Chapter I

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A. The Background of Problem

English is one of foreign language that in Indonesia. English is foreign

language that must be taught in the school since children in Elementary

School. English is difficult language to be learned because there are

something that must be understood such as vocabulary, grammatical and

pronunciation. The goal of English lesson is make the children have

competition from 4 skills of English namely listening, speaking, reading

and writing, students are expected to be able to use both of English are

spoken and written form. And students are expected to be able to express

their idea using English.

According by Nunan 1999 (in Anabela, 2008:1) “writing to be effective is

dependant on a number of features which are not shared by spoken

language, not only in terms of linguistic and pragmatic features but also

the context in which it will be interpreted. Writing is a ‘complex, cognitive

process that requires sustained intellectual effort over a considerable

period of time”. It means that in writing we can develop ideas, expression

of feelings and with the process in accordance with the procedure of

writing as well as in a long enough time. The students can develop the

capabilities of the latest ideas, experiences and sources of information that

can be poured into their writing by the process for example the illustrated

sentences, letters, narratives, descriptive and shared books that children

produce in the classroom and elsewhere.

Based on explanation above writing is one of important skill. In writing

students have know how to write the letters, narrative text, descriptive text,

reports text, etc. They also should know about grammar, vocabulary, and

punctuations, and other aspects related to the writing to make their writing

understandable. To make good product of writing so the writer must be

able to make the product by the process namely are the pre-writing,

writing, revising and editing.

Among the other language skills, it has been considered that writing is one


some skills that should be acquired by the students. Writing is an

important medium of communication besides speaking. Good writing

skills allow someone to communicate his/her message with clarity and

ease to people. Writing for communication is not only in education, but

also in other fields, such as career planning, job application and business.

Dealing the writing process, students should have high motivation in the

English learning especially in writing. In the learning process should be

doing repeatedly by the theories and practices from the students, so that

students have self experiences after get the theories, because from the

practice experiences that will be given by students it will be easier to

remember than just a theory. Hence, the teacher should have appropriate

method of writing learning that can increase their motivation.

Many problems are faced by the students in learning English. In fact, we

often find the students cannot communicate in written and spoken form.

They still find difficulties to express in proper word or sentence. One

problem faced by the students in writing is expressing ideas through

written form as written by (Nguyen) in her research Problems Affecting

Learning Writing Skill Of Grade 11 At Thong Linh High School. She said

that many students in high school are unaware of the importance of

writing skills and the number of high school students who are successful

in learning to write is too small. In addition, there are many errors in

student papers, this stems from a lack of concentration on writing skills in

most students. This means the lack of awareness of the students about the

importance of writing in English.

Then the second fact according to Robert Todd Caroll in Nguyen (2015),

many students were never required to learn proper spelling or grammar.

This causes students to learn less about good writing process, using

spelling, grammar and good punctuation, so some of them think that

writing is not important and for them writing is also an inevitable failure

and impact on student learning outcomes with low value.

Based on the preliminary in SMK Muhammadiyah at XI TKJ class, the

researcher found the problems in English lessons, especially writing, from

the results of research is their ability in writing English is still weak

because the students are still cannot express their idea in the written form

and they still do not know the vocabulary, grammar, organization of the

text and use punctuation when they write the product, even they also do

not know the kinds of text, so they are difficult in pouring on their paper.

Based on the results of the researcher also found there are limitations in

the media teaching and learning process. In SMK Muhammadiyah

Pringsewu still use whiteboards and markers in the process of teaching and

learning especially writing subjects. Not only that but the teacher is also in

the process of teaching and learning using conventional method that can

be said teaching and learning process is monotonous and boring. The

teacher only use a book as a base to teach. Then, some students that

become resource person said that they want in learning English lesson

with a interest method because by a conventional method they can not

accept the material clearly. Based on initial experience, the researcher

concludes that in SMK Muhammadiyah Pringsewu have lack of media

also method in teaching class.

The researcher assume that problems arise not only from students but also

factors of teachers and the media. Four language skills are also not well

taught, because teachers do not apply English learning techniques. So the

students get bored while learning English especially writing.

Therefore in the learning writing process teachers should be able to make

students have the ability to write. This can be developed using appropriate

techniques or approaches. Students' ability can be built with interesting

activities and processes, and it can encourage cooperative learning. Roger

Johnson in Richard l Arends (2008:8) stated that has explored how

cooperative class environments can lead to better learning by a more

positive outlook on students with needs incorporated into regular classes

as well as with many other students. Learning to use the Gallery Walk

method as an interesting learning and make students collaboratively active.

This shows that in learning the process of learning difficulties in the

learning process, especially writing, they will discuss with their group to

get through the work to be done. In writing process also needs exploration

of interesting ideas, students will explore, make judgments, interpretation

and synthesize information in a meaningful way.

Based on the background of the problem above. The researcher conducted

a research entitled” Improving Students’ Writing Ability By Using Gallery

Walk at XI TKJ SMK Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung Academic

Year 2017/2018”.

B. Formulation of The Problem

From the limitation of the problem above, the problem of this study could

be formulated into the following question “How can Improving Students’

Writing Ability By Using Gallery Walk in XI TKJ of SMK

Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung be improved by Gallery Walk?”

C. The Scope of The Research

1. The Subject of The Research

The subject of the research are students in XI TKJ of SMK

Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung academic year 2017/2018.

2. The Object of The Research

The object of the research is improving students’ writing ability and

implementation of Gallery Walk in XI TKJ of SMK Muhammadiyah

Pringsewu Lampung Academic Year 2017/2018”.

3. The Research Place

The researcher was conducted research at XI TKJ of SMK

Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung Academic Year 2017/2018.

4. The Research Time

The researcher was conducted research on XI TKJ of SMK

Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung Academic Year 2017/2018.

D. The Objective and Significance of The Research

1. The Objective of The Research

The objective of the research is to improve students’ writing ability at

XI TKJ of SMK Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung through Gallery


2. Significance of The Research

The research expects that this research may give some benefits to the

teachers, students and other researchers.

a. Teacher

This research can be useful for English teachers who can teach

writing using Gallery Walk as an alternative method. By having an

alternative method of teaching writing skills, students can improve

their writing ability in the learning process.

b. Student

By applying this research, vocational high school students will

improve in learning English, especially in writing. Hopefully,

using Gallery Walk will improve students' writing ability.

c. Researchers

This research can hopefully be inspired and provide information to

other researchers interested in similar or related topics in other



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