Class Note 5

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Measuventent of Powe rc rescry sense [Sipe thse. Elebedgnamomde Walindes = In emme wiallmeter, The fred cil CFeld ail) 4s connected 4a Semmes coith tle load: Hence thus Gil 16 Kron as Current GilCCC) oP wallmeken. Moule cal 1s wed to Gey 14 Garent- wat to the applied Voltage by connecting 4 Across the Vollage, thak 4s Parallek with te Loads fo Lil eae Irough, wm eee g hugh ae iodushne Seer vaunted (in series eh: Moe ail in waklimeker 45 alse known ad Pronuere cil, Voltage or prlerdtiar coil(PC)- Both fixed and matable Gils ade Biv @red: Arttmdion coreping 48 provided to Limit Hae oscillation ab steady state instantaneous torque of an electrodynanic invtrurnent 13 ven Ay a fedip ML Ap Insealancows Value oP Gareut in Pe he > instantaneous Valse of Gbrvenk An ce. Kok V be the ims Value of the Vollege and I be the ams Nabe of drvtent. V= Vn Sinvdk Since Vers, gh aenstence 45 connadedin Semiea with the Pc At con be comidered aa pure veslanco Hence tee + Rp» Renlance af presture cil ckt ipeTrn sneak CVand T ade in Sarne phare due to lug Rp) Lek co cannent Jog he Nollage by argle 4: Then tc ={@Tc Sinlwt-d) 4 Tx@Tp Sinwe) (0a Te Sin (oot -4) 4 =21Sp Snlutl) Snlwl—d) HE =TeApLeosd- cos(aut- dN; The fern aut shows thak, a foe nar Vos ae with the fate tha freynony of Vollage Now the avenoge detleding toque To 4s dbleinel a Te = 4 [Tadd 1 To 4 [Fpe Lord coscaut-DIgs Ao" = Tplecosh MH Tp Yep AL steady. stoke Te-Te -- TeTp@sbd = ke = Be ob te = ore B= ky VTeCosd dM: kee BGK Lit P be he power being meaived: Ten we have ©= kPa 5 Re VIC wd> Hpolalic veprrersution o+ Wakkmeker M=Nains; L= toads C= Common + \=Volleg.e (Shope Of the Wales The defechan 9 ts g5yen ag = kp die, ley deflection 4s olivectlg Prspurtional. 4> pawer being. ineaered Seale of the wad meler 1s nifom over te aarge in coluch AMide “einains Constank. Prachealy Wodlinelen’s De deugred Such trad 1d0 remains almox Conde over a dame of 40° fo 5c° on einer te oF te. Zeio mubsal indudarea Postion. M vorsed Ae im Hus Zone withvaped to 6 Heme d Gved emlite ange, the Zero muduak induclance portion 1 kepl ot the middle of te sabe- This Keke 4s unctriro oiet te sarge 04 w to 100% w/e <—— Vasiadion in i Deleckon @ IS zewo M posttion | : ’ k—_ to (00? vargqpe—_> In Case of Ideck waklmekor, Gevrent to the PCAs In Phare coith te Bybed. volege CASiumed 40 be Patel eKshve) However, m actuak cane, due 4 incluclance of Bey the Cunsent in Pe hogs Vollege by sorne angla- Because of thus C4707 will Le introdued in Waktmeler meauements Lek p> Resistance oF Pc, b> Induclance of Pc, R> Resistance series woth PC, Rp= toler terutance (RE1p) veep applied 40 PC) To Garerenk in Co, Tp> Ganviend in Pc. Nv Impedance of- pres wune coil As qaven ky Zp RpyyoL Lek the cuneeuk Tp lag toe vias ee 4g an angle B Tp fonpa Res Be tert) q i To Load Pi, the cheagra h in be tr vows “(Cae Beep anggg tn “0 fe Now actual Wiaktmekor “leaching 4s given ky ye cosd Gs (4 Angle Ho T ond) Agra Mas RpazZpcosP, +1 Ze- Bir yada _ VtcosG-B) aes He opoan ds lea “=P In the absence of by Zp-Rp and B-o- Wallmeter will give True pared: Tue powed = EE cosh ge = fee RE Tue Powe = Vices Adual wllnler Yecing. 2 —f____ = ws VI @506-8) cospat Cosp sD way te “* ; cos J Tue Power = ape Actual, waklmetes ‘Yeading Gervvection Facet For loging Load, pre Heads igh Hence Very sewiouds evioit mag be introdascech Felner indutlance ak to bbs aos ws “ = Wellmele wil aad Loud Caen te. Lood PE 4s Leading. Ennai = Actual ee Yeading (AWME)- True Pocoor CTP) =[- Ste 5 AWN Sine Bis sall, spy! +> ® [- ate] Tho above expression tan be_watlen a oe [atong x AWMR Cot +SinB we hove TP_ = = tte Bao precise tot Bec! Wink, os tend tanp ” air Tat Tamp -. AWMR= TP (1tanp tang ] Exot = AWMR— Tue Power (TD = tan dtanBx tae Power Pevintage Ernoy = fukn TP xi = tand timp xic0 We have, tue power (TP) =NI cose «o's Ennor = and Tan BxVicosg = VI Sing Tap , His dear that error is Seriow ak loco prs. (CLOSET tlt ok ogee br sre Cael Wit Pins ol Gil CPO by. means mi a Cpactor Conneded in parallel with a Potton thn Bi k-Ryp—\ Blak impedence of te dd as gen ly Ze (RpDriuLt eG IP the value of ctt clans ae So chosen that for power Irequenia arei then Zp%Rp Gnd p=o RORUTE PRIA CSPeABNED Infethrn Capailane oP eres t0sslonce Con taut e erto1 in Waklmeted » The Capaulance effect 4: ike fo that of Induclanc i Ualneloy eds bao oo lotus off he ‘Loa oi ore t teat eles (evo die 4 Mutil induce Voreton = Erors @e cused dio to the mutual indudance Namadion jbekwoeon Pc and cc cal There eno are Lovo ok ower Frequoniey Gre tigi ab big reyes. Rey = : o Ne 7h ~ : @ a), PC & c@nnected on Supply wide. Hence VoHege across the PC is he Vollage across the Look acco He ce: Lek pc be the Wollege “access He Pc- pc VitNec- Therehre, the. reading is qven by = TeNpe = 1CVeer WD = Tet Nee - be, Poorer Gmumed by He Loch + Paser Loss in cacveenk ile IP Ree te the cc resistance, then Wotlmeter ‘eading wil be given by =Powed Gnsumed by the Load +T'Re | Fig), Gorvenk cil 4s on Supply les Heme Te = Tpe+1. Therohre, te Wwameler reading, As geen ty = Ze pe Ga tw\pe 108 ene a “ a = Puce Grwumned fy te dead 4, “(Rp Renslance of Preaute Cl (PO) I hood tunmenk 2s ancl Yollage drop an. Gacaenk Gl 1s imal. Hence connedton in Fig@a) 4s proffered IE Load Gurvend ts large, Tpe<< I: Hewe Power 44 in PC is small Compared 40 Load pourer Hence @ 4s Suitable However, if oad PE ds Small, connection shooon in Fy b Yewulls into rior: Hence to measure Power Baton méeasucemenk, Compentecrg Gil Is necestaiy Exon due to stiag magnentic held Fara dae to eddy Cemonk ‘arate (Frans dle to he Vibakon of moving. Siphon At tow power Fach (LPF), Ordinaly Eminc waklmeker Cause err dae 40 © Small Te daz 4 LF ® large evs due 4o PC Induclance When Power fo be meanerad 4s foo, than te cermand in the cht 4s the PE ds Lows Hence PE necd 4 be cornecled ak toad Sle CFg b)- However, Pocoor Mmeuured ty the wallneled Gill irdude Loses in PC. Since toad Poured As gwal, Erm will be 942 yz arpersation al IxJp bod In LPF waktmetecy A cmpensation Coil of Sarre number of tums 2s Gnnected in Series with be PC and Coinident with Grvvent Coil 4 shown - The Ganrenk though Cc is Ip+T- Heme Produce @ field eae T+ Tp The C th Compensating Coil And produce tha etic Feld in rite, Polen Hcl “real Belk Sua he cen oof tence’ tet bee to 7 duccend 4s newt Polized @An uncon) Grtnlled d4namomeer Hey reads ISON with dc wurnent of! IA eee ond peterdal Calls apectively. Caludoke cabut this Wrodlt meted Will leads when the. Gueevenk coil Garner A: M0 SintaHt sic 3+ Sin(11SIOA Gnd te Potential coil VoHage 43 S00cos (34#t—a0") 300 Sinl ASA LAS. Algo. Celurlake The erstance of PC @suming IC to be partly “esishve. iS With dc, Power, P= 250W- Caevrverd coil Curent, T= 1A Voltage across Po= 8f=asey. Tp=0-0sA- Rpedite= s000.0. With ACH Az losin(3t#t+19)+ 5 Sins) = bstarteneous to Lek G=3I2E + few to Sinlox14 8 wale Inslandaneous votkege. V= Sve (shoe). Bte intseats esd) = $00 @S(6-3)+ 800 SiN (2O4ASD a> Instantonesus Paves P= Wu'= 500X\0 sin(o+/s)Cos (0-24) + 500XS SiN(36)(0S (0-34) + Booxlo Sin (6 +15) Sin(26445D + 800x5 Sina SiN(RO-+AS®) a Now Vy power over a Cocle Padafiide SEW DA wallineker has a Crnent cal ot 0.02.2 vesislance and PC 0+ 60002 Calubate he ¥. exmy If wall mekey 4s so Connected thak G) I+ on toad se GOIP Pook Louk ide @ DIF tle Load take aon at a Volloge of aaoV and 06 PF in each Care. I= Tower consumed by be Locct Pra Vicord= aroraoxo-6 = 2640 W Dongen coat Lod we : AWMR= Prt Powox Losince = PT+TRe= 26401 20003 = Q652W Y, Barer = PE Pr gion = B6SR= REF 105 - Gye Yo (UD Oreder PCat Load tio~ . AWMR= Pr+ Powes foss in Pe= PT+ Vp = 260s So = 248. 06W A ia

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