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In the epic Mahabharata, King shalya (Sanskrit: श य,

lit. pointed weapon) was the brother of Madri (mother of
Nakula and Sahadeva), as well as the ruler of the
Madra kingdom. Shalya, a powerful Spear and mace
fighter and a formidable charioteer, was tricked by
Duryodhana to fight the war on the side of the
Kauravas. Shalya was an incredible calm and deliberate
fighter, which is why he made a good charioteer and why
he could excel at Spear and mace-fighting despite his
slight build.[1]
Mahabharata character

Shalya is appointed as the commander-in-chief of the

Kaurava army

In-universe information

Weapon Spear and Gada

Family King Aruna (father), Madri

(younger sister) and
Madrasena (younger brother)
Spouse Avantini

Children Madranjaya

Relatives Pandavas (nephews), Pandu

(brother in law), Kunti(
Pandu's first wife)

Shalya means 'a pointed weapon'. His other names are
Madraraj which means the King of Madra.

Becoming Pandu's brother-in-

On his way to Hastinapur, King Pandu encountered
Shalya's army. At parlay, Shalya and his general met
with Pandu; Pandu was very impressed by Shalya's
slight general. Shalya proposed that they could either
decide the victor by war, or, by marriage. He then
revealed that his general was none other than his sister
Madri. Looking at her beauty, Pandu accepted the lady
willingly and took her to Hastinapur, and Shalya bent
the knee to Hastinapur.[1]

Attempting to make Nakula and Sahadeva his


Years after Madri had decided to go for sati, Shalya,

each year, for a spell, brought his nephews Nakula and
Sahadeva to Madra, and desired to make them his heirs.
On their eighteenth birthday, Shalya revealed his
intention to the twins. Shalya argued that Nakula could
be a king one day, instead of fourth-in-line to the throne
of Hastinapur...provided that Yudhishthira was named
the crown prince in the first place. The wise Nakula
pointed out that Shalya only wanted Nakula and
Sahadeva as his heirs, because both were children of
God-in fact, Shalya was eschewing his own children
with this gambit.[1] Nakula claimed that while he and
Sahadeva staying with the Pandavas would give them no
power, his brothers and Kunti genuinely loved him, and
would never try to make Nakula and Sahadeva their
pawns. Through some deliberation, Nakula is convinced
that Shalya is being genuine. He and Sahadeva become
the heirs to the throne, but Sahadeva told his uncle on
one condition: they will always stay with the
Kurukshetra War

Falling prey to Duryodhana's trick …

When Shalya heard of the impending Kurukshetra War,

he marched forth with his army to join his nephews. On
the way, Shalya was tricked by Duryodhana, who
arranged a huge feast for Shalya and his men,
entertaining him for hours. Impressed, Shalya is
generous with his praise and asks to see Yudhishthira,
who Shalya thought was his host. When Duryodhana
reveals the treachery, Shalya is astounded but is
compelled to grant a boon due to the hospitality. Unable
to turn down Duryodhana's request to join the
Kauravas, Shalya met the Pandavas and apologized for
his mistake. Nakula and Sahadeva became enraged,
saying that Shalya had truly proven that Nakula and
Sahadeva weren't real brothers to the Pandavas, but only
step-brothers. Yudhishthira quickly stepped in and
reprimanded the twins, commanding that they were never
to again cheapen their relationship by saying they were
"step" brothers. At this point, Shalya realised he had
underestimated their brotherly bond. Yudhishthira
promised to Shalya that he will kill him in war.

Prior to the start of the war, Yudhishthira met with his

elders on the Kaurava side, asking for their blessings.
Shalya readily gave his blessings to Yudhishthira,
blessing him with victory.[3][4]

War with Uttar Kumara …

Though not spirited in his fight, Shalya confronted
many great warriors during the war. Shalya killed Uttar
Kumara on the first day of the war. Shalya killed the
boy with his spear after a fantastic duel; Shalya saluted
Uttar's brave death.[5]

Second day of battle …

On the 2nd day,Shalya's son Madranjaya was killed by

Virata. So, he defeated and was about to kill him but
Satyaki rescued him.

Thirteenth day of battle …

On the 13th day, Shalya's sons Rukmangada and

Rukmaratha were killed by Abhimanyu.
Fourteenth day of battle …

On the fourteenth day of battle, Shalya was charged

with keeping Jayadratha away from Arjuna. Shalya
attempted to check Arjuna's advance. Arjuna responded
by tying Shalya to his chariot using his arrows, much in
the same way Abhimanyu had done the day before.

Karna's charioteer …
Shalya insulting Karna by telling the story of a swan and crow.

On 17th day of battle, Karna defeats but spares Nakula

and Sahadeva, saying that they are younger and not his
equals, therefore not deserving of death by his hands and
proceeds to clash with Arjuna. Karna-Arjuna duel
begins. Unable to beat Arjuna with his own might,
Karna invites Ashwasena snake on his arrow and aims at
Arjuna. Shalya interrupts, telling Karna to aim at
Arjuna's chest. Disgusted at Shalya's constant praise
of Arjuna, Karna thinks that advice must be inaccurate,
and aims at Arjuna's head. Krishna, knowing that
Ashwasena is on arrow, pushes Arjuna's chariot into the
ground; the arrow only takes off Arjuna's crown instead
of his head. At last Arjuna kills Karna with
Anjalikastra and Duryodhana names Shalya as the


Yudhishthira kills Shalya with Shakti Spear of Shiva

After becoming commander-in-chief, Shalya, now

impassioned to fight for the Kaurava cause. Krishna
suggests that Yudhishthira should kill the powerful
warrior because the eldest Pandava was not a man of
aggression and could meet Shalya's calm demeanour, in
battle. Shalya is killed by Yudhishthira in spear-combat.
After Shalya, Nakula and Sahadeva became the kings of
Madra kingdom.[7]

1. Ganguly, Kisari. "The Mahabharata of Krishna-
Dwaipayana Vyasa" .
2. Rajagopalachari, C. (. (1970). Mahabharata (10th
ed.). Bombay : Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
3. Menon, [translated by] Ramesh (2006). The
Mahabharata : a modern rendering. New York:
iUniverse, Inc. ISBN 9780595401888.
4. Shalya giving boon to Yudhisthira http://sacred-
5. Menon, [translated by] Ramesh (2006). The
Mahabharata : a modern rendering. New York:
iUniverse, Inc. p. 151. ISBN 9780595401888.
6. Meiland, J. (2005). Śalya ; Vol. 1. New York:
New York Univ. Press.
7. Srivastava, Vishnulok Bihari (2009). Dictionary
of Indology. New Delhi: Hindoology Books.
ISBN 9788122310849.

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