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The retail industry is an important commerce based industry that has allowed the integration of global
markets. Additionally it has allowed consumers all over the world to purchase goods of their liking that
has been manufactured in other countries 1. Due to the introduction of the retail industry, foreign
products are now readily available in domestic markets. Retail is a mixture of complicated networks that
the sale of all kinds of goods including automobiles, e-commerce products, pharmaceuticals, clothing,
health and skin care and many more. Retail industries operate through retail stores that stretch across
the country in various locations2. The retail industry in Bangladesh is flourishing gradually with global
brands opening stores in the country. The country has a rapidly growing sporting culture which is used
by other brands to market their products in the country 3.

From Uniqlo to global brands like Miniso, Bangladesh hosts a range of global brands. But apart from
global brands Bangladesh also hosts a range of domestic retail stores among which Aarong is popular
pick from tourists to locals.


Aarong is an initiative that was cultivated by BRAC association 1978. BRAC as an organization began with
a goal to provide relief operation to the poor. However they soon realized that is was not enough to
sustain the livelihood of the poor. Eventually it moved on and decided to empower the poor and provide
for in the field of development4. With the passage of time BRAC observed the involvement of women in
agriculture and how the men reaped the benefits gained from the profits made even though the women
did around seventy five percent of the work. It was unfair and unjust. In order to establish an equal
playing field and provide the opportunities that these women truly deserve, BRAC established a platform
to further furnish the inherent skills that these women had 5. The women in the rural areas of a
Bangladesh were adept in stitching and silk making. BRAC provided a platform where these women
could showcase their skills and make them able to sell their products as marketable merchandise in the
commercial sector. Thus Aarong came into existence under the guidance of Ayesha Abed Foundation 6.

The word Aarong means ‘village fair’ in Bengali and has been contributing to the mission of reducing
poverty, enhancing the development of the rural society and most significantly empowering women
with regards to their social status7. It is a brand that is devoted to sell ethical products with twenty one
retail stores across Bangladesh including over hundred fashion and lifestyle product lines 8. Not only that
but Aaron as an enterprise, facilitates sixty-five thousand artisans in fair trade. What Aarong offers is
truly remarkable. It holds a range of products that include clay pots, diamond jewelry, silk and cotton
fabrics and brass and leather merchandise establishing itself as a household brand in Bangladesh 9. As an
enterprise Aarong holds a set of values that is true for any other business elsewhere. These values
include innovation, integrity, inclusiveness and effectiveness 10. Such values are catered only through an
establishment of formal communication structure.

Formal and informal communication skills are held with great importance in Aarong as it is an essential
skill for producers to have. It is important as it is the fundamental channel through which ideas are
communicated to the stake holders. If the producers are inadequate and are unable to convey their
ideas in a convincing manner then it might cause a lack of investors willing to sponsor the ideas 11.

Formal communication is important as it creates a sense of authority. It enables the establishment of a

clear chain of command between superiors and subordinates allowing the creation of authority in the
work place12. It is important to know that communication is a transfer of information from managers to
employers. Hence the communicative patterns need to be clear and assertive. This helps employees to
understand their roles and duties and the responsibilities they need to perform 13. Formal
communication helps to build an organized flow of communication parallels which helps avoid chaos
and disturbances and creates a more efficient working environment 14. Formal communication
encourages teamwork who can receive instructions from a single reliable source in a clear and logical
way avoiding any sort of confusion15.


Nowadays informal communication is a supportive parallel to formal communication. This is because

informal way of communication helps to stimulate the organizational aspect of the employees 16.
Informal communication refers to the interest workers have with regards to their organization.
Employees engage in conversations among themselves which could also raise morals when it comes to
tiresome workloads17. Not all information is viable through formal communicating networks. Some
information is necessary to be transmitted through informal channels. Informal communication also
helps to resolve complicated disagreements which, at often times, are seen in any organization. It
creates an opportunity for a casual and honest conversation between superiors and their subordinates 18.
This form of communication opens the door for employees to frankly register their complaints regarding
any issues that they come across. It allows them the freedom of speech which in turn results in greater
productivity and efficiency. Employees do not feel constraint through any forms of limitations which also
contributes to creating a better or motivating working environment 19.

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