as
power lines and buildings, impose major re-
strictions on lighting design. In many cases,
a solution that meets the normative require-
ments needs to be found using existing
light points. Intensity distribution curves are
an important source of information for the
designer. The data they provide forms the
basis for selecting the best luminaire for the
location. Other factors influencing how well
the site is illuminated are the mounting
height and angle of the luminaire head.

licht.wissen 20 Sustainable Lighting

New lighting for old premises

Existing buildings can also be rendered sustainable – by refurbishment. New lighting saves energy, improves quality
of light and helps premises meet legal requirements.

Flickering lamps, soiled luminaires, uniform missible overall energy demand of build- ment fails to tap the full potential of modern
monotonous room lighting – many offices, ings. Lighting also impacts on the energy lighting technology. And the light distribu-
schools and administrative buildings still balance. tion of the new light source is not always
meet that description. In such cases, it appropriate for the luminaire; in some
would definitely be wrong to speak of sus- Combining components wisely cases, standard specifications may no
tainability because obsolete lighting installa- Whereas the lighting for a new building can longer be met.
tions consume too much electricity and be designed and optimised along with the
burden the carbon balance. They cause building itself, refurbishment often involves It is worth ensuring that all components of a
high energy and maintenance costs and taking account of special features of the ex- lighting installation work well together. The
compromise the economic operation of a isting building. Nevertheless, as a general investment is quickly recouped through the
building. Users suffer from poor lighting rule, the individual components of a mod- electricity costs saved.
conditions that make day-to-day work more ern lighting system are readily combinable:
difficult and can even give rise to health 쐍 Energy-saving light sources such as LEDs Lighting control – a lever for
problems. or modern fluorescent lamps are the basis boosting efficiency
of efficient lighting. An important role here is played by elec-
The good news is that it is not necessary to 쐍 Electronic ballasts (EBs) ensure that tronic lighting control, which can be easily
start again from scratch to enjoy efficient lamps and LEDs work efficiently. integrated in existing buildings. Lighting
and ergonomic lighting. Carefully planned 쐍 Optimised luminaires direct light where it management systems such as DALI (Digital
refurbishment lowers electricity and mainte- is needed and avoid scattering losses. Addressable Lighting Interface) make a cru-
nance costs and at the same time delivers 쐍 Electronic lighting management gears cial difference in enabling a lighting installa-
a better quality of light. In many cases, re- lighting to actual requirements. tion to tap all efficiency potentials. In parts
furbishment is also needed to fulfil the strict of a building that are only sporadically used,
legal requirements for energy efficiency. The simplest form of refurbishment involves such as corridors and stairwells, lighting
The German Energy Saving Directive (EnEV), refitting existing luminaires with new, more can be automatically deactivated by pres-
for instance, regulates the maximum per- efficient light sources. But mere replace- ence detectors. Lights are thus not in oper-


ation when they are not needed. Daylight
sensors allow artificial lighting to be regu- Refurbishment checklist
lated according to the amount of natural in-
cident light available. Constant light regula- Eight questions about the condition of your lighting installation Yes?
tion - the so-called maintenance feature –
dims luminaires to the maintained illumi- Maintenance
nance required and thus saves energy. 1. Have individual lamps failed?

Example: Office refurbishment

2. Are the luminaires soiled?
The following example shows the potential
of lighting control. Where obsolete office
3. Do lamps flicker when activated or in operation?
lighting with standard fluorescent lamps
and conventional ballasts is replaced by
modern light sources and electronic bal- 앶앸 If the answer to any of the above questions is YES, you should clean
lasts, energy consumption falls by around the luminaires and replace faulty lamps.
55 percent. But if presence and daylight
control systems are also used, the savings Refurbishment
can be as much as 80 percent (see fig. 32).
4. Is your lighting installation more than 15 years old?
What is more, compliance with the ever
stricter energy consumption limits that
5. Is there too little light at your workplace?
apply in the EU is virtually unachievable
without electronic control.
6. Do you feel dazzled when you are working?
The possibilities opened up by digital light-
ing control can be seen from a real-life 7. Do you see reflections or mirror images on your screen?
example in the Baden-Württemberg city of
Neckarsulm. Premises belonging to a 8. Do you wish you had a way of switching or dimming the lighting?
German car maker there were fitted with
new office lighting. The existing technology If the answer one of questions 4 to 8 is YES, you should check the lighting
was completely replaced by recessed LED
앶앸 If the answer to two or more of the questions is YES, it is time to think of
luminaires and LED downlights with a life
expectancy of more than 50,000 hours. 앶앸 If you answered YES to all four questions, you should call a professional straight
Presence and daylight control systems per- away and arrange for a refurbishment concept to be drawn up.
mit further energy savings of up to 50 per- 31 ©

Savings potential of interior lighting
But in any refurbishment project, whether it 0% 50% Energy consumption 100%
is for an office building, school or hospital, 앶앶앶앶앸
careful planning and analysis are the first Old installation, 1970s, with 38 mm dia. standard fluorescent lamp and MB,
step towards a lighting concept that meets old luminaire with opal enclosure
all requirements in terms of efficiency and Old installation, 1980s, with 26 mm dia. three-band fluorescent
user comfort. lamp and LLB, old luminaire with white louver unit 20%
New installation, modern
16 mm dia. fluorescent lamp* 55%

Modern LED luminaire 65%

[30] Even in existing buildings, modern
lighting technology makes for greater sus- With daylight
regulation 75%
tainability. Carefully planned refurbishment
enhances lighting quality and lowers energy With presence
consumption. control+daylight 80%
[32] Replacing old lighting systems with 앴앶앶앶앶
modern lighting technology saves a great 100% energy saving 50% 0%
deal of energy and expense. Efficient installa- * Fluorescent lamp operated by EB with very low power loss, energy-efficient
tions with a lighting management system direct or direct/indirect luminaires with modern optical control technology ©©
offer savings up to 80 percent. 32

licht.wissen 20 Sustainable Lighting

Green light for technology

Efficient, durable, low-maintenance – sustainable lighting needs to meet a whole range of requirements. Crucially,
light sources, luminaires and control system need to be perfectly coordinated.

In lighting technology, it pays to select But it is LED technology – still a relative

quality products. A lighting installation only newcomer – that has the greatest develop-
qualifies as “sustainable” if it operates effi- ment potential. In only a few years, it has
ciently and delivers a consistently high made massive advances in luminous effi-
quality of light. What is more, users need to cacy and longevity. In 2011 alone, LED
be able to tap the lighting’s full potential. efficiency surged by some 25 percent.
Easy operation and user training help
ensure that efficient lighting technology is In the meantime, high-performance LEDs
used effectively. have a luminous efficacy of 100 to 120
lumen per watt in operation. They thus
Lamps and LED modules require 90 percent less electricity than an
Efficient, long-life light sources are the incandescent lamp. And thanks to their
basis for a sustainable lighting concept. long life, virtually no maintenance is re-
The energy efficiency of a light source in quired. LEDs are very easy to control and
operation is expressed by its luminous effi- therefore the best light source for electronic
cacy. This indicates how much input power lighting management. They are also robust
is converted to light. Modern T16 fluores- and insect-friendly – a light source could
cent lamps, for example, reach a luminous hardly be more sustainable.
efficacy of up to 100 lumen per watt. High
pressure discharge lamps are also still in LED lamps with a conventional screw or
widespread use – for example in street plug-in base make it easier for users to
lighting. access the new technology. An 11W LED


Manufacturer Product code

or brand
A++ Energy efficiency
A+ class of the lamp

[33] The energy label for lamps (as of
September 2013) shows details of a lamp’s D Electricity
energy efficiency class. LEDs and efficient
energy-saving and fluorescent lamps are par- E consumption in
ticularly economical in their use of electricity. per 1,000 hours

[34] With a wide range of light sources, XXX kWh/1000h of usage

the right choice can be made for every appli- ©

cation. 33

lamp replaces a conventional 60W incan- tive EU 874/2012. They take account of the Luminaire selection
descent lamp without requiring the replace- extra-low energy consumption of new light Design is not the only crucial factor to con-
ment of the existing luminaire. Better per- sources: energy-efficient LEDs qualify for sider when selecting luminaires. It is equally
formance is achieved with complete LED the highest class (A++); incandescent important that the system as a whole – light
modules incorporated in luminaires de- lamps with reflector technology at best source, optics, reflectors and any operating
signed to cater for the specific characteris- reach the lowest class (E). The new energy devices used – should work efficiently. Dura-
tics of LED light sources. label also often shows the electricity con- bility is assured by materials such as alumi-
sumption in kilowatt-hours per thousand nium and high-quality coatings. At the same
The development or organic light-emitting operating hours. time, repairs should be possible and easy to
diodes (OLEDs) also continues apace. perform. Precisely fitting enclosures prevent
The world’s first planar light source, they Ballasts for greater efficiency valuable light being absorbed by dirt and
are applied as a coating to either glass or Discharge lamps and LEDs require addi- dust. Reliability is certified by marks of con-
plastic and open up a whole range of new tional technology to ensure smooth, energy formity such as “VDE”, “GS” and “ENEC”.
applications. Above all, they allow light to saving operation. With fluorescent lamps
be used directly, i.e. with no loss due to in particular, the choice of ballast impacts Luminaires that bounce some of their light
reflectors. The first marketable OLED lumi- on consumption and thus also on cost off ceilings and walls are a popular choice
naires have already been unveiled. Further effectiveness. for indoor lighting. The planar illumination
advances in efficiency and longevity are they provide creates a bright, cheerful at-
anticipated. Electronic ballasts (EBs) are particularly mosphere and avoids glare. Light-coloured
efficient. At the same time, they provide an ceilings, walls and floors with high re-
The efficiency with which a light source interface for electronic lighting manage- flectance values are important here to en-
operates is revealed by the energy label ment and thus open up many possibilities sure that as little light as possible is ab-
displayed on the packaging. It groups for lighting design – from simple dimming sorbed and thus lost.
lamps and LEDS into energy efficiency to integration in higher-level building man-
classes and provides swift guidance for the agement systems that coordinate lighting Labels such as Environmental Product Dec-
purchase of lamps. with, say, heating and daylight manage- larations (EPD) provide guidance for lumi-
ment. The Energy Efficiency Index classifies naire selection. Among other things, they
As of 1 September 2013, new efficiency ballasts according to their power consump- contain details of energy consumption, dis-
classes were introduced by European direc- tion. posal requirements and life expectancy.


licht.wissen 20 Sustainable Lighting

35 36

New luminaire design with LEDs Lighting management – efficient

The LED has also transformed luminaire and convenient
design. Because LEDs are so compact, lu- Controlling lights only from a switch is not
minaires require less material – so valuable very convenient and squanders opportuni-
resources are conserved and stylish new ties to make additional energy savings.
designs are possible. Large reflectors are Intelligent lighting control has become the
no longer necessary because LEDs pro- most important tool for achieving greater
duce high-quality directional light which can energy efficiency. Sustainable solutions are
be directed by optics straight onto the sur- distinguished by the fact that they are easy
face that needs to be illuminated. Owing to to operate yet still offer every possibility
their small dimensions, LEDs for different for electronic control. The most important
light colours can be combined in a single features are:
luminaire, so light colour can be steplessly 쐍 dimming

modified from warm to daylight white. 쐍 presence-dependent and/or timer-con-

trolled switching
As with lamps, the efficiency of LED lumi- 쐍 daylight control

naires is measured in lumen per watt. Mod- 쐍 lighting scene storage and retrieval

ern LED luminaires currently reach effi- 쐍 maintenance and monitoring

ciency ratings of 90 lumen per watt and

more. High temperatures damage LEDs Especially in rooms that are only sporadi-
and make them less efficient, so good ther- cally used – corridors, conference rooms,
mal management is vital for a long life and toilets – presence-controlled lighting helps
problem-free operation. It ensures that the avoid unnecessary burn time. Sensors acti-
heat generated by LEDs in operation is vate the lighting whenever a person enters
swiftly dissipated. the room and deactivate it again shortly
after presence is no longer detected. Even
Many technical characteristics of LED tech- more savings can be made with modern
nology are gradually being standardised. daylight management, which adjusts the
The Zhaga initiative – an international con- artificial lighting according to the amount of
sortium of lighting industry players – has natural incident light available. In conjunc-
been working on standard specifications tion with presence control, this technology
since 2010. As a result, for example, obso- cuts energy consumption by more than
lete LED modules can often be replaced 50 percent. At the same time, the quality
by higher-performance models – another of lighting achieved is raised by the high
contribution to greater sustainability. daylight component.

Service for sustainable operation
Service is a key requirement if lighting is to operate
sustainably. Manufacturers offer many services to ensure
that users benefit from maximum efficiency and high
lighting comfort. Experts from lighting industry companies
provide advice at the design stage; service teams help
commission lighting installations, address luminaires
within a lighting management system or programme
lighting scenes. And when a lighting installation is in
operation, manufacturers help with technical issues and
offer energy monitoring services to provide information
about a lighting installation's power consumption.


In rooms with little incident daylight, dynam- alternative. Combining longevity with a high
ically changing lighting scenes can provide quality of light, they are also very robust.
important cues for the human sleep/wake Another advantage: the light they produce
rhythm. High illuminance and cool light has virtually no impact on insect behaviour.
colours have a stimulating effect in the
morning and help us through the dip in en- Above all, however, LEDs are very suitable
ergy levels in the middle of the day. In the for electronic lighting management, which is
evening, warm white light and lower illumi- also in increasingly widespread use in street
nance prepares the human body for sleep. lighting. Intelligent control can reduce
brightness at times when traffic volume is
Planar light ceilings or ceilings illuminated low. Individual luminaires can be remotely
from within the room create conditions monitored and thus more easily maintained.
similar to daylight. This makes for better Controllable street lights can also be ad-
stimulation of special photosensitive cells in justed to changing weather conditions. In
the eye that help keep hormone levels rain, for example, the light can be dimmed
balanced. A number of studies confirm the so that motorists are not dazzled. Con-
positive effects of biologically effective versely, more light than usual can be made
lighting, which is already being successfully available for major events.
used in offices, hospitals and schools.
With energy-saving LEDs and optics direct-
Sustainable light for streets and squares ing the light precisely onto the road surface,
LEDs and electronic lighting control are also modern street lighting requires around
finding applications in street, square and 80 percent less electricity than obsolete
path lighting. The savings potential is high: mercury vapour technology. Wholly in line
nearly a third of street lighting in Europe is with the goal of sustainability, modern
estimated to be based on technology dat- street lighting thus combines protection for
ing back to the 1960s. In Germany alone, the environment and cost effectiveness with
[35 + 36] LEDs have conquered the realm
modern lighting technology could cut the comfort and safety. of lighting. Extremely efficient and with a long
energy required for street lighting by around life, easily controllable and available in many
2.2 billion kilowatt-hours (source: ZVEI). colours, they are the light source of choice
for sustainable lighting.
In many municipalities, obsolete mercury
[37] Lighting can be easily controlled via
or sodium vapour lamps have been re- modern user interfaces, enabling pro-
placed by modern systems. LEDs are find- grammed lighting atmospheres to be conve-
ing increasing acceptance as an efficient niently activated.

licht.wissen 20 Sustainable Lighting

AVV/EnEff – The general administrative DALI – The “Digital Addressable Lighting ENEC – This is the European safety test
regulation for procurement of energy effi- Interface” is a standardized digital interface mark for luminaires and other electrical
cient products and services needs to be for controlling electronic ballasts for light products. It is awarded by independent test
observed by federal authorities. Among sources. DALI can be used to control indi- and certification institutes in Europe. In
other things, it stipulates the efficiency vidual luminaires, groups of luminaires or Germany this is VDE, which is identified by
requirements that need to be taken into the lighting for entire rooms. Via gateways, the testing agency number “10” beside the
account in specifications for tenders. DALI can be integrated in higher-level ENEC symbol. The acronym ENEC stands
building management systems. for European Norm Electrical Certification.
BREEAM – The BREEAM seal of ap-
proval (Building Research Establishment’s dena – The German Energy Agency (dena) Energy Label –Standardised throughout
Environmental Assessment Method) was was established in Berlin in 2000. It pro- the EU, the Energy Label provides informa-
introduced in 1990 and is one of the vides information on all matters relating to tion for consumers on the energy efficiency
oldest green building certificates. The the efficient generation and use of energy. of electrical products. In 2013, a new
BREEAM seal is awarded by the indepen- Energy Label was introduced for light
dent Building Research Establishment DGNB – The German Sustainable Building sources, assigning lamps and LEDs to
BRE (UK). Council (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nach- seven energy efficiency classes. “A++”
haltiges Bauen e. V.) was established in stands for very high and “E” for low energy
Carbon Disclosure Project – A not-for- 2007. Its mission is to promote sustainable efficiency. The Energy Label is normally
profit organisation established in London in building. Among other things, for example, found on product packaging.
2000. Its mission is to motivate companies the DGNB has developed a certification
and local authorities to publish environmen- system that assesses new buildings and EnEV – The German Energy Saving Direc-
tally relevant information such as green- even entire urban districts in terms of their tive (Energiesparverordnung – EnEV)
house gas emissions and water consump- sustainability. Lighting is one of the aspects implements the EPBD Directive at national
tion figures. considered in assessments. level. Among other things, it requires energy
performance certificates for private and
Carbon footprint – Carbon footprint is the DIN EN 12464 – This is the most important non-residential buildings. For compliance
measure of the total CO2 emissions caused standard for workplace lighting. Last re- with the EnEV, the primary energy require-
by a product over its entire life cycle. vised in 2011, DIN EN 12464-1 sets out ment of lighting needs to be considered in
requirements for indoor workplace lighting. the calculations.
CE mark – The “CE” mark on products or
product packaging is applied by manufac- EB – Electronic ballast for operating lamps. EPBD – The EU directive 2010/31/EU
turers on their own responsibility to certify EBs have many advantages over conven- (Energy Performance of Buildings Directive)
that their products meet the requirements tional (CBs) and low-loss ballasts (LLBs): sets out overall energy efficiency require-
of relevant EU directives. The CE mark is they heighten the luminous efficacy of the ments for buildings.
not a safety test symbol like the VDE, ENEC lamp, permit flicker-free starting, extend the
or GS mark. lamp’s life and automatically disconnect EPD – Environmental Product Declarations
defective lamps. (EPDs) summarise all of a product’s envi-
Contracting – A form of financing that is ronmental impacts – e.g. consumption of
frequently used by municipalities for the Ecodesign Directive – EU Directive primary energy and raw materials.
refurbishment of street lighting. Under a 2009/125/EC sets out requirements for the
contracting agreement, a service provider environmentally sound design of energy- ISO 9001 – The international standard of
renews the lighting at its own expense and related products. On the basis of the direc- the International Organization for Standardi-
then profits from the costs thus saved. tive, inefficient appliances are gradually zation defines criteria for quality manage-
being phased out of the market. The ment. The aim is that products or services
Council for Sustainable Development – general service incandescent lamp is a meet both consumer requirements and
The German Government created the prominent example. legal stipulations.
Council for Sustainable Development (Rat
für Nachhaltige Entwicklung) in 2001 to EEI – The Energy Efficiency Index (EEI) ISO 14001 – This international standard
support the national sustainability strategy, is used for classifying ballasts for light sets out criteria to be met by companies
develop concrete projects and champion sources. The basis for classification is pro- and other organisations for the creation of
the cause of sustainability in public. vided by the ballast directive 2000/55/EC. an environmental management system.


Among the elements of that system are the LightingEurope – Association of the Among other things, its aim is to protect
introduction and monitoring of environmen- European lighting industry. LightingEurope people and the environment from danger-
tal programmes. ISO 14001 is one of a was created at the end of 2012 by the ous chemical substances. REACH obliges
family of standards; others in the series deal amalgamation of CELMA (federation of na- companies to assess and limit risks pre-
with further aspects of sound environmental tional luminaire manufacturers associations) sented by chemicals.
management. and ELC (European lamp companies
federation). The association’s mission is to RoHS – EU Directive 2011/65/EU
ISO 50001 – This standard provides guide- raise lighting system quality across Europe (Restriction of Hazardous Substances)
lines for energy management systems that and worldwide. restricts the use of toxic substances such
can help organisations steadily improve as lead or cadmium in electrical appliances
their energy efficiency. ISO 50001 contains Minergie – Swiss-based association that and supports the use of substitutes.
stipulations relating to energy supply and assesses buildings for sustainability.
consumption, measurement and documen- The Minergie label classifies buildings WEEE – Among other things, EU Directive
tation. largely on the basis of their energy con- 2002/96/EC (Waste of Electrical and
sumption. Minergie Eco also sets stan- Electronic Equipment) provides the basis
LED – The abbreviation stands for light dards for health-promoting and eco- for the German Electrical and Electronic
emitting diode, which is an electronic semi- friendly construction. Equipment Act (ElektroG). It requires manu-
conductor device that gives off red, green, facturers to collect electrical waste and
yellow or blue light when an electric current OLED – Organic light emitting diodes. In reuse it wherever possible.
is passed through it. White light can be contrast to LEDs, OLEDs incorporate an
obtained from blue LEDs by applying an organic semiconductor material. The sub- Zhaga – This is a voluntary cooperative
internal luminescent coating. White light strate used for the planar light sources venture by international lighting manufac-
can also be obtained by colour mixing. is generally glass or plastic. The develop- turers. Zhaga develops uniform standards
ment of OLED technology is still at an for the physical, thermal and photometric
LEED – Green building certificate in wide- early stage. interfaces of LED light engines. The aim,
spread international use. The acronym among other things, is to facilitate the
stands for “Leadership in Energy and Envi- Packaging Directive –EU Directive replacement of LED modules made by
ronmental Design”. The LEED label is a 94/62/EC is designed to help avoid waste different manufacturers.
quality mark for sustainable construction and promote the recycling and environ-
and is awarded in platinum, gold, silver and mentally sound disposal of packaging. ZVEI – German Electrical and Electronic
certified. Companies that place packaged goods on Manufacturers’ Association (Zentralverband
the market are required to participate in Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie e.
Light immissions – direct or indirect scat- systems for the return and disposal of used V.). The ZVEI represents the interests of the
tered light produced and radiated into the packagings. German electrical industry as a whole and
atmosphere by street, square or indoor actively participates in international bodies
lighting. In conurbations especially, this re- REACH – EU Regulation 1907/2006 and associations such as LightingEurope.
sults in the creation of “light domes”, which (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and
dispel the natural darkness of night and Restriction of Chemicals) is an important
can interfere with the biorhythms of wildlife. pillar of EU legislation on chemicals.

licht.wissen 20 Sustainable Lighting

Each Booklet! € 10,– publications
licht.wissen 10
Emergency Lighting, Safety Lighting

52 pages on emergency and safety lighting. Booklet

10 looks at relevant standards and regulations,
explains lighting and electrical requirements and
presents numerous application examples showing
the importance of safety lighting.

[licht.wissen 02] Good lighting for [licht.wissen 05] 60 pages on [licht.wissen 17] 60 pages of infor- [licht.wissen 19] 56 pages on the
a better learning environment: 56 workplace lighting in trade and in- mation on LEDs. Longevity and effi- biological impact of light on human
pages on how optimal lighting can dustry: Booklet 05 shows how opti- ciency are helping the LED conquer beings. Booklet 19 reports on the
boost motivation and support edu- mal lighting installations help make the realm of lighting. Booklet 17 pres- current state of research and uses
cational progress. Booklet 02 pres- for an ergonomic work space and at ents up-to-the-minute application ex- real-life examples to explain how
ents efficient solutions and explains the same time save energy and amples, explains how LED technol- melanopic lighting should be ap-
technical lighting terms. costs. ogy works and looks at the quality proached.
features of the light emitting diode.

licht.wissen in English – all booklets are available as PDFs, free download at

01 Lighting with Artificial Light (2008) 09 Refurbishment in Trade, Commerce and 16 City Marketing with Light (2010)
02 Good Lighting for a Better Learning Environment (2012) Administration (2014) 17 LED – The Light of the Future (2010)
03 Roads, Paths and Squares (2014) 10 Emergency Lighting, Safety Lighting (2012) 18 Good Lighting for Museums, Galleries and Exhibitions
04 Office Lighting: Motivating and Efficient (2012) 11 Good Lighting for Hotels and Restaurants (2005) (2006)
05 Industry and Trade (2009) 12 Lighting Quality with Electronics (2003) 19 Impact of Light on Human Beings (2014)
06 Shop Lighting – Attractive and Efficient (2011) 13 Outdoor workplaces (2007) 20 Sustainable lighting (2014)
07 Light as a Factor in Health (2012) 14 Ideas for Good Lighting for the Home (2009)
08 Sport and Leisure (2010) 15 Good Outdoor Lighting for the Home (2009)

All about light!
Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht
Impartial information – eine Brancheninitiative des ZVEI e.V. –
Lyoner Straße 9, 60528 Frankfurt am Main provides information on the advan- Tel. 069 6302-353, Fax 069 6302-400
tages of good lighting and offers a great,
deal of material on every aspect of artificial
lighting and its correct usage. The informa- Editing and design
tion is impartial and based on current DIN rfw. kommunikation, Darmstadt
standards and VDE stipulations.
ISBN no. PDF edition (english) 978-3-945220-02-3
March 2014 (03/14/10/20I)
This booklet takes account of DIN standards and VDE
The booklets 1 to 20 of the licht.wissen se- stipulations valid at the time of publication, repro-
ries provide information on the use of light- duced with the permission of DIN, Deutsches Institut
ing. Themed and packed with practical ex- für Normung e.V. In each case, the DIN standard
amples, they explain the basics of lighting applicable is the latest version, available from Beuth
technology and present exemplary solu- Verlag GmbH, Burggrafenstraße 6, 10787 Berlin.
tions. They thus facilitate cooperation with
lighting and electrical specialists. The light- Reprints of licht.wissen 20 in full or in part only with
ing information contained in all of these the permission of the publishers.
booklets is of a general nature.
Acknowledgements for photographs
Numbering of photos on back page: 39
40 41 42 is a compact specialist periodi- 43 44 45
cal focusing on topical lighting issues and Photographs
trends. It is published at irregular intervals. Cover and [09]: picture alliance/dpa; [01] Gerhard
Kleiker, RheinEnergie AG; [02]
Hatch; [36] Sabine Vielmo;
All other photographs, illustrations and charts were
The industry initiative also presents its made available by members or produced for
knowledge of lighting on the Internet. At, architects, designers, lighting
engineers and end consumers have access
to around 5,000 pages of practical tips, de-
tails of a host of lighting applications and
up-to-the-minute information on light and
lighting. An extensive database of product
overviews provides a direct link to manufac-
licht.wissen 20
Sustainable Lighting

Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht

Lyoner Straße 9
60528 Frankfurt am Main
Tel. +49 (0)69 63 02-353
Fax +49 (0)69 63 02-400

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